Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Emilia woke up and decided to go to the greenhouse to go see Tyla the tiger. She hopped out of the tree and turned into her fox form before going into the building and looking for the injured tiger.
Ozoiya beamed,

"She's really good huh Millennium," his arms where around the headmasters chest and gripping the cloth of his shirt tightly.

"Yes," he looked down to Marilie,

"A natural like yourself is going to improve a lot. You, Airen, or Desini should train Ozoiya. I can't do it today Mary's making me work..." He groaned,

"But maybe tonight..." He mumbled before getting a light smack on the head.

"No." Ozoiya pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes though they couldn't be seen. Just in time to make it to the Abilities classroom.
Emilia found the tiger and laid down next to her. She yawned and curled up there. She was beginning to chill out, but wasn't going back inside unless forced or threatened to get back there.
Marilie turned light pink and laughed. "Well... im not sure if i couldnt really help ozmuch.. oh! Leave mary alone. Shes too good."
Emilia looked around. There was a bright side to things. She was good at math and found it actually enjoyable, so there was that. She wasn't even required to spell correctly in that class as long as the teacher knew what she was trying to say! It was great! That was another reason she would eventually go back inside. Just for that. Emilia stood up and pawed the tiger's face to see if she was well enough to play or something, just to get her mind off things.
Hide was shaken from his thoughts when the person on the floor started hitting the wall. When asked if he had a screwdriver Hide replied with " Pick you bed and I'll make a hole int the next to it." Looking at the guys bloody hands " And when I'm done with the walk I'll fix up your hands.". Hide surprised himself by not asking why he wanted to make a hole in the wall, he told himself he cared more about not annoying the neighbours then why he wanted a hole in the wall. So Hide waited for the person to reply.
Although surprised, Thomas was glad that the person with the gas mask did not ask as to why he was attempting to attack the wall - he definitely did not have the energy to explain in detail or to run away. So, as per instruction, Thomas pointed at the bed opposite his roommate's. He also decided, just to emphasise the fact that he had claimed that bed to be his own, to throw himself on the bed with a thump - perhaps he would have thrown his belongings on the bed if he had any.

"Don't worry about my hands; I often bleed from my knuckles," he said as he watched the warm liquid trickle from his knuckles to cover his fingers in the red watery substance known as blood.
Airen and Desini wandered through the halls in search of the Abilities class room. In their search, they caught sight of Oz, hurrying over to him. "Oz, hey!" Airen called out as he pulled a half-asleep Desini along.

( :P Forgive my short post. I don't feel as creative today....)
"Alright i'm gunna need to go to another class soon but what the hell i'll make a whole in the wall." Hide went to the kitchen drawers and took out a spoon he also got some tape. He then proceed to tape the spoon to the wall, he then went to his bag and put his special gloves on "You see my power is to make metal objects have a magnetic pull, my gloves have metal on them, the wall has metal on it. Now all i got to do i- oh you might want to stand back." Hide said this with a bit of worry in his eyes.
Watching and listening with intrigue, Thomas did what he was asked to do and moved away from the wall.

"Wouldn't a normal magnet in your gloves work just the same?" he asked, giving inspection to the set up to pull down the wall. It was getting to a point where his vision was changing so he could almost see electricity - something he imagined would be somewhat annoying if he was trying to escape from his addiction, which he wasn't. With wasted hope, Thomas rubbed his eyes in a futile attempt to get rid of the vision.
" Yes of course it would be for sometime, but eventually i would need to up the magnetism it'd take longer to figure out if it's positive or negative that is why this is better." Hide held his hand out after this sentence, he'd need to make the wall come midway so he didn't get hit right in the arm. He took a deep breath, and then with a loud crack that could be heard at least all the hallway down the part of the wall broke off and feel to the floor. Hide grinned with satisfaction after it feel he was proud of his abilities "Enjoy, i got to go to one or two more classes before i'm back. Oh and the names Hide." After that he dusted himself off got his bag and went back outside.
Millennium eyed Marilie,

"If anything I'm to good for Mary." He announced confidently, then a snort was heard behind them. Where Mary was walking her face holding disgust, the sight made Ozoiya smile. They entered the room and Millennium lowered the dog boy from his back who retreated to a small desk and played with the hood on his head. When he heard Airen he grinned waving to where he heard the boys voice,


A young boy stood on the edge of the front desk,

"Bell," Millennium began but was cut off when a rattling bottle and white bandages where slid a cross the desk.

"Journeys been annoying stating how Oiboy has no more meds. So here it's already prepared." With a grateful nod Millennium took them and walked over to Ozoiya,

"YuYu put these in your room and don't forgot to take them bud. Now go to the bathroom and clean up." The young boy nodded before getting off the seat and grabbing what was given to him.

"Save me a seat," he asked no one in particular before disappearing into the busy halls.
Marilie took note and said nothing of it, merely nodding inreply to Oz. She walked off, giving them last observing looks before wandering to the ability class.

She trusted oz. it would be hard not to. Emilia surprised her and she wasnr so sure. Airen and desini? She easily liked. mary seemed good too. Very warm and oddly familiar. Millennium? Nope nada. Zinch. She felt something off, like he was hiding something. it was just a feeling but she did nottrust easily.

Coming to terms with these thoughts, she sat down placing a shoe on the chair in saving a spot. She undid a messy tangled braid on the side and redid it. Blue tips slightly softer to the touch then red hair
The sound the wall made as it was pulled down caused Thomas to jump slightly in shock, before returning to his previous composure. Peering inside the hole, Thomas could see the plastic coated cabling that ran through the room.

"Thanks," he said to Hide, remembering his manners - but forgetting to introduce himself.

Without even waiting for Hide to leave, Thomas reached into the bundle of wiring and dug his nail into the plastic in order to cause a split, one which he used to strip the cabling over its cover. Of course there were alternative methods to extract electricity, that required less effort, yet as Thomas wrapped his tongue around the exposed cable and felt the energy pour in through his tongue, he knew why he preferred that method: it felt funny on his tongue.

As the energy transferred into his body, colour returned to his skin, his eyes shed their dark bags, overall he looked, once again, like he was alive.
Emilia got the tiger to play with her after a bit. She yipped and hopped around the tiger entergetically. She was different in her fox form. She was happier and more hyper. Emilia batted at the tiger's face lightly and rolled onto her back, her tail wagging.
Airen watched as Oz ran off after Millennium spoke to him, but merely shrugged it off. Instead, he looked around the abilities room, wondering if he'd do well in this class. He couldn't use his ability as he wished, unlike Desini who could summon her Creatures at will. Just the thought made him nervous about participating in any activities for this class. Desini, who noticed her brother was worrying about something, pulled her brother to two open seats near Mari, waving to her as she passed.
Tyla collapsed to the ground the amount of movement putting much strain onto her still weakened form. Letting out a small huff of air the tiger rested it's head I to the tops of his paws wearily and shut her eyes as if telling the other she no longer wished to play.


Ozoiya stood in front of the mirror as he swallowed the pill uncomfortably, then rose a dampened cloth to his now revealed eyes quickly rubbing away at what had fallen from them.

"Gross..." He mumbled hearing the bell ring signalling their last period beginning. Once he was finished cleaning his face he threw the rag away into the garbage container and reached for the bandages. And naturally spun them around his head, coating his beaming red eyes.

Bell wrote a cross the board in bold letters,

'Why?' Then with the pen he still held in his hand turned around and pointed at a random student,

"Why?" He questioned,

"W-what? Dude you didn't even as a real question." The teen pointed out, Bell then pointed to another student asking the same question.

"Why?" And earning some confusing response, before Ozoiya entered and he pointed accusingly at him,

"Why?" It startled Oz stepping back before passing the teacher and taking a seat beside Marilie as he spoke,

"Well I was late because I was outside and re-wrapping my eyes, then the bell rang a-" he was cut off in the middle of his rambles when Bell brought his hands down on his desk.

"There is always a why. Why are we here? Why are we doing this? Why am I like this? Why? Why? Why?" He emphasised the last few words,

"And that's simple because of your abilities. What you are and what you have has set you apart from everyone else. Why? We don't know." As he spoke Bell stepped around the desk until he was sitting on the edge of it in the front.

"But we do know how to make you excel in this category of yourself, and so we are here. In my classroom, not yours so don't act as if it is. So let's begin, much like your physical class you probably got in a line in the back. We're doing that here as well. Get in the back and line up." He ordered cooly.
Being obedient, the siblings got up and lined up in the back, staying at the end of the line. Airen wondered if Millennium was not going to test their actual abilities. If that were the case, Desini would have no problem with it. In fact, she was completely awake now, her eyes staring right at Millennium.
Millennium patted Bell on the back the contact making the teacher tense up and eye the Headmaster,

"Don't you have work to do?" Mimicking hurt Millennium put a hand to his chest,

"All of you are so mean, I could make you disappear if I wanted." The man threatened down at one of his tools,

"But then I'd have to teach this class and I'd prefer not to so...have fun Bell." The Headmaster left the room just as everyone had gotten in line a few students in front of their small group. Ozoiya turned around whispering to Desini,

"This is a cool day where we get to see everyone's abilities." He informed.
Elouise got the message and laid down close to Tyla deciding just to lounge there with her. She did not change back to her more human form. She curled up with a yawn and began to groom her tail so it was once agaun fluffy. Once that was done she kind of played with her tail for a few minutes before settling down again and closing her eyes.
Marilie followed along joyfully and stood a little away from the others. She wanted out or quiet so badly it practically hurt to hear others talk but she couldnt leave. this was just something to get used to. That was all there was to it.
Desini nodded, as did Airen who had heard as well. It didn't matter to her. After all, her abilities weren't out of the ordinary. But her brother on the other hand... It would be difficult for him to show his abilities after they've been sealed into his body. Sure, his strength was above ordinary, but it was nothing compared to what others could do.
Bell clapped his hands once and rubbed them together,

"Alright so yes there are desks in the room and other students and blah blah blah. But I expect you to know at least the surface of controlling the things you've ha your whole life, like when's yours breaking point. What's too much. And if it seems to difficult to reveal your ability you could merely explain it after trying though I'll be displeased." His face lacked emotion as he continued,

"There will be other times where I will ask you to show me through out the year so those people if there are any will always have a chance. So let's begin, one by one tell me how many abilities you have then to show them we'll change the classroom. So you may the perform them. So, first up" at this a boy timidly came up from the line.
"Big Brother," Desini said, tugging at his shirt. "Should I summon Euxeus for you? It might be hard but...." Airen shook his head. He loved that she was thinking of ways to help him, but he knew how much stress it causes on her body. He would just have to explain it. With a sigh, Airen watched as a boy went up.
The boy stepped up and held up a single finger to show he had a single power then let out a small sigh before his hands and feet began to fade away with the rest of his body until he was seemingly gone. With a nod Bell asked,

"Can you still speak and move items in this form?" A voice rose up as a mug seemed to levitate,

"Ya." Bell kept quiet,

"Alright. Next." It went on like this with each person. One could mimick voices, a girl could change her body into a strong set of armour. It all varied, and as this all happaned Ozoiya waited anxiously for his turn.

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