Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Looking down at an anxious Oz, Desini placed her hand on his head, ruffling his hair just like her brother did. She felt no need for words at the moment, so she simply smiled, silently cheering him on. While this happened, Airen watched other students, fascinated in their abilities.
Marilie watched with sudden anxiety from further ahead. She didnt like or trust bell.. not at all. She didnt like this exercise and she wasnt going to do this in front of somebody she disliked.. no... she stepped out and went to the back of the line.
Emilia opened her eyes and rubbed her face with her paws as she yawned. She looked at Tyla then got up and walked aroubd the greenhouse. That one bird from the day before saw her and started squaking at her. Emilia glared at it and started getting ready to pounce.
The boy in front of Ozoiya stepped out of the way once he was finished. And he was immediately met by Bells cold eyes. The feeling of Desinis hand on his head seemed to linger even after her hand was no longer there and it was a small motion that gave him courage. Holding on two fingers he fumbled his shirts cuffs before taking a deep breath. In the blink of an eye the already small Oz was replaced by a white mouse, the eyes bright red.

"Change." The teacher ordered, the sound loud for his newly sensitive ears but listened shape shifting once more but into an Vulture. Looking like any other bird you'd see, he soured a cross the room for a moment before re landing on a desk. Then turning back to normal and shaking his hands.

"Ta-da!" He exclaimed in a sing song voice,

"What's your other ability." An un fazed Bell questioned,

"I see in the dark.." He responded with a shrug and as if waiting for this sentence the lights flicked off. After a few seconds Ozoiyas eyes adjusted perfectly to the surroundings as if there was light.

"What did I wrote on the board?" Bell waited patiently as he read over the words.

"Millennium sucks.." Ozoiya gasped not continuing,

"Mr. Bell that's just rude." A small chuckle escaped the teachers mouth bwfore the lights came on and whatever was written on the hours was gone.

"Okay great. Next." Ozoiya gave Desini a thumbs up sticking out his tongue before taking a seat at a random desk.
Marilie watched nervously, wanting to ve gone... badly. She gave oz a poor shaky attempt of a sheepish grin but made no movement to do as he did. She simply took note of his interesting ability.
Emilia pounced on the bird and held it down, but gently. She just wanted to get her point through it's head that she didn't take any crap from something she could easily kill, or really from anything. When she let the bird go, it quickly flitted away unscathed. It didn't tweet at her anymore. Emilia watched ut for a moment then nodded and continued to wander around the greenhouse. She found a bunny there and hopped a few times in delight. She liked bunnies. Back at home she could never bring herself to kill bunnies for food. They were too cute! Emilia went up to the bunny and happily nuzzled it. The bunny didn't seem to care.

(I forgot I also have Henry. I guess I'll have him pop into the abilities class.)

Henry was sitting with a small group of people he had managed to make his friends. They were currently quietly goofing around. Nothing too disruptive. Henry looked around at the other people there then looked forward and motioned for his small group to quiet down. He was sort of the leader.
Being the next person, Desini stepped forwards without any hesitation. With her right hand lifted up to her face and her fingers pointed up, she exhaled softly, relaxing her body. As soon as her body became completely relaxed, smoke rose from her fingers. They slowly took the shape of a large wolf, a woman, and a man. When the shapes became defined and clear, the smoke bursted before clearing. From the smoke, Aiji, Cespar, and Syrin emerged, all of them looking around.

"Odd...." Syrin, who usually didn't come out except for a battle, studied her surroundings.

"Hey, Yume," Cespar said, wrapping an arm around her . Desini simply kept quiet, staring at the teacher while her Creatures received strange looks from other students. It may have been because when her main Creatures were together, they had an intimidating aura.
Ozoiya clapped as he watched in pure astonishment, he didn't think Cespar was all that cool. To him he was just a cranky person, after his first real experience with the other. His eyes wandered over each one as did Bells, inspecting the one he hadn't seen before more closely. She had a feeling of elegance to her, like a slight grace. At some point Ozoiya hoped to see her in battle, imagining what she may be able to do he was torn from his thoughts when Bell spoke up,

"I imagine these are your strongest, do they each have a certain strong suit? Or an advantage over normal beings and animals?" Bells silver eyes didn't rise from her summons, emotion flying within his eyes. Secretly hoping she took care of these.
Desini nodded at Bell before looking over to Aiji, who was sitting on the far end. Taking the hint from his master to do a trick, he stood up. With a mere thought and his muscles tightening, his entire body became engulfed in bright blue flames, his eyes pure red. Desini's eyes moved over to Syrin, who had her eyes closed at the time. She honestly didn't want to use her abilities, but it was for her master. Therefore, Syrin clenched her teeth, her canines becoming longer and sharper as she let out a bloodcurdling scream that could usually make the ears of anyone nearby bleed. However, Desini was used to it and it didn't effect the other Creatures. But scream was short, not enough to make someone bleed, but enough to make their ears ring. Cespar, who assumed it was his term, unwrapped his arms from around Desini's neck. His fingers slowly began extending longer and longer until they were roughly around 1 1/2 feet long. His fingers turned to poison-tipped blades as he extended his right index finger outwards, a drip of green poison falling from it. When the poison hit the ground, it caused a rippling effect in the ground which then turned the room pitch black. These were only one of many abilities that they had.
Ozoiya clapped frantically giggling with excitement though his sensitive ears where burning, this earning him a few glares from other students.

"So cool." He spoke in a sing song voice before Bell held up a hand instantly silencing him.

"Quite interesting," he stated with a nod, an actual smile appearing on his face. As e stepped closer to each one,

"Very fearsome, I look forward to what your brother is capable of." His gaze fell on Airen, an amused look on his face. As if he knew the boy couldn't control what he was born with, but was actually oblivious.

"Oh and look at whose next." He rose his white eyebrows in mock surprise to see Airen was next.
Emilia tried to get the bunny to play with her, but the bunny didn't seem to want to play. He just flopped onto his side and chilly nibbled a leaf of lettuce. He was more of a lounger. Emilia changed back into her humanoid form and picked up the bunny. "You're a lazy bunny," she told him. The bunny looked at her then closed his eyes. Emilia pouted, but set the bunny on her lap and stroked his head. "You're cute though. All of you little fur-balls are cute."
Airen stepped forward hesitantly as Desini flashed him a smile, her Creatures all disappearing with a poof. She made her way over to sit beside Oz. Airen nervously rubbed his neck before showing Bell his tattooed arms. "You see, I can't use my abilities at the moment," he said simply. He hoped the teacher would let him off.
Bells eyebrows raised dully, but quickly wiped the look from his expression.

"That's fine like I stated earlier, but if you may please attempt." He spoke calmly but held a bit of order into it. Ozoiya felt bad for Aiden, once Bell attempted to help him with his shape shifting. But it ended with Ozoiya trapped within a force field while he was yelled at. The memory made him shiver and scooted closer to Desini, nervously.
Airen let out a sigh as he flexed his arms, the tattoos seemingly moving, covering up almost every inch of skin on his arms. It was almost as if the tattoo was devouring him. The thought made Airen extremely scared, and he immediately stopped flexing, relaxing his body. He was now letting out loud breaths, trying to regain his composure. Desini was going to run over to him before Airen stood up, his body shaking slightly.
Bell stepped forward removing his white glove and set a cold hand on Airens shoulder.

"If you need to, you may go back to your dorm and rest." He suggested,

"We don't need a student passing out, but first could you perhaps explain what your ability is?" Worry was etched into his voice, Ozoiya had grabbed Desinis sleeve habitually. Fearful for Airens health, he wouldn't want to leave him alone in the dorm. If he chose to go back, maybe him and Desini would be able to lead him back to their room if it was alright.
Airen regained his cool, rolling his shoulders back. "Well... It's much like Desini's.... but with only one, untamed Creature," he said simply before looking over at Oz and Desini with a smile as if to tell them it was alright, though he did feel a bit light-headed. Yes, he wanted to stay and watch the others, but he felt as if he'd collapse any moment now. "If you'd excuse me, I'd like to go back to my dorm," he stated as he began walking out the class room, gesturing for the other two to follow.
Marilie watched, fidgeting nervously. Though Airen wasnt looking great, she envied his escape. She was next.. maybe they would cut the class early? It gave her a sick feeling unlike fighting which felt natural and like a dance.
Bell nodded in understanding, his usually stern eyes actually softer,

"At some point this year you'll be able to summon and controls this beast. I'll make sure." He stated assuringly, then turned to Ozoiya and Desini.

"Just go," he stated annoyingly to the two. Right as he was given permission Oz jumped up and ran towards Airen and gripped the bottom of his shirt protectively.

"If you fall I'll catch you, but I wouldn't hold me to that." He stated, with a small giggled. 
As Bell bidded Marilie to come forward,

"Alright your turn." He stepped back retreating to the edge of his desk.
Emilia stood up and began walking around with the bunny in her arms. The bunny sat up a little and looked up at her. He then laid his head down again and went to sleep. Emilia sat down again and watched the bunny curiously.
"I feel to at ease now that I know the Great Oz is here for me," Airen said, ruffling Oz's hair while smiling over at Desini, who was following behind. Desini hurried over to her brother's side, supporting him as well.

"Big Brother, don't push yourself," she said softly.
Ozoiya lifted his other hand to grab the shirt with his other hand as well. Resting his head caringly on his side, his voice a bit sad when he spoke.

"Ya, if you do that. Then you might get hurt." He mumbled, white hair messy and in front of his new bandages. As he led them to the dorm.
Airen let out a low chuckle. "Yeah, I'm fortunate to have such amazing people around me," he said with a wide grin on his face. He was being as care free as ever, which made Desini worry about him, but she kept silent, not bothering to voice her opinions.
Ozoiya lifted a small hand coughing into it softly just as they reached the door. And at some point it turned into a kitten like sneeze,

"Allergies..." He muttered if they where wondering, then sniffled reaching into his pocket to retrieve his key and unlocked the door.

"Now go to bed Mister," Ozoiya stomped his door,

"Right now." He ordered.
Marilie paled, watching her new sources of comfort dissapear. She opened her mouth to say something. Nothing came so she went ahead, feeling judging eyes. She turned to water, floating in perfect place of herbody. An arm stretched and floated out like a whip and froze. In an instant she turned back.
With a laugh, Airen ruffled Oz's hair once more before throwing himself on the bed and pulling the blanket over him. "Yes, sir. G'night," he said pushing his face into the pillow. It was nice to be able to take a nap, which wasn't something he did often. Desini murmured something inaudible before turning to Oz.

"Well.... What should we do?"

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