Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Bells eyebrows rose in interest,

"Impressive, I imagine you are able to controls the element?" He stated reaching at his mug and throwing its contents forward. The water falling through the air.

Ozoiya looked at Desini,

"Could I see the Wolf again?" He questioned eagerly redoing his ponytail to make it into two pony tails.
Desini was caught slightly off guard by his question. It was weird to have someone request to see Aiji, but she couldn't turn Oz down. "E-Eh.... Ah... Sure," she said, smoke rising from her fingers and taking the shape of a wolf. The smoke bursted and out came Aiji. "What for...?"
Marilie moved without thought, hand coming out and water stopping in midair and flowing back into the cup. Not a drop spilled.
Ozoiya stepped towards the creature in a trance as he stared into its eyes. And lifted a shaky hand to set it softly onto its fluffy jaw, it's red eyes knawed at him. They felt as though they where tugging at a suppressed memory within his mind. They felt familiar, and he felt his eyes water.

"Stupid allergies.." He whispered, grateful for his bandages for once. Before looking at Desini not removing his hand,

"He's just..." He faltered looking back,

"Pretty..." He chose to say. 
Bell nodded,

"As expected, you have a lot of controls over your powers though so new with them." He complimented Marilie.
Marilie turned pinkand nodded without word. Leaving the area and sitting back down, she looked down as though disappointed anyways.
"T-Thank you very much," Desini said shyly. It always made her a bit awkward when someone complimented her Creatures, but it was nice. Especially coming from Oz. Aiji let out a low growl as she placed her hand behind his ear, scratching it softly.
Emilia yawned a little bit and laid down on the ground. She cuddled the bunny as she did. Emilia did not go to sleep though. She just laid there with the small animal.
Ozoiya gave a shaky smile, giggling quietly. His ears twitched and lifted up from his fluffy mess of white hair.

"All of your creatures are pretty, except Cespar. He's only sorta pretty..." He mumbled, before giggling once more.

"They match their master." He pointed out, in no way trying to flirt. He was only stating it as a friend, because Desini was pretty. Both on the inside and the outside,

"They say that when your beautiful on the inside that it seeps through your skin and molds you so your as pretty as your personality." He spoke happily.
"E-Eh........" Desini stood, unable to speak. Even if it was a friendly compliment, it was embarrassing for her. Or rather, she had never been complimented before outside of people she knew well. She wasn't quite sure how to respond, but took the safe route. "Thank you very much," she said, burying her red face into Aiji's thick coat.
Ozoiya sneezed softly before giggling, into his small hands. His tail beginning to wag joyfully,

"Of course!" He responded giving a thumbs up as he stuck out his tongue.

"Now do you want to do anything in particular?" He questioned, brushing his bangs from his bandages vision.
Desini shook her head slowly. There wasn't anything in particular that she wanted to do on campus. "How about you...? Is there anything you want to do?" It may have been an odd question to ask him, but it was all she could think of. After all, she didn't want to do anything to bore him.
Ozoiya crossed his arms biting his lower lip in thought. Then his head roles to the side as he let out a long,

"Well," he let it drag out just as the bell ran for the end of classes and the halls began bustling with commotion,

"There might be something." He looked at his feet,

"Do you want to go into the forest, there's a pretty lake out there." He stared, hoping that them venturing the woods sounded at least a little interesting to her.
Marilie left the room and slipped into her room without a word to anyone. Relaxing after her bout of wound up nerves, she sat at her bed.
Desini thought for a moment before nodding eagerly at the idea. Since she had lived in the mountains before, she had never actually seen a lake, so the idea made her excited. Even though Syrin was 'born' in a lake, Desini had never even seen one.
Ozoiya began walking towards the door motioning her to follow. Once they where both outside he shut the door and turned towards the exit at the end of the hall. He akipped merrily towards the edge of the forest, feeling a warm sensation in his chest.

"So how are you and Airen related?" He sparked up a conversation.
Aiji followed a foot behind Desini as she walked beside Oz. When he suddenly brought up the topic of being related to Airen, she looked at the ground uncomfortably. She wasn't sure how to put it, but said it as straight forward as she could. "Well.... You see.... Airen and I aren't blood related at all.... I don't even recall how or when he found me," she said, an odd look in her eyes. She really did love Airen to death, but she could never see him as a full brother to her.
Ozoiya looked back over his shoulder at her a deep frown playing on his lips. He didn't want to go any deeper but before he could hold it back he blurted out,

"Found?" He covered his mouth slowing a bit,

"Sorry if I'm prying..or bringing up bad stuff."
"No, no. It's alright," Desini said gently, gesturing with her hands that it was fine with her. "I don't remember much from the past, but I do remember being alone in a mountain house. Next thing I knew, I wasn't alone anymore. Big Brother had come to live with me and I never felt lonely again..." She felt a bit nostalgic when she spoke, but quickly snapped out of it.
Ozoiya jumped and attempted to pat her back,

"Now with us you'll never feel lonely again times like however of us there are." He thought quietly,

"Not including Airen there are like a bunch, even Mary likes you I know." He smiled, he really did like Desini everyone was so nice and like a sibling.

"It's the same with me and Millennium except he scrambled my brain so I wouldn't remember anything before Sweci academy." He replied casually as he rubbed his hair frantically making it messy as if give a visual aid of his mind. And giggled just as they entered the woods, his steps becoming more precise in an attempt to dodge the roots which slithered in and out of the paths dirt.

"Blood doesn't make people family, to me your family though we barely know one another. Only because you care." He balanced on a rather large root as he stated this his arms out in a T, his eyes watching his feet.
Desini was, once again, not sure how to reply. Scrambled his brain? How odd. Though Oz didn't seem to mind it at all.... She decided to just shrug it off for the time being. As she listened to him, she couldn't help but feel incredibly touched at his words. At that moment, she felt so extremely happy that she began to tear. "T-Thank you very much...."
Ozoiya halted and looked over at her before running towards her. Gripping her top tightly before envelope her in a hug.

"Don't cry.." He mumbled his eyebrows knitting together in sadness.

"Please don't cry.." He pleaded his voice cracking. His fluffy tale wrapped around his own ankle.
Aiji nuzzled the two before Desini gave a bright smile to Oz. "I'm sorry.... Please excuse this odd behavior of mine. I'm just very happy you think that way," she said, petting him on the head lightly. She did feel a bit childish for crying for such a thing, but in a way, it felt good.
Ozoiya released her, looking up into her eyes before nodding quietly.

"It has been excused," his voice slowly sweeping back into its usual bubbly tone.

"The lake is close, the first time I was here Millennium was teaching me how to shape shift into a fish." He began his tale continuing to walk down the thin pathway,

"And he grabbed me throwing me into the lake! I was like six and had no idea how to swim!" He exclaimed remembering the day,

"But long story short Millennium watched as I learned how to swim that day..." He concluded the short story, unable to hold back his hysteric laughter.

"That was such a great day." Ozoiya felt a comforting feeling of pure enjoyment. He'd always love being around Millennium.
Desini let out a quiet laugh at Oz's story, and it did indeed sound like something the Headmaster would do. Hearing Oz's stories amused her. "Are there any more stories of you and the Headmaster? You two seem awfully close if he's able to throw you into a lake..." Desini smiled at the image of the Headmaster throwing Oz into a lake.
Ozoiya nodded with a big smile at the brought up topic,

"He had just broughten me to the academy a week before. I had turned into a turtle I think and he wanted me to do it again but be a fish. He's weird." His tail began to wiggle once more childishly as he recalled another terrible but cherished moment,

"There are plenty of stories like one day he was searching the greenhouse for a kitten that was ready to be released into the wild. And to joke with him I turned into an exact replica of it. But when I walked up to him he picked me up and walked to the middle of the forest and set me down before leaving in a flash. And I was lost for like a week. When I came back he hadn't even noticed my absence. Because Mother's Day was coming up and he was trying to find a gift."

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