Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Desini couldn't help but laugh loudly at his story. "That's too funny, Oz. Honestly, you have some funny memories with him," she said while Aiji gazed around their surroundings. "I'm a bit jealous of the relationship between you two. "

(Going to sleep. x-x)

Ozoiya looked up at her as he walked tripping over a small root but regaining himself.

"We can have that relationship, I'd try to throw you in the lake but these big ol' muscles are a little sore right now." He pretended that he was sad about the joke, just as they reached a clearing that revealed a beautiful calm lake. It's surface a deep rich green, the sun casting small lines of light a crossed its surface.
Emilia hummed softly as she laid there with the bunny. She stroked its soft ears and head and closed her eyes. She could go to sleep right there in the greenhouse, and she did.
"My, my. That'll be--" Desini was cut off by the beautiful lake in front of her eyes, which left her completely stunned. She suddenly felt overwhelmed by the beauty of it. "This is.... beautiful. Amazing...."
Ozoiya smiled cheekily, enjoying the sight himself. Before patting Desinis back and running forward towards the lake removing his shoes and socks along the way.

"Quick! It's the perfect weather for the mermaids to approach the waters surface." He announced stepping into a shallow part of the water. And though he stood on the edge the water still stood at his ankles.
Desini hurried as she was told before repeating what Oz had said in her mind. "E-Eh? Wait.... Mermaids?" She was hesitant to enter the water and stood at the edge of the lake. It was natural for her to be a bit nervous about entering the water; after all, she had never seem a mermaid before.
Ozoiya looked behind him as her as if she was crazy,

"You mean you-" he stopped himself realising that they where supposedly a myth even to those who held mythical powers. They where a rare sight, and the largest pack was in these waters.

"Ya, they only come up when the sun heats up the first couple feet of the water." He told her knowingly, awaiting the creatures approach.
Desini took a step away from the water before glancing at Oz. "I think I'll stay over here...." she said timidly. She did want to see a mermaid but was scared of getting close to one. "I'll just watch you, okay?"

(I am a bit dull today.
:P )
Hide had skipped the ability class, for some reason his gut told him not to go. It wasn't that he was afraid to show off his magnetism, he would gladly do that. It was his mixed blood.... Hide feared to show the ability off, for it would cause more harm then any good he could think of would do. So Hide went to the class after the ability class and was quite the rest of the day. After that he went back to his room and fell onto his bed not quite going to sleep, but just still perfectly still.
Emilia soon got up and walked outside the greenhouse holding the bunny. The bunny was her new friend and was rather nice company. She cuddled the bunny then began walking around. The bunny seemed to enjoy the ride.
(I might have forgotten to reply....)

Ozoiya looked back at her, his shoulders drooping lower. Reaching up with a hand he separated a section of the bandages so his left eye peaked out as if to emphasize his narrowing gaze.

"C'mon..." He pouted drawing out the word, as he wiggled his toes within the lakes smooth sand coated ground.
Desini stated at him for a moment, debating whether or not to enter the lake. If Oz was there, I'd definitely be okay, right? Hesistantly, she stepped into the water, feeling the smoothness of both the water and ground.
Ozoiya smiled cheekily,

"Yay," he rejoiced before shuffling deeper into the depths of the water till there was a sudden drop off. The earlier ground no longer seen through the surface of water.

Small shimmers appearing throughout the deep water, slowly becoming more evident till a tail could be made out. Ozoiya bounced on the balls of his feet just as a face could be made out. A beautiful one with long flowing hair framing her pleasant expression.

"I wish I had hair like that...." Ozoiya murmured his pigtails swaying in the coming wind.

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Desini huddled closely to Oz, who seemed to be murmuring something about hair. She refused to look into the depths of the lake in fear that something may pop up. It amazed her how calm the small boy was and in a way, she envied him.

(I'm so out of it. forgive my short posts)
(it's just fine deary)

Ozoiya grabbed the girls wrist and tugged her softly to make her look forward just as the part fish creature swam delicately back into the deep depths of the water. Her blonde hair barely seen,

"There's no reason to be afraid, they don't like most men like Millennium. But they love girls, they'd never lay a hand on anyone though. They hate violence since they're becoming so rare." He informed the girl, so much unused information filled his mind from his long life of living at the school.
Desini looked down quick enough to catch a glimpse of the mermaid before looking back at Oz. Any fear she had previously became replaced with knowledge and wonder as Oz told her more about these Creatures. She trusted him enough to rely on his information. With newly gained confidence, she bent down a bit, her face drawing closer to the surface of the water.
Ozoiyas smile grew seeing her sudden interest after loosing her past cautious persona. His ears perking up at the sound of small waves forming from the center of the lake seemingly coming towards them. A face then appeared from the water staring directly at Desini, a small smile on her face. The sudden appearance of the mermaid caused Ozoiya to stumble backwards a hand over his heart as if to emphasize his shock.
Desini was a bit startled at the sudden appearance of the mermaid, such caused her to retreat backwards and land on her bottom. However, she wasn't scared amymore. In fact, Desini couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beauty of the mermaid. Briefly, she looked to Oz, who had his hand over his heart. The sight caused her to smile a bit,
Ozoiya giggled at the sight of his stumbling friend falling backwards, her bottom barely missing the waters edge. The creature in the water seemed to be quite amused as well by the sight silently chuckling within its wet home. Her mass amount of lucious red hair flowed around her like a cloud causing her pale skin to truly pop.
Desini took a moment to look back and forth from Oz and the mermaid, comparing the two. Indeed, the mermaid was beautiful beyond compare, but Oz was definitely cuter, which was what she preferred. Surly and gently, she tugged Oz towards her, pulling him down beside her in the water. "Amazing..."
Ozoiya smiled looking over at Desini as tugged his tail away from the waters shallow edge. Captivated by the sight of a mermaid, he hadn't seen them in so long.

"They truly are," he spoke in agreement, just as the underwater creature peaked the top of her head out of the water her curious eyes reaching out to Desini cautiously before touching her leg softly. Her arm instantly retreating back into the lake.
Desini, after getting a hand brush against her leg, looked at the mermaid curiously. Slowly, she extended her hand to the mermaid as if she was offering something. Honestly, it didn't bother her to be touched by this mermaid even though it would bother her if it was a normal human.
The mermaids vivid blue eyes widened in what seemed like joy as he reached forward once more her hand running a cross her palm delicately. Slowly her head began coming up farther and farther from the water, until her chin was hovering over its surface.

"Nice..." Her quiet voice squeaked out, so soft. So lightly it barely met their ears.
Desini smiled at the sound of a new voice. It was absolutely lovely, and so was the mermaid herself. She was grateful that Oz took her here and showed her a real mermaid. She allowed the mermaid to continue touching her skin as she glanced over at Oz.
Ozoiya smiled glad that Desini's first experience with a mythical creature had gone well. At some point the growing wind became to much for the cold blooded mermaid retreating back into the depths after waving farewell gratefully to the two.

"We should head back to the school." He stated fixing his bandages so they covered his eyes once more.

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