Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Hide was a bit quiet after the girl spoke, he was watching the end of the fight and the begging of the next. "If you don't want to fight then play dirty."
Airen nodded, wondering if he said something wrong to Oz. He didn't seen like his usual self, and it worried Airen. Desini watched the fight for a moment before her eyes slowly closed. By this time, her lip only hurt when someone touched it, which made her wonder how she would eat. But for now, she decided to just sleep. Airen leaned his head on top of hers as he continued to observe the fight. Finally getting the nerve to appear again, Cespar appeared on the other side of Desini, grateful that Airen wasn't mad anymore. Just then, Cespar's eye was caught on a familiar face fighting the Headmaster. When he looked to see who it was, he realized it was Mari.
"I know what I'm going to do when it's my turn," Emilia responded simply to the masked boy. She had to admit, her little plan just might get her in a bit of trouble, but it would certainly show what she could do. That was the point of the exercise, wasn't it?
Millennium nearly died at the sight of this, truly astounding these students where. Very strategic this one no wonder she preferred to work alone, he thought. Before biting his lower lip and pushing off the ground so he came right towards Marilie, his face held no emotion and no hesitance. He'd go through with this yes, but he wouldn't attack a peasant on the first day. So at the last moment he stuck his hand on the ground bringing his knees into his chest and twisting his wrist skillfully before re landing on the ground a beep falling through the air.

"Another knight! You have such moves and," he couldn't think of anything else and simply stated, "damn!" And shooed her off the mat with a smile,

"Emilia." He beckoned her forth.

Ozoiya ran through the empty halls tearing off the reddening bandages and throwing them in a passing trash bin. And took off right past the bathrooms and towards Millenniums quarters.
Marilie grinned and walked off. "Flattery i say!" She joked then sat back by the others, noticing embarrassed that Cespar saw. She waved to Emilia with a mile wide smile. "Luck!"
Emilia stepped up to the headmaster calmly. She looked up at the headmaster with a weird, emotionless expression. "I'm ready," she told him softly. Suddenly, another Emilia appeared beside her, and another, and another, and another until the headmaster was inside a circle of fake Emilias. Not even the one in front of him was actually real. She had snuck into the circle from the back. But, most likely he wouldn't know that.

(Going to bed soon)
Cespar looked away from Mari before poofing away. Airen put his hand up for a high five to Mari, since she also received the knight rank. "Good job. If only Desini saw," he said, moving his arm a bit. In response, she merely readjusted the angle her head was tilted and before falling back to sleep.
Millennium became infuriated just at the sight and snapped his fingers.

"Mary!" At his call she came forward one by one taking out each illusion,

"You must lack listening skills as well little girl. Because I remember stating that you mere peasants where not to use your powers. This is physical offense and defense if you need to know." He stated, his single evident eye burning with emotion.

Ozoiya rubbed at his eyes staining the edges of his white sleeves with red. He searched the many shelves, he had forgotten to take his medication this morning no wonder. He slapped himself before stumbling upon the bottle and a new string of bandages.
Marilie grinned, now a little disheartened. "Ive never fought before.. i really shouldnt be your rank but thanks. and she should rest up. Myfight was nothing interesting." She stared at where cespar was.
"Why do that when it is clearly not a fair fight?! I'm obviously not as strong or fast as the others!" Emilia shot back, not exactly caring if he was mad. "In the real world you do what you can to win!" she told him. "Doing this is not realistic whatsoever!"
Millenniums hands where clenched tightly,

"I am testing your determination! Your drive! Everyone here knows they can't defeat me at the moment but they will still attempt! Unlike you," he spat the last word,

"Only fools depend on their powers, I knew many people who where beautifully gifted with their abilities but lacked strength. And they did not live through their first fight. And neither shall you if you continue to be a sad child." His voice was a frightening calm, one that anyone who knew him would keep far from.
Hide laughed then he tied to hold the laugh in.To late the laugh already escaped. Under his breath Hide said "She's right she's so right." He couldn't contain it he burst out laughing, now he knew he just had to wait to be yelled at.
"Nonsense!" Airen waved off what she had said. "It was enough to get you into a good rank. That's something you should be proud of. And don't worry, she'll be completely ready, because she's probably stronger than I am," he said with a laugh. One would think he was joking, but he wasn't. Many times in the past, Desini had beaten Airen when they got in a physical fight.
"I've survived on my own for years for your information!" Emilia told him, putting her hands on her hips. "I've been through winters, hunters, dangerous animals, and all of that! And look! I'm still alive and in decent health!" she continued. "I've been putting up with the real world for quite a while now!" She said then looked at the masked boy. "And you stop laughing! This is not something to be laughing over!"
"I think shewill excell... since he cant hurt her, her pain tolerance wont be a problem and she can freestyle it. Im excited to watch her really.."
Airen let out another laugh. "Thank you. I just hope that Cespar won't try to interfere." He observed the argument that was taking place, wondering if the student would get punished for talking back. Hopefully Desini wouldn't make any comments that will get her in trouble. After all, she did call the Headmaster a woman earlier.
Hide was quiet after Emila told hum to be quiet. But from what she was saying Hide was pretty sure she was right. Some of these people including him had gone through hell before they got here. "Sorry, sorry." Hide said that with some sincerity in his voice.
Ozoiya felt the bottle but it was empty, scared he ran back a cross the school. This hadn't happened before he had always had his medicine even when he forgot to take it. It didn't really matter because Millennium always had some.

Ozoiya came back to the room to the sound of Emilia yelling, he hid his face as he called out blindly,

"Millennium!" Just at the sound of his voice Millennium turned and jogged up to him crouching. Seeing his eyes he gave a shaky smile,

"You forgot your meds that's it YuYu...Go take them." He whispered petting Ozoiyas head comfortingly,

"There's no more.." He responded causing the headmaster to sigh.

"Class is dismissed except for Emilia, please stay with Mary. This will continue tomorrow" He announced before motioning Ozoiya forward.

"We'll ask Bell if he has the correct substances," Millennium removed the hood from his cloak which he collected by the door and rested it on Ozoiyas head.

"Just hide your face for now. It's okay." He mumbled.
Emilia turned into her fox form and fled the room quickly, not listening to him. She didn't care. To be honest, she didn't even know why she was there. All she would learn is things she could not possibly have any use for back at home. And in the real world, nobody fought fair anymore. They had weapons like guns to do all the work for them. Learning how to fight without her powers was practically useless in her opinion. She was probably wrong, but at that point she couldn't care less if she was or not. All she cared about was finding a quiet place to calm down before speaking again.

Marilie watched as Emilia skidded out and gave a frustrated sigh. Why did she have to fight? Wasnt it inconsideraate to those who tried knowing inevitable failure? And now running... she shook her head. She herself ran though. She saw Oz and came to him worriedly. "Hey little man. you feeling alright?"
Hide sighed as he walked out of the room. He proably left a bad impression on some people, but right now he didn't care. He felt like he had to apologise Emilia, but as he was about to turn around and say sorry a fox ran out of the room. Hide turned around and went back to his room he unlocked the door and saw the guy who had fell on him spilled on the floor. Hide just walked past him and laid down on his bed thinking over what had happend today.
Millennium swooped Ozoiya up onto his back, his head resting lightly on the headmaster the hood hung low to hide his face. When he heard Marilies voice he gave a thumbs up trying to place where she was,

"I'm alright Marilie, It's nothing that a dog band aid can't fix. Right Millennium!" He questioned earning a pat on the leg from the Headmaster,

"Of course little guy, dogs are special they heal people up real nice. That's why I think you're part dog YuYu." Millennium smiled, looking much younger then when he was in the classroom.

"See? Oh, how did you do during your thingy? You got upgraded huh?" A small smile could be seen just slightly.
Marilie smiled widely. "Havent seen a dog from anywhere but behind a window or in a book but they are adorable and apparently loyal. My test...? Mm... yeah i did okay. But ive never fought before." She said, keeping up so she could make sure he was alright without having to blatently ask again
Emilia went outside and turned back normal so she could climb a tree. Once up she sat down on a branch in the middle and leaned against the trunk with her eyes closed. She was soon sleeping.
Despite still lying on the floor, Thomas had been awake for some time now - as he never needed that long asleep - and had decided to remain cocooned in the blanket. His face, however, did not show the signs of being refreshed from sleep: his skin was a terribly pale grey, his eyes were sunken and accompanied by dark rings, and his lips had gone pale to match his skin. Slowly, as he could not produce the energy to move quickly, Thomas unwrapped himself from the cocoon and slowly stood up.

If he just waited, and suffered through the symptoms, he would be able to operate without needing to steal electricity from anywhere and everywhere; his brain, however, kept screaming at him, demanding more and more. Unable to control his desire, Thomas stumbled over to the wall and started building up what little energy he had to punch into the wall, but he did nothing to it, so he punched again, and again, and again until his hand was bleeding, in the same areas it had been bleeding when he was in the hotel. This would usually be the moment when a normal person would realise that they should stop, but for Thomas, this was a sign to switch to the other hand which he punched with until that too started to bleed, but the wall had not been affected. Clearly, well to Thomas at least, this was a sign to move to his elbow, which he quickly realised was a bad idea and stopped before he broke his arm. After momentarily contemplating using his head, then deciding against, he stared at the walls until he found the switch on the wall, however he didn't have anything to pull it off with.

"Do you have a screwdriver?" he asked the man on the bed.

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