Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Airen shot a glare at Mari, them Cespar, which made him scared enough to disappear. However, he could never stay mad if it wad his cute little sister making him smile. With a sigh, she hugged his sister tightly before releasing her. "Hear that, Yume? Mr.Tough Guy over there has kitty band-aids. Isn't that sweet of him?"

Desini nodded, smiling at Oz. Her mood had become a bit lighter now that her brother had come, plus his cute roommate. Hearing that class was starting soon, Desini shook her head, not wanting to skip the first day.

"No, I think she'll be alright," he said with a chuckle. "I'll just bring her with us though. Just in case."
Marilie felt the glare and dropped her head, fingers dancing along the knife. A lie or not, she somehow felt at fault. She just hoped the day would improve somehow.
Ozoiya smiled and gave a thumbs up, his pigtails swaying side to side. He was happy he had met such nice people,

"I am tough, remember punk i'll take you out with one hand behind my back and hopping on one foot! I'll do it with my eyes closed to!" He lifted a hand and lowered the bandage over his right eye,

"See the fire in these eyes boy? Once i'm done with you you'll definitely need some kitty band aids!" He snorted when he finished unable to to keep up the act.
"Yes, yes," Airen said, scooping up the boy in one arm and holding Desini's hand in the other. "Now, tell me where to go, Oz." He walked out of the room and looked around the hallways, seeing some students hurrying off to their classes. Desini held her brothers hand tightly, her lip still throbbing with pain. She leaned her head against her brothers arm, which soothed her down quite a lot.
Marilie slipped into her first class, precalc, unable to focus on anything but that morning and the day before. why did she even defend the jerk? Well shes taken worse than a glare but it hurt to feel in her first chance with others her age. She watched as orientation passed and a discussion on vectors arose.
Ozoiya sighed a goofy grin on his face, and pointed down the hall to their right

"Go back to where our room is and pass it and keep walking till you find the office. It's around the corner right beside the office and the first door to the left." He informed the older teen,

"Go Physics!" He shot a fist up into the air as they began walking.
With a laugh, Airen began walking, following the directions given to him by Oz. Desini silently followed behind, her hand still covered with Airen's larger hands. Despite not being blood related, she felt like they were, and it made her happy. A smile spread across her face the more she thought about it. Before she knew it, her brother had dragged her to the Physics room with him and Oz.
They entered to see two empty seats set up beside one another while the only other one was on the other side of the room. Ozoiya now understanding of the protective nature Airen had over Desini quickly waved the two farewell before taking the seat which was alone in front of a Pixie boy. Whose feet where set up on the edge of Ozoiyas chair which was now turned to face the student.

"Excuse me..." He mumbled to the other boy before dragging the seat right out from under his feet and turning it around so he could sit. His tail handing out the back.

And just a few moments later the bell rung signaling the beginning of their first class. 
The classes went by slowly, they had all came together for civics but it seemed to not last long. The day passing by ever so slowly, each period with new teachers talking about the new topics they where all so fond of. Ozoiya himself enjoyed each class, as they began on their very first lesson a small smile would always appear on his face.

But it dropped when the fourth periods bell rang through the school, all of their next periods being Offense and Defense training. Not only was he as suspected one of the weakest people you are ever to meet but Millennium would be teaching their lesson. And he knew that he would be the demonstration dummy.

So his usual quick strides slowed down as he walked up to Airen and Desini,

"Ready to do Physical things?" He asked the two of them.
By this point in the day, the Nymph had enough of being around people or classes. Who knew actual school was so draining? She had gone through three waterbottles though and was only hoping to swim after all of this was over. She came to theroom and took a seat against the wall being early, placing her head down depleted.
With a thankful nod, Thomas took what had been given to him, then continued to listened to what she had to say. He wanted to ask so many more questions: how thick are your walls? Where do you keep your batteries? Do you have a generator? Yet he wanted to make sure to ask the most normal sounding question, but decided that the battery question was too weird.

"How thick are these walls?" He asked.
Throughout thedayEmilia learned that she actually hate going to classes. Sitting there and writing and listening was boring to her. During the current class she seemed more excited. Hopefullythey would not be sitting again. And her hand hurt from all the writing. It was embarrassing too since she constantly had to ask for help from the teacher because she would not know how to spell something or she would not know what it meant.

(Sorry about disappearing. My parents turned off the wifi.)
Mary rose a brow in question as she slid the remaining papers back into the bag. Her face looking in fazed by the question, finding it normal.

"Near the front it's around 7 inches of brick but it slowly becomes thicker as we reach the dorms and the Headmasters Quarters, finally ending around one foot." She answered,

"I'd love to answer more, but I have a class to teach. Tomorrow you may begin your own classes but today just get to know the school."


Millennium entered the classroom casually before the bell rang, the wide rooms walls where covered in weapons varying from use and size. Following close behind was Mary her disgust for the Headmaster evident in her expression. Draped over his shoulders was a long black cloak, edged with a rich blood like red. As he removed it he inspected each student that was in the room at the moment, taking in noticeable weakness' and strengths just from their stances and attitude. Once finished he tossed the coat backwards into Mary's arms slyly. Beginning to stretch out his arms, the dark tank top he had chosen that day set off his discolored hair and green eye making them seem brighter. His self confidence obvious just by the way he stood, his arms where coated in muscle. Though his thin frame, and he couldn't wait to begin today's lesson. And to see who was truly promising.
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Startled by the thickness of the walls, Thomas opened his eyes slightly more than what they were open to before.

"That's far too thick," he groaned, but at least he didn't have to attend any classes. Instead, he found his room number, opened the door, then dropped on the bed and fell asleep straight away.
Emilia watched the headmaster come into the classroom, but was much more interested in the other students in the classroom. She saw some of the satyr boys from the day before, still quietly roughhousing. Emilia rolled her eyes a little then looked over to the people she actually knew, which was really just Marlie and Ozoiya. She sighed and began doodling in her notebook silently.
Hide woke up upon seeing, well more like feeling someone come into his room and drop down unto the bed or him. So Hide moved the person off him and took a shower. After that he replaced his gas mask, put on a fresh pair of clothes, and got his school things together which were merely a notebook and a couple pens. He was about to go into the hall when he say other people crowding the hallways, he waited a minute then walked past all of them silently.

After that Hide had a long day of sitting in classes, the only one he liked was science, but it seemed like it would change once he got to the "survival training". Hide wasn't all interested in fighting with his fists he could use his magnetism, he just wanted to watch others fight. Hide entered the class and tryed to find a place where he could sit, so he leaned on the wall by a girl doodling in her notebook.
Emilia saw somebody lwam against a wall at the corner of her eyes and lifted her head up and turned to see who it was. Nobody she knew yet, that's for sure. She tilted her head to one side when she saw him wearing a mask, but didn't comment on it. Instead, she gave him a friendly wave then went back to doodling. Emilia was drawing a few dragonflies on the paper.
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Hide didn't really think the person he was next to would react in anyway, he was slightly surprised with the wave. Nonetheless Hide waved back trying to be friendly, he knew he couldn't really be lonely here or it be hell. Hide then went back to watching the headmaster waiting to see what he would do, or who he would pick on to fight first.
The two stood up at the same time, Desini's eye lids becoming heavy. Through out every class, she had slept because she didn't understand what was going on. However, Airen was able to understand perfectly well. In fact, the lessons seemed a bit easy for him. "Yeah. Sounds fun, Oz. Lead the way," Airen said, petting him on the head. Desini leaned her head against her brothers arm, her eyes beginning to close.
Ozoiya grabbed Desinis wrist to wake her upbefore leading them out the door,

"Today and tomorrow is testing, so wake up or Millennium will get angry. And don't worry or anything he won't express the anger ad yell, and the tests are pretty simple." He informed them continuing towards the classroom. As soon as they entered the bell rang through out the school,

"Alright Peasants get in a line!" Millennium shouted a smile on his lips, everyone slowly trekking towards the back of the room to stand side by side.
Marilie saw the others and grinned at them, lining up. Maybe this would be the turn point to an otherwise dreary day.
Desini's eyes flickered open momentarily before shutting again. Airen had positioned her so that she stood between Oz and himself, just to put a bit of distance between her and other students. He tried to wake her up as Oz instructed, but it didn't help. When ever he tried, she opened her eyes for a moment and shut them again.
Feeling something pushing him, Thomas cracked open one eye to find that he had fallen asleep on someone, which probably wasn't the most normal thing to do; he felt that there could have been a worse of person choice to fall asleep on, though. This was a thought which he juggled in his mind, thinking of worse or better choices of people to pass out on, as he slowly slid off the bed and landed on the floor with a thump, bringing the blanket with him and cocooning himself inside.
Ozoiya dragged the others near the end of the line by Marilie. His back straightening immediately and removed his pigtails frantically and made the single loose pony. His palms where sweaty and he rubbed them on the edge of his shorts as Millennium came closer and closer. He'd inspect you up and down just by your stance and tell you one or two of your perhaps many faults and state it to you.

A small smile always on Millenniums face, finally he made it to Emilia, his single green eye boring into her,

"Lacks basics, as well too stiff." He informed her before side stepping to face Marilie, his hands tightening around one another behind him.

"Doesn't work well in a large group or with strangers. Noted." He murmured then came to Airen.

"Ah," he began,

"Contains to much selflessness." He commented before coming to Desini,

"Doesn't take pain well, dependant are we..." His smile grew a bit then came to Ozoiya whose stance tensed.

"Oh YuYu, your just to cute for the battle field little guy," he chuckled but quickly regained his past composure.

"Acts on emotions," he stated then turned around, Ozoiya visibly relaxed but suddenly Millennium turned around pinching his ear.

"Celebrates too early." He then turned around and walked to stand center.

"Now peasants, time for the real fun to begin." He announced before cracking his knuckles.
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Marilie laughed when she was seen right through. This guy was good. Hit the nail on the head with everyone. Biting back all the snarky comments she could think of, she livened with excitement.

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