Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Marilie laughed andtook whatshe needed, before locking up and returning. when in her room with no sight of her dormmate, she went tothe bathroom and took outher knife. She found a sense of peace in this ugly self reflecting. she turned on the faucet and started marking. as much as she wanted to think of everything she did wrong, her mind only wandered back tothe fear of being seen again by them. Her parents. red seeped through the faucet and herbrain numbed. she ran the water over and watched as her arm liquidified and reformed. Only a white line visible.

Numb in her mind she slipped in bed and staredat thewall until asleep.
**Time Skip to next morning

(I think we should wait for the others before we continue.)
(I'm back!)

Emilia woke up the next morning and sat up to see if her room-mate was there. She wasn't. That was disappointing. Emilia pouted then sighed and went to get ready for the day. She put one a simply dark-green dress with a wide white ribbon tied around her waist in a bow. Emilia have sure she looked alright before coming out of her room and wondering if she should say goodmorning to Marlie.
( I am unsure who my room mate or where my room is so for now i'm gunna say some people didn't get rooms yet where sleeping outside stuff like that)

Hide was sitting in his room when he got the letter, he read it over carefully, and made sure the key was there. Without saying a word he started to pack, he knew his "parents" wouldn't mind. They knew what he was, and he knew they weren't his real parents more like he had been placed here with them not so much as foster parents, but as thought they were assigned to him or something. So he packed his first aid kit, clothes, spare gas mask, a little bit of food, his records, a pocket watch, syringes, his special gloves, and his computer. He looked around his room, he had a feeling he wouldn't be back here in awhile...the place didn't really hold any big memories. So he took the key and turned it "Huh..interesting." Hide walked through the "door", and came to a big place with many odd people. He deiced to move with the crowd and sat down he couldn't really see around him all that well, but all that mattered now was that he heard what they people said. So Hide got in line to get a room assigned to him.

Well after waiting for a bit it turned out he didn't get a room key or anything like that. It seemed that there was a spacing issue and that they had to rethink the rooms for some people, Hide was one of them. So Hide walked around, he looked around the school, he saw many types of people. They were mostly varied he didn't see one type more then the rest, all he knew was that many people were confused about his gas mask. Hide wore it for reasons unsure of him, he just felt like he had to wear the gas mask in places he didn't know where safe or "clean". Maybe it had something to do with his mixed blood, maybe it was because he was a Homunculus. All Hide knew was that he had to find a place to sleep, so he found a nice cozy hallway and sat down. It was his first day of being at this "school" he didn't have a room, he hand't talked to anyone, he barley said anything the entire day. So he thought of his first words here carefully "Good night everyone, sleep tight." after that Hide feel into a deep sleep....and hopefully he wouldn't be kicked in the hallway. 
Hide woke up after he felt something slightly heavy land on him, he stood up and a key hit the floor. Hide picked it up, looking at it closely he say it had a tag on it. The tag read 140, "Huh...alright." Hide picked up his stuff and headed to the dorm. Hey put the key in the lock and turned, the room opened up into a small dorm, Hide was a bit shocked "I was actually expecting less." Hide started to unpack his stuff putting his first aid kit under his pillow his clothes in the drawer and sat down on one of the beds. He didn't really cared which one he got anyway. "I wonder if i should wait if somebody comes in...nah." Hide took of his shirt and laid down on the bed, and went back to sleep.
Marilie awoke with a bit of a start. She couldnt dream that night but she remained uneasy through sleep. She came to the bathroom, filling her water bottle in the sink and showered. It worked to sooth her in the mornings. She slipped on a pale blue short sleeve dress and long bluish purple socks. her scarf as well.
Ozoiya had slept soundly after running around till he nearly collapsed, and when he finally awoke he removed his covers to allow the cold air to bite at his skin.

This being the only way he'd wake up without falling instantly back into his unpredictable dreams. His hair was a unimaginable mess, sticking in every direction and dangling at his shoulders. His hair longer then you'd imagine when it was tied back, swinging his feet off the bed he fixed his sheets and covers before stepping over to Airens bed.

"Wake up, Mr. Airen!" He cried out hitting him with a soft pillow.
Emilia went to Marlie and Desini's door and knocked on it. She wanted to tell them good morning. She was smiling a little, even though she was actually still tired from staying up so late the night before. She would get over it though.
Airen mumbled before turning his back to Oz, his face buried in his pillow. Usually, he'd be up by now, making breakfast for Desini or something along those lines, but today was different. He had no need to do such things anymore. In a very strained and tired voice, Airen said, "Isn't it too early to wake up...? God, you're a mess." He opened his eyes opened just enough to clearly see Oz's messy hair. Surely he couldn't leave his hair like that. With that in mind, Airen slowly sat up. "Should I comb it for you? I do it for Desini all the time...."


Desini wasn't a morning person. Getting up early was painful and the sun was always too bright. She heard Mari washing up and getting ready, yet didn't even bother to lift her head. She let out a small breath before turning onto her stomach, falling back into her sleep.
After deciding that no-one was going to answer the office door, Thomas decided to leave the door alone and start wandering about the building in hopes that he would bump into someone to find out anything: what to do, where to go, who to talk to, where to put the stuff he didn't have, could he lick the cables in the walls, were there cables in the walls? With so many questions, with so few answers, and a long period of time passing, one could forgive Thomas for feeling lost, confused, and tired.
Ozoiya though it wasn't seen merely blinked oddly at the older boy, his head cocked to the side. Airen seemed like he missed his sister, and saying no might make him upset. Never enjoying the sight of others sad Oz nodded a small smile playing on his lips. Before running to his bag and maneuvering through button ups and shorts to finally find his small white comb. Walking back he held it out to Airen,

"Yes please. Early to sleep and early to rise leaves a man wealthy and wise my friend, and it's an hour before classes start." He explained.


Mary spotted a white haired boy wandering the halls and stepped up to him, her green sparkling hair perfect along with the rest of her form. As if she had been preserved to not damage herself, but had been walking around the hallway for the whole night. Seeing him she walked up to him,

"Do you need help with something?" She asked.
"Smart kid," Airen said with a smile, taking the comb from the boy. He sat up on the edge of his bed, moving Oz so that his back was to him. With long, gentle strokes, Airen pulled the comb through Oz's hair. His hair was soft, of course. On his wrists, there were hair bands, which he used to tie Oz's hair once the combing was done. As if by instinct, Airen tied Oz's hair into pig-tails. "Done."
Through sleepy eyes, Thomas barely managed to spot the green haired girl with pinkish eyes who was approaching him and saying things that weren't threats, which was often other people's preferred communication with Thomas. It took the half asleep Thomas a minute or so to realise that the words being said at him were actually a question, a question that made Thomas pause for another minute to figure out what the question was, only then did it take Thomas a minute to decide what the most important question would be.

"I have no idea where to go," he eventually said, his sleepy voice making him sound like a zombie.
Ozoiya hummed a small melody he always had playing within his head as his hair swept downwards. When he was told the older teen was finished he reached up and felt the two pigtails. And giggled like an idiot before turning around and patting Airens head, or well his chest because that was as high as he wanted to attempt to reach.

"I'll keep it like this, thank you." He grabbed his signature red and gold bows and wrapped one around each one before grabbing his clothes for the day and retreating to the bathroom.


Mary put on a smile and looked down at the boy before reaching into a small bag she was holding.

"You must have come late, name?" She questioned with a raised hand pulling out a small stack of papers and searching each ones contents.
Airen let out a short laugh before getting up and stretching. He suddenly felt refreshed after doing something on his 'normal' routine. "Better get ready too," he mumbled to himself before pulling off the black T-shirt he wore to sleep. As he did so, the black Celtic tattoos became visible, covering his entire back, arms, and sides of his abdomen. He rummaged through his unpacked bags for something to wear for the day.
For what felt like only a moment, Thomas paused to remember his name.

"It's Thomas," he eventually said, realising that his name was indeed Thomas. Although he couldn't see anything on the paper, he decided that it would do no harm to stare at the piece of paper through squinting eyes. All the while, his mind constantly made new questions to ask, but he forced them to the side to focus on the normal questions that didn't involve cables or batteries.
Ozoiyas small voice echoed within the tiled bathroom, as he sang along to a small song.

"Come along with me to a place under a tree, we can wander through the forest and do so as we please.." He continued on, removing his old clothes and putting on his new attire. Which looked much like yesterdays, consisting of the same child like colors and designs. Once finished he stepped out of the bathroom his words slowly fading to a soft hum but halted at the sight of Airens bare chest. Slightly thankful for his bandaged vision he stepped towards his dirty clothes basket, tossing his clothes into it he picked up his other ribbon and tied it around the top of his tail.

"I like your tattoos...They're cool."


Mary plucked a piece of paper from the pile with a small smile,

"Here you go Mr. Thomas, this has your schedule, room number(140), and a map of the school. Classes start in an hour." She stated,

"Anymore questions?"

Airen turned to Oz for a brief moment before pulling out a white shirt, which he quickly put on to hide the majority of his tattoos. "Thanks...." With another look in his bag, he pulled out a white dress shirt and put it on as well, leaving the top few buttons unbuttoned. Grabbing black pants, he went into the bathroom only to return a moment later with them on.
Ozoiya finished tying the red ribbon and grabbed his royal blue sailor coat pulling it on. And jumped backwards to land on the edge of his bed, swinging his legs awkwardly as he stared down at them. He felt like his comment had somehow dampened Airens mood and bit his lower lip before looking up, plastering on his usual happy attitude.

"Airen," He stated the older boys name for the first time and liked the way it sounded when spoken in a happy tune,

"Can I see your schedule? I wanna see if we have any classes together."
"Huh? Oh.... Sure," Airen said, searching the pocket of his other pants for his schedule. Eventually finding it, he handed it over to Oz. He ran his hand through his semi-long black hair before fixing where his bangs parted. Airen was fond of the color black, but there were many times when he wanted to dye it a different color, like blood red. He constantly felt conflicted. Yes, he liked the color black and he loved looking like his sister, but he felt that black was too plain for him. Not that he thinks his sister is plain.
Ozoiya looked at the paper letting out a small high pitched yawn that caused his eyes to water, but all sleepiness was swept away when he caught sight of his classes.

"You have every period with me!" He stated happily, a smile planted on his face. Then set the paper onto the space beside him,

"We have physical training together, watch out! I'm super strong." Ozoiya jumped off the bed and balled up his fist and shot a fist forward in a fast upper cut as he bounced on the tips of his feet.

"I'll take you out with one hand!" He placed his left arm behind his back,

"I'll fight you hopping on one foot!" He lifted up his right leg and balanced on his left foot. But quickly lost his footing and stumbled with a goofy smile on his face.

"See those skills? Super scary, never see me coming."
Marilie barely noticed her roommate at first then felt dread. Did she clean up the blood? Well.. it was gone.

She braided her hair half way and pulled her bagonto a shoulder. "Rise n shine desini!".
Kaylee walked in through the school doors cautiously, her face hasn't been seen by these people and will always be a mystery to most. Her bright blue optics sailed across the hallways before flashing them at her paper schedule and what her room number was. It was room 76, and her roommate was Carloine Forbes. "Ayee....." She grunted and looked at the people in the school. A few of their optics speculated her stature before they made contact with her dreading pupils snaring own upon them. Kaylee's appearance somewhat stuck out to most, since there was an odd looking flash to her eyes.
"Pfffbbttt----" Airen covered his mouth, trying to hold back from bursting out in laughter, but he failed and laughed anyway. He laughed and laughed to the point where his stomach began to hurt and tears were forming. He felt thankful that he had an amazing roommate and not one that's uptight. "Yeah kid, I'll watch out. Wouldn't wanna get in a brawl with you," he said after his laughing died down.


Desini let out a groan before mumbling nonsense into her pillow. At this rate, she wouldn't be able to wake up at all. Cespar, who was clearly capable of summoning himself, appeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Hey, get up, Yume! Classes will start," he said, shaking her gently. But she simply waved him off.
Marilie grided past Cespar with eyes smiling but tired. She bent down and whispered. "Sweety, i will sick Airen on you and tell him you want him to get you up."

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