Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Ozoiya pretended to dust off his shoulder before popping up his collar,

"You better Punk..." He lowered his voice to sound like a really man. And began to walk forward his shoulder brushing past Airens waist as he walked by, as if he was challenging him. But suddenly tripped over his own foot and fell forward slamming into the ground, silent and un-moving for a moment he suddenly busted out into his own laughter.
"Oh, rebellious kid, aren't you?" Airen laughed once again before grabbing Oz from under the arms, lifting him back up on his feet with no trouble at all. With his big (yaoi) hand, he pet Oz gently. "Work on that footing of yours, Mr.Tough Guy. Wouldn't want you to trip and hurt yourself," he said with a wide grin.


Hearing what Mari said, Desini started to get up. She didn't want her brother to come and start hanging all over her first thing in the morning. But them again..... It would save her the work of doing her hair. With that, she flopped back onto the bed. Cespar let out a laugh. He was clearly finding this amusing.

"Oi ~ Yume ~~ Get up. You're precious roommate is threatening you so nicely," Cespar said, laughing loudly.
This got Marilie giggling too. She couldnt help but enjoy what Cespar said. "Or ill liquify and pour a bucket of cold Mari on you! Trust me, its just as uncomfortable as it sounds."
(Oh my goodness. My shippers heart.)

Ozoiya giggled his ears twitching at the contact, his tail was wagging from his joy.

"Do you want to go see Desini?" He asked standing on his tippy toes to seem taller. His frilly socks swaying at the slight movement. Airen made him happy, it made him grateful that he had been so lucky when assigned a roommate. Though they seemed from the outside that they would never even speak to one another, it was great that they got along so well.
Airen smiled and picked the boy up in his arms with ease. He was incredibly light. "Well.... I would just love to see her. I always do. Do you want to see her?" Airen began walking out the door, holding Oz in one arm and opening the door with the other. He wasn't sure where he would be going, but didn't move far from the outside of their dorm room.


Desini was still incredibly tired to the point where she didn't even want to move anymore. Even Mari's threat, which made her a bit scared, couldn't budge her.

"Yume ~ Get up already !" Cespar began shaking her violently, her head moving around as if there were no bones in her neck. Desini was about to yell at Cespar to stop shaking her, but as soon as she said the first word, Cespar's shaking caused her to bite her lip. Desini, who's never experienced much physical pain couldn't help but sit up, completely awaken. At first, she didn't much, but soon it began to bleed. Cespar, of course, freaked out. "Y-Yume ! I-I'm sorry! Master! I didn't mean to," he said desperately wiping the blood from her lip roughly, which only hurt her even more.

"Cespar! Stop touching me!" Desini yelled out of anger and pain. The blood slowly dripped to her chin as tears formed in her eyes. "M-Mari.... Where's Big Brother....?" she asked, almost sounding like a lost child.
Marilie quickly grabbed some tissues and a tube of cream to prevent infection she noticed in thebathroom. Handing them to her, she smiled. "Cesy was probably just worried. You're nomorning person.. i think hes only a couple dorms away. need help?"
Ozoiya held Airens arm tightly in case at some point he may drop him,

"I'd love to see her." He spoke enthusiastically,

"Take a left then it's the third door on the right." He instructed letting out a small yawn,

"Desini's nice." He stated truthfully just because it had been on his mind, she was. Desini though sometimes acted as if she resented her big brothers love, actually liked his attention and care. It was plain to see if you looked long enough, they cared about one another.
Emilia left the door and headed outside instead. She sat down on the ground and played with her hair. Were they going to actually have school that day? She laid down on her back and began staring up at the sky with a blank look. She yawned and rubbed her eyes tiredly.
Tears began flooding into Desini's eyes. She was terrible at handling pain. "I want Big Brother," she said like a child, taking the tissues from her. Desini was took scared to actually though the wound itself and decided to let someone else do it for her. Cespar stood nervously in the corner, watching to make sure Desini was alright. Usually, he'd be holding her hand and reassuring her that everything'll be alright.


Airen smiled, happy that his roommate came to like his sister too. "Roger that," he said as he followed Oz's instructions. Eventually, he stood in front of their room door. He knocked twice before setting Oz down on his own two feet.
"Shhh..shh... when i make it feel better, we can get him. Okay?" She looked at the other girls eyes and tried to be thecaring person she wished she had after her parents hurt her. "Im going to put the cream on. It might sting, but the good feeling comes fast. I promise." She dabbed the petite girls lip as gentle and cautious as humanly possible until coated and the bleeding stopped. "There.. nomore blood. Lets get Airen."
Emilia got up again and looked around. She rubbed her face then headed back inside. She needed another nap. While she was passing Marlie and Desini's room she saw Ozoiya and the other guy (she did not remember his name) and some commotion in the room. "Is everything alright here?" she asked them. 
(I got confused. Sorry!)
Ozoiya nearly fell backwards the sudden voice of Emilia startling him, but regained his composure quickly fixing his coat. Before knocking once more on the wooden door,

"I hope..." He mumbled without looking over at her, his tail had ceased any movement the tip of his skimming the floor as he awaited some sort've answer from inside.
Marilie heard the knock and turned around. "One second please! Or.. come in yourselves." She already guessed who might visit like this. She looked back to Desini. "Hey.. I bet your brother has some sort of sixth sense for you and is already here.. wouldn't be surprising. Are you okay?"
Desini winced, her cut lip stinging with every touch. She wiped away any tears that had escaped her eyes during the process of stopping the bleeding. Even if the bleeding ceased, it still hurt. A lot. She began to sniff as she wiped the flowing tears away. "I want Big Brother !"

Cespar hurried to open the door for Desini, only to see Airen, Oz, and Emilia there. "Airen!" Cespar exclaimed, hurrying him to come inside.

Airen shuffled inside, looking for her and hearing Desini cry. "Yume?"
Emilia looked back at the door when it opened and peered inside once Airen went into the room. She slowly walked into the room and looked at Desini. She frowned when she saw the cut on the other girl's lip and wondered how it had happened.
Ozoiya caught sight of the situation and the eagerness of Cespar and looked over to Desini. And his ears folded backwards not enjoying the sad noises she gave off, grabbing Airens wrist he dragged him towards her and shoved him closer.

"Comfort little sissy.." He whispered quietly before stepping back not wishing to get in the way.
Marilie backed away, unsure of how to handle a crying girl. "Sorry! I was trying to wake her up, and was a little rough. She bit her lip. She thought i was cespar though, half awake i guess." She faked guilt and lied with ease, terrified of what Airen might do to Cespar.
Emilia backed up from the scene, not really knowing what to do. She did not think the cut om the lip was that bad. She knew it probably hurt quite a lot, and that it was going to be kind of hard to eat, but she didn't exactly see the big deal. Maybe she was being a little bit insensitive. Probably. Yeah, she was. Emilia mentally scolded herself for her thoughts and suddenly became distracted with the floor of the room. In doing that she noticed that the carpet was a nice blueish color. Kind of useless fact, but now she knew, and wondered if the same carpet was in her room.
(Never give me enough time to post. xD I have 3 Chara's, you know. <3)

Airen, clearly worried to death, lifted up her face to look at him. He examined the cut before hugging her head close to his chest. "What happened? Who did that to you?" He said, his voice shaking with anger. If he was angry, he would usually be throwing insults, but not now. It was an 'silent fury' sort of thing, which was much scarier. However, after hearing Mari's response, his rage increased. "Oh.... Is that so? Should I punish you, then?"

Desini wiped the tears from her eyes, feeling better now that she was in her brothers protective arms. But she still didn't appreciate her brother threatening her roommate. "Big Brother, you know, Mari's a nice person. She didn't do it. It was an accident, okay? You're cute little sister is still clumsy," she said, trying her best to be cute for Airen, which seemed to work. Cespar, who was cowering in the corner, let out a sigh of relief.
Marilie knew her defending would put her on Airens bad side. It nearly physically hurt to see Cespar though and think he would be looked down upon more. "Im sorry." She said with a half smile, sliding into the bathroon and pocketing herknife for now
Ozoiya lifted up a finger,

"If it starts bleeding again I have kitty band aids!" He announced then rolled up his sleeve to show a long line of kitten covered bandages on his forearm.

"They work real good," He gave a thumbs up before covering his arm back up.

"But I've never tried to put one on my lip before....Uh....Maybe the dog ones then, Millennium says they work even better. But I only use them when it's needed, and if it starts bleeding I'll give either band aid!" He lifted a fist into the air and let out a small,

"ya..." Hoping he had loosened the mood.
Emilia looked back up and backed uo some more when Desini's brother suddenly became mean. She watched Marlie and sighed softly. Maybe she should just leave. She then heard Ozoiya and smiled. "You have dog bandages?" she asked.
Ozoiya nodded vigorously,

"They're in my room, their blue and have little cute pugs on them. While my kitty ones are pink with white kittens." He explained, truly a child through and through.
Marilie laughed. "How mature... well lovelies, i must get to class" she swigged half her waterbottle in one go and walked out.
Ozoiya raised his brows though they weren't seen behind his bandages and turned to Airen,

"Class starts in ten minutes, do you want to stay and make sure Desini is alright? I wouldn't want you two being late since you probably don't know your way around either..." He questioned the siblings, biting his lower lip once finished.

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