Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Emilia got into the line as told and watched him. She scowled at him when he commented about her. Too stiff? And who was he calling "peasant"?! She took a quiet deep breath to chill out before she let too much emotion show on her face. It sort of worked, but she was still irritated. She would get over it though. Emilia crossed her arms and began looking around the room.
"Tch." Airen clicked his tongue and shook Desini, waking her up for good this time. Desini shot her head up, quickly glancing at her surroundings. She hadn't noticed that Millennium was talking, or even there for that matter. After all, she was still half-asleep. Desini looked up at her brother, who seemed angry like this morning. As she followed his gaze, she noticed it led to a person with long, purple hair.

"Big Brother, who's that woman?" She said, gesturing towards Millennium. Of course, she had seen him the previous morning, but had completely forgotten how he looked like. Therefore, she assumed that the person with long hair was a girl.

In reply, Airen said with an angry tone, "That's what we would call a judge-mental person. "
(Sorry I had no service for the longest time)

Ozoiya shushed the siblings quickly, not wishing to get in trouble. His expression was emotionless, but his fingers tapped his thighs nervously for what he knew was to come.

"Now one by one I'm going to go hand to hand with each of you for a mere minute." He waved a hand in front of him,

"Nothing to bad, think of this as a pop quiz. Try your hardest against me, your goal is to plant a single attack." A snort sounded from Mary in detest. But if Millennium heard it he showed no change in attitude,

"We'll begin from the back to the front. So, YuYu you're first little kid." He waved him over, and at that moment Ozoiya forgot to move his legs for a moment. But found the movement at some point and came forward as Millennium continued speaking,

"Great, now don't worry I will not attempt to cause you any physical harm. As long as you all follow the rules which are, no weapons, or abilities, stay within this gray circle," he motioned to the reasonably sized circle around him and Ozoiya,

"And don't be a poor sport. Do we understand?" He questioned the class of thirty students.
Airen was quickly about to raise his hand just before Desini stopped him. She already knew what he was going to say. Definitely something like, "There's no way I'm letting my little sister fight you!" or something. However, little did Airen know that she was experienced in hand-to-hand combat with out her Creatures. She wasn't the best, but she at least had quick reactions and was quick. Desini looked over to Millennium, who she finally realized was not a woman, but a man. "Ah....... It's a boy," she said without thinking.
Millennium sighed when he only got a few murmurs in response, then turned towards Ozoiya. And without looking pointed to Mary,

"Start the timer in three two one." He stated as soon as his last word was muttered a small beep sounded and Ozoiya sped foreword surprisingly quickly. He came at the headmaster back arched downwards so he was nearly level with his knee.

At the last moment before passing him Oz grabbed at the older mans ankle but was easily evaded. At the slight dodge of the older man he turned around seeing his momentum kept he moving backwards and snagged at any part of Millenniums body. But failed by a centimeter and tripped over his own foot rolling backwards into a crouch.

Millennium had barely moved and mimicked a yawn while Ozoiya was trying to mask his heavy breath.

Looking as if he is about to give up he suddenly pushed forward directly towards the Headmaster aimed at his chest. But the older man stepped out of his way causing him to continue forward until he slammed into the hardwood. Ozoiya pushed himself up but the Headmaster quickly stepped on his ankle to keep him down,

"You're outside of the circle YuYu. Go sit out." He murmured to the boy, Ozoiya bit his lower lip ashamed at himself. As he got up small snickers came from a larger group of body's. But looked unglazed as he left quietly taking a seat on a single bench.

"Great, next up Airen. Have at me angry boy." Millennium urged chuckling darkly, he enjoyed this. Making people tick.
"Tch," Airen clicked, unbuttoning on of the buttons on his shirt as he made his way into the circle. He didn't know what to expect of the old man, except that he would be considerably fast. This worried Airen because he was more of the heavy-hitter type. He rolled up his sleeves neatly before entering the circle coolly, taking a relaxed stance as if he was just normally standing.
Marilie watched, masking her focus and perception with a cheesy and seemingly airheaded grin.She thought to herself 'predictable.. a lot of energy and enthusiasm in each movement... maybe making it too easy to map?' "Nice Ozy boy. Lets see the threes even try to get a foot close." She gave an encouraging smile.
Ozoiya attempted to give his natural smile to Marilie grateful that she at least attempted to heal his mood but his grin fell quickly, he had made an utter fool of himself. Millennium wasn't pleased with him it was obvious, he'd most likely force him to begin sessions once more.

As he thought this Millennium re-did his pony tail quite loosely setting it on his shoulder like before,

"Remember class, stay within the circle." He instructed once more,

"And we shall begin in three two one." He emphasised the last number and a beep sounded the beginning of his and Airens small match.
Emilia backed away a bit from the circle. Fighting? She didn't want to fight! Why were they even learning how to do this? She sat down on the floor and began doodling in her notebook. Maybe he would just...pass over her or something. She sighed and resumed her drawing of the dragonflies.
Hide was in joying watching the fights, the only thing he didn't want is to be chosen to fight. Sure Hide could put up a fight he had been in a couple, on top of that he was a homunculus so he could take hits, but he knew the head master could probably deal alot of damage fast. Hide's train of thought was broken when the girl next to him backed away a little. "Don't like fighting much?" He said with a small grin under his gas mask.
Emilia looked up when she heard a voice and saw the boy with the mask looking at her. She shrugged slightly and began doodling some ants in her notebook. "Not really..." Emilia said then glanced at the Headmaster. "And according to him I lack the basics," she added, sounding a bit annoyed. She had never even talked to thay guy! What could he possibly know know about her? Though, it was probably true...but still! Emilia huffed a little and went back to drawing.
Letting out a quiet breath, Airen darted towards the man, his feet already angled to brake when needed. His right fist clenched and tightened, slowly bending up to a right angle. Airen planned to aim for the lower abdomen, but that would depend on his opponents next move. When he was only a few feet away, he pushed down his right leg, which was leading. This slowed him down, his momentum was enough for him to come somewhat close to the Headmaster as his right arm rose to a 90 degree angle, ready to strike.
Millennium stepped to the side quickly out of reach and continued backwards till he was around a foot away from the circles gray edge. This one had good tactics and control, he's made it so he doesn't need to halt to reposition. High stamina as well, he took mental notes sweeping his hair to the side quickly.
The moment Airen saw him move, he loosened his clenched fist and twisted his upper body downwards, his right hand coming down onto the ground and his legs kicking up and over. He was now in a crouched position, one knee on the ground. (I know it's hard to imagine, but bear with me. :P ) This allowed him to change his direction smoothly. He noticed that Millennium had moved close to the edge of the circle. Taking note that he had to be careful not to get out of it. With another dash, his body staying low as he ran, he planned his next attack. This time, he would sweep his leg across the ground, of course not crossing over the line. If the Headmaster were to dodge it, he could always keep attacking.
Millennium read Airens movement and knew it would be slightly more difficult to evade such an open attack without touching the teen. He applauded the boy mentally and checked the timer, though it felt like much longer they had a mere twenty seconds left in their little joy ride. So to make it easier for himself the Headmaster stepped towards Airen, about to make contact with the boy he crouched and sprung upwards hands in pockets over him cleanly.

But what the younger man was going to do next stressed Millenniums mind causing him to stumble as he landed but quickly recovered by rolling towards the left. His hair was now set free from his past bind and now hung over his shoulders like a lions mane.

(Rawr :3)
Airen, seeing the Headmaster jump over him, firmly placed both hands on the ground. With his right leg stretched straight in front of him mid-kick, he pushed off with it, flipping once in the air as he landed where Millennium would have if he didn't stumble. Airen was once again crouched, but with out looking, he dashed sideways, his left shoulder being the closest body part to the Headmaster. As he did so, he clenched his right fist tightly, prepared to twist his body and throw a punch at him abdomen.
Millennium stood still counting the last remaining seconds before a small beep sounded. As soon as it echoed theough the room he grabbed Airens fist stopping with a smirk before letting go and clapping.

"That my peasant earned you an upgrade. I shall call you my knight," he chuckled then patted him on the back,

"Can't wait for a 1 on 1 go sit with YuYu, boy." He ordered him then motioned Desini over,

"Desini I want you to sit with your brother and wait for tomorrow." Millennium informed her,

"I want you fully awake so I may have a truthful beginning rank for you." He played with his hair as he said this,

"Marilie, come."

Ozoiya held up a small hand to high five Airen when he came over, to congratulate him.
Desini nodded quickly before running over to her brother, who was giving Oz a high five. Desini wasn't quite awake yet, but she was sure she would be able to last as long as Airen. The two sibling sat on the bench with Oz, Desini's head once again leaning against Airen's arm. Airen was thinking about the battle, but didn't really get what he meant by "upgrade."

"Hey, Oz. What does he mean by 'upgrade'? And by 'knight'?"
After observing, Marilie found herself called. She grinned seemingly spaced and content. she never had to fight before but she knew it was not too important to win. Itwas testing skills.. meaning she could do some experimenting as well. It made hergiddy to think of. "Whatsup! Ready when you are!"
Emilia watched them fight. She knew she could not fight hands on. She wasn't exactly weak compared to a normal person, but compared to the Headmaster, she was like a toothpick. Maybe even weaker than that, which was kind of hard to admit. So, she would have to find some other way to go against him. She began thinking about what she would do.

(I just thought of a very messed up thing for her to do which includes her illusion abilities...I probably should think of sonething else lol.)
Ozoiya smiled when both Airen and Desini sat down. But when the question about upgrades was brought up it fell, and looked down at his swinging feet which halted.

"Many apologies Mr. Airen but I can't go to in depth. Just think of it as your current skill level, I mean it's good you did great." He placed a hand on his own chest,

"It's better then getting the rank of a Fool, see in Millenniums mind he's a king and everyone starts out as Peasants. That's all, your test score just made you better then any peasant, fool, or rook." He stated bluntly hoping he understood to drop the topic.

Millennium eyed Marilie and smiled centering himself in the circle,

"That's the attitude I like." He snapped his finger and the clock began.
"Well.... I guess. I won't push on this subject, but I will say that I won't allow for Desini to be called by any unpleasant names," Airen stated, observing Mari and the Headmaster. If he was able to get the Headmaster to stumble, he was sure that Desini would be able to land a hit. After all, she was more agile and faster than he was. But they would have to wait for tomorrow to come to see.
Marilie took off running at him, lengthy body giving her a major boost in speed yet she was fluid and not forced at all. Remembering how he dodged, she side stepped to through him off, choppinglow at his waist and sending her leg to his other side in a sweep ing low kick, all the while grinning. "I 'preciate that."
Ozoiya felt his eyes begin to burn and rubbed at his bandages for a moment as he spoke.

"She'll do great I know.." He smiled half heartily, he hated when this happened, standing up he looked down at his feet.

"Tell Millennium I need to go to the bathroom please." He asked before leaving in a fast jog, fighting the urge to not tear at his bandages.

Millennium let out a small ah in enjoyment before dodging her arm by leaning backwards then lifting his legs off the ground, as he fell backwards just enough to miss her kick. This caused him to laugh hysterically as he hit the ground and rolled backwards over his shoulder into a crouching position.

"You're all so fun this year!" He complimented.
"How canwe be boring? This place is too fun!" She laughed and spoke with out stopping for a second. She came around to his side, dropped onto her hand and swung a leg at him, with out wastinga glance, she swungher leg following through with the kick and took immediate note of all escape routes, using her momentum to follow a fast higher kick ahead and thrust herelbow ofthe opposite side back, covering any open spots he could end up in.

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