Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Emilia saw the dark crust and blinked a little bit. What was that? She didn't say anything, but she did looked at Marlie then at Ozoiya to see if he saw it too.
Ozoiya had seen the crust perfectly, his natural night vision helping him exponentially. It confused him, he recognized it slightly but couldn't place from where. But he looked un-fazed pretending as though he hadn't seen anything.

"Great. So what do you wish to do?" He asked the two.
Emilia saw that Ozoiya didn't look worried, so she tried to forget about it for now. She shrugged at his question and looked up at Marlie.
Marilie put the object away protectively but shrugged. "Bucketof water over a door prank? Ill be the water." She joked, trying to ease the tenser air. Oh jeez.. they saw.
Emilia blinked. "Prank?" she asked. She did not know that word. "What is a prank?" she asked her curiously and in a completely innocent tone.

(Going to bed soon.)

Marilie grinned mischievously. "If i played a... physical and harmless joke with somebody on the recieving end... oh by the way! We need to go snipe hunting!"
Ozoiya furrowed his eyebrows,

"What...." He mumbled quietly looking up at Marilie,

"What does snipe hunting have to do with this. I already went last year with Millennium, we caught nothing! He kept telling me to clap three times and call the thing but it never worked. We won't get nothin'." He stated crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Okay. Emilia knew what a joke was. Jokes were fun. But then she mentioned a snipe. "A snipe?" She asked and looked at Ozoiya.

(Lol. "Up" references. ^^)

(Yeah I should probably go to bed now actually. I have school tomorrow (ugh). Good night! Please try to not go super far withour me! :) :D )
It took everything in her power not to cry laughing. "Oh, but you're mistaken! That never works anymore. you have to cover yourself in mud so you blend in, and bird seeds because they need to eat off you if you even have a chance with catchingthem."
Ozoiya stared at her narrowing his eyes,

"What?...." He mumbled quietly his voice rising in pitch as he dragged out the word,

"Show me, demonstrate so I can follow." He told her,

"We have plenty of dirt right here, we can mix it with the water in the creak. Then we can ask Journey for bird seeds. We'll have all the resources so you can do it properly." He exclaimed excited.
(Eh, nevermind.)

Emilia gave Marlie an unamused look. "That's not true," she said, putting her hands on her hips. She glanced at Ozoiya then back af Marlie. "And even if it is, I am not doing that."
Marilie gave up, bursting into loud laughter. "God! 16 years of not knowing a joke! Ahh... icant even breathe! Your freakin funny boy-o, Em."
Ozoiyas eyebrows knitted together in confusion,

"What makes me so funny.." He asked clearly oblivious to why she was laughing.
Emilia sighed and crossed her arms instead. "So...there is no such thing as a snipe?" she asked Marlie in a soft voice.
"Pfft.. snipes arent real!! Itsjust funny to mess with ya. Hehe.. How cute. You guys are perfect targets."
Emilia pouted a bit and huffed. She looked down at her bare dirty feet and yawned. She was beginning to find it harder to stay awake, but tried to ignore it.
Ozoiyah nearly collapsed completely flabbergasted,

"W-w-What! Millennium sent me outside into the woods for three days alone! With no supplies because it would scare the snipe away. My hands where so red from clapping..." His ears folded back.
"A prank. I joke. he probably thought youd catch on buddy.." she looked to her green haired friend and grinned. "Gettingsleepy there? I need to get some clothes. You guys should head to bed."
Ozoiya looked up at Marilie,

"You can probably get some clothes from the office, some people come here from the streets and don't have clothes. Mary might be in there and she'll definitely help you I know." He smiled.
"No, I'm not," Emilia said quickly and stood up straight to prove that she didn't need to go to sleep yet. She held back another yawn as she did so and watched them talk.
Marilie moutheda thank you and started off. She gave a stern "get to bed you two! Andi mean you miss Em! " and cameto the office after some walking.

Marilie walked in, searching for Mary. "Heythere..?"
Ozoiya looked at Emilia,

"I'm not going to bed..." He told her quietly with a small smile.


At the sound of another voice echoing through the now empty office Mary stepped out from inside a room. Walking up to Marilie with a smile,

"Hello, do you need help?" She asked, secretly very glad t osee the water Nymph.
"Yeah um.. i sorta skimmed the letter and forgot clothing." She lied easily. "Any chance you could help me out, Mary?"
Emilia crossed her arms again. She was 17! Or...she thought she was 17. Maybe it was 16...whatever. She didn't have to listen to her! But, she really was tired. "I think I am actually," Emilia said. "But not because Marlie told me to! But because I want to!" she added quickly. "Goodnight!" she said and ran off towards the building and into her dorm, where she curled up under her covers and quickly went to sleep.

(And now I must do the same as Emilia because if I stay up any longer tomorrow is going to be a rough day for me. Goodnight!)
Ozaiyo silently waved her goodbye,

"Night night." He called after her before stepping closer to the orchard, then within a blink of an eye without a trace. Ozaiyo shape shifted into a small white American Eskimo dog and pranced through the open field relieved to be alone for just a moment.


Mary nodded,

"Totally understandable, I was about to lock up the clothes closet as well. So lets go." She motioned her to follow before turning around and entering the door she had just been leaving. The closet was large filled with racks of clothes ranging from any size.

"Take what you'd like, you may keep it. Blue seems to match you amazingly just saying..." She whispered then held out a single key,

"I have to stay awake and watch for Millenniums annoying return, lock up once your done." She stated waving farewell before leaving.

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