Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Emilia was hesitant at first, but slowly poked the water arm. Her eyes widened as she touched it. She still did not understand how it was possible, but she guessed it didn't matter.
The water arm moved with the finger, as it sticking your hand in a pond. She let it turn back to skin. "You got wings and an adorable form and Im a water nymph apparently. Isn't it cool.. how everyone is interesting or unusual?"
Emilia took her finger back and watched the arm turn back normal. She looked back at Marlie. "I can also do some minor stuff," she said then held her hands out. A little floating colorful fish suddenly appeared above her hands and swam around.
Lying on the terrible hotel bed, there was a young boy who was surrounded by nine-volt batteries. Blue eyes stared deeply into the battery that was already into his hand as if he was holding a nugget of gold. Whilst staring at it his free hand clenched into a tight fist in sheer excitement, as if this was something he had never done before. Then, after flexing out his fingers and taking a deep breath to calm his excitement, he opened his mouth, stuck his tongue out, and licked the exposed metal of the battery, feeling the electricity arc from its chemical source onto his tongue as if he was a copper cable. Whilst licking the battery like an ice cream, the boy's eyes opened as wide as they could and a large smile grew over his face.

It wasn't until he had drained that battery that the boy realised that he had no full batteries left to lick, but - like any other addict - the usual dosage was never going to be enough. The same blue eyes that had been fixed on the battery had now started scanning the small, dirty room the boy was lying in, desperately hoping to see somewhere electrical cables could be, which was when he saw the light switch by the door; like a flash the boy was up and making his way towards to the switch, then started punching at the plaster on the walls, however his knuckles started to bleed before he even made a dent. Once again, his eyes hunted the room, searching desperately for something to break the wall with, but then he realised that his elbow would last longer than his knuckles.

Eventually, the boy had made a sizable hole in the wall and exposed the cables that connected the light switch to the light bulb, this of course would be far more powerful than any nine-volt battery, but of course this only made the boy more excited than any battery could; he pressed his head against the wall and started licking the cables, feeling the powerful current arc inside his tongue and flow through his body. Of course it was at that moment that the hotel door opened up and someone stepped inside with a letter for the boy.

"Is there a Thomas here?" the courier asked before seeing the boy with his face against a wall. "Oh, erm. This is for you," they said, placing the letter on the ground and slowly backing away.

"Thanks" Thomas called with his tongue sticking out of his mouth before pulling his head away from the cables and eyeing up the letter. "strange." Thomas picked up the letter and felt there was a small object inside accompanying the letter which he started reading and dissecting with his eyes.

"I wouldn't call it an abnormality," he said, beginning his commentary of the reading.

"Yet at the same time most people would disagree with putting me anywhere near the concept of normal," he muttered as his eyes continued to read. It was also at this moment he got bored of commentating on the letter and decided to skim over the words until he got to the part about a key and how to use it.

"Hey, you, you're going to pay for that hole ya' freak!" the hotel owner yelled, sticking his sweaty head through the door.

"Hmm, no: no I'm not," Thomas replied, sticking the key in the air, twisting it, then stepping inside the portal that appeared as he did so.

Impressed would be an understatement for how Thomas was feeling whilst looking at the tall building.

"I bet that's full of electricity," he said, licking his lips at the thought. The next thought that came into his head was one of other people, surely there had to be other people in there and, well, he stank; after not showering since his birth, it would come as no surprise that the homeless boy - who managed to stay in hotels by promising to pay the next day, then sneaking out the window -truly had no hygiene at all. Thinking on his feet, he spat in his hand and rubbed it into his white hair, hoping it would help somehow.

Thomas walked up to the building and wondered if he should knock or just walk in, then walked in without knocking, his eyes took in the surroundings in awe.

"This is so much bigger than any hotel I've ever been in," he muttered, turning around in a small circle to take it all in. "However, I have no idea where to go."
Marilie grinned like a child and went under, turning to water and leading the fish to swim in loops and all around. She really wished it was allowed, when she was young. Or before now. She would not have ever felt bad enough to accept her guardians punishment, or punish herself when they couldn't. She never wanted to go home. Ever. She couldn't face them, she wouldn't be able to handle the punishment if she goes back.

Marilie felt the water start freezing around her. She tried to breathe through it, hoping that she wouldn't freak out or lose it like she sometimes did. Turning back to normal, she paddled to the surface and quickly got out before she made Emilia into a pixie fox-icle.
The fish Emilia had made disappeared. It was only an illusion. As the water started getting cold, she shivered and quickly got out. She hated being cold. Really, she didn't think anybody actually liked being cold. After she was out she shook herself out much like a dog, still in her humanoid form. Her tail and ears fluffed up signicantly once she was done and she sat down.

Emilia went to her wings next. She avoided the tears as she started trying to dry them off too. They were useless when wet and hard to move. She looked back at Marlie as she did. "Are you okay?" she asked her.
Marilie nodded shakily. She went pale and took a shaky breath to calm herself. "Y-yeah. Im sorry." She paused and frowned at the ground, tightening her soaking wet scarf. "Hey.. you think we have to go home after this is over?"
Emilia frowned as Marlie spoke. She was about to say that it didn't seem like it was okay, but Marlie spoke first. "I hope not...where I live is too lonely...I don't like it there anymore," she responded. She took the ribbon she always wore around her neck off and began to play with it.
Marilie frowned and nodded, touching her pocketknife for comfort just to find it had fallen out. Her hands trembled and she tried to not freak out. "I-i really dont want to.. See them again or go home." She mumbled, now more to herself. She figured she reached an end point of some sort.
Emilia tilted her head to one side as Marlie spoke. "You don't want to see who?" she asked her softly. Emilia played with her dress skirt as she looked at the other girl.
Marilie looked up, blue eyes sort of like cracking ice. "My g-parents.. they are human.. they wouldnt want to know im here. I didnt tell them because.." she thought of the knife. "Theyd be pretty angry."
Emilia listened then slowly hugged her loosely. She was a hugger. "Just don't go back. I don't think the school can force you to." she told her. Emilia slowly let her go again and dipped her feet back into the water.
Marilie jumped at the touch but nodded. "Im just.. i might need to.. but thanks." She gave a half smile, joyful she managed to avoid completely "losing it". She still wanted her knife back. Maybe while others were asleep, she could search. Marilie sat at the edge, feet in the water.
Emilia sighed and nodded. "I'll probably just travel when this is all over. I have no reason to go home," she told her. She rubbed her eyes a little bit and yawned. She was a bit tired, but not enough to go to sleep. She began to hum softly.

(We should probably wait for the others now.)
(someone says others? *appears in a great explosion* I'm back!)

Ozoiya laid on his back quietly, the sun setting over the horizon. The lamp posts which covered the outline of the school and it's pathways where fading to a bright gold lighting it's surroundings. Dusk was the best time of the day to Ozoiya, when the temperature cooled but was still comfortable to sit in and the animals retired for the night. He simply listened to their conversation, though unseen behind his bandages his eyes where closed.
Emilia looked up at the sky and smiled a little bit. She liked this time of day despite being tired. She was probably just tired from the lack of sleep from the past few days anyways. It was catching up with her. Emilia looked at the water then began to make little illusion frogs hop around on the lily-pads.
As the sky changed, Marilie slipped all the way under water again. Her body becoming one with it. She relaxed, letting her body lose all tension and mind wander. If she could sleep in there, she would. She still needed clothing too, but she didn't want to think about it anymore.
(I have to eat dinner now. Brb ^^)

Emilia watched Marlie and sighed softly. She laid down on her back and stared up at the darkening sky. Her eyes began drooping, but she forced them back open quickly.
Ozoiya opened his eyes and sat up and watched the ripples dance a cross the pools surface.

"Do you ever think about the reason, we where the way we where? Like if we where specifically chosen to be how we are." He laid down once more but on his stomach his head set on his arms right on the edge of the pool.

"I think about it all the time..." He spoke quietly as if in a daze.
Wandering aimlessly around the academy, Thomas eventually came up to a door that was labelled 'office'.

"Don't act weird, don't act weird, don't act weird," he muttered to himself over and over as he stood in front of the door, staring down at his dirty, old, worn down shoes. He knocked twice on the office door, waiting patiently for the door to be opened.

"Wow I'm not doing bad at this not normal thing," he murmured whilst he waited for something to happen. All the while he was eyeing up the walls, wondering if they were all of the same material and where the cables were, or maybe this school had its own generator - which would be even better than any cable or battery - however he tried hard not to start acting weird.
The water spoke, it seemed, as Marilie did. "I wish I wasn't... but I cant help but think about it too." Her voice carried though she spoke with what felt like a whisper.
Emilia shrugged. "Not really," she said rather bluntly. "I know why I am the way I am," she told them amd flipped onto her stomach instead.
Ozoiya was half awake as he made this remark,

"Why are people afraid of us then, if we seem to feel the same emotions. And wonder the same things...why are humans so scared to see something they...don't understand..." His voice slowed down as he continued, and as he neared the end his head fell more to the side. Today was very eventful and it seemed to have whipped him out. But he didn't wish to sleep, so reaching up he removed the bandage from his right eye like before and dabbed it with some of the pools cool water to wake himself up.
When the dog-boy spoke again, she got a sad look on her face. As if on cue, her wings panged with pain, starting at the rather large tears in her delicate-looking wings and going down to her soine and all over her back. Emilia could not help but let out a whimper. She had hoped when she got those injuries they would heal. She couldn't tell if they were or not.

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