Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Emilia was about to jerk away when the lady began scratching her, but stopped. That felt nice! Her eyes closed and she pushed her head into the woman's hand, clearly enjoying the petting. Perhaps she should just stay in that form. Nah. Her humanoid form was slightly more natural to be in since she had been born in that form. Plus, not having thumbs would get annoying after a while. But, she could stay in that form for the time being.
Journey giggled at the friendliness of Emilia, and stopped scratching reaching into a small unnoticeable fanny pack which was strapped to her thigh. Reaching inside she took out a small plastic baggy and reached inside the clear package to grab a single small treat. Holding it out to the fox kindly,

"You little guys can be scary when hungry I know that much." she giggled, her cheeks scuffed up with small amounts of dirt.
Emilia watched Journey take out something from her pack. Once she saw what it was her fur regained its original coloring and she hopped a few times. Food! She wasn't hungry, but she always had space in her stomach for more food! She gently took the treat from the woman's hand and ate it in delight. Emilia nuzzled Journey as a way of saying thanks. It was hard to tell she was ever upset at that point.
Marilie yawned and looked out from the orchard. She sort of wanted to swim, or bath... or something. Despite being drenched, she was distracted before she could get really into it, leaving her craving the water more. "Oz. Are there others like Journey and Mary?"
Journey giggled and continued scratching behind Emilias ear, Tyla stepped closer and laid down beside them yawning before closing her eyes and setting her head on the tops of her paws.

"Are you a student here?" Journey questioned looking into her bright green eyes.


Ozoiya jumped startled at the voice of Marilie fearing it was Journey but relaxed giving a small nod.

"Ya, Millennium is a summoner and he may call to these beings, he has a choice of who he wishes to add to his 'arsenal'." Ozoiya began to explain, "They're usually women," He sighed,

"What a perv, but to answer your question yes there is. Journey, Mary, and Bell are always here helping around the school. While the others are with him, waiting to be summoned to help. I don't even know how many he has..." He chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed.
Emilia went to the tiger and sat down next to it. She looked back at Journey. She then turned back into her more human form and nodded. Emilia set her tail on her lap. "Mm-hm," she told her in a soft tone and began picking at her fluffy tail.
Marilie sighed. "what kind of summoning is what worries me.. ya know? We should swim. Its nice out, and warm."
Kaylee stared at the school doors before opening. Had the classes already start, or what? She walked in with a straight, almost irritated face.She slipped the so called 'magical' key in her shorts before scanning the hallways for a room number that might be of interest to her. One caught her eyes, and she walked to it, peeked through the window and swung it open. The teacher, of course, looked displeased but Kaylee's face had a look plastered on her face that said something like, "Sup' b*tches" But kept the words to herself. Kaylee then scanned the room, and sat at the back.
Journey looked at the girl and smiled seeing as she was still adorable with her ears and tails peeking out.

"So it's your first year I imagine?" She questioned.


Ozoiya looked at Marilie and smiled nodding yes,

"Ya, we have a little time before the sun sets so lets do that. The pools is actually quite close," He stated beginning to walk down the hall. The bow tied to his white tail bouncing with his steps.
Marilie looked toward Emilia. "Em, We are going swimming. Wanna join?" She shortened the name as it felt natural.
Emilia nodded again and stopped messing with her tail. Instead, she began to gently pet the tiger next to her. She smiled at Tyla's soft fur then looked back at Journey.

"Yes, it is my first year," Emilia told Journey. She was silent for a moment before speaking again. "What is your name again? I did not hear it." Emilia asked then heard Marlie. She looked a bit surprised, but nodded. "I'll be there in a bit!"
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Without an answer, Marilie shrugged and walked off. "Suit yourself Em! We'll be swimming! See you when you get there!"
Journey smiled sweetly,

"It's Journey," She replied, pushing herself up so she sat on her knees. And plucked the flowers from the ground and placed them back into her hair.

"And yours?"


Ozoiya looked back over his shoulder and paused waiting for Marilie to catch up. Before beginning to walk once more,

"Do you have clothes to swim in?" He asked, his tail wagging with excitement. He could swim in his shorts so he didn't quite worry about himself.
Marilie looked at him then turned bright red. "Im fine swimming in what I have. I don't own a bathing suit.. and besides.." She frowned, almost too embarrassed to admit this. "I was in a real rush getting.. here.. my bags pretty much empty."
Emilia looked back at the woman as she said her name. "That's a pretty name," she said with a tiny smile. It felt nice to talk. "My name is Emilia Lu Vixen," she told her. She always found it necessary to say her whole name. She then stood up. "I'm gonna go swim with Marlie and Ozoiya," she told her. "Thank you for talking to me and for the treat," she added then suddenly hugged Journey before running off to Marlie and Ozoiya.

Emilia ran to her dorm real quick and changed into a different outfit. She wasn't going to get her mother's dress wet. Once in a simple, less important outfit with no shoes or socks on, she ran back to the others. "Hi!" She greeted Marlie and Ozoiya.
Marilie was still fully dressed and with a wet scarf pulled up to her chin. "Wow.. we really need bathing suits. All of us, hm?" She said, looking at Emilia's simpler attire.
Emilia looked a bit confused when she said "bathing suit". She didn't know what that was, but wasn't going to ask about it. Instead, Emilia jumped into the water and swam around them.
Ozoiya sat on the edge of the swimming pool his feet dangling inside of the water. The waters reflecting casting a ripple pattern of light on his expression as he watched them. And giggled,

"Looks like Emilia doesn't care about not having a swim suit."
Marilie smiled, enjoying her new friends. "Well... me neither than!" She kept her scarf on, refusing to remove the old thing, but took her flats and socks off, leaving a loose pair of blue shorts and a pale grey longsleeve. "Come on in Oz!" She ran, leapt and dove into the water. Her body disappeared into nothing seemingly, as she turned to water the moment she touched. She didn't have to change, but it felt too good not to.
Emilia watched Marlie and gasped when she disappeared. "Marlie?" She called worriedly, not knowing what had just happened. Maybe that was normal for her. It still worried her though.
Ozoiya flailed out of the water shocked at what he just saw, rolling backwards he halted so he sat on his knees.

"Marilie...." He searched the waters, fearing that he had just lost one of his first friends.
Marilie moved through the water as part of it, feeling every ripple and movement. She laughed mischievously as she heard their voices but figured there was no reason to freak them out. Her body slowly turned back to flesh and she swam to the surface, needing no breath. "Im here. Whats up with you two?" She laughed.
Emilia calmed down when Marlie showed herself again. "How did you do that?" she asked her quickly. She swam over to her.
Marilie laughed and shrugged. "Im not sure. Its like.. natural for me I guess.. watch." She rose an arm from the water and it became clear liquid, floating in place. She moved the pieces that were her fingers, as it still looked like a hand.
Emilia watched Marlie in complete fasination. "Woah..." she breathed softly and smiled. "That's really neat!" she said in delight and clapped her hands.

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