Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Marilie turned pinker at the touch and laughed. "Quit calling me an old hag and I will let you off the hook with all insults. No apologizing needed, got it?" She said, noticing how cute he got when uncomfortable. She tugged at her dripping scarf and stood up. "Lets find our group... alright Cespar?" She couldn't help but be happy knowing she wasn't really hated. At least the sorry wasn't forced out of him this time by Desini.
Ozoiya smiled pleasantly looking up at Desini, then looked at Airen

"I'm happy you came to," He stated just as a small kitten rubbed against Desinis leg, his back paws replaced with a small set of wheels. Their throat vibrating to give off calm purrs as the feline continued to push its head into her ankle lovingly.
Emilia looked at the others. She still felt disconnected from everybody else. Her hair and fur went back to the green-grey color and she rubbed her face. She went back to watching the butterflies, but no longer followed them. She was now listening to the bird. One in particular was tweeting rather loud at her. It didn't like her. Emilia frowned. That thing was just asking to be eaten.
Cespar gave a quick nod before shoving his hand back into his pocket. He honestly didn't know what he just did. It was almost as if his body acted on his own. plus, he never did that to Desini, though he does hug her occasionally and sleep with her (No, not the bang-bang.). Naturally, he'd know where Desini was. After all, he was bound to her. Out of instinct, he began walking towards the greenhouse, where he was sensing she was.


Desini crouched down, her hand gently running down the spine of the cat. She didn't feel sad for the cat, since it looked happy with the way it was now. Instead, she felt an intense rush of joy. She realized that she had fallen in love with the school. Or to be more specific, this greenhouse. It reminded her of when she was little, when she once had hopes and dreams. But being a Baku, it would never work out.
Marilie followed. "Hm... so I was right thinking Cesy and Desini were so close." She jogged to stay close to his side out of instinct. Wet clothing sagging on her. She was really regretting not giving herself time to pack anything to wear but an extra t shirt. "We there yet? Oh wait yes!" She answered her own question, spotting the group and waving.
Emilia continued to hear the bird tweet angerly at her. She held her ears down and whimpered. She didn't want to kill the bird in front of the others. That would make her look terrible! Emilia moved away from the bird and relaxed when it didn't follow her and calmed down. Good. Emilia sighed in relief and let her ears go. She wiped her eyes off and looked back at the others.
Ozoiya smiled, about to say something else when a voice rang through their minds.

What are you doing in here? The voice questioned timidly, right before a albino tiger stepped out of a large section of greenery. It's steps where silent and it's eyes where fierce, as it walked straight towards them. It's chest and neck wrapped tightly in new bandages, taking a step back Ozoiya was frightened by the beast and got behind Airens legs before pushing him forward.

"Take him, weird telepathic tiger." He called out scrunching his eyes shut.
Emilia blinked when she saw the tiger. She tilted her head to one side as she looked at it. She actually had no idea what it was until Ozoiya spoke. Tiger? Looked like a giant striped cat to her. A scary big cat. Emilia inched towards the tiger, very curious about it. How did it get those bandages.
"Naturally...... Because I'm her number one. She loves me more than anybody," Cespar stated confidently as he quickened his pace when he saw Desini. Desini, who had taken him from the dream of a child and ate him, then created him again with a better life. To him, Desini was the only thing he could count on to always be there. He knew that he wasn't anything more than a dream and that all dreams would eventually be forgotten, but he couldn't help but be selfish. He wanted his own life.


"Huh?! Wait! Oz!" Airen yelled before getting pushed forward. Seeing as how Desini was in the middle of the field, his first act was to get to her. However, Desini had an odd look on her face. One with excitement and wonder as she gazed at the tiger. If needed, Desini could always summon Aiji.
Oz turned around terrified of the creature, but quickly tripped falling forward into the dirt. Not wishing to move he just laid there, as another girl much like Mary appeared out of the bush.

"Answer me why are you here? No one should be in here especially with our newest patient." Her voice matched the same as before, her long pastel pink hair flowed behind her as she stepped towards the tiger and pet behind its ears caringly. With her other hand she swung her staff towards Airen who was closest a pink chain at its end wrapping tightly around his arm.

"You. Why are you disturbing the animals!" She accused.

"Oh... how great it must be to have somebody!" She said, happily though deeply questioning how some people could have that love. She stopped thinking when she saw the tiger, just staring at it. Then another beautiful woman came. She seemed high-strung.
Emilia backed away from the tiger when she woman popped out. She looked down at her feet and sighed. Her hair turned more grey than green. She felt invisible. She didn't like that. Who would? Emilia heard the bird start to harass her again and moved to another area of the greenhouse. Maybe she should start speaking again. Emilia didn't feel like that would change anything. And what would she even say? She had nothing to add to the conversation.
For a moment, Airen was caught off guard by the woman. There were just so many beautiful woman here, probably because of the Headmaster. Well, it would be expected of a 28 year old man. But Airen just had to applaud the Headmaster for bringing in such women, though they all seemed a bit scary. "W-Well..... I didn't do anything......" he said, attempting to loosen the chain around his arm.

Desini immediately stood up and walked in front of her brother with an emotionless look on her face, which was completely different than how she was a moment ago. "Excuse me, but please refrain from attaching your weapon to my Big Brother," she said as politely as she could.


As soon as Cespar saw Desini in front of the woman, he sprinted towards them, specifically aiming his tinted fingers towards the unknown person.
Marilie saw the situation and Cespars rash action. "Everyone! Theres probably a misunderstanding! Don't kill anyone!" She exclaimed, laughing nervously.
The girl blinked quietly, her tense stare un fazed by Desini thinking about their words. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Cespar and the tiger leap towards him tackling him to the ground.

"Thank you Tyla.." She murmured to the beast before stepping forward towards the siblings stabbing the staffs end into the ground and halted in front of the two.

"What brings you here. Who brought you here?" She questioned, her words like venom.
Emilia watched them all. Her eyes were growing a bit grey too. She sat down on the floor off the greenhouse and began staring at the floor. Emilia rubbed her face again, a habit she was forming along with messing with her tail and dress. She tried to think of ways she could possibly jump into everything, but as far as she knew nobody cared if she was there or not. Or, at least that's what she was thinking. It probably wasn't true, but it felt like it.
"Tch! Yume ! Aiji, Aiji! Get Aiji !!" Cespar said, flailing his arms to get Desini's attention. to grant his wish, a wispy cloud of smoke seemed to come out of Desini's fingertips and travel over to Cespar. The cloud of smoke grew bigger, to an size equal to the tiger, and formed into the basic shape of a wolf. The smoke closed in on itself, still maintaining the shape, before bursting out. Out of the smoke, Aiji appeared, growling at the tiger known as Tyla. Cespar had disappeared.


Not wanting to involve Oz, who looked incredibly scared, Desini said, "We came ourselves. New students like us don't know where we're going."
Marilie visibly frowned as Cespar disappeared. "Sorry maam! We could have gotten into trouble or done something wrong. Your worry andangers valid."
The girl eyed Desini then Airen before turning around, to see the wolf whose name seemed to be Aiji. Her cold expression turned bright as she squealed,

"Oh my goddess!" She cried out tugging at the chain which still held Airen, but at the contact it dropped to the ground freeing him.

"Thank you for your honesty," She beamed, her past personality gone with the wind, and her bubbly gullible one present.

"Tyla come back here girl, I shouldn't have told you to do such a thing when your injured." She wrapped her arms delicately around the tigers neck,

"Forgive me..." She pleaded before looking up at Desini,

"Is that little cutie over their yours?" She asked, acting as if everything before had never happened. She was an odd ball.

Ozoiyas ears perked up when the more commen tune of the animal child rang to his ears. His body began trembling, oh no he thought fearful before crawling into the nearest bush hiding without anyone noticing.
Desini was caught completely off guard by the woman. Not being on to question any further than needed, she nodded. "Y-Yes.... That's Aiji...." she said, moving over to the large wolf. She ran a hand over it's soft fur.

Airen rubbed his arm where the chain had been previously before looking around, searching for Oz. A small person like him could easily be lost. "Oz....? Where did you go? Don't tell me you just ran," he said, his eyes scanning the entire area.
Emilia turned into her fox form and began wandering the greenhouse again. She sniffed some flowers then looked at the tiger. Still curious about it, she went up to it. Emilia was ready to run off if needed, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that. It was injured anyways. Emilia went up to the tiger and stopped less than a foot away from it. She looked up at it. Maybe if it was friendly she could be friends with it.
The girl stepped towards Aiji jumping up and down like a child,

"I'm Journey by the way," She introduced herself staring into the wolfs eyes,

"You're just a little fluffy pup aren't you? Aren't you a cutie!" She squealed, then heard the mention of Ozoiya. And turned to Airen, a scary smile on her face.

"ZoiBoy is here?" She questioned, a new nickname evident. Oz tensed at the name, what a foul nickname he thought.

"ZoiBoy!" She began shaking and bouncing on the balls of her feet before running around.

"He can turn into the cutest little puppy, he looks like a mini Aiji." She informed the others searching the surroundings as Ozoiya stood up quietly and scrambled towards the door. About to go after him she paused seeing Tyla sniff a small fox with wings.

"Adorable!" She ran towards Emilia but quickly tripped and hit the ground with a small thud.
Emilia sniffed Tyla back, relaxing. She got went around the tiger curiously then went back in front of it and playfully pawed at the tiger's nose, but not too hard. She didn't want to make Tyla angry. She jumped when she heard a thud and turned around. Emilia blinked when she saw the woman and scampered over to her quickly. She sniffed the woman's head and nudged her with her nose.
Journey giggled like a fool as she lifted her head, the blue flowers which where placed so neatly in her hair where now on the floor. She lifted a hand and scratched Emilia lovingly, as she mumbled,

"Cute..." A smile appeared on her face, as Ozoiya was already out the door and sprinting through the garden to get back into the school.

"I used to care for a whole batch of Pixie Foxes before I came here, you creatures are the sweetest things."

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