Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Marilies eyebrows rose. "Wait.. im a nymph? That... could sound sort of cute.." she knew nothing of what she was truly. She took a small breath of relief. "So.. everyone has a geoup to belong to i guess."
Ozoiya slowed down so he walked beside Marilie,

"They are, all the nymphs i've met are super nice to." He pointed out giving a small thumbs up but his smile grew less genuine.

"Ya, everyone has someone here."
Marilie nodded slowly, as if absorbing information. She noticed the drop in happiness so shequickly replied, "wheres this famous Mary, boy-o?"
Ozoiya perked up a bit and took a quick turn outside, the sun peaking through the arched branches above a dirt pathway towards a beautiful garden.

"When Millennium isn't around she enjoys to be in the orchard." He informed Marilie,

"It reminds her of home." He continued.
The couple walked passed, pulling April out of her gaze. She shook her head, and with a deep breath proceed to find her dorm room.

After several minutes of searching, she finally found the silver plated dorm room. With a flick of her wrist she unlocked the door after carefully listening in to see if a possible roommate was inside.

Once inside, she dumped her messenger back pack on the unoccupied bed, and set to work unloading it, all the while thinking about this weird school, and the occupants it held.
Emilia got up and went back into her room. Again, shr had nobody to talk to. She sat on the floor of her room and curled up there. She guessed her throat was starting to hurt from all the talking anyways. Still, sge had not wanted to stop.
Marilie looked at the land, amazed. So many things she has been missing out on... which reminded her.. "you have any place to swim around here?"
Ozoiya looked over at the Nymph with a smile,

"Of course, one there is a lake not to far from here and Two a pool in the back of the building. And I can nearly touch in the four feet section, I'm so tall right?" He joked about the truth then heard his name from a far and saw Mary peak around a tree her antlers sparkling in the sun.

"Ozoiya could you grab me that pale of water by you," she asked then retreated back to a patch of Antirrhinums, doing as she said Oz quickly grabbed the bucket of water. The metal bottom nearly skimming the ground, when they approuched Mary smiled a thanks,

"Ozoiya can you believe Millennium, he hasn't aloud me any time in the garden all month. He's lucky that nothing withered, if anything was damaged I would have torn him up with my bare hands and feed him to the Headmaster of Willowwood!" Her voice grew in amplitude the more she spoke, but stopped when she saw Marilie,

"Oh, hello."
Emilia stood up again and headed outside. Maybe she could make some new animal friends instead. Except for mice. Mice instantly hated her. Animals liked her. She turned into her fox form and trotted outside. Within a few minutes she was hanging out with a red fox that had gone onto the property. They chased eachother around playfully.
Marilie watched Oz with a giggle and looked to the beautiful woman. Would she mature at all..? Look like that? No way. When she heard herself being addressed, she walked up. "Hiya miss Mary. This place is really beautiful, and Im guessing it was your work?"
Mary's stance instantly changed when she knew it wasn't only her and Ozoiya in the garden a smile planted on her face.

"Ozoiya planted some Passionflowers over in the other corner, but I tore em out since they where so terrible and re-planted them. So yes it's all mine." She giggled as Ozoiya dropped his head, ashamed

"You said I did good," He murmured,

"And I tell the Commander of the iron guild that I love working here, I lie Ozoiya." She smiled and patted his head softly.
Marilie laughed. Poor Oz, the little guys never catch breaks it seems. "I bet you did fine! Mary must be a perfectionist over this sort of thing.. it is her specialty after all." She caught on fast. Mary didn't seem to be a water nymph like herself. So she must have some specialty.

"Hey Mary, you need the water distributed, right? I could help you if you want."
Emilia continued to chase around the other fox for a few minutes before the fox grew bored of chasing her around. It left and went into the forest. Emilia watched it and wanted to follow, but decided not to. She sat down where she was standing with a sigh and laid down.
Marys green fox like ears perked up at the word specialty,

"Aw yes, I specialize in all plant life. But only if it's alive, that stupid Millennium." She narrowed her eyes towards the Headmasters quarters though he wasn't there. Then looked over at Marilie, oblivious to her own kind, the girl looking much different from herself. Clapping her nimble hands together she bit her lower lip,

"Please don't drown them." She pleaded.
Marilie smiled and rose her arms up. The red in her hair slowly getting overwhelmed by blue. The only reason she was a redhead in the first place seemed to be her bodies adaptation to living deprived of what she was meant to do. The figured she would be a full blown ginger if she was born human. The water lifted from the bucket, a little extra being pulled from elsewhere by mistake. She gently let it spread around the area and was timid to the distribution.
Ozoiya clapped in amazement, his cheeks pink with joy.

"Astounding!" He complimented holding up a hand to Marilie so they could high five. As Mary let out a small sigh of relief eyeing each flower carefully, the peddles of each flower glistened with the clear water.

"Thank you Marilie, that really made things easier." She spoke gratefully then came forward pinching a strand of the blue hair.

"But I can't believe I didn't know one of my own kind, back in the woods my clan and the aqua clan got along so greatly! It was beautiful what everyone did together. Yes, Millennium may summon Rebecca whose a water nymph but she's practically scared of everything!" She exclaimed "Oh, you remind me of home." She continued on finally ending with hugging Marilie.
Emilia got up and shook out her fur. She then looked for somebody to hang out with. Nobody. Her ears drooped down and she sat back down sadly. She laid down. Her fur began looking a bit dull along with her usually vivid wings. Emilia sighed.
Marilie was shocked by the hug, and also the praise. Usually she would be told to cut off the blue, to not use anything. Not gt in the water except when bathing (However she broke this rule daily). She slowly hugged back, surprised. "Th-thank you... Im glad I could help.. but I didn't know myself until today. I was raised in a norma-I mean human family." Her blue very slowly started seeping away, but she ended with a little more blue than before.
Topper turned back to Henry, reminescience of a devilish grin still on her face.

"You don't need to know that. But I am impressed on your lie dectecting skills. Might test you on that later on."

She swung her stick around, pretending it was a sword.

"Nice meeting you, but I've gotta go. Ta!"

Topper climbed back out the window and made her way back to room 134.

When she got back into the room, April was there.

"Ah, you must be my flatmate."
Airen and Desini hurried out of the dorm building to where they had seen Oz go with Mari. In that direction was an orchard where three people were clearly visible. Sure enough, it was Mari, Oz, and the woman from earlier. Cespar, who was still mad, slowly tailed the two as they made their way to the others.

"Oz!" Airen called out, waving his arm in the air as they got closer.
Mary gripped Marilies shoulders as she stepped back to look at her,

"A lot of the students here didn't even know they weren't human, so imagine how they are at the moment. Oh my god, it's so funny. There was this one satyr who wouldn't believe us when we told him he wasn't human. and the staff members kept yelling, 'look at your legs! They have hooves!'" She exclaimed laughter laced into each word. It made Ozoiya happy to see her like this, it was perhaps the first time in what felt like forever. And was about to say something when he saw the others and waved,

"Hello." He yelled down to their group of three.
Mari laughed out loud, her perkiness returning before it even truly left. "Shhh.. it must have been horrible suddenly realizing why no shoes fit! Truly a traumatic experience." She giggled, unable to stay serious about it. "Oh hey Desini, Airen...... Cesy."
Cespar glared at the girl and mumbled, "Sorry....'bout before." He turned his head away from her, hiding his partially red face.

Airen swung an arm over Desini's shoulder once again before glancing at the others. "So...... Hey," he said awkwardly towards Mary, giving a small wave with his hand.

Desini quietly tilted her head, admiring Mary's beauty.
Mary patted Marilies head lightly, before hiding her hands back into her large sleeves. And crouched down to be eye to eye with Oz,

"Ozoiya if you and your little group of friends are going to be in here, please don't enter the back. And don't be loud Laine is in the back and I believe she's just calmed down, everything.." She whispered raising her brows expectantly then stood,

"Hello." She responded to the approaching students.
Marilies smile went from teasing to caring. "'s all good Cespar." She used his real name this time on purpose. She walked over to him and mumbled, "You're not a tool." just so he could hear.

Personally, though they got off on a bad foot, she hated how he was talked to. It was rude and inhumane.

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