Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

"Do we?"

"Don't we?"

They said at the same time. Again, it pleased Airen to hear this but Desini was almost growing tired of hearing it. She might have understood and more tolerance for it if they were blood siblings, but they weren't.
Marilie slipped outside, taking out her pocket knife and sitting against the wall. She counted everything she had done wrong within the last time. Sighing, she knew she would have to wait. She for one, left guests unattended, but they were her roomates. She left without a note or word. Putting it away, she waited.
Ozoiya looked at the two with a raised brow.

"But you do not act alike you two.." He stated the obvious sticking his hands into his short pockets.

"Are you tw-" he was stopped mid-sentence when the door opened suddenly to show a worried Millennium.

"YuYu!" He called out running inside and picking him up in a bear hug.

"I was so worried! You weren't in your room and I've been looking in each room an- cover your eyes." He commanded dropping Ozoiya and tugging his bandages down.

"Great, I've come to tell you I have a meeting outside of the school. I'll be back tomorrow, but until then listen to Mary." He ordered then stood up, saluted Destini and Airen loosely before turning around and leaving.

"Oh ya sorry for disturbing!" He called behind him as he left.
Emilia backed up as everything happened. She whimpered a little bit, holding her ears down to block out the loud voices. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. She looked at the others then looked at Ozoiya once the headmaster left. "How did you know what I was?" she asked him. Emilia began to mess with her tail as she spoke. She didn't even know that what she was had been documented. As far as she knew, mixings of pixie and shifters didn't happen that often, or at all except for her.
Airen and Desini simply watched as the Headmaster came in, talked, then left. It seemed to have gone too fast for them. But it seemed like the Headmaster was a lot like Airen in a way. Always doting and worrying.

"Er.... That was.... uh..... Okay," Airen said, unsure of what to say after that. When he heard Emilia ask how Oz knew, he spoke again. "He knows what I am too."

This came as a shock to Desini. She always assumed that Airen wouldn't tell anybody.
Psychnade said:
Topper tipped her hat to him, and stepped inside. She surveyed the room.
"So, what's your name, and what are you here for?" She asked Henry. "Normal isn't he norm here, I can tell. "

She looked at the book Henry was reading. It was odd, to say the least. She inspected the room for anything hat could be used to make a violin.
Henry blinked when the girl just came inside. Well alright then. Then she started asking questions. He picked up Barry and held him.

"Ummm...My name is Henry Johanson..." he told the girl. "And I am half shadow..." he said. "What is your name?" he asked her.
Ozoiya sat down onto the ground awkwardly,

"Living here your whole life will makes you know a lot of things." He stated tapping the side of his head. With a loose smile, with the bandages over his eyes everything was slightly fuzzy. But everyone could be seen.
"Oh...um...alright..." Emilia said, glancing at the siblings quickly before looking back at the dog boy. She sat down on the floor too. "Why do you wear those bandages over your eyes?" she asked him. Emilia's hands went back to the skirt of her dress and she started playing with it again.
Ozoiya looked over in Emelias direction,

"Millennium doesn't like my eyes, they make him scared. I don't know why..." He replied simply, falling backwards so he laid on the ground his arms spread out beside him. He bit his lower lip staring at the blank ceiling.
Emilia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "That is kind of weird" she told him, still not understanding, but not wanting to question him. Her speech was a bit choppy sounding, making it obvious that, before, she had barely talked. She stopped messing with her dress and went back to her tail.
"You can call me Topper, my old name doesn't mean anything anymore."

I pondered in that moment, thinking of any more amusing lies I could tell at the moment.

"I'm here because I was considered a dangerous human by many, so I went into hiding. And soon I came to this place." I lied, but whispers of truth poked out between the lies. Some of it was true.
Henry raised an eyebrow. "Okay, right," he said with a roll of his eyes. "Now tell me the truth," he continued, not looking amused with the lie. Being lied to was not something he took lightly. "What are you?"
((Sorry I haven't posted. I was asleep...)

'Crap. Crap Crap Crap.' April thought as she quickly packed her messenger bag full of necessities she would need for the next 10 months. She was late. Extremely late. She had been working at the downtown cinema when she received the letter of the Sweci Academy. She didn't care about the content, for she already knew what it meant. She was finally able to learn. She had sighed, and waited for her hard earned money to rush home and collect her things, already knowing she was in for the worst when she arrived because she was dreadfully late.

(Can I have it so that Millenium was the one that saved her?)

Sweci Academy saved her from her future of guilt and despair brought with her family's misfortune. A young man had found her and given her enough money and support to get on her feet and survive in the cruel world. He had given her a home, a job (Yes at 11, but she was capable) and food. It was heaven for her. Although, the only thing she never enjoyed was the fact that he was always weary around her everytime she spoke of her powers and past. Soon she just found it was easier not to speak of them. It was easier, considering he was never around, only on occasions like holidays.

The older she got, the more she tried to control her powers, something that was difficult. She found her powers were fueled by her emotions, so keeping her emotions intact was a challenge. And being unpredictable and indecisive was troublesome as well. She got used to herself, and trained herself as much as possible until the day her mysterious helper who had never told her his name would come and invite her to his school.

She grabbed the key off her plastic fold up table in her rented apartment and flung it horizontally into the air, feeling its grip on the imaginary door. With a small smile and her back full of necessities (Not much might I add) she shifted the key to the right. With a click the door opened, revealing a mirror like portal showing the school she's always dreamt of. Hesitantly she stepped inside, automatically entering the mystical campus of Sweci Academy.

She walked throughout the empty campus, through the well cleaned hallways, mesmerized at the vastness and mystic beauty of the Academy. As she strolled the halls, not really paying attention to where she was going, she bumped into a man with familiar blue hair and black eye patch, the man that unintentionally changed her life forever. She smiled, but then frowned at her misfortune. She was in for it now. "Um.. sorry I'm late..." She apologized, wondering if he'll apologize or not.
Ozoiya was unsure as to what to do as the room fell silent. So he slowly pushed himself off the ground and sighed,

"I'm going to see if Mary needs any help," he told the other leaving. But halted as he shut the door behind him and found Marilie sitting beside the door.

"Hello." He greeted with a small smile.
Marilie who was messing with her pocket knife like a plaything on and off since she left, looked up at the adorable pupboy. She grinned widely. "Ah.. has it calmed down? Where are you headed, Oz?"
Ozoiya looked down at the energetic girl,

"It's still a bit tense," He replied looking at the door as if he'd see through it,

"But it's okay either way, I was going to visit Ms. Mary and see if she needed any help. Wanna come? I wouldn't mind the company." He told her holding out a gloved hand though he may not be able to pick her up due to his small build.
Marilie looked at the hand, attempting to hide her amusement. She took it but basically stood up herself. The gesture was what counts. "Yeah. Mary is... the light green haired lady? Lord, everyone looks so unusual. I love it."
Ozoiyas fluffy tail wagged happily,

"It's amazing right? How someone can be born with such unique traits, like the blue in your hair! It's natural right?" He questioned, his eyes bright like a childs in a candy store.
Marilie looked at the tips with disgust hidden behind a mile wide grin. "Yep, and it wont go away. Anyone with scissors can vouch for me on that. How about a 16 year old little man with a tail, ears, andthe cutest jewels for eyes ever?" She said with a laugh, half teasing him.
Ozoiyas pale cheeks slowly brightened as he took a step back stuttering,

"W-w-w-what?.." He murmured surprised at her statement, his ears folded downwards so they where pressed against the top of his head.
"Not gonna feed you theflattery, bud. You heard me." She replied, secretly getting a riseout of his reaction.
Ozoiya bit his lower lip and looked away, his small hands fiddling with his blue collar awkwardly.

"Let's go see Ms. Mary." He stated simply turning around and walking down the hall quickly.
"Allllrighty!" Marilie practically purred. As they walked, her eyes got caught at every interesting person they passed. Not only has she never seen more than a couple people at a time, she hadnt seen anyone but normal looking humans. Talk about culture shock.
He distractedly nodded, as if he wasn't interested. "Yeah, yeah, just don't be late to anything else." he averted his gaze and passed me my room number on a post it note and key. "Got to go..." he muttered, and practically ran the other way, leaving me alone in the empty hallways. At that moment I was about to head toward room 134 before I saw 2 abnormal looking creatures that stopped me in my tracks. I've never seen any creatures other than weird looking animals before.
Ozoiya stepped through the people without sparing a glance, he didn't quite mind all of the different and odd people. They where for the most part the same each year, but those he has met so far have seemed to be much different. And it filled him with much joy.

"Ms. Mary is Nymph much like yourself," He stated hoping to make conversation and that she wouldn't question him as to how he knew she was a Nymph.

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