Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

"No, don't worry about it. He's just having a little fit," Desini said calmly. It wasn't the first time he's done that before. And he can't possibly stay mad at her forever. Eventually, he'll miss her and summon himself.

She walked over to the bed where Cespar had put her stuff and began taking out small picture frames of her and her brother.


Caught off guard by his question, Airen shifted in his seat nervously. After all, only Desini knew about his..... ability.

"Well..... you see......" he began, pulling his sleeve down. The only way he would be able to cover up the tattoos on the back of his hands was to wear gloves, but that was the one thing he forgot to bring. The black Celtic tattoos touched the tip of his middle finger on both hands.
Ozoiya looked at the one spot where most nervous movement seemed to be coming from. Looking done at Airens hands he noticed the permanent tattoos for the first time and recognized the design.

"A Baku, eater of dreams.." He found himself mumbling absently, his tail stopping and his emotions fading away. Alone with his thoughts as he stared at the markings. Bakus where rare sights, no one made contact with them and when they did they seemed like empty shells afterwards. This something he had read about over the summer, but he wasn't afraid or anything. Removing his own white gloves he had been given from Millennium when he was a child he held them out to Airen,

"Here." He whispered, the gloves have never fit him. His lack of growth since he was young being the reason for this.
"Eh? Oh..... No. He's not my twin... He's two years older than me, but he goes here," Desini said shyly. She did feel ashamed that she was closer to a Creature than her own brother, but it just happened to work out like that. After all, finding out that he wasn't blood related was a big shock to her.

She took out a few more pictures and showed them to Mari.


Smiling at Oz, Airen stood and put a hand on his head, petting him softly. The gloves seemed too small, but the fact that he even offered touched Airen.

"You're a such a good kid," he said simply. Now, he felt as if this fragile-looking child should be protected, and he made it his duty to do so. "Hey, if someone ever bothers you, tell me, 'kay?
Marilie smiled seeing them, a bit of emptiness to it. She had no siblings to speak of. Heck, she was adopted anyways. "Twin or not, you two seem fairly close.. or he looks very nice. He better be treating you well! I heard big brothers can be mean." She rambled, displaying mock emotions.
After a few minutes of waiting for her flatmate, and still no show, Topper became bored. She shot out of bed and took up her walking stick.

"Exploring time!" She said to herself. "That interesting fellow was in room...79! Yes."

She opened her window, and started climbing down to room 79.
(OTP. Oh my goodness x.x. dead.)

Ozoiya looked up at the boy as he pulled his gloves back over his nimble hands. And smiled nicely,

"Thank you, and tell me if you ever need someone token care of." He said narrowing his eyes and slamming his fist into the palm of his other hand. Not a trace of intimidation coming off of his small child body.
(T-T seriously, is there anybody for Emilia to interact with? :( )

Emilia quickly grew bored and tired of chasing the mouse. She sat down in the middle of a hallway and looked around. She sighed, feeling lonely. Emilia stayed in her fox form as she laid down on the ground and just messed with her tail, sort of playing with it. She had nothung else better to do at that moment.

Desini let out another laugh. Mari was odd, but in a very good way.

"Actually, I wonder if he treats me too well. He's such a doting brother and at times, he can be too over protective, but I guess it just means he really cares," she said with a smile forming on her face. She noticed that ever since she found out they weren't directly related, his attitude towards her changed.


"Yes, sir," Airen said, humoring the boy. Oz really reminded him of Desini and he suddenly got the urge to see her. "Say, Oz? Would you happen to know where dorm 133 is? I want to introduce you to my sister as soon as possible. And I also want to see her." Airen was terrible at enduring not being able to see his sister, and most of the time they were glued at the hip.
Marilie smiled wider, hearing this. "Just... dont get a boyfriend. For his sake." She laughed. She had no pictures or... anything really she came with so she couldnt really share. "Ive got no siblings. My parents arent mine either, so i sorta lack that bond. I wanna meet him. Maybe make fun of him too." She paused. "As long as he doesnt disappear like Cespar."
Ozoiya merely blinked for a moment staring at the boy, he felt like an older brother almost. But not like Millennium, he saw Oz as a toy or child. At least Airen at least attempted to make him feel like an equal.

"I'd love to!" He replied jumping off the bed, his head only around six inches higher then his waist.

"And the room is actually quite close, down the hall to the right, take a left and it should be the third door from the corner on the left side!" He gave a small thumbs up. And began towards the door, his tail swaying and his pigtails bouncing.
Desini smiled at Mari.

"Actually.... We're not blood related. At all. I'm not even sure how he found me, but I'm sure he'd love to meet you. He's really nice!" she said happily, setting the pictures on the bed. It was nice to be able to get along with someone new to her.


"Haha. Alright. Lead the way," Airen said, following the boy. He realized he hadn't thought this out well enough. After all, if Cespar was there, he'll definitely make him mad. This will lead to him becoming angry and possibly violent. Therefore, it will ultimately effect how Oz and Desini will see him. With a sigh, he shook off the thought. He'll just have to try to control himself.
Marilie laid back on her own bed. "Convinient.. wouldnt you say?" She eyed the girl, questioning if it was possible to borrow clothing. That was a no. As marilie was of a skinny and lanky but medium tall build, Desini seemed to just be copletely petite.
Oz left the room and walked down the hallway following the instructions he had given Airen earlier. His steps slowly turned into skips, the two of them earned questioning glares from other students. Yes, he could only imagine how odd they looked.

At some point they reached the door marked with the numbers 133 forged into the door a dull gold. Lifting a gloved hand he knocked lightly onto the door, hoping for a reply.
Emilia got back up and looked around. She sighed and walked down the hallways to her dorm, still in her fox form. This sucked. She hated it there! No matter how many people were there she was still alone! She would rather go home. It was easier to hang out with animals.

Emilia turned back normal once,at her door. She heard talking from the other side, but could not get herself to knock on the door. She went into her room and found that her room-mate was nowhere to be seen. Emilia sighed and slammed her door closed, irritated.
Marilie heard the knock and leapt to her feet. "Password." She whispered through the crack, barely suppressing a laugh.
Desini smiled at Mari before hearing a knock at the door, which made her stop unpacking the large sweaters she received from Airen. She wasn't sure whether to open the door or not, but it seemed like Mari was taking care of it.


Airen waited patiently for someone to reply to Oz's knock. However, the reply that was given irritated him, but he left the talking to Oz. After all, he was a cute little child. Who could say no to him?
Osoiya became scrambled his smile falling into a dreaded frown, as he searched for the password within his mind. His hands shook as he stared at the floor stuttering nonsense.

"Cupcake!" He finally exclaimed the first word he could get out, his arms up in the air.
Marilie threw the door open, seeming to beckon them in seriously. "Good good.. come in quickly, wecant talk out here."
Ozaiyo giggled, jumping up and down before turning around and holding up a hand to Airen ready for a high five.

"I'm a genius!" He exclaimed to the larger boy. A lips spread in a wide grin, he truly acted like a child.
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Emilia heard more people in the other room and sighed. She got on a bed and curled up on it. She didn't understand what to do. There was nothing! Nothing at all for her to do! And where was her room-mate anyways? If she was there she would be so much happier if they were there. But, they weren't, so she was in an empty room hearing other people talk next door. At least they were having fun.
Being taller than Oz, Airen was able to look over him and into the room. His eye immediately caught sight of his sister as he rushed passed the girl that opened the door and flung his arms around Desini.

"Yume! I missed you!!" He exclaimed before looking around. "Where's Cespar?"

"Big Brother! It hasn't even been long since I last saw you. Cespar is throwing a fit," she said, patting her brother's back reassuringly. She glanced at the smaller boy who had came with Airen.
Marilie laughed, walking inside. "Ol' Cesy got all sensitive cause he cant take what he dishes out." She said, in a singsongy voice.
Ozoiya bit his lower lip, and his shoulders fell his pig tails bouncing from the slight movement. Then with his other hand high fived himself,

"Good job Ozoiya." He mumbled quietly to himself, un sure if he was able to enter he stayed outside of the door. The girl he had heard so much about definitely looked like much like her brother, it surprised him that she was the same age of himself.

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