Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Ozoiya looked over to the carrot top girl and nodded quietly , hesitantly entering.

"You're Desini's roommate?" He questioned the girl, she seemed very up beat and fun. His hair catching his eye the most, the blue tips where unexpected.
Emilia put a pillow over her head. She curled up tightly and sniffled softly. She whimpered softly, her emotions starting to break out. Emilia hugged her knees to her chest and rubbed her eyes, keeping the tears back. No crying. Crying was stupid. It showed weakness. There was going to be none of that. Emilia continued to sniffle though, hating the situation she had gotten herself into. Why couldn't she be more social like other people?
She grinned and nodded. "And you must be Airens. Boy.. i knew he had a sistercomplex.. but dragging you into this too?" She chuckled, reaching and lightly touching a pigtail. "Cute... im Marilie but you could call me mari, or Louie, or Jude if you inta last names. you?"
Desini pushed her brother away, who was puckering his lips for a kiss. She made her way to the boy and tilted her head to the side, wondering who he was. As if suddenly remembering, she bowed to him.

"You're Ozoiya, right? It's a pleasure to meet you," she said politely. It was hard to resist the urge to hug him, but she knew better.


Airen walked behind Desini, throwing his arms around her shoulders from the back and leaning one her.

"Meet my roommate, Yume."
Emilia got up and left her room. She couldn't take it anymore. She had to talk to somebody. And if that meant having to get over her shyness and be around a bunch of people (or at least to her a bunch of people), then so be it. If this didn't work out, she didn't know what she would do.

Emikia went to the next door and knocked on the door lightly. She then tried to fix herself up. Her dress was ruffled and her hair was a mess. That was unacceptable.
Ozoiya smiled lightly,

"I wanted to come," he pointed out to the girl whose name was Marilie, then looked over when addressed tensing a nervous smile on his face.

"D-Don't be so formal..." He stuttered waving his hand as if bidding her away, when those in charge of other academies or of higher companies came over he recieved to much special treatment and it made him uncomfortable.

"Just call me Oz," He giggled and held out his hand.
Marilie heard another knock, more timid than the last. "Hold that thought. weve got another guest. Goodness!" She opened the door to a slightly ruffled Green haired beauty. "Come on in! You're next door, right?"
"Ah.... Oz. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Desini Yumeka. Nice to meet you. I hope you'll take good care of my big brother. Please tie him down to the bed at night. It helps him sleep," Desini said while gesturing to Airen, who was frantically trying to cover her mouth.

Airen let out a nervous chuckle before glancing at the new girl that showed up.
Emilia looked up from her dress when the door was opened. She visibly relaxed. Shd had been afraid that she had not knocked loud enough. Emilia nodded abd managed a smile. "Yes...thank you..." she said in an almost whispered tone then went into the room.
Marilie laughed loudly, hearing the conversation. She found though overwhelmed, she hada knack for socializing. Still she felt uneasy and it would take a while to adjust. And if she did something wrong... she touched her pocketknife that was always kept on her.

"So.. im Marilie. What can i call you?"
Topper looked through the window and saw Henry and Dan.

'Would be rude to let myself in, and on the first day here. I'll knock.'

She rapped her cane on their window.
Oz giggled and gave a thumbs up, his red eyes bright with joy.

"Of course!" His ears twitched at the sound of a small voice and turned around seeing a green haired girl. His tail stopped moving, as he looked over at her. Wings, and fox features. He thought and began jumping up and down silently,

"Oh my goodness." He exclaimed.
Furattā looked at the girl that called herself Marlie, cool name. She played with the skirt of her dress for only a second. She made herself stop and she stood up straight, trying to hide that she was actually extremely nervous. Doing that would ruin the dress too.

"My name is Emilia Lu Vixen," she told the girl with a little bow of her head. She looked at the others and held her hands behind her back. Emilia spotted the dog boy and tilted her head to one side curiously.


Henry heard a knock at the door and set his book down. He quietly told Barry to stay on the bed,then went to the door.

"Hello," he greeted the girl standing there once he opened the door. He smiled slightly. Barry watched from the bed.
Marilie grinned knowingly at the small dog boy. "Well Emilia, what brings you here? I think you have an admirer." She wiggled her eyebrows goofily.
Ozoiya clapped his hands then held them out to her, as he looked over at everyone else in amazement. Remembering that this was their first time at the school and they hadn't read anything about species like he had he exclaimed,

"She a Pixie Fox!" He made his hands shake as if to emphasize this fact,

"They've become extremely rare," He informed everyone, then turned back to the girl feeling like he said something wrong

"Sorry...I'm saying that as a compliment. But I apologize if i've made you upset." He told Emeilia.
Topper tipped her hat to him, and stepped inside. She surveyed the room.

"So, what's your name, and what are you here for?" She asked Henry. "Normal isn't he norm here, I can tell. "

She looked at the book Henry was reading. It was odd, to say the least. She inspected the room for anything hat could be used to make a violin.
The two siblings eyed the girl curiously. They both thought her name was quite odd, but then again, theirs would be considered odd as well.

"We're the Yumeka siblings. I'm Airen and this is Desini," Airen said, gesturing towards the two of them for Emilia.

Just then, in a cloud of smoke, Cespar appeared. His arms were crossed and his brows, furrowed. One could tell he was displeased.

"Idiot Big Brother! Stop putting your fat, vulgar weight all over Yume! Right now, she's thinking that her shoulders are sore from your large, ogre-like arms!" Cespar said, exploding in insults. It was enough to get Airen mad as well.

"Hah?! Shut up, you damn Creature! You're just a tool! Stop telling me what to do, you little brat!"

Desini covered her ears with her hands and begged for the others to ignore their argument.
Marilie ran up to Cespar. Deciding he was a fun plaything for her. "Cesy baby! I knew youd come back!"
Ozoiya brought his hands up to his overly sensitive ears, letting out a small whine. Scrunching his eyes shut he reached out and grabbed Cespars wrist since he was closest to him,

"Don't yell please.." He whispered, not looking up.
"Get off of me, you old hag! Can't you see I'm in the middle of a discussion?! And who brought a child here?!" Cespar tore his arm away from Oz and turned his glare to Airen, who was returning it.

"You self-centered, worthless tool! Don't you dare touch Oz! How could you hurt someone so small?!" Airen grabbed the collar of Cespar's shirt as his sleeves fell down his arm to show his tattoos. However, Airen could care less at the moment.

Hearing Oz let out a whine, a rush of anger filled Desini's head. "Cespar, Airen. I'm going to summon Syrin if you continue to argue," she said in a threatening voice. Syrin was enough to scare them both into silencing themselves.
Oz let out a small sigh and removed his pigtails and made them into the single pony tail the red boy hanging onto it. His hands clenching tightly as he took slow breaths, suppressing the irritation he was feeling. His ears folded backwards against his head hidden within his hair,

"I'm not a child." He growled looking up to the other white haired boy.
As irritated as Marilie was, she grinned with all she sugar she could muster. "Awe! Im hurt.. here I am liking Cesy and I find him fighting with another like a married couple." She jokes.
Cespar and Airen turned their backs to each other while Desini bowed deeply to the others.

"Please excuse their immature behavior. It's merely puberty at it's height," she said, giving a what seemed like a logical explanation to her.

Both of the males let out a huff, their anger still raging silently in their heads.
Marilie nodded, mumbling "Ill say.." Feeling the room calm down, she realized how much energy it took to be around others. "Well.. I'll be out."
Ozoiya repositioned his bandages awkwardly, they had been scratching the tip of his nose since he had lowered them. Playing with the white fabric he at some point became comfortable.

"Bye," he bid the other girl farewell before turning to Airens sister, Destini.

"You two really look alike." He stated bluntly.

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