Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Marilie nearly laughed. "We cant understand..do we all see the same things, or do we live lives incomparable? We don't know what scares them.. maybe finding out part of their life is a lie. That they aren't all powerful.. they cant see past it enough to realize how much we fear as well.." She softly, as though reciting the workings of her mind. "Sorry. I rant."
"At least there are places like this...where we can feel at least a little more normal," Emilia pointed out, trying to look on the bright side for once. She sat up and looked at the other two. Her hair was drying and starting to poof up quite a lot.
Ozoiya nodded slowly lost in his thoughts a moment, but soon found realty.

"That's one of the reasons Millenniums great great great great great grandfather made this place...The funny thing is his wife was the Headmaster and he was a teacher.." He giggled lightly,

"They wanted to create a sanctuary, or a type of Haven for people like us. We'd get a proper education while we learn to conceal what we are, the plan is to let us graduate as what seems like ordinary things. Of course back then it was easier to hide what you where, now there are kids with wings and tails. So Millennium is secretly really stressed out about it, he cares about everyone and wants to give everyone a chance. So that's a thing...I don't know what I'm talking about..." He mumbled hiding his face in his arms quietly.
Marilie reappeared from the water, setting her head on the side next to Oz and Emilia. "I think you're right.. but is it possible, can I not go home?"
Emilia looked at Ozoiya. She slowly nodded. She was probably never going to be able to fit into the human society. But, then again, she didn't want to. She looked back at Marlie then at Ozoiya, wondering if he had the answer.
Ozoiya had zoned out through out hers and Emilias girl talk and didn't know if she really wanted to stay,

"Why...Why wouldn't you want to go back home.." He asked looking up, he was a bit confused. He'd do anything for a home and family, he saw how Airen cared for his sister. The type of person Millenniums father was to him, it just seemed to Ozoiya that all families cared for one another. So why would Marilie not wish to stay with hers.
Marilie frowned deeply. She didnt want to freak out again. What they would do to her... how much it would hurt. it was nothing shewouldnt do herself but they hurt worse. She wanted herknife.. it waslost. Crap. she tugged at her scarf and smiled. "Forget it, just curious Boy-o."
Emilia looked back at Marlie and frowned. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked her. She really did look pretty worried. Emilia began trying to smooth down her fluffy hair.
Ozoiya scrambled up so he was sitting up straight, on his knees. His new friend looked not as happy and he thought that perhaps it was because he didn't answer her question so he quickly stated,

"They used to do it, Millennium stopped it since he is freaky about not trusting other people with me. But if you really really...really! Don't wish to go home at the end of the year I could talk to him and see if you can stay. I can just bring up how his father was a great man who allowed it and he'll say something like," Ozoiya clapped his hands together and placed them by his jaw and spoke enthusiastically,

"Yes he was the greatest of men! And how am I supposed to say no to little Yuyu!" When he finished Ozoiya dropped his hands onto his lap.

"So you could..." He trailed off.
Emilia listened and thought for a moment before speaking to him. "Could you...ask him if I can stay too?" she asked, her tone going timid. "I don't have much to go back to back home..." she added and gave up on her hair.
Marilie added a wider smile, nolonger feeling it. "In fine Em! And that would be great.. but could I talk to him by my self..?"
Ozoiya smiled and cocked his head to the side,

"Of course Ms. Emilia!" He gave a quick thumbs up then looked over at Marilie his smile dropping,

"If you want to, sure." By this time the sun was barely peaking over the hills, and the night life began to come out. The small lights within the pool lit up finally, but the area behind them was like a dark mist no lights to be seen in the forest.
Marilie pulled herself out of the water, scarf never falling out of place. "Thank you... I dropped something important. night."
Ozoiya pushed himself up and swayed a bit before walking after her, motioning for Emilia to follow.

"You're going to bed.." He pouted, looking up at her.

"Wait do you have your classes? I want to see if we have any classes."

(Four of the classes are normal, Math, English, History, and Science your intelligence level up to you. Then one period is Physical Offense/Defense then the other is Abilities Offense/Defense. You may choose your order of classes but hey...Wouldn't mind some classes together to make things interesting cx)
Emilia still looked doubtful about Marlie. She then got up and followed the other two quickly and tied her ribbon back around her neck.
"Precalc, english 2, civics, physics,ability practice.. and im not going to bed yet oz!" She said, laughing when he asked. She walked back through the orchard and toward the creek. It might have dropped when she fell in.
Ozoiya looked at the list on the tip of his toes,

"We have civics ability and practice together!" He gave a thumbs up smiling like an idiot. Then followed her to the creek,

"What did you lose? Can I help?" He asked.
Emilia blinked. She had not yet looked at the classes she had yet. She got a paper out from a little bag she carried around. She let out a sigh of relief when she found out she had the same two classes as them. That was a relief. Other than Journey, they were the only people she had talked to. "What did you lose?" Emilia asked Marlie, jumping back into thr conversation.
Marilie scanned the ground. "Pocketknife..." she could say herparent gaveit to her. thats why it was valuable.
"Oh, alright. I will help find it too then," Emilia said and turned into her fox form so she would be closer to the ground to spot it better.
Ozoiya walked down the stream in case it had flowed through and stepped inside the cold water, moving rocks in case it somehow got stuck below.
"Thank you too..." she knew they wouldnt be helpinghad they known everything but that didnt wipe away her grin. She went into the stream, hand turning to water and searching every part until... "found it." She said, relieved. The water pulled upstream carrying a piece of metal.
Ozoiya stepped out of the river pulling his socks and shoes back on, clapping his hands.

"Yay.." He cheered quietly before stepping towards them.
Emilia turned back normal once Markie had found her pocketknife. "Cool," she said and went over to her to see the pocketknife.
Marilie got nervous and wiped away some darkcrust, pretending to be polishing it with her thumb. It wasa sharp and perfect blade with an abalone and darkened wood handle. One blade that folds in.

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