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Futuristic =Survivors=

Jade pulled him up to his feet and smiled slightly. She turned her head to look at Axel.. But he was gone.

"Axel?" She called, her grip on Tree's hand tightening. Her eyes went wide. "Where did he go?" She asked Tree, looking up into his eyes.

Her eyes reflected the moonlight and they were watery, as if she was about to cry. A strand of hair blew into her face, but she did not move it, as she was almost memorized by the events.

Axel was gone. She found Tree. The two had fought. But about what? What did they fight about exactly. She tilted her head.

"What did you and Axel fight about? Was it something serious? I didn't notice anything." She asked, raising a perfect eyebrow.

"Where'd he go?" Tree looked at her blue eyes through the dusty mild lens of his gas mask and felt a slight sense of guilt.

"I... Don't know... He's still running." He could feel her grip tightening around his hand.

"What did you and Axel fight about? Was it something serious? I didn't notice anything." She asked tilting her head to the side.

"If you can even call that a fight..." Tree's eyed where Axel had fell and returned his gaze to Feather's face.

"Kissing you like that is an odd thing."


"Don't you see the changes that have been done to you?" He asked with a questionable one.

Jade raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean kissing ME is an odd thing?!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide.

She then tilted her head. "Who's Feather? I'm Jade Archer," she added, confused. She still had a tight grip on his hand.

"What do you mean kissing ME is an odd thing?!" She raised her voice with a wide eyed expression on her face. Tree raised and eyebrow and had his mouth hang open for a bit from that reaction.

"Who's Feather?-" Tree's eyes widen in shock as he heard those words from her mouth.

"I'm Jade Archer." A soft croaking sound left his throat as he looked at her with a shocked expression. He wouldn't need to take off his mask for his body language and reaction is too obvious.

...Amnesia... He thought to himself. His expression lightened but was kept the same.

"Feath- no... Jade." Tree began.

"How much of your memory can you recall?" His expression changed into a serious face and so did the tone of his voice.

Jade narrowed her eyes. "That's none of your business!" She snapped. She turned away from him and wrapped her arms around her small shoulders, her long hair flowing into her face.

She sighed. "I'm going to ask you again. Why did you attack Axel?" She said calmly, though she was furious inside. She turned to face him, with teary eyes and a trembling bottom lip.
Tree undid a strap of his gas mask and raised it over his forehead. He looked down with his gold and blue eyes at the displaced vulnerable girl.

"I suspected him of course. He just kissed you right upfront and that smirking face felt very out of place." He carefully selected his words.

It seems that Jade doesn't want to uncover her memories with that reaction from earlier. She seems even scared of remembering what she was and what she's done.

"I can't give you a more clear answer than that seeing that you are under the influence of Amnesia. Sorry."
Jade listened and hung her head. She sighed. "I'm too tired to argue, come back to my place," she replied sleepily.

She started walking towards him and smiled slightly. As she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a gentle hug.

This girl...! Tree had thought as he carefully embraced her and tried to make an appropiate face for the situation. He swore that she was about to cry moments ago but now she broke the serious air around them by being tired. She could get tired?

Tree swooped her up from her legs and carried Jade as though she were a royal princess - with fragility and care. Tree looked back at his bonfire and then back towards the wood.

"Where to?"

Jade gasped as she was picked up, making her hold on tighter to him. She rested her head on his chest and looked into the woods.

She started giving him direction, left, right, straight, up, under and so on. All the while she held on tight, afraid of falling.

"I wont let you fall."

Tree can't help but feel awkward as he made his way to where ever it is that they are going.

The cyborg woman that had saved his life and watched people with indifferent eyes has been reduced to this girl. A rather vulnerable, light and normal girl. Tree walked with normal steps through the woods. With every step the crunching on leaves and twigs could be heard. The rustling leaves from the bushes that Tree by passes.

He noticed something else... When he first touched her hand it was cold. But now it's warm? Now that Thinks more about what's been today, She didn't intervene inbetween Axel and him. Tree was certain that she could stop the two of them from fighting her badassery but that didn't happen.

He kept walking into the depths of the dark forest. Not even the frail white light from the moon could penetrate the leafy canopies of the trees, the forest lies in utter darkness and made things slightly difficult for Tree's navigation.

Tree's golden eye reacted and gave a orangish night vision for him to follow through.

"Are we there yet?" Tree asked.

Jade looked around the woods and nodded. She climbed out of his arms and walked up to a tree. She crouched, and then shot up into the air, grabbing ahold of a branch about five meters up. She pulled herself up on the branch and looked down at Tree.

"We need to go up," she explained. She smiled to him, and then she continued climbing, the sight of the blonde hair vanishing as she disappeared.

Tree spread his arms out and watched as his arms morphed and transformed into the same limbs of that of a dunerunner's. He began climbing the tree with his alien arms. Once he made it to the branch, he swung himself to the side to grab the branch. He got the branch and hung around like a sloth before posititioning himself correctly on the branch.

He stood up to glance at the direction where Jade had went.

"Come on!" She called from above. She gasped as she almost slipped, causing a loose twig to fall off the tree.

She hung by one arm, but pulled herself up on the branch. "I'm okay," she called down. She soon reached the treehouse, and smiled to herself.
"Tree-house?" Tree asked questionably as he carefully climbed his way over to her current postion.

He's a lab rat who didn't know much about the 'outside world' but with the tree house it awoke a boyish kind of behavior in him. He eventually made it to the smiling Jade and the treehouse.
Jade laughed at his reaction. "Do you like it?" She asked, smiling back at him as she turned to face Tree.

She had the urge to go after Axel, but didn't want to be rude to Tree. So she stayed put..
"Yeah!" Tree grinned as he touched the hard wooden surface of the treehouse.

"Do you need me to carry you up to your bed or are you good?" He asked in jokingly when he motioned towards the door.
Jade smiled brightly and then giggled. "I'll manage," she replied, after yawning slightly.

She opened the door and walked inside, letting out another yawn.

"You can take the guest bedroom if you're tired," she told him before slowly making her way to her room, holding a hand to the wall for support.

Tree watched her go up the stairs and averted his eyes away from her to look around for the guest bedroom. He found it eventually.

He threw himself on the bed and let the springs bounce him a bit before standing still. He supported himself by putting his arms behind him and leaned back a bit to stare at the cieling of the treehouse. He felt a disturbance within his nose and immidiantly recognised the smell.

"Ah, Axel's scent." Tree narrowed his eyes and morphed his arms back to thier human form.

"Who are you?" He whispered under his breath as he looked upward.

Tree closed his eyes and sighed to himself. He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the bed he was resting on. He took off his boots, army jacket and mask. He slammed himself against the squeaky bed and rolled to his side.

"What happened to you, Feather." Tree mouthed without a voice and closed his eyes to begin sleeping.

I move throughout abandoned buildings until I reach a place of solitary. An enclosed area with white feathers all around. Axel cringed as he pick up one of them and looked around for any signs of who left them. "Angel?..." I whisper quietly but then my eyes widen slightly. "Or... Her?... No, it can't be..." I say as I shake off the feeling.
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Jade finally made it to her room. She sat down on her bed and sighed. "Where are you Axel..?" She whispered. She shook her head.

She took off her clothes and laid down under the covers. She rested her head on the pillow and the first tear rolled down her cheek.

She buried her face in her pillow, as not to wake Tree. She cried herself to sleep, her fragile figure slightly shivering because of the cold.
I lean against a wall for a second before being violently pierced through the chest from behind. My eyes widen in exclaim as I look down. "A spear..." I grab the spear and cringe just as white feathers start to fall around me. "You... You bastard!" I scream as I move forward, ripping the spear from my abdomen. But as I turn to face the angel... He had disappeared.. Bleeding profusely, I wander around as my healing slowly takes effect. "Damn holy weapons..." I whisper in pain. Finally in a last decision, I head back towards the tree house. But as I stumble around to the tree, I fall... Unconscious at the foot of the tree as blood drained from my body. It wouldn't kill me.. But I was there to stay for a while.

The sound of several foot steps could be heard around the forest. Light hissing sounds and soft shrieks came from the mamilian reptiles as the have finally touched down on Axels location. Thrugh the hivemind the critters have awoken Tree. Tree sluggishly put on his cloths, walked outside from the treehouse and jumped down.


Tree looked at the dark one: He collapsed at the leg of the tree in a pool of blood and for whatever reason had been injured. He's temparily unconscous meaning he wont get up any time soon. Tree stood over the man's corpses and bucked his kness to take a closer look on his face.

"Seriously..." He mumbled to himself. Who is this guy? Why did he come back? What happened to him?

Tree had the bloodied body of Axel. It wasn't easy climbing with a unconscious male on your back and it was a tedious job. Tre opened the creaky wooden door and stepped in with heavy footsteps into the residence.

Thmup. Thump. Thump. THUD!

He crouch and basicly let Axel's body fall onto the floor. Several minutes have passed and Tree had stripped Axel down to his under garments. Tree morphed his right hand into a specialized set of claws and began to slide with claws on his skin to determine his condition. There's a puncture wound coming from his abdomen a pretty clean hole if one were to ignore the blood spilling out.

"Eh... This looks like it could have been done by a lazer...But then the skin should have been burnt." Tree looked questionably at the wound.

He looked at Axels's pail face and back at the hole.

"I wonder if I could heal him by my means." Tree asked himself as he converted his claws back into human form.

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Jade awoke to the sound of heavy footsteps. She groaned and swung her legs over the edge as she sat up. She rose to her feet and walked over to her closet.

She took out a tank and a pair of shorts, putting them on as fast as she could, taking about five minutes. She looked in the mirror and straightened her hair, making herself decent.

She walked out of her bedroom and down the small stairs. "Tree? Is that you?" She asked sleepily, yawning once. She walked into the room and blinked.

She wore dark blue shorts that exposed, not metal, but smooth skin. Her bare arms were not covered in armor either, and her tank was a bit short, so her waist was visible in some places. Her skin was slightly tan and she had her hands on her waist.

As she saw Axel, she gasped, holding a hand to her lips. "Oh my gosh what happened!?" She exclaimed, moving towards them slowly and carefully.

Tree glanced over to Jade. He didn't really have time to comment about what she was wearing or how she's become less synthetic and returned to his attention to the puncture wound. He began to morph his hands into very skinny insect-like finger limbs and focus at the whole.

"Your friend here seems to be suffering from Abdomial Trauma and Hypovolemic Shock. Not to mention that his regeneration seems to be thrown out of wack for some reason." Tree had stated as he began producing a blob of biological mass from under his left arm.

"I can fix it, just give me a few minutes." Tree forced the blob of biological material inside the puncture wound and used his skinny fingers to spin, weave, twist and shape the mass into organic tissues and skin. Tree discovered this ability when he was working on healing the deceased french super soldier - it proved futile since she already died from inernal bleeding. It's messy work, alot more messy than a surgeon's job but it gets the job done and makes wonders.

Tree finished even treating the wound after using a special type of acidic fluid and wrapped Axel's nude torso with bandages.

"All right... At my guess he'll be okay after he sleeps through the night." He rose up to turn to Jade with a small smile. His eyes averted her eyes and looked down to her tank top and skimpy shorts. Tree's face turned pink.

"Uh, um... I'll go back to sleep." and he quickly walked away into the guest room.
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Jade stopped in her tracks and watched, shivering slightly at the cold. Her eyes were wide with fear, and worry.

As he finished, she gulped. She looked up at Tree as he rose and wrapped her arms around herself. She nodded and looked down at the ground as he passed her.

As Tree left into the guest room, she walked over to Axel. She crouched down beside him and laid his arm over her shoulders. She carefully helped him up, and helped him up the stairs.

She led him to her room and laid him down on her bed. She sat down beside him and smiled slightly. She bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead.

She rose from the bed and walked out of her room, down the stairs to the living room. She tiptoed past the guest room, and hoped she wouldn't wake Tree.

A wooden plane creaked as she stepped on it, and she froze. "Crap.." She whispered.

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