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Futuristic =Survivors=

The sound of creaking wood had awoken him.

"Yes?" Tree had asked with his half open eyes. He didn't want get up because he wanted to invest body warmth into his bed and stayed under the covers.
Jade sighed and turned towards the room, walking to stand in the door frame. She leaned against it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," she apologized. She folded her arms over her chest. "I carried Axel to my room, so I was on my way to the couch," she explained.

She sighed and looked down.

"The couch?" Tree closed one eye as he replied.

"Are you fine with sleeping on the couch?" asked. Talk about commitment: She carried Axel to her room and gave up the bed to sleep on the couch. A boggling question came into his mind wether or not he should give up his own bed or not.

Jade nodded. "I'll be fine. A bit cold, but nothing I can't handle," she replied with a smile.

She yawned once and ran a hand through her hair. "Now, I'll let you get back to your sleep. I'm sorry to bother you," she said to him, gently, and stood straight.

"No worries." Tree closed his eye and let the tension of his face loose.

Jade smiled. "Goodnight Tree," she replied. She turned around and was about to walk away, when she stopped.

"I'm glad I found you, Tree, I missed you," she told him, her voice sweet and gentle.

She then continued walking. She came to the living room and laid down on the couch, closing her eyes.
Through the night I shifted around slowly before waking up in a cold sweat. Observing around me I realize that I'm inside of Archer's room.

"Why am I here again?..." I whisper quietly before getting up slowly. I notice that I have little clothing on and look around for my clothes. I peek out the door and see my clothes on the ground. I sneak over to them silently.

As I reach them I notice Jade sleeping on the couch. "Hey now.. That's not fair..." I say as I cringe, realizing that I forced her to sleep there. Smiling slightly I walk over to her, struggling a little I carry her into her room and tuck her into bed, kissing her forehead gently. "That's better... You belong here..." I whisper and then walk out of her room, sliding down against the door as it shuts and sighing quietly.
Jade slept soundly, and as Axel picked her up, she rested her head against his chest. She mumbled things in her sleep.

As she was tucked into her bed, she smiled slightly, and she shifted after Axel kissed her forehead. She buried her face in her pillow and continued dreaming.

But this time it was no ordinary dream, it was a nightmare. She mumbled things in her sleep, and at times she squealed, as if she was struggling to get away from someone.

She kicked her legs and whined. "No.." She whispered. "Axel, Tree, don't.. I love you.." She whispered, even quieter.

She whined, and started to roll around, as if desperately trying to get up as someone pinned her down.
I keep my head against the wall and slowly drift off to sleep, holding one of my Katana against me in case of anything. "I love you Archer..." I say as I smile and drift off completely.
Jade awoke in the morning. She sat up after she swung her legs over the edge. She rose and stretched, blinking. She decided not to change and only fixed her hair into a messy bun.

She carefully opened the door and caught Axel before he hit the floor. She walked out of the room and closed the door, resting him back against the door again.

She tiptoed down to the kitchen and started making breakfast.
I wake up slowly and stand up, having that feeling of when things are like before. I walk downstairs, into the kitchen, and sneak up behind you and wrap my arms around your waist, hugging you from behind as I kiss your cheek. "Whats for breakfast love?.." I mutter out drowsily.
Jade smiled as she started frying some bacon. She thought she heard a sound, but ignored it. She gasped as she felt someone's arms wrap around her waist, but relaxed as she heard Axel's voice. She blushed terribly. "Bacon and eggs," she told him kindly, smiling. She turned her head slightly. "But if you interrupt me, there won't be any breakfast." She joked with a smirk.
I smile and chuckle a little. Tightening my grip around you and resting my chin on your shoulder. "I'll just watch." I say.

But then, I lean close and kiss your ear, whispering. "As long as I have you.. Nothing else matters." I smile as I finish and return my chin to your shoulder. "I love you Archer." I say quietly.
Jade giggled and smiled, feeling his grip slightly tighten around her waist. For some reason, she didn't find it uncomfortable.

She tensed as he kissed her ear and her eyes widened as he spoke. She blushed terribly and couldn't help but smile. She continued frying the bacon nevertheless.
I watch you carefully and smile to myself as I hold you in my arms. "I don't want to lose this... This warm feeling... It's all I have.. But even a Demon like me?.. I shouldn't deserve this.. But I'll hold on to it.. No matter what.." I say to myself but end up speaking aloud due to my drowsiness.
Jade smiled as she put the bacon on a plate beside some scrambled eggs she had made. She turned around and placed a kiss on his nose. "You won't have to lose me Axel," she assured him. She picked up the plate and set it down on the table, after slipping out of Axel's warm, strong arms.
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I blush and follow after you. "Y-you heard me?.." I chuckle nervously. But smile at the same time, wondering if she really means that. But the smile draws away from my face. "won't have to lose you huh.... Can you really promise that?.... What about Tree?...." I say as my eyes tear up slightly. "What about death?..." I say as a tear runs down my cheek. "Can you beat that?... Can you?..." I sob gently and walk away, heading into your room and balling up in the corner.

A aroma tickled Tree's nose. It smellt, fried, salty and of... pork?


Tree opened his eyes and stared aimlessly at the ceiling. That was until he heard heavy footsteps moving upstairs. Tree felt bugged and rose up from his creaky bed. He waited until he could feel the entirety of his body and sluggishly slid his legs on the edge of the of the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed swallowing the muck in his mouth and brushing his dirty blonde hair.

"Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." He held his hand in front of his mouth as he yawned.

Jade turned to him and opened her mouth to speak, but he was gone. She sighed. "He must've misunderstood me.." She whispered.

Tree rose up from his bed and wore his usual outfit: The thick military jacket, the boots and his trademark mask that he wears as a neck ornament. He walked slowly outside the guest room and spots Jade standing in front of a table that's been set with three plates with thier breakfast.

Tree blinked at Jade and looked back at the flight of stairs. Did Axel just run upstairs?

"What happened while I was away?" Tree asked.

I stay in the corner of the room and stare at the floor. "Archer... I can't let you stay with me..." I whisper quietly before slouching down more. "I guess I should eat..." I slowly get up and walk back downstairs and take my seat at the table.

I look up at Jade with and expressionless, apathetic look. Almost like the love I held for Jade just... Disappeared.
"Oh there you are," Tree opened up his arms in a sarcastic way.

"You had me worried for a minute."

Tree dropped his arms and walked towards the breakfast table to take his seat.
I look up towards Tree with a disgusted look. "Did this guy really heal me?..." I think and cringe. "Should of just poured some water on it..." I think as I look at the food but don't really have much of an appetite.
Jade looked up as Tree came in, and then down at her feet. She didn't look up at Axel. She sat down and looked up at both of them. She smiled to Tree and then to Axel. "So, I had something special in mind for today," she told them.
I lean my head on my hand and look out the window. Trying to distract myself from listening to Archer speak. "What's the point? It wouldn't really be special." I say to myself in a sarcastic tone.

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