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Futuristic =Survivors=

Tree didn't reply. He just sniffed, hicked and trembled on occasion.

Once he had calmed down, he got up from his knees and wiped the tears and mucus off his face with his sleeves. The man had sworn that he felt a presence other than Feather's but he can't assume yet. Tree had inhaled deeply and exhaled before conversing with her. He watched her grey blue eyes and notices an new unfimiliar air around her.

"You've changed in the last few days." Tree had said awhile sqquinting his eyes at her. Tree remembers her monotoned voice and indifferent expression - aside from the outbursts of her guilt and sorrow. Not to mention that she wouldn't touch or even grab her like the way he had earlier.
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I pack up all of my things and pull my cloak up over my nose. "Should I leave a note?..." I shake my head and decide to go and see her one last time. Just to see.. I crouch and hide in the trees as I watch her, smiling at the memories of our time together. "Goodbye Archer..." I whisper quietly before slowly walking away.
Jade smiled and raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" She asked, confused. She looked around her and narrowed her eyes.

"There's someone there," she whispered. She let go of Tree and walked towards the woods. She soon smelt the scent of a familiar.

"Axel?!" She called out.
I blush and sigh, slowly walking back and standing at the edge of the cliff. "Guess ya caught me!" I shout before jumping down and slowly walking towards you and the unknown.

Tree stands dumbfounded when he watched the stranger come closer to their proximitry. His face turned worrisome and that tipped off his critters.

The ground bellow them began to rumble and His creatures 'dove' out of the ground as though it were water and surrounded the thre of them. The Dunerunners hissed and shreiked loudly. The Tanks Slugs moaned lowly awhile the Helllamias gave blood curling shrieks. Totally surrounded.

"Who is this?" He raised one brow.
Jade smiled to Axel and was about to speak when Tree's friends appeared. She glanced back at Tree. "This is.. Axel," she replied.

She wrapped an arm around herself and bit her lower lip. "This is Tree," she told Axel.
I grin a bit and send out one quick pulse of dark energy. Not enough to harm anyone or for any of you to feel it. But sure enough to send away a few of the critters around. "...." I say nothing, not really wanting to speak much.
Tree lowered his head and looked into the silver eyes of that one. The pulse did indeed knock off the Dunrunners back but, the Tankslugs and Helllamias would take a little more to knock them from their feet. Tree felt the pulse, it was almost as though he were underwater and had been pushed back by a strong current of water. He looked back at the man.

Dirty blond, silver eyes, a tattooed arm and a grin that could provoke him.

"Axel," That name is easy to remember.

"Did you do something to her?" Tree took two steps foward and into the man's somewhat dreadful eyes.
I pull my cloak back up to cover my mouth and nose again. "Me?.." I say quietly as I shift my attention towards you and slowly walk towards you. "Of course not..." I keep moving forwards but as I reach the two of you I turn and pull down my cloak, giving Archer a lingering kiss on her lips. "Nothing at all.." I say as I stand up and return my cloak to its former position.
No time to think, only time to react and feel.

"Rrrrrg!" Tree grinded his teeth and on reflex swung his arm backwards with a hand riddled with sharp organic blades aimed for his Alex's smug face.
Jade watched them and looked over to Tree. She hoped none of them would do anything. As Axel started to walk towards them, she relaxed a bit, smiling slightly.

She glanced up at Tree and then back at Axel. She opened her mouth to say that he had not, but was interrupted as Axel's lips pressed to hers.

Her eyes widened and her heart fluttered. As he broke off the kiss, she felt dazed.

Jade gasped and took a step away from the two men, tripping over a loose stone. She fell back, but landed on her hands, catching herself.

She looked up at them with wide eyes. Why did Axel do that? Why did Tree react like that? Went through her mind.
I smile and lean back, ducking under your arm swiftly, bringing my face back up and dropping down, kicking your legs out from underneath you. As you fall I stand up and walk over towards Archer, holding my hand out to help her up.
Tree fell on the ground but than sank into the earth. He kicked the man's arm out of Feather's reach and encumbred himself in front of the cyborg girl. His hundreds of critters attacked the silver eyed fiend.

The Dunerunners charged ar him with thier ravagous blade limbs and teeth. The Tankslugs shot concentrated biles of acid at the man. The Helllamias shot rows of hardened organic material blade-like bullets at the man. Full on assualt.

(Just to clear things up in case someone is confused. In her cyborg form, her name was Feather Archer, but since she does not remember being a cyborg, she thinks her name is Jade, which was her name before the war.)

Jade was about to reach up and grab Axel's hand when Tree kicked his arm, making g her gasp.

This was escalating quickly, and she felt scared. "Tree, Axel, stop!" She shrieked in terror, crawling backwards with wide eyes.
"Nng?" Tree eyed her.

The creatures had stopped thier assault by a mere hair length to that Axel fellow and Tree lays on the earth 'floating' and looking at her. Tree can't help but comply and simply sent out a pheromene to calm the creatures. He sank a little deeper into the ground hiding half of his head...
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I steady myself slowly but I am not in control... The demons grasp on my heart has gone wild.... Making me move forward with speeds that no human could posses. He moves me quickly through the creatures, flashes of light glimmer back with each slice. After clearing a wave in just a few seconds he turns. My silver eyes replaced by a crimson red, my teeth with fangs, and my right arm.... My cursed arm... Burning bright. He moved me forward towards both Jade and Tree, but before he could reach a voice rung out in my head. "Axel!" She rang out, echoing throughout my head. "Sis.... ter..." I say before falling down, flat on my face. My eyes returning to their original state.
Jade's eyes widened as she watched Axel. She squealed as he moved towards them and scooted back.

She held a hand go her mouth as he face planted. She rose to her feet and hurried to his side. "Axel?!" She rolled him over on his back and sat beside him on her knees.

She looked over at Tree, then back at Axel, then back to Tree. She bit her lip and looked down at her hands.
Tree 'swam' close to the man and observed both him and Feather.

"If I'm disturbing the two of you-" He crawled from the ground and stood up with his back facing the two.

"I'll -" He stammers "I'll just go away." He slowly walks away from them.

Jade looked up. "Tree.." She started as she rose to her feet. She walked after him and as she reached him, she laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Why would you ever disturb me? You're my best friend," she asked gently, her eyes glowing with warmth and sympathy.
I look up, and with all of the power I have at the moment, I get up and dash away before either can notice. "Good... I didn't let it happen..." I say as I get far enough away but the collapse.
( Goodnight people seeya >:3 )

Tree stopped walking, suspended on the spot all due to her arm.

"Best friend?" He looked down on the ground.

"We've barely known each other for a week and disappeared one day."

"And you come back as a completely different persona... I don't know what's going on anymore." Tree grabbed his gas mask and strapped it onto his face. He inhaled deeply in his mask and watched Axel make a run for it only to trip on himself. He narrowed his eyebrows, squinted his eyes and exhaled loudly.

"You should probably take care of that 'dark one'."

Her gaze was glued to the ground. "He's not dark, he's my friend." She replied.

She got up and looked down at Tree. "It doesn't matter how long I've known you, but what you've done during that time," she stated, reaching out a hand to help him up.

She admitted to herself that Tree was incredibly handsome, but so was Axel. She would not dare to break either of their hearts, but she felt it was hard to decide.
I shake off the dirt from my head and get up, walking away slowly. But a pinch in my chest. "This again?..." I say quietly and a tear runs from my eye. I look back at the both of you and smile. "Be happy..." I say quietly, but using the wind to relay the message as best I can before running away. I eventually make it to the exit of the forest and keep running. "Just get rid of it... I don't need this emotion... Just help me find him damnit!" I yell to myself and then, as an answer to my call my emotions begin to drain away. Bringing me back to before. Loveless... "Good... My sister is the only one that cared for me... So finding him.. That's all that matters..." I cringe and run into an abandoned building.

Tree kept a glum expression on his face hidden under the mask so that Feather wouldn't see it and didn't reply to her words. He closed his eyes for a a long while and let out a low satisfied sigh. What he has done during that time, huh? He reached out for her hand and grabbed it tightly waiting to be helped up.

Tree batted his eyes at Axel. The man in black was scrambling away holding onto his chest and 'smelled' disturbed. He even said something in a quiet tone but Tree couldn't hear what he had said and saw him running away from the paradise.

Tree is convinced that this person might be one responsible for Feather's abrupt change of persona and wont sit idily as he runs off somewhere. Good news is that Axel can be sniffed out and tracked through various biological means. Tree released a pheromone and had quite a number of Dunerunners following wherever Axel had went... May they be 'swimming' underground or travelling terrestrially.

"We better get him back." He said in a muffled tone with his gas mask still strapped.

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