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Futuristic =Survivors=

I walk in and smile. "Just like before.." I begin in my head but then stop, remembering that I lost you. "Oh yeah..." I whisper quietly and follow with a sad look on my face.
Jade walked up to a tree and started climbing, but slipped, revealing a wound on her wrist. "Argh!" she groaned as she slid down against the tree, holding her wrist in her hand.
I walk over to you and look at the wound on your wrist. Without thinking I gently put my lips to the wound, biting my lip so it bleeds. A single drop of my blood hits the wound and it starts to heal as I bring my head away.
I blush and turn my head before picking you up once more and running up the side of the tree. Jumping into the building above.
Jade held on tight, not wanting to fall, and closed her eyes tightly. As they came inside, she slowly opened her eyes. Her grip round his neck loosened, but she still kept her arms around him, for some odd reason.
I blush but keep you in my arms but then slowly sit down with you in my lap, leaning my head back. Being as I'm a little tired. "You smell... Nice..." I whisper quietly as I drift off slowly.
Jade blushed as he sat down with her on his lap. She looked over at him. "Em, thanks.." She replied hesitantly. She saw him drift to sleep and thought about going to bed, but she couldn't get up. He had his arms tightly wrapped around her. She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder, burying her face in his neck. She drifted to sleep.
After a while I wake up slowly, the night whispering to me as the demons dance. Carefully and silently I pick you up and carry you to your bed, lying you down in it. I tuck you in and then walk over to the window in your room, glancing out into the sky. "Thy moon be makes't fond out of me. A bristles prick of sweetening night, love hath had, drifting away... Until O' morrow does she wake, Yet wake with not memories of old. So stings of whips bind thy heart..." I whisper quietly as I glance towards you. "I love you... Archer..." I say with a smile before walking to you and giving you a kiss on the forehead.
Jade slept peacefully, and smiled in her sleep as he kissed her forehead. She shivered lightly and automatically buried deeper into the pillow.
I smile gently and sit down on the floor next to you. Lying my head back against the bed and falling asleep until tomorrow morning.
Jade opened her eyes as the sun's rays filtered through the window. She sat up and yawned, stretching. She looked down to see Axel and smiled to herself. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his ear, surprising herself.
I wake up slowly and blush as I find your lips on my ear. "A-archer?.." I say quietly and nervously.
Jade smiled and hugged him. "Finally you're awake," she replied. She got up and stretched. She yawned slightly and took out her hair loop, her hair flowing down her shoulders. She ran a hand through the hair and then sat down on the bed.
I smile a little and stand up slowly, looking down at my shirt and just realizing how dirty it is. "Hey, do you mind if I take a shower?" I say bashfully. (I'm sorry. I've gotta sleep. If I don't I wont be able to even type tomorrow. Er... Today.)
Jade shook her head. "Not at all," she replied gently. She smiled to him and then got off the bed. "I'm hungry so I'll make some breakfast," she told him. As she walked past him, she placed a kiss on his cheek.
I blush a little but smile, walking out after you and going into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me as I begin to get undressed and into the shower.
A small number of days have passed.

The cyborg girl had disappeared along side with the big iron man and had been missing for days. The young man tended to the injured french girl, but in the past few days this has been futile. The woman had died from internal bleeding and has been cold ever since the day of her rescue. Tree was alone in this paradise with his creatures.

In the lonely quiet times ahead he had nothing better to do than to rebuild his army.

He added more Tankslugs into the mix of the Dunerunners and nearly went into a state of hypovolemic shock. Once he finished regenerating and reaquiring his blood he'd start again. His army of one hundred had become three times from what it was and the man had unleashed a small number of Helllamias to be his guards.

Day four... Is what he thought when he had opened his eyes. The cool morning wind blew against his tent and body. Tree hesitated to get up, turned to his side and attempted to sleep again. It didn't work and he climbed out from his tent. He approached grassy shores of the lake with a wooden pail and a tired face.


The water sucked itself into the pail and Tree did the following - drown his face into the pail and rub his cold wet face with his hands.

"Brrr!" Cold! He hates the cold! But it fortunately gets rid of his drowsiness. He shook his head furiously, sending streams of cold and imbittering doplets all around him. He got dressed and began rubbing two pieces of dried wood together to get the bonfired stared at the sickly coloured red flame.

"Where did everyone go?"
Jade smiled and made some breakfast. She was in need of some fruit, so she decided to go out and get some. The special kind of fruit she was looking for, was Dragon fruit.

She climbed down the tree and walked through the woods, her long hair flowing in the wind. As she hopped over a puddle, she heard someone near the shore.

She decided to investigate. She carefully made her way through the forest by the trees, and soon came to the edge. She hopped down and landed in a crouch.

She saw a man, and he looked quite familiar. After some deep thinking, her face lit up. "Tree?" She called, standing up to her full length. Her hair was let loose and her eyes shone.


A voice had caught his attention, he swore that he had heard that voice before and turned to a forest edge.

His eyes began to lit up and without knowing it he was already standing.

The unmistakeable slender form, the synthetic limbs and high tech prospetics, lastly her long blonde. The woman who had saved his life had come back.

"Feather?" He whispered to himself in disbelief.

"Feather!" He cried and ran over to see her. His gloomy aura had been replaced by a joyous air and his face read that he was relieved to see her.
Feather smiled and threw her arms around his neck. She laughed and hugged him tightly.

She was surprised to see him, buy happy at the same time.

Tree had joyously hugged her back and swung her around a couple of times before setting her down. Tree rewarded her with a boyish smile and savoured the moment that the two of them held each other in their arms.

Tree's eyes felt warm and began to swell with tears. Overwhelmed he stood on his knees not letting go of her back and had pressed his head against her stomache. He stared at the grassy earth and felt his eyes mildly stinging and blurring his vision from the tears.

"I thought you were dead..." He croaked.
After a while and with a clean body I step out from the shower. I grab a towel and peak out the door to see if it's all clear. I don't see you around so out I step and grab a clean set of clothes. As I put them on i notice my cloak lying on the chair.

I smile gently before calling out to you quietly. "Archer? You there?" I say with high hopes. But then my hopes turn to sadness. "She didn't... Right?.." I grab my Katana and put on my cloak before jumping to the ground.

I examine my surrounding carefully, finding your footprints in the dirt and starting to track them. "Please be okay..." I whisper.
Jade laughed as he spun her around. As he dropped to her knees, she was about to ask if he was okay. As his head rested against her stomach, she stopped herself.

She smiled and stroked his head with her hand. "Can't leave you all by yourself, can I?" She replied happily.
I move quickly through the forest, following your footsteps closely until I come to the ledge. I stand at the top, looking down at the both of you. A sting of jealousy rushes into my chest but I let it be. "I guess.. Even the loss of memories can't break that kind of bond..." I smile a little before heading back to the house and getting ready to head out.

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