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Realistic or Modern Survive the Night..


Boink Bean

If you are squeamish, or have a difficult time handling blood, murder, and insanity, please refrain from participating in this Role-play. You have been rightfully warned.


Reece Matthews

Hiding in a storage closet with the others

Feeling : Anxious

Silence crept around the darkness of the storage closet, you couldn't even hear their breathing. Reece's heart was in his chest as he listened for anything. There was no more chatter of park visitors, there was no more rumbles of roller coasters. They had been hiding for nearly an hour and a half now, but that's what it would take for them to be able to remain until closing. There was the occasional foot steps passing the hidden closet, which confirmed Reece's suspicions. There was no need for the Guards to check the storage closets, as they were locked with a special key and it was impossible to lock pick them. The closet itself smelt damp and musty, sort of like mildew. There wasn't a single light within the closet, so the teens were packs closely together as a means of known where one and other are.. and possibly to feel safer. The breath of one of his friends tickles the back of Reece's neck, causing anxious goosebumps to crawl down his spine and arms. They were waiting, listening for the three soft knocks from their friend Kobe , who has helped them get into closet and he would retrieve them once the black-coats and patrolling guards went home.

The black-coats were a different form of guards, that patrolled the insides of rides and fix some issues with mechanics. They didn't necessarily wear black coats, they were only called that because they are sent from Disney Inc. themselves, they actually just wear black shirts and black pants. They don't stay long, and often half ass their jobs because Disney security so over hyped that people don't even try to sneak in or out of the park.

The casual guards patrol the grounds for an hour or so after closing, before going home. Leaving the occasional night guards who frequently slack on the job, and wear heavy boots which make quite a bit of noise, so knowing when they are coming isn't an issue. Not to mention the LED flashlights they use in the the darkness, so seeing the beams gives the teenagers around ten seconds to quickly hide from the blundering, sometimes drunk guards.

Reece sighs softly as footsteps pass the door once more, and there is nothing else but silence. There is no light pouring under the door as before, only darkness greets them. Reece isn't scared, what will happen if they are caught? Disney prison? He chuckle sunder his breath, and leans against the damp wall, waiting for Kobe to give the signal, and unlock the door for them. That's when the real fun will begin.

Interactions : None

Damon Matthews

Hiding in a storage closet with the others

Feeling : Bored

The silence had been compliments with occasional footsteps passing the door, but other than that their time within the closet had been increasingly boring. Damon's feet had began to hurt from crouching against the wall, so he had decided to sit against it. The ground was dry, and he was fidgeting with one of his knives he had brought along with them. They all had to bring a backpack, and had made a checklist and checked it with Reece. Everyone had water, canned food, a small first aid kit, and a few knives or even a gun. Yet Reece was the only one with a gun, so everyone else was gifted with a pocket knife or hunting knife. They had been reading the rumors a few days before the due-date, and had planned accordingly. Reece even brought along a small hidden camera that was clipped to his shirt in the form of a dark red rose. Damon had one as well, except his was a camcorder and was slightly bigger. He slowly pulls it our of his black backpack, and opens the lenses. He clicks on the camera, and a very faint red light his admitted from a spot beside the main lens, signalling it was recording. He watches through the small screen, but the camera could pick up nothing in the darkness. So after fidgeting for a moment, he finds the night mode and the screen goes a bright green, and he could see his friends clearly now. It was just like the movies, the background was green and his friends were admitted a more whitish color with bright eyes. Damon scans the cramped closet, and points it toward Lillian, "Are you excited?" he asks softly under his breath to the smaller and more fragile looking female. Damon ignores the glare of Reece which the camera got to pick up as well. Reece was already recording, he had started once they left the house. So Damon decided to start now too, it would make an amazing movie as they prove the stupid rumors wrong about Disney.

Interactions :


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Lillian sat still in the dark, cramped storage closet, surrounded by the rest of her comrades as they anxiously waited for the sound of their friend, Kobe to alert them of his return with three knocks on the outside of the door. Most were crouching, but Lily was sitting with her legs crossed since that seemed most comfortable for her. She would occasionally lift her head up attentively thinking she had heard him knock, but it was just the sound of the guards footsteps on the outside. She would then sigh and put her head down. Other than that, there wasn't much sound, not from anyone inside the closet at least. The occasional shuffling around as the others tried to adjust themselves and get comfortable was the only noise anyone really made. There wasn't really that much to talk about in this sort of situation so they all remained silent, also most likely because since too much chatter coming from this place might alert the people outside and give away their hiding spot. So, no matter how much she wanted to talk, considering that she was a very social person, Lily just kept her mouth shut. Suddenly, she heard the voice of one of her friends crouching down next to her, Damon. He had asked if she was excited, so as much as it was a good idea to remain quiet, Lily had no choice but to respond. "Hell yeah I am," she replied as softly as she could. "Never done something like this before though so I am a little nervous as well..." she admitted, and it was definitely true. She had never done something like this before. Lily wasn't the type of girl to get into trouble or go out of her way to try and cause it, so she was a bit worried about the guards. What if they caught her, or anyone else that was with her? She tried to forget about it, she was smart and so was everyone else so they could easily get out of a situation like that, if they even did, which would be very unlikely now that she though about it a little more.
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Morgan Berguson

Feeling: Claustrophobic

Silence was all that was ringing in Morgan's ears. It wasn't killing her though, it was the damned closed space they were in. She was very surprised she hadn't started banging on the door yet, or just hyperventilating altogether. Perhaps it was the fact she thought they were doing this for an important cause, or simply because she didn't want them to get caught. Morgan was leaning against one of the walls with her head against it, her eyes shut. She was breathing steadily... coaching herself basically. Knowing she wasn't there alone helped too... knowing the people were her friends anyway. Anytime the guards steps would echo by the storage door... Morgan's body tensed and she just held her breath. Her hands gripped the straps of the backpack, her nails rubbing against them quietly. She packed everything she was supposed to, along with having the hunting knife she was provided with. She didn't know how much longer they would have to stay in this storage closet, but with the number of people and the smell in this place-- Morgan didn't know how much she could bare.

That was when the lights had turned off on the outside of the closet, lifting some stress from her shoulders. That was when she was barely alerted by the little red dot on Damon's camera-- before hearing him speak to Lillian. She smirked lightly when she heard her response, Morgan couldn't exactly say she wasn't nervous either though, because she most certainly was.

"C'mon Kobe.." She muttered to herself very quietly, swallowing thickly.


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<p><span style="font-size:36px;"><strong>Tessa King</strong></span></p>

<br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">Feeling: Eager</span>





<span style="font-size:18px;">Tessa wiped her hands along the fabric of her jeans nervously. When they'd all decided to do this she hadn't really expected to be cramped up in a dark closet for hours. But, she guessed it was for the best if they didn't want to get caught. Her mind briefly wondered to what exactly </span><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>would </em></span><span style="font-size:18px;">happen if they were caught. Was this an offense punishable by jail time? Not that she hadn't done anything worthy of jail time before, because she had, but she felt that staying over night in an </span><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>amusement park </em></span><span style="font-size:18px;">of all things wasn't something extremely criminal or harmful to anyone really. Tessa shifted uncomfortably in her crouched position, dropping on to one knee, her hands fumbling with the adjustment strap on her backpack. The body heat eminating off her friends was less than comfortable, tight spaces with too many people was not her thing. Damon's voice startled her, she hadn't even noticed him turn on his camera, he'd asked Lily if she was excited and the small girl had replied with an affirmative. If Tessa knew one thing, it was that she was extremely excited. The adrenaline that this little rendezvous provided was a kind of euphoric feeling for Tessa, she loved it. Her eyes glided over to where Morgan sat in the dark when the faintest of words from the girl entered her ears. Tess couldn't see her but she knew the other girl well enough to know being cramped up like this wasn't Morgan's favorite thing either. But, Tessa opted to stay silent, cursing her best friend inwardly for taking so damn long. </span><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>Come on, Kobe. Hurry it up. </em></span><span style="font-size:18px;">She urged him mentally, though she knew they had no telepathic ability, that didn't stop her from acting like they did.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Interacting with: No one.</span></p>
[^]One Hour Before "Showtime"[^]

Kobe let out a sigh of relief as the last actor left the dressing room. Tonight was the night, as their entire friend group knew, and it was beginning to look as if Prince Philip over there was never going to leave. It wasn't exactly suspicious for Kobe to be the last worker out of the park, as he took so long in the dressing room and flirting with the cute tilt-a-whirl operator before breaking character for the night. This worked to his advantage, of course. Finally Thomas, the section janitor, began making his way up the hall. Kobe's eyes widened when he heard the roll of the trashcan and he began to freak out accordingly. He scrambled to the first safe place he could find: Ariel's Locker. He barely squeezed between her tail and backpack she had forgotten.

Thomas entered the room normally enough. A graying Puerto Rican man whom Kobe had always liked, whistling what sounded like a cross between "God Save the Queen" and "Dixie." He did his rounds, emptying the trash cans of the actors' many Starbucks cups, doughnut boxes, and a couple used condoms. Kobe watched closely for any sign he might have given himself away, but admittedly was rather placid. The true rush of rule-breaking hadn't set in yet, as if he had been caught by Thomas the only repercussions would probably be the two having a laugh and Kobe figuring out some way to pretend to leave. He, however, didn't want this inconvenience. That's when Kobe's eyes scanned over the benches in the center of the room, and his heart began to beat fast. A single golden epilett lay askew on the white surface. Thomas passed it, and it seemed as though he would miss the minor detail. Kobe just wasn't that lucky. The aged janitor reached down and picked up the costume piece and walked to the locker labelled "Charming."

'Oh you just have to be a sweetheart, don't you Thomas?' Though Kobe, stifling a laugh in spite of himself. Thomas opened it with his master key, and from the other side of the room Kobe saw him give a slight start in surprise. The locker was empty, save for his real clothes and a bottle of water. A few agonizing seconds passed, but Thomas only shrugged and shook his head as if to say to the empty room "I don't get payed enough for this shit," but distinctly in Spanish, of course. He threw in the epilett and shut the door.

Moments later Kobe emerged from Ariel's locker, wearing her wig askew on his head and her sea-shell bra hanging from his ear. It took him only a minute or two to change into his khaki-colored joggers and thin red summer hoodie. By the time he emerged from the locker room the sun had set, and the black coats were pulling up in their equally ominous SUVs.

[^]15 Minutes Until "Showtime"[^]

Kobe's back was to a large fiberglass castle-shaped snack shop, one of many around the park. On the other side the long white beam of a guard's flashlight bounced lazily back and forth. As soon as it had passed him he ducked into the path to it's right, headed straight for the storage units. Kobe smiled to himself, thinking of how fed up all his friends must be by now. Especially Morgan. And Lilly was probably going insane from lack of conversation. Lord knows it's got to be crowded with Reece's ego. 'Yeah, because you're one to talk.' he could hear his friend say in his head.

Almost as if answering Tessa's telepathic call, Kobe gave the secret knock he had given them when he left. *Tap, Tap tap, Tap.* Inserting the key into the lock and looking around, he freed them to the crisp air of the outside.

"Welcome, valued guests, to Disney Land! It's Showtime." He said in a whisper with a low bow, raising his arm for them to exit.
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Reece Matthews

Outside the storage closet with the others

Feeling : Excited

He glanced around the small storage closet, it was impossible to see but he knew his friends were becoming restless. He was adjusting his footing when he heard the unmistakable tapping against the door, before it slowly swings open to reveal Kobe. "
Welcome, valued guests, to Disney Land! Its Showtime." With that, Reece stands up fully, stretching his long legs outward slightly. "About time, i think some od us were beginning to die." He sarcastically gestured behind him, before stepping out of the closet, "Are you sure most of the guards are gone?" he gently adjusts the hidden camera clipped to his shirt. The area around them was dark, but he could make out the Farris wheel in the distance, and the concession stands that have been cleaned and locked up for the night. The air was silent, not even a gust of wind disturbed the stagnant air. He glanced around slowly, there were no beams of flashlights, and no lights lit up the park as they had an hour or so before closing. Everything was dark, and different. Something gave Reece sudden chills down his spine, and he looked toward the storage closet they had just passed. He watches as his friends similarly step out of the closet, stretching their legs and looking around.

Reece pulls his heavy backpack off his shoulders, and unzips the largest zipper. He pulls out a flashlight one at a time and hands them to each of his friends. They were low beam lights and wouldn't give them away like regular and high beam flash lights would. "
Take these, its better than stumbling around in the dark."

Damon Mathews

Investigating nearby concession stands

Feeling : Perplexed

He chuckles softly at Lillian's response. "
Don't be nervous, nothing is going to go wrong." he reassures her softly, his voice unrecognizable gentle and not its usual stern bow. He feels his heart skip slightly with the tapping against the door. He nearly dropped his camcorder, but quickly regained himself. He watches as Kobe swings open the door, and Reece is the first to step out of the closet and ask Kobe questions. Damon slowly gets to his feet, raising his arms in a stretch and he groans out a growl of satisfaction.

He steps out of the door, and looks around. Everything is dark, so Damon takes the flashlight Reece hands him. He clicks it on and it lightly illuminates the ground in front of him. He steps away from the group and goes to look around at a nearby concession stand. He investigates the side of a concession stand. A dark substance is smeared in a few areas. He slowly touches his fingers to it, its shockingly cold and slimy. Damon wipes the substance on his jeans, and gets an urge to look toward his left.

Chills rocket down his spine and Damon feels his blood go cold. What looks to be a figure is peeking out the side of a nearby concession stand, yet he couldn't make our a face, only half of its body as the other side was hidden by the stand. He blinks, and the dark figure is gone. He swallows hard, turning and quickly walking back to the group. He sighs, pushing the thought out of his mind. It was just his imagination, just the rumors getting to him.. Right?

She felt a little less worried hearing Damon's response. It was not long after Lily heard three distinctive knocks on the door and watched as Kobe opened up the door to the storage room. "Oh, finally," Lily breathed a sigh of relief, she was ready to get started on this, and was also happy to get up and out of that cramped and crowded closet. Kobe walked up to each and everyone and gave them each a small flashlight to take with them. Lily was happy that he did so, she had completely forgotten to bring one, the only other useful tool she had on her was a small pocket knife that her father gave her, which is something pretty useful to have under most circumstances. She stood up and walked over to Kobe as he handed her a flashlight. She clicked it on and shined the bright light down on the ground rather than all over the place to avoid drawing attention to anyone else who might be in the area. She clicked it off, but held onto it knowing she will need it later. Lillian peered over at Damon who had walked away for a moment to go check on something, or at least that's what it looked like to her. She had a strange look on his face, like he had seen a ghost or something and wanted to ask to see what was the matter, but shrugged it off as nothing. He was probably just a little nervous like she was.

Morgan Berguson

Feeling: Relieved

When Morgan heard those three knocks, and then the door gently open.. She never thought she had been happier. She instantly scurried out of the small space and sighed to herself happily taking a deep breath of the air through her nose.. Something other than that mildew smell. "About time, Prince Charming." She spoke quietly to him as a teasing nag, taking another deep breath before her posture straightened and she stared off into the darkness. Now, she was starting to get excited about everything a little bit-- ready to just crush the rumors of this place. When Morgan was given her flashlight, she was looking down at her hands as if she could see but really-- she was just desperately looking for the switch. When she found it, the light shined right in her face, not even noticing that the head of the dull lighted flashlight was facing her. She quickly turned it away to look at the floor after squeezing her eyes shut idiotically. The sounds of locusts and grasshoppers singing rung in her ears as Morgan quickly reached in her backpack and took out the water bottle taking a small sip before putting it back shortly after. This was a sign that her nerves were a hell of a lot calmer, able to function like Morgan usually would... rather than some looney.
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Tessa King

Feeling: Excited

Tessa jumped up the minute she heard the familiar knock against the metal of the door. The second it was opened and Kobe's chiseled features came into few, Tessa was out of the closet in a flash jumping up and down rather childishly before turning back to the others. "Fucking finally." She whispered to her best friend,"I was beginning to think you had a run in the the Disney Po-Po." She laughed at the idea, and invisioned little men in blue police uniforms running around with those little batons cops used to hit people with. Her laughter died eventually and she smiled, a rush of eagerness passing through her. Brown eyes swept across everyone else quickly,"Well, come on. Let's get this show on the road!" She whispered rather loudly, shifting from foot to foot excitedly. Tessa was immensely excited, the rush that rule breaking and getting into trouble gave her was very adrenalizing. It wasn't exactly good for her by any means, but that didn't stop her from craving it all the time. Tessa took the flashlight Reece handed to her and shoved it into a side pocket on her backpack,"Thank you."

Interacting with: Kobe
@bottlecap and Reece @Scarlet Fox
Kobe Wade

Feeling: Amused

The gang came rushing out it seemed all at once. One could swear they were taking up space all at the same time, and Kobe was surprised nobody got stuck. He nodded and gave smiles all around, and grabbed a flashlight from Reece when he offered. Kobe rolled his eyes at Tessa's joke. Like both of them did so often, she obviously cracked it just to make herself laugh. She began jumping around an unreasonable amount for a seventeen year old girl, and made Kobe laugh in spite of himself.

"Christ, you're like a puppy." He gave Tessa a push he knew wouldn't bother her. "Damien, dude, is that a camera?" Kobe spoke to Damien when he got back almost as if he couldn't believe it, and would have reacted the same to Reece had he noticed it concealed. "It's bad enough we're trespassing, now you want video evidence? Great idea." His voice trailed off, however, when he saw the fleeting look on Damien's face. He didn't address it, so as not to make the situation awkward. "Alright," he said, switching topic trains, "Tess is right, what's the plan Freddie?" He gave Reece a pat on the arm to assure he was speaking to him, and not the critically acclaimed mystery solving leader of a 70's cartoon. Much as Kobe would have liked to compete with the jock on the leadership role, it was Reece who orchestrated our little venture.

Interacted with: Reece and Damien @Scarlet Fox Tessa @Iskolde

Reece Matthews

Traveling to Haunted Mansion

Feeling : Perplexed

Reece twisted his flashlight in his hands and smirked, "
Our first place is the one and only.. Haunted Mansion." he turned his flashlight on quickly and glared the beam into everyone's eyes quickly. He pulls his flashlight away and chuckles, his attitude was light and fluffy, as if they weren't in the most Dangerous Place on Earth. "Once we are there we can split up and search for clues." He chuckles, playing along with the Scooby-doo joke. He knew the park well, while he didn't work there he visited often. More often then he'd like to admit of course. Reece turns his flashlight to the ground and begins to walk in the direction of the haunted house. The ground before him was asphalt, dark and slightly gravely due to to the high traffic through the park.

Reece took a right past a concession stand and horror surged through his body and made his fingers tingle. He immediately shoved himself backward and into the person (anyone) behind him. He forces the group back ward quickly, pressing his back against the concession stand. "
Turn off your lights." He hisses under his breath, turning his off quickly. There was no sound, no footsteps. Reece carefully peeks past the concession stand and he becomes confused. The guard was just standing there in an awkward fashion. Had he spotted Reece? No. He wasn't facing the group. He was standing there, staring the haunted house's gate as if he couldn't even process what the gate was. The man stood there, he didn't sway and his flashlight just dangled from his hand as if he wasn't strong enough to hold it correctly.

Slowly, the man turns to his left, and Reece furrows his brow. The man had facial expressions, and Reece couldn't make out the man's eyes despite a black void. Yet the man begins to walk away, slowly but surely. Then finally Reece sighs in relief, looking at the others. "
Was that not weird?" he asks under his breath. He gets to his feet, slowly approaching the tall gate.

Interaction : Everyone

Damon Matthews

Traveling to Haunted House

Feeling : Uneasy

Damon had taken spot in the near back of the group, carefully walking along. What had he seen? Had it been anything at all? He sighs under his breath until he feels a smaller body shove against his. He growls, Reece had caused a small collision within the group by forcing them all backward quickly. Damon watches Reece's panicking movement, and turns out his flashlight. He decides he wants to see better, and slowly sneaks along the other side of the concession stand, he crouches down and video tapes the man. He was so awkward moving, as if he was tired or weak. Damon zooms in on the side of his face as he turns to walk away and his stomach churns with confusion. When the night mode was shined on a person, they were a bright green, and the eyes of the subject were white... Where this man's eyes belong are black like a void in his face, and Damon couldn't make out an eyeball all together. He watches the man leave, his hands shaking. What the fuck is going on? Why was there some creepy black figure, and why would this man look as if he has no eyes?

Damon quickly returns to the back of the group, deciding he would stop running off to get a better picture. It would be best for the to stick together for the night.

Interaction : Whoever decides to stand in front of him in the beginning

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#a64dff;"><strong><em>Morgan Berguson</em></strong></span></span></p>

<br /><br /><strong><em><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#808080;">Feeling: Worried</span></span></em></strong>






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<br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000000;">Quickly turning her head away from his beam, she felt like she had went blind again for around 10 seconds. Blinking her eyes quickly with seeing a few spots around them, Morgan chuckled lightly to herself at Reece's impression, rolling her eyes as she watched the light of her flashlight illuminate off the surface of the floor. She came to this park enough to know her way around-- but there was the fact she had to maneuver her way around in the dark with only a few flashlights to guide their paths. Morgan was walking right behind Reece when all of a sudden she ran into him from him abruptly stopping, causing a domino motion to fly against the group. As she opened her mouth to curse something, she listened to Reece and turned off her flashlight. What was it... a guard? Was he just playing a prank on the group to add to the spooky atmosphere? Morgan had to know, so she cautiously peeked around his shoulder... furrowing her eyebrows. Why was the guard just standing there... and why did his eyes look like that?</span></span><br /><br />

She froze in her spot, holding her breath for what felt like the a thousandth time that night. Morgan's eyes watched the man intensely, all until he left. Thats when she stopped peeking around Reece, rubbing her face. "What was that? What was he doing... Did you see his eyes?!" She whisper yelled to them, scared to turn on the flashlight. </div>



Reece Matthews

Approaching the Haunted House

Feeling : Worried

Reece shook his head, looking toward Morgan. "
I'm sure that its just the darkness of the night making it hard to see." He says softly, his voice was comforting and gentle. "Don't worry about it, he didn't even try to open the gate or get into the haunted house so there shouldn't be anyone patrolling there." he smiles a reassuring smile, which only made his handsome features more appealing. "Come on, lets keep going." he whispers, before hurrying toward the large metal gate. There was no way to climb over the gate, given its haunted theme meant the gate had pointed tips toward the top. He frowns, before noticing that there wasn't a lock on the gate. Curious, Reece moves the latch and pushes the gate open just enough for everyone to slip through. "Hurry, before anyone sees us we need to get inside." he whispers in a hiss, slipping inside of the gate.

Interaction :


Damon Matthews

Approaching the Haunted House

Feeling : Uneasy

Damon wasn't happy that Reece was continuing on, it was becoming more and more.. weird staying here at dark. He pushes his thoughts aside, it was just the darkness and the rumors getting to him, it was likely it was getting to everyone. He follows Reece and Morgan to the gate, but his curiosity spikes when the gate isn't locked. "
Why isn't it locked?" he hisses under his breath, following his brother through the small opening. "Maybe they don't think they need to lock it, no one is ever here past closing." Reece hisses back. Damon sighs, maybe he was right. Paranoid, Reece looks around. He got the eerie feeling they were being watched, but he couldn't see anything in the darkness of the night. He looks toward the haunted house, and for only a second he truly believes he sees the curtains of one window shift, but he blinks and they are still again. This was quickly beginning to annoy him. Was his mind truly playing tricks on him? or has someone.. or something been watching them?


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