Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

"Yea! I wanna be roommates with Calli!" Dimitri insisted. That ment she had to share a room with Star or Zayden, "I really dont care who I room wtih" Valentine said, "Whoever claims me I guess." VAlentine said following Jackson into the house.
"Bro you want her or not I mean I am willing to take her," Zayden asked Star. "Nooo no go for it!" Star told him. "Yaay!" Calli exclaimed she was happy that she got to stay in same room with Dimtri. "Well I loved to stay out here and continued this lovely chatter but i'm going to my room." Luna said while heading to her room. Luna grabbed some music player that she found that still worked and sat the bed putting her headphones in.
VAlentine gave Dimitri a goodnight hug "Zayden where is our room?" She asked Zayden who had a big grin on his face she wanted to knock it off his face but didnt. She waited for him to show her.
"Just take a left on the first hall and then go all the way down and its the second to last door on the left hotstuff," Zayden said while following her. "Where's are room!" Calli exclaimed. "The first door down the hall and Star yours is the very last door you should see it," Zayden screamed back at them. Calli ran to her room and jumped on the first bed while laying her stuff down. Star walked slowly to his room and put his stuff next to the bed while laying down on the bed. This is going to be a long week Star thought himself.
Valentine walked to the hall Zayden following behind she looked at him "I hope you are happy" Valentine teased. Dimitrius followed and sat on his bed "I WANTED THAT BED!!" He teased sticking his tongue out.
"Too bad!" Calli pretends to hiss at him, "It's mine!" She then tried to take up as much room as her little body could. "Oh don't worry, I am," Zayden winks at her while made his way in fronted of her. "One minute," He went into the room and shut the door. He did a speedy pick up of the room because I mean hey he wasn't them cleanest person. Once he finished he opened the door, "Well this is it," Zayden said while stretching, "You're lucky you came when you did because my sister just moved into her boyfriends room." Star sat up on the bed and admired the room, I mean this room looked like something he would actually have had it made things more comfortable.

Star's Bedroom:


Zayden's Room:


(Do you want to do Dimtrius's and Calli's Room?)
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(Yea) Valentine smiled she was impressed with the room she pushed forward and sat on her bed she set down her bag by her bed and looked at Zayden. "You arent gonna try raping me in my sleep are you" She smirked. Dimitrius went and started pulling on Calli, "CAlli!!! I want this bed!!!!" Dimitrius teased. Jackson got into bed with Luna and cuddled her kissing her cheek and playing with her hair lightly until they both fell asleep.

Dimitri and Calli's room:


Jackson and Luna's room:

Zayden climbed into the same bed with Valentine, "Maybe if you sleep in my bed, your on the top bunk." he laughed. Calli clinged onto the bed," Dimitri! go away!" Star got up off the bed to check if his little sister was settling in well. He walked over to their room when he saw Dimitri trying to get Calli off the bed. They both looked at him while he slowly inched away.
Dimitrius started laughing and put his face in his hands uncontrolably laughing. "Bitch please!!" VAlentine teased not moving turning to Zayden looking him in the eyes, something about him lured her in and she wanted to learn more about him.
"Do you know how long I was waiting for my sister to move out so I could have the bigger bed," Zayden pouted. Calli started laughing at her brother slowly moving out of the room. Star wanted to explore the rest of house and went for it. The kitchen and lounging area was pretty neat and so was the bathroom!
VAlentine rolled her eyes. "Fine, but itll be mine sooner or later!" VAlentine snickered while climbing on the top bunk. Dimitrius tickled CAlli for a minute then slimbed into his bed smiling at Calli.
"That's what you think," Zayden mumbled himself, "But I'm willing to share a bed." It was getting late so Star headed to bed hoping tomorrow would be a better day. Calli yawned at fell asleep curled up in a ball.
Valentine peeked her head over the edge. "You wish!" VAlentine smirked. "You would have to force me and we both know you cant do that!" VAlentine said smirking and going back to leaning against the wall. Dimitrius shut off the lights and fell asleep as well.
"Well I can only dream," Zayden smiled whiling burrowing down in his blanket. "Goodnight."

Star rubbed his eyes and yawned. The house was getting pretty quiet and he headed to his new room. He laid on top of the bed thinking about what is going to happen from here. Are they going to stay with them or is he going to take his little sister and get as far as he can away from here? He just wanted to do what was right for Calli. Luna woke up in sweats and couldn’t get back to sleep. She was dreaming that she was drowning and she didn’t know what this dream meant. Luna went into the bathroom and splash water on her face. After she was done she headed back to bed and cuddle up to Jackson. She then closed her eyes hoping to fall back to sleep.
Valentine sat awake on alert she had been having nightmares every night she crawled quietly to the floor and exiting tripping over her shoes landing on her stomach looking at Zayden to see if he had woken she couldnt tell so she quietly pulled her boots on and opened the door quietly leaving it cracked. She went out into the bitter chilly fall night air.
Zayden heard a faint noise but decided it was probably a mouse or something and went back to sleep. Star wasn't able to fall asleep himself because he just didn't seem to know what would be right and got out off bed. He opened the door to walk when he saw Valentine, he didn't want to bother her so he went out the back door and went to the first tree he saw. Star sat in the tree figuring things out some more. Calli was curled up in bed thinking about gumdrops, candy canes, and Dimitri. They were jumping on a trampoline with candy flying everywhere. I mean who wouldn't want a dream like that.
Valentine ran slow and then faster he feet hitting hard against the pavement she found a group of zombies and put herself in the middle of it, she stabbed one in the head blood splattering on her she kicked one behind her and twirled around stabing it in the eye. She grunted loudly as blood splattered on her tears ran down her face and she twisted ones arm and swiped its feet from underneath it she stomped on its head crushing it and blood splattering up her pants. She was having a flashback to her parents and their empty gaze as they wobbled towards her. That night flowed through her mind it was the aniversery of their infection. She kicked the last on in the stomach sending it flying she jumped on it stabbing it over and over sobbing and screaming loudly as blood splattered all over her.
Star slowly drifted off into a slumber and ended up just sleeping in the tree. Trees always remind him of his parents and helped him think better. Luna was still wide awake in bed trying to figure things out. She always thought dreams had a meaning. Luna took a couple pill to help her sleep. Right after she took them she was completely out.
Valentine continued her run and killed zombied outsidde their house and was covered in blood by the morning. She layed on the porch covered in blood bawling her eyes out.
Dimitrius woke up and went outside to get some fresh air and found Valentine on the porch he ran up to her and hugged her getting covered in blood, He felt bad she watched them turn, she watched them get bit, she had to kill them and it still haunted her. Dimitrius hugged her, "VAlentine its not your fault!" He reassured her. "Yes it was! I killed them! I couldnt even say goodbye to them! I just looked into their empty eyes and shot them!" Valentine sobbed burrying her face in her brothers shoulder. Dimitrius hugged her tightly as she cried rubbing her back, he didnt care if blood had gotten all over him he just sat with her.
Calli woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked over at Dimitri's bed to see he wasn't there, "Dimitri?" Calli got up out of bed dragging her bunny behind her. She first checked Valentine's room to see if Dimitrius got scared and went to sleep with her. When she didn't see Dimitri or Valentine she panicked. Zayden woke up to see the little girl crying, he slowly got out of bed and got down to her level. "Are you okay," He asked. "T-Their gone," Calli hiccuped while pointing to Valentine's bed. Zayden looked over at the bed and picked her up. He didn't know her very well but didn't matter he then headed to his sisters room. "Luna," He whispered. Luna didn't stir. "LUNA!" He said a little bit louder. Zayden still couldn't wake her realizing that she probably took the sleeping pills again.
Valentine was still wailing loudly in her little brothers arms. Dimitrius tried to get her up but she just cried mored. Dimitrius stroked her hair and hugged her tightly closing his eyes. The blood had started to dry on them and was getting sticky. But niether of them cared Dimitrius had never eally cried he didnt like crying.
"Zay to do you hear that," Calli asked while rubbing her eyes. Zayden listening what sounds like crying and headed outside holding Calli still. He saw Valentine and Dimitri both on the bench crying. Calli squirmed out of Zayden grip and went to give Dimitri a big hug, "Don't Cry Dimitri! I love you!" Zayden walked over to Valentine wrapped his arms around her, "your eyes look pretty even when you cry."
Valentine let go of Dimitri and hugged Zayden bawling into his chest. Dimtrius looked at calli and wiped his eyes "Im fine." Dimitrius got up taking Calli's hand he didnt want to cry infront of any one. "Todays the day my parents got infected." He told to Calli once inside. Valentine looked at Zayden blood splatters dried on her face.

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