Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

When Zayden got home he ran down to the basement to his secret hiding place he made. "Do you not know your name anymore," Calli asked.

"Lol Nope," said Luna not moving an inch.
Zayden felt bad for kissing Valentine because she was just so sweet and sarcastic. It made her love her more and more. He hoped she felt the same. "But But But," Calli repeated. Luna looked through the key hole to see if anyone was still out there. She couldn't really tell but she didn't want to risk it.
"Zayden???" Valentine called looking in their room she started searching through the house for him. Jackson held his breathe and stayed as still as he could
Zayden took a deep breathe and headed back up stair. He then headed to his room and laid on his bed. Luna took the risk and opened the door. She then saw that Jackson was still there but she jumped out of bathroom and ran for their room. Luna hid herself under the blankets.
Jackson chased after her and jumped onto the bed "hmmm why is my bed so lumpy all of a sudden?!" He teased. Valentine heard footsteps heading into her room and then went up to check she saw Zayden laying on his bed and sat next to him. "Zayden, why did you run away from me?" She frowned. Dimitrius went outside and decided to go for a walk.
"Wait for me!" Calli screamed at Dimitri, "I wanna go!" Luna moaned, "WHY YOU DO DIS!!" Zayden shrugged his shoulders and continued to look up at the ceiling. He knew why he didn't but he just didn't know how to explain it.
Valentine was kind of irritated now "You are gonna kiss me then ignore me....Classy." Valentine got up and walked out of the room. She really liked Zayden but thought he might just play her. Dimitrius stopped and waited for Calli to catch up smiling at her. Jackson smiled "You like it!!!"
Zayden got up off the bed, "I just don't understand this feelings in him," he tried to explained. Calli finally caught up and smiled at Dimtri. "No I don't!" Luna said.
Valentine stopped and turned "Niether do I, I never fall for guys like you...No offense." Valentine sort of blushed. Dimitrius smiled and started walking. "Pff you do too!!" Jackson joked and stuck his tongue out at Luna.
"It's weird feeling in my gut," Zayden laughed, "Every time i'm with you it makes me crave you even more." He liked that they were sharing their feelings and made him feel closer. "So where we heading," Calli asked. Luna tried to crawl out from underneath Jackson slowly but she was epically failing. "What do you eat!" Luna exclaimed.
"You sound like a vampire" Valentine teased and smiled. "Something when I first met you and you made that cheesy flirt I kinda just felt something." Valentine smiled at him. "Oh just walking you would to after getting shot and sitting in bed for three days straight! I dont wanna forget how to walk!!" Dimitrius joked sticking his tongue out. "You" Jackson smirked and winked then started laughing and rolled off her.
Zayden stuck his tongue out and grabbed her, "cuddle with me!" Calli laughed, "does Valentine know your going for a walk? Are you sure she'll be okay with it?" "Someone is drunk," Luna laughed and walk out of his room and sat by Star. "What's up," she bumped into him. "Nothing," Star said while laying down, "I just might take a nap." Luna got up and walked in to the bathroom to take a shower.
  • Valentine smiled and kind of chuckled at Zayden “Im not tired though!!” She whined. Dimitrius shrugged “Nope I am pretty sure she doesnt mind” He smiled. Jackson just layed there and took a nap.
Luna couldn't find the one shirt she wanted to wear and went to search in Zayden's room. When she walked to her room she saw Zayden grab Valentine. "Well then," She walked out slowly. She went to room and decided to change into this instead. "Okay!" Calli smiled while walking with Dimitri. Zayden gave her a pouty face but then Luna walked in and then walked out. "Well that was awkward," Zayden laughed.
"You don't have to be tired," Zayden complained. "How long do you think it will be until you are all better?" Calli asked. Luna walked over to Jackson, "Wake up sleepyhead shouldn't we be getting supplies?"
JAckson groaned "I suppose..." Jackson got up and grabbed his kunais knocking on Valentine and Zayden's door "Come on we are going for a supplies hunt". Valentine chuckled "Too late now." She walked out the room and sat in the front yard waiting. "I dont know honestly" Dimitrius sighed it didnt hurt that much.
Luna woke Star up and told him we were going on a supply hunt. Star and Luna headed outside to wait for the others. "Oh don't worry I'll get you next time," Zayden smirked while walking outside.
VAlentine waited for them and then started walking after they all piled out. She had put on her dagger holder around her waist and had her bow and arrows around her neck.
Star kept quiet and to himself while Zayden bumped into Valentine, "whoops!" he laughed. Luna was keeping concentrated when she was doing something, she always felt like she was on a mission.
Valentine lightly punched his arm "Stop you gaywad!" She laughed. "Im gonna split from the group I like hunting alone its faster and I get more done" Valentine announced and started to turn away from the group. Dimitrius climbed into a tree as high as he could.
"Oh," Zayden pouted, "what about me!" Star rolled his eyes, "I don't care what happens." Luna smiled and smacked him in the head, "Will you leave the poor girl alone!" "Oh she knows she loves," Zayden smirked. Luna was enjoying the big group of people and felt like they were all part of a family once again.
Valentine sprinted off with her bow at ready she ran until she came to a drug store entering it weappon at ready in case of a zombie jumped out She scouted the building and then searched for stuff they could use. She found nothing besides gauze and she slipped it into her pouch and continued looking for shit. Dimitrius was surveying the area and saw a ripe plum tree though it was a zombie apocolypse plants were effected they still grew and got water from rain.
Zayden slowly follows behind Valentine hoping to just to watch her from a far, he knew his sister would be mad about it but he didn't care. "Over here, Jackson," Luna exclaimed when she saw a building that looked like it had no zombies, which that is like never. Star went on a hunt for Calli he was kinda curious where she was. Calli followed Dimitri up the tree.

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