Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

Star stayed where he was, he knew he would have to move eventually but hoping not anytime soon. This tree is his heart and soul.
VAlentine got up and took the bandage off her hand staring at it. She stood up and walked down stairs she took ome herbs and rubbed them on the wound then wrapping again it had hurt a lot
"Calli!" Star jumped out of the tree completely forgetting about Calli. He ran alway the back and he knew Calli was probably up by now. Its 10 am when he finally got back. Star walked in, "Calli!," he screamed while running up to her room. She was still sleeping which shocking to him. He knew if she was still sleeping in a couple hours he would have to wake her up so she could take her meds.
VAlentine was in the shower she just finished and walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around her humming she looked up to see Star "Star! I thought you were still gone!! " She blushed and pulled the towel tighter around her.
Valentine was totally red she ran into her room and got dressed then came out still blushing she went down stairs where Dimitrius was and tickled him he laughed and squirmed in her arms.

"Valentine stop! Im not a kid!!" Dimitrius pleaded through his laughter. She smiled and tickled him more to where he was gasping for air then she sat on his chest and did ticki torcher. HE squirmed and finally got her off pinning her down. They wrestled around like siblings and ended up sitting next to each other laughing.
Star went upstairs to wake up Calli. "Wakie wakie," He said. Calli didn't even budge. "Calli! Come on Calli," Star started to get worry. "No! No! Calli!" He started to cry while hugging his sister. She was still breathing normally she just wasn't waking up.
Dimitrius and Valentine went upstairs to find Star hugging CAlli. Dimitrius looked at Valentine she nodded and Dimitrius walked away. Valentine walked over to Star and put a hand on his shoulder
"GO AWAY!" Star screamed at he while moving his shoulder so her hand would no longer be there. He then picked Calli up and his bags. He was leaving and go back to their base. Star headed out the door on his way back to their base.
VAlentine turned looking at him leave. Dimitrus went to go stop him but she grabbed his arm. "Let them go Dimitrius, we shouldn't have got our hopes up..." Valentine said. "We are leaving now though. So go get everything we need we need to move we have been here too long!" Valentine commanded and went to go pack their food and medicine. Dimitrius got their weapons and herbs and after they finished they abandoned their old base. They walked towrds one of the red areas they had to pass it to move on and they would need a plan.
Once Star got back to his regular base he laid Calli in her room and went to get water and a blanket. He set in next to Calli's bed and laid on the ground. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, "Please be okay!"

Calli was in between states. She saw her parents and then she saw her brother. Two Paths. One decision. She knew what happen that day she had forgotten to eat something sweet with her meds. Her parents were telling her to go towards her brother and she knew she had to.
Valentine sat in a tree and Dimitrius in another tree scouting the zombies for a way around them or through them Valentines mind kept drifting off into thinking about Star and Calli.
Star passed out on the floor near Calli's bed. Calli waved goodbye to her parents and headed up the stairs towards her brother. She woke up gasping for her air. Calli looked down to his brother sleeping next to her. She smiled to herself but realize that they were back at their own base. Calli decided to ask him when he woke up. She saw the water next to her and took a sip. Calli got out bed and headed over to all the stuff she had collected. She found the very first one every she was the one her mother gave her before she disappeared. It was an old black bunny but she loved it very much.
Dimitrius pointed at an alley between the building Valentine nodded then jumped down with their weapons ready and ran towards it. Dimitrius shot a zombie that got a little close and then ducked into the alley.
Calli went outside to get fresh air and sat on the ground. She liked the feeling of the grass. Star woke up rubbing his eyes and couldn't believe that he fell asleep. He looked over at Calli's bed to not see her there. Star ran over to his room and then the bathroom nearly wiping out. He then checked outside he saw her laying down. Star in full speed sprint, went and tackled her. He never wanted to feel this feeling again!
VAlentine creeped along the way she turned and seen a pack of zombies entering the alley Valentines eyes widened and she grabbed Dimitrius' arm running she lifted him onto a fire escape and then jumped up herself nearly missing a zombie grabbed her foot and she kicked it off she pulled her self up as Dimitrius shot any zombies that got close to her
Calli was enjoying the breeze when suddenly her brother tackled her. "What do you want," she smiled. "Gosh I love you!" Star said while tickling her. Calli starting screaming and giggling. "Come on,Calli Lets go for a run," Star said getting up he was really pump. "Sure!" Calli said whiling getting up. They started to run when Calli asked him why they were at their base. "Well umm," he hesitated, "I got pretty hysterical at their base and kinda of left!" Calli slapped him on the back, "Your such a meanie, now lets head back there so you can apologize. "When you become the adult?" he asked smartly and Calli gave him the eye. They started to run in the direction of Valentine's and Dimitri's base. When they got there it was completely empty. "Now what," She huffed. "I don't know your the adult," Star smiled. "Hmm well I guess we better try to hunt them down," Calli said whiling starting to run again.
Dimitrius and Velentine where on the roof scouting it for any thing they needed. The more Valentine thought about Star the more she got mad. She had opened her arms to them and took them in, she had the chance to kill them but didnt, she even cut open her hand risking her life to save them. Redness inched up Valentines cheeks and she kept looking around.
Calli ran all over with Star trailing right behind her. She huffed, "Where the hell could she be." Calli sat down the on ground trying to figure out if Dimitri or Star said anything about this. Calli got back up and dusted herself off. Calli was on a mission and wasn't going to stop until she found them.
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Dimitrius shot a zombie that had some how gotten up and there was a loud bang for some reason he had forgot to turn on the silencer zombies started flooding around the building Valentine ran over to him grabbing his arm ready to get out of there.
Calli looked down on ground to see fresh footprints, "Let's go this way." Star followed never has he ever found his sister so determined.
Vaelntine charged at the next roof leaping not looking down waving her arms. She barely made it she caught he balance and told "Dimitrius throw over your stuff and jump!!"Valentine commanded he threw his bag and she cause it tossing it to the ground lightly he then backed up sprinting and jumping over he barely missed and started to drop Valentine dropped to the edge on her stomach and grabbed his hand then holding onto him with one hand and the building with the other she hoisted him up zombies were falling to the ground trying to get to them from the roof top. Once Dimitrius was safe Valentine sat back huffing. Dimitrius had adrenaline rush and got up immediately and picked up his bag.
"Come on Calli," Star huffed, "Can't we stop i'm getting hungry." Calli shook her head at him, "It's your fault we are in this mess and your going to fix it." Star decided that he wasn't going to listen to his little sister and tackled her to the ground, "Lighten up!" Calli didn't like this because she was on a mission and pushed his brother off of her. Too bad he weight too much, "Star you don't need anymore food your already to fat!" Star pretended like he was almost going to cry. "Cry me river build a bridge and get over it," Calli said whiling rolling her eyes and punching him in gut. Star got off of her and Calli continued. Calli wasn't going to lose the footprints.
Valentine didn't say a word, she kept running along the buildings till she was far then she crawled down a fire escape into an alley, she looked around and helped Dimitrius. Then a guy put his hand on her shoulder she twirled around seeing an asian guy that looked about her age. "Who are you?!" VAlentine growled getting ready to attack he held his hands up and she went back to normal. "Im Jackson Thamos, you dont have to worry I wont hurt you guys!" He said extending his arm. VAlentine took it and shook "I am Valentine and this is my little brother Dimitrius" she tilted her head at Dimitrius. He smiled and asked "You guys wanna come with me?" Valentine nodded he looked trustworthy and if he wasnt she could easily take him down.

Jackson Thamos:

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