Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

Star chased after her grabbing his sword on the way out. That woman had ears like a hawk to here the alarm from that far away. Star hopped that Calli was okay.

Calli was still not in the right mind and grabbed a gun off the ground and started shooting the zombies. She wasn't the best at gun but she was still hitting them.
Calli didn't notice she ended up just picking the sword back up and continue to kill.

Star went and climbed up a tree that was near by and took out the gun he didn't notice he had with him. He then started to shoot from there.
Valentine got closer and started knifing zombies with her dagger. Valentines main focus was to get the attention off the young ones she slit open her hand to attract the zombie and started running the zombies following close behind her.

Dimitrius saw his sister and noticed the zombies after her and ran after the zombies shooting the ones that lagged behind.
Calli was finishing up the on the zombies that were surrounding her and then went over to the alarm to turn it off. They didn't need to attract anymore.

Star stayed up in the tree, shooting and trying his best. He saw Dimitrius running to his sister. He hopped out of the tree and started slicing the zombies in half.
VAlentine was bein gained on she searched frantically and then jumped into a tree screaming in pain as tree bark, and dirt got into the cut on her hand she almost let go but didnt. A zombie grabbed her foot and started pulling down she held on harder and screamed louder from the pain tears leaking down her cheeks.

Dimitrius shot at the zombie shakily he never missed but he was nervous and couldnt get the zombie that latched onto his sister.
"No!" Star screamed as he ran over to her slicing the zombie's arm that was on her leg. "We have to get back to base," he demanded at Dimitri, "Go find Calli!" He then picked Valentine up and ran towards the base, hoping Dimitri found Calli before the zombies did.

Calli was getting exhausted but continued to kill the zombies that were in the building.
Dimitrius couldnt get through the door so he busted through the window nad picked Calli up so she couldnt squirm he started running to the base putting Calli down and grabbed her hand running.
"Stop it!" Calli tried screaming and trying to get his hand off. But it was too late she, was over worked and She passed out.

Star ran faster the nhe ever did before and got the base. He ran inside placing her on the couch. Star checked out the wound and it didn't look so good. "Where's the first aid kid?" He asked.
Dimitrius picked her up holding her like a baby it was the easiest way for him. She was heavy but he ignored it and ran faster as the zombies trailed right behind him. He noticed the board wasnt in place and sprinted faster jumping over flipping onto his back so her wouldnt land on Calli He landed on the other said barely missing the pit he landed on his back Calli ontop of him. HE panted and just layed there staring up. That was the most adreniline he had for awhile and he loved it. He smiled and closed his eyes panting CAlli still out on top of him.

Valentine pointed she had lost a lot of blood and was getting dizzy. Things started to blur and all she felt was her hand pulsing her eyes slipped closed and opened again when a pain in her stomach shot through she screamed and passed out.
Star went and grabbed a wet wash cloth and the first aid kit. He ran over to her gently wiping the blood away and after he got done with that he wrapped and bandage around it. He made sure it was tight but not to tight. He made sure everything looked good and before he slid down the couch. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and was hoping that she would be okay.
Dimitrius looked to the side watching the zombies fall into the pit trying to get to them. He finally caught his breathe but was to tired to get up plus he didn't want to disturb CAlli. Valentine was in a deep dream. It was kind of like a vision. She saw a persons face flash across and a military camp Dimitrius and Calli standing at attention with bruises all over them. She saw the guys face again standing over Stars beaten and lifeless body and she awoke she sat up tears leaking down her face and hugged Star.
Star was thinking on the floor with his back up against the couch. He heard Valentine mumble a little bit to herself. He was half asleep when all of sudden he felt Valentines arms around him. He could feel the cold wet tears, so apparently she was crying.
Star rubbed her back telling her it will be okay. He was wondering what was taking Dimitri so long, "I'm going to go find the other two," he said, "Are you going to be alright?"
Star laid one on one head of the couch and the other one on the other side of the couch. He walked over to Valentine and slapped her hand, "Don't be picking at them!"
"It will never heal then," Star said walking away and upstairs. He was completely wiped out and decided he would lay down for a couple minutes. he ended up falling asleep
Star continued to sleep, when jolted awake. He must of been having a nightmare again. He put on his clothes and knew he wouldn't be going back to bed. He ran downstairs and saw that it was 5 am. Star decided he would go for a little run and maybe swing by their base.
Star ran all the way back to the base to restock on a couple things. He ran into Calli's room and grabbed some more of her meds. he then headed out towards the old oak tree. You see this old oak tree had been standing sense the beginning of the apocalypse. He climbed the tree and remember the memories with his father. "Hey dad who can climb the tree faster," little 4 year old Star screamed. "Probably me," his dad screamed. They both ran towards the tree climbing it. Of course his father let him in win but he didn't know it at the time. They both climb down back to the bottom. "I told you so!" little star gloated. "Now Gabriel you better watch out or else your going to be tickled by the tickle monster," his father said in a monstery voice while tickling star. The night was filled with laughter. Star remember the laughter between his family when mom was hugging and kiss him while Dad was hugging and kissing Calli. He then remember showing Calli the tree. "You see this tree, Calli." 10 year old Star said. "This the tree Dad show me before he past and I was around the same age as you." Tears started to stream down Stars face remembering all these memories. He leaned back on the tree and kinda just stared out at nothing. "Dad, Mom I just don't know what to do," He whispered wiping some of the tears away.

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