Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

"So...I just want some adventure," Calli tried to explain to him.

Star looked over at the map and figured where they were heading. "The last one there is a rotten egg," He screamed while making a mad dash for it!
Dimitrius smiled "I can agree with that! We have to be back before them though" Dimitrius warned.

Valentine chased after him catching up shepassed him laughing "gosh youre so slow!!" Valentine teased.
"Yay!" Calli exclaimed while looking at the map. All those times going with her brother is going to finally pay off.

Star laughed along with Valentine and start to speed up a little bit more.
"Lets go here," Calli said pointing to a part on the map. It supposably park over there.

Star tried to slow down but instead ended rammed into Valentine and Fell on top of her. He looked at her and rolled over. Star then started to laugh.
Valentine laughed in a pile with Star she held her stomach as she laughed.

Dimitrius nodded and smiled following Calli 
Valentine laughed in a pile with Star she held her stomach as she laughed.

Dimitrius nodded and smiled following Calli
Star got back up and started to walk towards an old house. "lets try this one," he pointed.

Calli started to walk and then started to run. Once they got there she saw they had swings. Calli ran to the swings and hopped on to one, "Push me Dimitri!" She exclaimed!
Valentine nodded amd got on one side of the door she told Star to get ready his weapons and she spun and kicked the soor open when he was ready

Dimitrius ran to fthe swjng and started pushing Calli ob the swing 
Valentine nodded amd got on one side of the door she told Star to get ready his weapons and she spun and kicked the soor open when he was ready

Dimitrius ran to fthe swjng and started pushing Calli ob the swing
Star got his weapon into place while she kick the door open. Lucky enough there wasn't many zombies. He sprinted into the house and started to kill some of the zombies.

Calli was laughing and enjoying herself when all of sudden the swing snap. I mean the swing was probably there for a while. Calli was up in the air and did a backflip. She stuck the landing. "Good thing my brother taught be some gymnastic movies," she said with a smile!
Valentine rushed in with her daggers stabbing two in. the head and kicking them off her blades flipping.too. She then throwing a dagger at one behind Star hitting it in the side of the head

Dimitrius smiled and walked over to her "that wS pretty sweet"
After killing all the zombies he went searching for stuff they could use. He went into the bathroom to find some medicines. He grabbed them and thew them into the bag.

"I know," she laughed. Calli ran home, she knew she would need more sugar. "Come on Dimitri," She screamed while looking back.
Valentine seaarched through the kitchen looking for good food aand medicines.

Dimitrius ran side by side to Calli and he looked at her smiling.
Star also found some shampoo and conditioner. He threw that in his bag and went to find Valentine.

When they finally reach the base she went searching for something sweet. "What do you guys got that's sweet she ask," going through the cupboards.
Valentine was looking through every drawer and cupboard she found a picture of a family and stared at it having a flash back to the night she haad to kill her paarents and started screaming while in a trance seeing her parents zombie faces she collapsed to the ground.

Dimitrius smilrd and led her to the dining room pulling back the rug and lifring a board out of the floor showing a sstache of snacks and ssweets. "Its my stache shhh" Dimitrius smiled
Star found Valentine on the kitchen floor. In calm matter in threw her over his shoulder and grabbed the bags. He then ran back to base and once he got back he laid her on the couch. He rubbed her forehead and gave her a peck on the forehead. After Star did it he realize this wasn't Calli and got a little red in the cheeks.

"Score!" Calli said grabbing a box of kisses. She shoved them in her face one after another. After she was finish eating she heard the door open. "Bro," She exclaimed she never realized how much she missed and ran over to give him a hug. When she got over to him she saw him carrying Valentine.
Dimitrius' eyes widened and he ran over to him "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!!!?? Dimitrius kneeled down beside Valentine "I cant lose her like I lost my parents..."
"We were at some house," Star started to explain, "and we were looking for supplies, when I got done searching in one of the rooms I went to find her. She was on the kitchen floor like this." He felt sorry for Dimitrius but just let him be.

Calli watch as Dimitri went from having a good time to panic mode. She knelt down next to him, "She might just have had a panic attack," she said trying to comfort him.
Dimitrius tensed when she touched him he just sat there not moving staring at Valentine. She looked pale, it was the palest he'd had ever seen her. A few hours passed and he fell asleep laying his head on the couch. He had refused to eat or move away from Valentine.
Calli was up in bed, after their long adventure it tired her out.

Star walked over to where Dimtrius fell asleep and threw a blanket on him. "Things will get better," he whispered while throwing a blanket on valentine. He stay downstairs and slid down the couch. Star sat there and thought.
A few hours around 2:30 AM VAlentine eyes popped open. She noticed Dimitrius sleeping right by her head and smiled. While she was out she had a flashback of the last few months from the first few zombies and surviving with Dimitrius to now. Valentine looked at Star and sat up a little rubbing her head.
After of just looking a white wall, Star feel asleep himself. Calli came downstairs around 1 to see everyone was crowded around the couch. She grabbed a blanket and covered her brother up and then cuddled herself up against him.
Valentine smiled at everyone sleeping around her and fell back asleep she picked up Dimitrius before falling back asleep and put him by her. When the morning came she was the first one up she got up and made eggs for everyone when they awokehumming lightly.
Star woke up and saw that valentine was gone and that Calli was cuddling with him. He slowly backed away from Calli and went into the kitchen to see Valentine cooking.

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