Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

Valentine nodded. It was and old house that had a trench around it Dimitrius set up the wood board and Walked across it. "We found it one day and found the people that were here before had got shot or something so we took it for our own. It has power but we like using candles so the lights dont attract zombies, there is also working water so feel free to shower." Valentine said walking over the board looking down at the zombies that had fell in.
Gabriel was shocked at how different it looked compared to theirs. he still like his own but it was different. It was weird being able to actual shower also because they always had to to shower in a river that was closed to their base. He watch as they walk in and he took a deep breathe. Maybe its fort he best! “So where can I lay Calli down not to sound like a pain or anything but she is getting kind of heavy,” he said hesitantly.
VAlentine smiled and bringing him upstairs opening a door to a room with a bed in it, she lit a candle and set it by the bed leaving the room smiling "your room is the next to the left" VAlentine closed the door softly going downstairs to talk to Dimitrius
"No I'll just sleep with her," Star didn't want to to leave her alone because she woke up in a strange room she would be confused. He went and laid her on the bed and he then put her bag and the duffle bags in the corner. Star then curled up on the ground, "Hopefully this is for the best," he said before he closed his eyes.
The next morning Dimitrius was out in the front yard looking down into the zombie pit when Valentine called him to go get Star and Calli he nodded and skipped up the stairs two at a time. Dimitrius knocked on the door and opened it, "Hey sorry to bother you guys but Valentine wants you she is in the dining room."
Calli woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked around a realize she wasn't in her room! She started to panic,"Star where are we?" "It's okay we are at those people we met house," he explain while yawning. Star walked over to her and gave Calli her medicine and a chocolate. "Eat that chocolate bar then take your medicine," he explain slowly. Calli nodded and ate her chocolate, then took her medicine. After that was all complete then went downstairs to find the dining room. It took him a bit but he ended up finding it!
Valentine was sitting at the table marking locations on a map. "Alright here is a map of the city and there are some unexplored areas, the ones that asrent marks but yea thats our mission we have been scouting the city for survivers. If you want to help. But anyways if you are hungry there is cereal but you have to eat it dry all the milk I have found is expired. So...." Valentine smiled fixing her brown gloves then looking at Calli smiling she kneeled down "We havent totally met I am Valentine its a pleasure to finally meet you in person" Valentine smiled and held her hand out to calli
Calli hid behind her brother, she was scared out of her mind! She wasn't use to other people other than her and her brother. Star grabbed the map and listen to the things she said, this is one of his favorite parts! "Go into my bag Calli," he said, "There should be a health bar, go eat it!" Calli ran upstairs and went to find the health bar. Star decided he wasn't that hungry and would wait for Calli to get done eating. "Sorry, Calli is really shy!" He explained.
"Its fine I understand" VAlentine smiled and got up. "Also the parts with red pen is where zombies have taken over and there is no way of getting through or around them." Valentine said pointing at a few places on the map.
"Oh, there is always a way," Star smirked. Calli was heading back downstairs and saw Dimitrius she stayed hidden behind the stairs just admiring him. He had to be close to her age but she wasn't sure.
Dimitrius was messing with his guns silencer making sure it was all in order her was also checking his bullet supply and putting back all in his messenger bag. He pulled out a picture of his parents and sighed stuffing it in the bag he looked around and saw Calli but pretended not to notice he kinda smiled and then walked over to her. "Hi, Im Dimitrius you are?" Dimitrius smiled lightly at her.
Instead of introducing herself Calli screamed. She kept screaming she didn't even know why, she was just really shocked. Star heard Calli's scream and headed towards her. Star saw her near Dimitrius and picked her up. "Shh its okay," he said rubbing her back. Calli started to sniffle while snuggling her face in his shoulder. 
Instead of introducing herself Calli screamed. She kept screaming she didn't even know why, she was just really shocked. Star heard Calli's scream and headed towards her. Star saw her near Dimitrius and picked her up. "Shh its okay," he said rubbing her back. Calli started to sniffle while snuggling her face in his shoulder.
Dimitrius stumbled backwards and tripped on his feet shocked. "I didnt do anything I promise!!" Dimitrius said still on ground. VAlentine rand in and looked at them. "What happened?!" VAlentine had her daggers at ready noticing there was no danger seathed them. Valentine looked at Dimitrius on the ground confused. Dimitrius us got up wiping the dust off his butt still in shock
"She gets random Panic attack," Star shared, "I'm sorry!" Calli lifted her head and got down from her brother. "Sorry about that I'm Calli," she putting her hand out and smiling. Calli was trying to play it off and she was doing a good job of it! Star watch as her sister quickly recovered. He walked over to Valentine, "So do we split up or go together, to go out and search the houses for supplies," he asked.
Dimitrius hesitantly took her hand and shook it calmly on alert just in case it happened again. Valentine looked at Star "Well I usually go alone and Dimitrius watches the base but how ever you want to do it. HE is safe as long as the board isnt in place." Valentine said glancing over at Calli and Dimitrius.
Calli laughed, "Can I call you Dimitri," She wonder. We could leave this two here and we can together," he said. Star wanted to learn more about this Valentine chick and he would just have to explain to Dimitrius what he had to do if she had a panic attack. Star would also have to tell him where her medicine and the sugar she needed to take before she took the medicine.
"Calli will be fine, right Calli?" He said while Calli nodded her head with a smile. "But Dimitri is going to have some responsibility sense i won't be here to do it," he explained. Star looked at Dimitri, "Upstairs there is a bottle full pills make sure she takes two of sometime today and make sure she eats some sugar before she takes them," Star continued, "If she has a panic attack wrap her in your arms and tell her it will be okay while rubbing her back." Star hoped he would understand how important this was, "Got it?"
Dimitrius nodded and then smiled at Calli. "Dont worry he is responsible he can handle this. Also you know what to do in case of zombies getting over, which probably wont happen but still" Valentine grabbed her arrow holder and threw it over he shoulder doing it with her bow too. She gabbed her bag which had first aid, daggers, and other stuff just in case something happened.
"Of Course I do," Star laughed. He ran upstairs and grabbed his bag full of his supplies he would need like his sword, bandages, and etc. he ran back downstairs and told Valentine he was ready to go. They started to walk away. "Be good Calli," Star told Calli while waving goodbye, this would be the first he wouldn't be at her side. Hopefully she would be okay. Calli went upstairs and grabbed her bag. She then went over to the table and started to color.
Dimitrius removed the board from over the trench after they left and went back inside looking at CAlli and smiling. Dimitrius went back to playing with his guns.
Calli was trying to figured out what page to color. When she finally decided. She ended up getting bored of it and decided to go play with her ninja stars. She went her bag and grabbed them. Calli then went and found tree that Dimitri wouldn't find her because he didn't want judge her at it. She knew she was good at it but still. She took a piece a paper and pinned it to the tree. Calli drew a picture of a bulls-eye. She stepped a couple feet away from the target. She threw the first star and hit in the 7 place. The second and third throw she hit the middle point! "Yes!" She said to herself. She grabbed the ninja stars and threw them again.

What she was coloring:

Dimitrius was sorting out the herbs and placing them in certain bags leaving the main plant so it would grow again putting it back in the medicine cabinet. He went out and practiced shooting zombies with the zombies in the pit the gun was on silence so it made no sound when shot off.

Valentine walked down the side walk looking at the map occasionally.
"So where are we heading," Star wondered while stretching out. Calli was getting good at her aim and decided to quit. She put away the ninja stars and headed back inside. She decided she would take her meds now. Calli ran upstairs and found that he brother left her a chocolate chip muffin to eat. She ate the muffin and then took her medicine. Calli was starting to get bored and decided to go find her brother. She saw that he left his map on the bed, she grabbed the map and headed outside. She then went on her hunt for her brother.

Her ninja star:

Dimitrius saw her leaving and followed. "What are you doing Calli?" Dimitrius asked. "We dont know where they are!"

Valentne pointed at an unmarked location on the map. "around here somewhere" Valentine explained

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