Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

Calli slowly kept walking make sure didn't lose anymore hints while Star held his gut. "Gosh you have a mean punch," Star muttered. Calli ignored him while some random chick ran up to them. "Have you seen some guy run by chance," the random lady asked. Calli shook her head no while wonder who she was. "Dang him," the woman cursed to herself, "I'm sorry I'm Luna Willow," she said while bowing. "I'm Calli and this is my brother Gabriel but he likes to be called Star," Calli told her. "Now why are you searching for some dude," Star asked. "Oh he's my brother and he likes to play tricks on me," Luna explained, "Well sorry for bothering you!" Luna was just about to walk away when some dude crashed out of the tree. "Come on Zayden, do you always have to do this!" Luna screamed while getting off the ground. The dude Luna called Zayden laughed. "I have to pick on my sister," he said while giving her noogie, "I know your names sense I was chilling in the tree but you don't know mine, I'm Zayden Willow her sister," Zayden said while pointing to Luna. "Well you wouldn't happen to see to others walking by chance," Calli asked. "Nope but we are gladly to help," Luna smiled. Zayden sighed and Luna punched him his gut. "But first we need to go get are friend if that is okay," she asked. Star and Calli nodded their heads. Zayden and Luna lead the way to the place that apparently their friend was.

Luna Willow:


Zayden Willow:


Them as babies:


(don't ask why I added that! xD )
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Valentine walked with Jackson talking and laughing, They got to the meeting spot and waited for his group who he had told her about she was excited to meet Luna and Zayden. Dimitrius sat impatiently
Calli and Star continued to follow Luna and Zayden. They were fooling around and you could tell they were brother and sister. They told Calli and Star that Jackson, the dude they are going to get, should be at the meeting spot by now. Calli was getting and anxious and was happy they found someone that was kind enough to help them. Star was nervous, he did just leave them and he knew they were trying to help but he went to protective mode. He knew he would have to apologize because one he knew it was the right thing and two Calli would force him. Luna and Zayden told them that they should be up this past and they would meet them up there. "What's up man," Zayden asked Jackson coming up to him to join him. Zayden and Luna notice they had people with them, "Hey we also have people but they should be coming up the hill a minute," Luna smiled. "I'm Luna," Luna smiled whiling handing her hand out to the little boy. "And I'm the sexy Zayden," Zayden said winking at girl. Calli and Star came up the hill slowly still no able to see anybody. Just a few more feet and they would have the help they needed to find Dimtrius and Valentine.
Valentine raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes at Zayden, Dimitrius shook Luna's hand "I am Dimitrius and this is my older sister Valentine!" Dimitrius introduced them. Valentine stood by JAckson arms crossed not speaking a word.
"Valentine, huh, how about you be mine Valentine," Zayden smirked at Valentine. "Oh brother." Luna rolled her eyes and hit him in the head, "be quiet for once." Star and Calli came over to join Zayden and Luna. They realized that right in front of them was Valentine and Dimitrius.
Valentine smiled a little but her smile faded when she saw Star and Calli, Dimitrius saw Calli and tackled her hugging her. "Dont leave again!!!" Dimitrius hugged her. Valentine kinda turned amd looked around like she heard something.
Calli giggled, "Dimitri! I miss you!!!" She was happy to see them again and glad they wouldn't have to continued their hunt. Star saw that Valentine wasn't to happy to see them so Star acted like he didn't care either. "Well I see you found your friends," Luna laughed. "Oh did I see a smile." Zayden said. Luna headed over to Jackson and jumped on his back!
Jackson smiled and held her on his back, Valentine rolled her eyes and tried not to smile again. Dimitrius helped Calli up and kissed her cheek "Im glad you're okay!!"Dimitrius smiled. "So where is your guys' base??" Valentine asked impatiently.
Zayden rolled his eyes at his sister, "Eww!!" Luna stuck her tongue out, "Nobody cares." Calli blushed and got up off the ground, "Are base is pretty far away but we would do anything to you find you guys!" She smiled. Star stood there taking little glances at Valentine to see her mood.
Valentine had a straight face making it hard to see how she was feeling she walked next to Jackson and Luna and Dimitrius. She kept feeling someone looking at her so she glanced over at Star and saw him look away. VAlentine ignored it and kept walking talking with Jackson and Luna
"So where did you find them anyways," Luna asked. Jackson gave her a small sign which he usually did because he wasn't very talkative. "Oh down there huh," She responded. Calli and Star was confused on how they were talking to each other but also thought it was unique. "Where were you guys heading anyways," Calli asked Dimitri.
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"Anywhere Valentine didn't want to be stationed any longer she has been acting weird the last few days, distant."Dimitrius explained nodding at Valentine walking quietly by Zayden. Dimitrius then looked at Calli and shrugged
"I bet your from Tennessee because your the only ten I see," Zayden said whiling trying not laugh. "Hey Valentine, how old are you," Luna asked curiously. Calli jumped on Dimitri's back hoping he would catch her. Star stopped looking over at Valentine and kept his head forward.
"16" Valentine replied, "By the way, that is a sucky flirt line try this, Are you religious? 'Cause you're the answer to all my prayers." VAlentine said hoping to start a pick up line war she had tons!! She smiled at Zayden. Dimitrius caught Calli and carried her rolling his eyes at Zayden and VAlentine.
STD's are like pokemon, you got to catch them all. You wanna help me out," Zayden couldn't say that one without laughing. "ONWARD YOSHI!" Calli screamed at Dimitri. Luna,Star and Zayden laughed at them and watch Calli kick him. "GO!!!"
VAlentine laughed with them, Dimitrius took off running with her on his back. VAlentine smiled "Maybe later, I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you." VAlentine winked at him. Dimitrius ran far ahead then stopped and ran back and started walking by them again.
"If I had a choice, I would spend my 100 coins on you instead of on an extra life," Zayden smiled at her. "Where are we heading," Star ask seriously. Luna and Calli looked at him like they didn't have a clue. Calli laughed when Dimitri ran with her and after he was done she jumped off of his back. Calli ran over to her brother and got up on to his back next.
Dimitrius smiled watching Calli hope on her brothers back. "You look cold. Want to use me as a blanket?" VAlentine smirked at Zayden doubting he could beat that.
"If you stood in front of a mirror and held up 11 roses, you would see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world," Zayden smiled, "And I actually mean that one too." Calli and Luna both acted like they were gagging. I mean Calli already thought Valentine as a sister figure and see this made want to go ewwww.
VAlentine blushed but then forced away the redness "If you were a booger I'd pick you first." Valentine smiled and chuckled. Dimitrius laughed and shook his head.
Zayden laughed with her while walking over to his sister, "Luna get a life." Luna stuck her tongue out at him while Calli went over to Valentine. She pulled on her shirt, "Valli why do you look unhappy," she whispered. "Hey Luna, are we almost where we are going," Star asked. "Umm I don't know Jackson?" Luna asked.
Valentine smiled at Calli and picked her up, "I am just a little stressed, I was worried about you and now there are a lot of people and worrying about any of them dying. I just feel its my duty to protect you guys and it is a lot of stress" Valentine smiled.
"You don't have to worry silly," Calli smiled while touching her nose. Luna went over to Star, "Why are you so quiet," she asked. "I don't anything to say," He explained. Luna nodded her headed and went back over next to Jackson.
Valentine smiled and then Jackson spoke after a long walk of silence "We are here" he said coming to an old house in the country hidden by trees. Valentine approached the house holding Calli fllowing Jackson. "Some of you will have to share a room I am guessing you guys might want to share with your sibling but yea you are free to any food in the kitchen just dont get too piggy!" Jackson instucted.
"Do we have to share a room with our siblings," Calli pouted sticking her tongue out at her brother. She was still kinda mad at him. "Can I share a room with Dimitri," She giggled. Star glared at his little sister and roll his eyes. That girl sometimes...Star thought to himself. "Haha suckers I have my own room," Zayden gloated. "Unless a special someone wants to change that," He smirked at Valentine.

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