Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)

"No your not!" Calli screamed at Dimitri while he was pulling her away from Valentine and Zayden. Zayden pulled Valentine to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth. He put under the nice cool water and started to clean up the blood on her face. "Now that's the pretty face I love and know!" Zayden smiled.
Valentine forced herself not to blush or smile and just stared blankly at the wall. Dimitrius looked at Calli calmly and raised an eye brow "Yes I am."
Calli had tears coming down her eyes, "I don't like seeing you sad." "Oh is that smile I see you trying to hide," Zayden teased. He then threw a long shirt of his that would probably go down to her knees. "Change it to that," He explained while heading out of the bathroom shutting the door behind him.
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She stared past him and just through the shirt into the sink walking out of the bathroom and into her room getting her extra clothes ( Pulling them on and slipped her dagger in her holder and her bow and arrow case over her shoulders. She grabbed her bag, she wanted to keep moving and someone would have to pretty good at persuading to take her out of it. She marched outside "Dimitrius we are leaving!" Valentine demanding avoiding eye contact with Calli.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!" Screamed Calli crying even harder than she already was. Her crying was so loud it woke Luna and Star that was outside in a tree. Star ran inside as fast as he could to see Calli crying and sniffling. Luna walked out of her room rubbing her eyes wondering what all the commotion was. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to find you," She said while sniffling, "and just running away Valentine would be selfish." Calli screamed at Valentine, "I thought of you as a sister, someone I could look up to," she continue, "and if your just going to do this then your not someone I want to be when I grow up." Calli ran into her room screaming into her pillow. "How dare you make my little sister cry," Star glared at Valentine while running into Calli's and Dimitri's room. "Calli I love you and that's all that matters," Star said while rubbing her back and she sniffled through her tears. "B-but I finally found someone my age and they are leaving us and I just don't know what to do," Calli curled up into a ball in Star's lap. Star let her cry her little heart out.
Valentine was in a daze she just grabbed Dimitrius' stuff and pulled him out the door. She was not risking an invasion of zombies, she was not getting close to these people and watching them die like her parents. She was not letting that happen, Dimitrius let his sister drag him by the arm he knew he had no choice in the matter and accepted his sisters choice.
Star was done with this all this chaos. He finally found out why he didn't like other people. Star picked up his little sister and told Luna and Zayden thank you for the stay but they had to get back. Calli was cuddling into neck while they walk away. Luna screamed at Star and Zayden screamed at Valentine, "When the go gets tough you just leave?"

Call and Star outfit:

Valentine turned "Im not giving up I am a lone ranger I dont need the stress of having to watch you guys die if you do! I am not getting close just so you can be ripped away from me. Im sorry but I am gone!" Valentine snapped at Zayden her blue eyes sparking with anger. "Star, you are the one that left me and Dimitrius making Dimitrius extremely depressed so you have no room to talk YOU ARENT A SAINT!" Valentine turned and marched off now determined never to go back.
Star ignored Luna and walked over to Valentine, "Think about this what if it was Dimtrius that wouldn't wake up that almost died in front of your eyes, what would you have done," Star said seriously with a complete straight face.
Valentine looked him straight in the eyes "I would have tried my hardest to save him and accepted help from people who cared about me and my younger sibling." VAlentine frowned "Goodbye Star" Valentine whirled around and continued walking away.
"You don't understand how hard it is to accept that we have people care about us," Star explained, "I mean we only know you for a day! I went to survival mode afterwards and tried to what was right for her!" Star was getting angry this wasn't his fault and he wasn't going to have her say that.
"Yea well believe it or not I care about you and Calli that's why im leaving I do not want to watch you get hurt, infected, or die like I did my parents. Its not happening again!" Valentine said fighting back tears. Dimitrius pulled at Valentine. He knew she was gonna black out again if she kept thinking about it.
"fine then bye," Star said walking away not even hesitating. "NOOO!!" Calli screamed back. They were going to head back home and forget about everyone. They don't need them.
Valentine let Dimitrius pull her away, Dimitrius smiled at CAlli as if to say "May our paths cross again" Dimitrius and Valentine walked away Valentine hugged herself as she walked.
Star put Calli on the ground and grabbed her hand to continue walking. "Does this mean they don't like us anymore," Calli asked rubbing her eyes, she was still really tired. Zayden and Luna both looked like they were defeated and walk back inside. They thought this was it, they lost what they had found.
VAlentine walked back to her building "I should have just continued our route we are behind now we have no time for socialization." Valentine said to herself. "Valentine...Just because that happened to our parents does not mean it will happen to them you have to open up you cant stay in that shell your whole life...But im gonna go scout the area." Dimitrius said running ahead a few minutes later Valentine heard gunshots and Dimitrius scream. She ran out to see to hooded figures hovering over him "HEY!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Valentine shrieked and screamed and sobbed loud enough for any one or thing in a 3 mile radius to hear her. She crouched down next to Dimitrius' body and screamed "DIMITRI!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Valentine was sobbing but she tought fast screaming and crying she pulled out her first aid kit.
Calli heard something and looked at star, "Did you hear that?" Star told her no and Calli wanted to check it out but he wouldn't allow it they had to be home before evening. Calli wiggled out of his gripped and ran towards she heard it. "CALLI!" Star screamed following right behind. Zayden also heard it and went to check it out while Luna fell asleep on the couch. She gave his sister a little kiss on the forehead and ran out of the house. He saw Calli running and Star traveling right behind. Zayden caught up to Calli and followed her. What they saw was Valentine on the ground next to Dimitri. "DIMITRI!!" Calli screamed while going to hug him on the ground. Star and Zayden was right behind Valentine with ghost looking face. "Okay lets get him back to our place," Zayden commanded.
VAlentine was holding Dimitri in her arms tears rolling down her face. She didnt look at any of them, she just stared into her brothers eyes they were drooping. She was in a daze and then panic set in her breathing went faster and faster and she started looking around at everyone she pulled out her dagger and pointed it at them "STAY BACK! IM SER..." VAlentine passed out her body slumping next to Dimitrius' and back at the house jackson was asking what had happened.
"You grab Dimitri and I'll grab Valentine," Zayden instructed. Star picked up Dimitri, "Are you going to be okay?" Star asked Calli. Calli nodded her head in a daze. Zayden picked up Valentine and started to head back to the house. Zayden put her in her bed for the fact he couldn't put her on the couch because of Luna. Star laid Dimitri in his bed and started to cleaned the wound and then patched him up. "Go ahead and laid down for awhile," Star told Calli. She slowly got back to bed and looked at her brother, "He's going to be okay, right?" Star nodded his head and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Zayden headed out to see Jackson wondering what was happening. "Long story," He said too tired to explain. It was a long night for everyone. Zayden went and laid on the couch next to his sister. Star sat on the ground next to her sisters bed staring into space.
Dimitrius was stuck all he could see was white he had no idea where he was all he remember was two guys trying to get away from them and being shot in the shoulder. He then saw two figures appearing, they were his parents. Oliver and Amelia Bloodwell stood there smiling at their son.

"You are going up! My handsome boy is getting so mature and big!" Amelia said hugging him tightly. "Amelia dont get attached he has to go back soon. Before he is stuck here." Oliver scolded his wife she smiled and kissed Dimitrius' cheek. "Im aloud to hug him quit being a scrooge!" She scolded Oliver. "Now Dimitri listen close! You guys have to be carful the zombies is not your only threat. You have the raiders, the people who were gonna kill you and the military they are wiping everyone out!" Oliver explained. "Trust only people in your group, if you meet someone keep them under lock and key until you know they are safe! Head these words Dimitri, Trust no one until they trust you!" Oliver gave Dimitrius a hug. "Now, go!" Oliver said turning to walk away with Amelia. "Oh and tell Valentine not to be so uptight all the time." Amelia smiled. Dimitrius' parents disapeared and he woke up in his room he lookes at his wrapped shoulder. He had been out for two days in a coma, Valentine walked in with a bowl of soup and saw he had awoken She ran over to him poutting the soup on his bedside table tears of joy leapt down her face as heh laughed hugging her brother tightly. She kissed her brothers cheek and called for everyone "STAR! CALLI! ZAYDEN! LUNA! JACKSON!! COME QUICK!!!!" Valentine held her brother tightly. Star and Valentine had sort of started talking again Valentine had apologized for what she said. "Woah enough of the emotions!" Dimitri joked.




Calli ran in first with eagerness. "DIMITRI!!" She screamed while climbing into his bed with him. "I MISS YOU!!" Luna and Zayden walked in together and looked over to see Dimitrius awake. "Hey little dude how you feeling," Luna smiled. Star walked in lastly and looked over to see him awake. He stand by the door so he wouldn't crowd him. Star would just come visit him later but he made sure he gave him a little smile. Calli was happy like a fat kid that just got cake. You just looked at her and you would see that she was happy!
Dimitri hugged Calli and smiled. He told everyone about what his parents said and Valentine kinda laughed at their moms remark about her. "Dont worry we are not leaving again I need these people" She smiled at everyone. Valentine handed him food and drinks and let him scarf it down you would be surprised how hungry you get when in a coma!
"Especially me," Zayden said cockily. "Eat that soup Dimitrius you need the strength!" Calli was just trying to be helpful sense he is her best friend. Star wondered out his room with Luna so they wouldn't keep the room crowded. Luna headed to her room while Star headed outside to sit on the steps.
VAlentine stood up shaking her head at Zayden getting sort of close to his face "Keep dreaming tiger!" Valentine smiled walking past him patting his shoulder Dimitri talked with Calli.
"Yes! Now im tiger!" Zayden said while roaring. "Does it hurt," Calli asked Dimitri. Star continue to sit outside to think about what has all happen this last week. I mean it was one crazy week!

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