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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris looked at Max who was doing something with Kota. He turned to look at Kira and smiled, "Yeah... I'll try to be gentle too since removing an arrow might hurt a bit" He said as he moved the reptilian closer to them and got on before getting where he could help her on.

Kira frowned as she looked at Max and Kota, a blush touching her cheeks before she found the strength to lift her arm, allowing Aeris to help her up. She didn't want to see what happened next. Max must of lost his mind in the heat of the desert. "I can guide you through it, the most painful will be breaking the arrow, the rest, well if I manage to not pass out during, should be easy enough." She said as she wrapped her halfway good arm around him, making sure to keep her body angled so he wouldn't hit the arrow as they rode.
Aeris nodded, "Talk to you later Kota" He said before moving quickly off into the area heading back to their temporary base. "So what parts do I need to work on... like where were you injured?" He asked since he knew how to check people out decently but sealing without materials was hard... luckily they had needle and thread here. He would tell Kira about his love and other things later but right now he was focused on making sure she wasn't going to die.

"I think the main thing you need to worry about is the arrow. They left me some of that cream. We can use it, get the others and go... we don't want to be there long, the leader I am sure, will find the bodies, and be out for blood." She said weakly. "I will reset and splint your leg once you are done with me." She held on tight, leaning her head on his shoulder.
Aeris smiled before they got to the place entering through the stables and he continued through still using lizard as transportation. He moved over to her bed from before and squatted the creature next to it so she could be more comfortable when it happened. He moved into the chair and looked at her for a moment before thinking about the best way to remove it. "So this looks like it will be painful to say the least" he said looking at it.

Kira moved to sit on the bed, scooting to the edge as she looked at him. "It will be. What you need to do, since the arrow head is much further through, is move behind me, and break the wood. As soon as that happens, pull it out fast from the front. It is going to bleed badly when you pull it out." She warned. "While you do it, talk to me about what you need to... get my mind off the pain, or else it will be that much worse." She said before taking a deep breath.
Aeris nodded and moved over to the bed getting behind her as he was instructed to do. "I don't know a specific topic to talk about while I do this... Do you have something you're interested in hearing. It can be from the past of recently or plans for the future whatever you'd like" He said as he rubbed her back gently for a moment on the side opposite of the arrow. Since he wanted to relax her before having to deal with the arrow inside her chest which was threatening.
She breathed deep. "Talk about what you said you needed to. The more important, the more distracted I will be. And please, just do it as fast as you can when you decide to start. Don't hesitate." She said as she lowered her head, preparing her body. The back rubbing did feel good, it got her mind off of where the arrow was, but she knew what came next.
Aeris nodded, "Well I wanted to tell you about that feeling that I had" He said as he put his hand on the wood preparing to remove it after snapping it. He was being gentle before quickly snapping it and removing it quickly looking at the blood. He was worried about how it would affect her but he did as she said for him to do. He then put his hand over the wound as he sent for the reptile to go fetch the medical bag that was in another room.

Kira released a scream as he snapped the wood, feeling her head getting light as he pulled the wood from within her chest. "I... meant.... tell me.... what.... it was...." She said in a pained voice. Her head was lowered, her face flushed as her eyes were squeezed shut. Blood poured out of the wound. "What were... you feeling Aeris?" She asked before lifting her gaze to his face.
Aeris blushed... "Well I have... romantic feelings for you and. You could call it love" He said as he felt his heart beat. One of his hands held a knife and he had a reptile not to far so he could kill someone if need be. He held her close to him as their large reptilian pet came back into the room and sat the medical equipment down beside them as it curled around them guarding them with it's arsenal of primal weaponry.

Kira blinked, not noticing Terrance in the room. "What?" She said, a blush touching her cheeks. "But... wait." She shook her head as if trying to figure out her own thoughts. "And here I was... thinking you were talking.... about someone else." She said with a pained laugh. "You are dangerous... for me Aeris." She said with a smile as she looked at him, despite the pain, she felt warm inside. "Don't... ever... walk away from me... again."

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