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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Kota's eyes widened when he saw the bullet go through Rail's head, but he quickly shook it off. He ran over to Kira and Aeris. "Hey, Aeris. Wake up. Please." He said, lightly shaking him, not wanting to hurt him any more than he already was. @ScaraByte
Terrance and Max came running up from a distance. Max had a rifle in his hands and Terrance a spear in his."Dammit I wasn't quick enough! I've failed like always. "Max said as he fell to his knees and coughed up blood. @Mina @Ldybug123
-Calixto watch as Severux scream - AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! mmphhhm -Calixto was in wide eyes and coverd Severux mouth- why did u scream severux -he said as he look at the humans-... ... ...
Kira looked up at Rail as he spoke, she closed her eyes, not even enough energy to fight before her body jolted and she opened her eyes to see the blood dripping from the tiger man, and onto her face, before he fell back. She felt Kota shaking Aeris and she pushed herself up. "Don't!" She yelled at Kota. She struggled to move her arm, but she looked at Aeris, afraid he was dead.
Aeris felt something touching him briefly his mind in a slur as the walls around him spun together and he was pulled back into reality where he moved over coughing up some blood mixed with sand from his earlier problems. He opened his eyes though and panted breathing heavily and wheezing as he did before falling on his back again, "Oww.... What the hell... happened?" He asked before trying to sit up and alarms seemed to go off through his entire body. "Max did you actually hit me for once?" He asked his head spinning wildly as he began to regain sense of reason a bit more.

@Tylor guillory
Mina said:
Asura stood perched on a tree, her body leaning down a bit. "Hey human!" She yelled at Novaline. She was going to eat all of the humans here, but her father had wanted this one alive, and she was riding some big creature. She forgot the name of it, it didn't really matter to her anyway, she had no use for such wretched beasts. "You decide to return after warning the others?" She yelled.
Micahel rolled his eyes at Rail. He was a terrible second in command sometimes, he should be more respectful of his leader. Micahel nodded at the female Kan who turned and made her way back to the medical room, before Micahel left to find Kota and Aeris. "I swear." He growled under his breath.
Novaline heard a yell, then looked around. She saw Asura in the trees, leaning down. She pulled on the rope, stopping the creature. "Why would I tell them anything?" She pointed to the creature, "I was out getting a present for your father."
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Kira moved back, the arrow in her arm still. She was losing it. Aeris sat, she backed away. Nope, I can't. I just can't. She thought to herself before she got to her feet. Her arms laid limp at her sides. Nope. She blinked as she looked at everyone, the dead bodies. She couldn't deal with this. This was why feelings were a bad idea... they were always going to lead to this. She turned and began walking away without a single word, her mind seemingly gone.
-Severux was in wide eyes- why are they killing each other brother? -she ask with fear- why does everyone have to die? -she whimpered as Calixto face her- dear little one when the time is right i shall tell u everything u need to know...humans... i believe u must go with them -Calixto said with a sigh it will be better - b-but what about u big brother? -she ask as she look at Calixto-... no need to fear ill be alright as always -he said with a laugh-
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Aeris nodded to Kota, "I'm alright... were's Kira though... I need to-" He cut himself off as he tried to stand up his body still in alarm as he managed to get to his knees. "I need to tell her something I couldn't before" He said as his body wanted to quit on him right here and now but he couldn't let it. He had to tell her about the feelings that he'd figured out though it was probably just him thinking that way so he'd probably feel kinda awkward saying it. Then he would just do what his original plan was and go off on his own to deal with things. Since currently him being in a group just seemed to hurt them... when he was around they would get injured in place of him and it just felt wrong to him.
Max got up and grabbed her speaking in a raspy voice as he coughed up more blood."You can't leave. Look I know its alotnto deal with...but we need to stick together if we're going to survive. "Max said tears in his eyes and his voice breaking now." Please haven't we suffered enough without one of use leaving to go die in the desert! "Max pleaded. "I'm old and I've done alot I've seen many people die I don't want to see anymore!" Max said falli g to his knees still holding on to Kira. @Mina @Ldybug123 @ScaraByte
"Hey." Kota said to Aeris. "You shouldn't stand. Your legs broken. Kira's fine." He said reassuringly. Kota then turned his head to see Max cough up blood. He ran over to him and kneeled down. "Hey Max. What's wrong? What happened?" He asked concerned. @Tylor guillory
-Severux look at the humans- i know they will take care of u...well maybe since they r hurt from the fight but good enough to protect u -said calixto as he look at the dead kan- i shall be back when they r healed -he thought as he look at severux and smile- now go... -he said as Severux smile back and scaringly walk out of were she is hiding comming forward to the wounded humans- h-hello a-a-re y-you p-people o-o-key? -she ask as she shack in fright seeing them all wounded-

@Tylor guillory
"It seems that I was injured worse in that last battle then anyone had thought." Max said as he coughed more holding his hand to his mouth as he did."I'll be fine don't worry about me. I've lived through worse."He said his voice still raspy. @Ldybug123
Kira blinked, looking at Max. As he fell to his knees with his hands on her shoulders, she did the same. She had been crying, though she didn't notice. Her body and mind were exhausted, losing more blood, an arrow sticking out of her chest, and the person she had come to care more for than herself, couldn't even walk. And what had she accomplished? She was a fool to think some one like her, could actually help. Kira watched Kota run to Max's aid, though it was as if a movie were playing in front of her... watching from the outside. Max pleaded for her not to die, why? He had just beat the crap out of her face the night before. She wanted to check on Aeris, but her mind just wanted to shut down.
"You sure?" Kota asked, still concerned. "And what about Kira?" He said, looking down at her.@Tylor guillory @Mina
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-Severux look at the people and walk forward- ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... -she will keep herself silent and watch them while coming closer to them and hearing their discussions as for Calixto he watch the humans in the distance not to fight but just to watch them silently-
Max breathed heavily before standing to his feet and wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. "Yes I'm fine we need to worry about the otheirs first. Their both injured far worse than me." Max said as he walked over to Aeris and lifted him up holding him in his arms in just a way that he wouldn't be in to much pain."Lets go find a place to stay maybe the Kans had something at their base we missed."Max declares smiling again although pain and saddness clearly hide behind his eyes. Terrance just stood quietly watching unsure of how he fit into all this. He was a outsider here no more needed than the dead Kan on the desert floor. @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123
As Kota went to grab Kira, she pushed him off, shaking her head. "No." She said weakly. She lowered her head and breathed heavily. The pain beginning to sink in. There was no way he could carry her without severely hurting her, the arrow obviously still lodged in her shoulder. Her head lifted, looking over to see Max pick Aeris up. As if on auto pilot, she pushed herself to her feet and began walking, following. He was alive right? She was pretty sure, though at this point, she was confused. So she walked, her body aching, her steps unsteady.
Kota looked at Kira. "Ok, if you're sure. But I'll help you if you need it." He said, making sure to walk by her in case she fell. @Mina
Aeris looked at the Max a bit surprised now before being the stubborn person he was. He moved out of Max's grasp and stood in his own way awkwardly. "I'm good.. umm... You guys head back that way I have some um... well" He said before he took a breath still standing on his own and refusing the help from others. He remembered something and let off a little hissing noise. Which caused his Lizard mount to walk over to them. He had no idea how the beast had survived but it had. He climbed onto the lizard creature since he currently couldn't run he decided to get the next best things and ride something. He looked down at them before sighing and smiling at them, "This is were I have to part ways though... It's been a nice time having you guys around though" He said as the lizard creature backed up a bit getting a couple yards back in a matter of seconds.

@Tylor guillory @Mina @Ldybug123 @Astaroth Suzumiya

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