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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Kira saw movement in the distance past Kota. "Aeris?" She moved faster until they turned around, that was when she saw it, at least five others breached the hill of sand, headed straight for them. She turned and began running, before stopping and turning around. She pulled the bow off of her shoulder, placed the arrow and drew it back. Judging from the distance, she lifted the bow and released, the arrow soaring past Aeris and hitting one of the lizards behind him, the Kan on the mount flying off. She grabbed another arrow and did the same though this one missed. "Damn" they were getting closer but she drew back another. She was going to kill them.
Aeris saw someone firing a bow at them... a new person though this one was hooded and held a bow. Strange, He didn't quite know why they would help him but he didn't object to the assistance. "Kota... If you have a spare weapon on you toss it to me and then get to Max and his friend." He said since he did need something to cut his bonds which though he could control the reptile he couldn't fight or get off of it with the stupid bonds holding him down. He was ready to catch whatever might be thrown at his as well as he was ready to do something crazy.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
Kota nodded and pulled the dagger out from his belt loop. He held it out to Aeris, handing it to him before going to Max and Kira. @Tylor guillory
Infuriated and deciding that Micahel was obviously losing it, Rail went after Aeris fire in his eyes and thirsting for blood."I won't let you escape human!!!!" He roared as his lizard came up behind Aeris. He balanced himself then leapt off his lizard at Aeris with all his might. @ScaraByte
Max was sitting down messing with something he hadn't been expecting to find in the Kans items. It wasn't with the weapons but it clearly was a weapon. He tinkerer with the sniper rifle which he had found with a pile of scrap metal along with some ammo at the Kan base. Terrance stood shaking against a wall watching for any danger the spear that Max Had previously in his hand."Haha looky what Max found its a good thing II know how to use these. "He said as he worked on repairing the sniper rifle.
Aeris felt the tigers presence getting closer Kota telling him giving him more info. "Got it" He said as he used the dagger to cut his bonds quickly then rolled off his lizard holding tightly as he hit the sand and a surge of pain winding through him. The escape from the tiger probably wasn't as he hoped but thus far that was probably the best option since he went right under the tigers shot range. Thanks to training for years under his father he could tell some precision and the area of impact. Currently his escape vehicle was the next one on the catch menu unless tigers could fly that is. He held the dagger from Kota firmly in one hand watching carefully.

@Tylor guillory @Mina @Ldybug123
Aeris smiled at Rails. "Aww... Stripes if you wanted to play then we can. Come on little kitty" He said to taunt him as he looked at him. He knew that if he tried a heads on approach he would loose since that would get him killed in a matter of moments due to the strength difference. But he knew if you angered someone that they would be out of their right mind quite a bit. So instead of taking the charge he began to run around him in a circle of sorts though at the same time making sudden strange movements here or there so his pattern was never the same. He kept his eyes locked on those of the other hostiles like he'd been taught in combat training.

@Tylor guillory @Mina @Ldybug123
Kira ran, yanking the hood from her face before she pulled back another arrow and aimed it at Rail. "Aeris! RUN!!" She screamed before releasing the arrow, hoping her yell would stop him from circling Rail, it soared through the air, headed straight for the tiger looking Kan. She would deal with the others first. After the arrow left the bow, she ran once more, sand kicking up behind her. No way was she letting them take him again.
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Rails stood and looked at him confused."What are you doing are you having a seizure of sorts?" He asked seriously concerned."Nevermind this will make it much easier for me! Here I think it's time to change the sand in my litter box!" Rail said although he had no idea how he came up with something like that. As he had never heard of a litter box before. He then attempted to throw sand in Aeris eyes before going to pin him down. @ScaraByte
Unfortunately Rails sword was big enough to cover his back, and strong and hard enough to protect him from any attacks from behind. This was sort of a secondary purpose. The arrow hit his sword and he simple got pushed forward a bit before going to attack Aeris again. As he did this more Kan went after Mina all with bows and arrows or some other long range weapon. @Mina
Kota jumped in front of Aeris, the sand going in his eyes instead. "Ow, crap." He said, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to get the sand out. @Tylor guillory
Kira glared before pulling out another arrow... three used, leaving her.... seven. She pulled it back and aimed it at another Kan. She had taken one out further back, the three others that headed at her were going down... at least she hoped. Kira released another arrow, this one hitting one of the Kan warriors on the shoulder. The sun was to her back, giving her the advantage. They couldn't see where the arrows were coming from. The Kan slipped to the side causing the lizard to be yanked as well, before it fell throwing the Kan from its back. They were getting closer, fast. She pulled back yet another Arrow.
Aeris looked at Kota for a moment before noticing the tiger was going for him. He made a dead sprint for the Kan. "Tony. Go back to your frosted flakes. It's a thing about humans They're Gr-r-reat!" He said before throwing the dagger towards him then a sharp pain shot through his right arm and he turned to see an Arrow jutting through his forearm. It was likely from earlier and meant to hit the tiger from the bandit girl... though he didn't have time to worry about it now as he continued to run at the tiger blood gushing from his arm as he felt pain surging and stabbing through his being from the arm. But he had to focus on this Kan right now or he would get them all killed.

@Tylor guillory
Rail couldn't move out of the way of the dagger so he used his arm to block it. The dagger cut him but didn't do much damage. He stood and glared at the human."You know the thing about space is no one can hear you scream in it. To bad everyone will here you scream when I break your legs!" He roared as he charged at Aeris ignoring the pain in his arm. @ScaraByte
Kota got all the sand out of his eyes. He looked at Aeris and saw that Rail was charging at him. He was worried about Aeris' injury he had just gotten. He ran up and pushed him out of the way. Rail was now heading straight for Kota instead. @Tylor guillory
Rails continued his charge even more so now getting annoyed by the other human. He pounced on him and shoved his face in the sand not letting up."Oh I'm sorry human did you want something? Maybe a drink or something to eat? Here why don't you eat some sand you pesky little nuances! " Rails roared as he began smashing Kotas face into the sand repeatedly. He began repeating the phrase had enough over and over again as he did so. @Ldybug123
Kota kept his eyes shut so sand wouldn't get into them. He coughed whenever his face was lifted up because sand was going up into his face. @Tylor guillory
Aeris felt himself go into a sort of shock now his blood sputtering out onto the sand as he looked up from the ground at Rail and Kota. He saw what was occurring and then it popped. He felt that anger that was inside him before now coming out as he forced himself up and off the ground the arrow almost snapping as he did but bending to a point just before it. He moved quickly now as he moved to the Tigers arm and ripped his dagger back out to himself for a weapon. "Hey, I don't see how you mixed me up someone completely different from me" He said moving the dagger so the blade shined a beam from the sun directly into the tigers eye.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123 @Mina
Kira released another arrow, missing once again. Her arm was throbbing, her vision getting worse, but all she could think about was getting to the others. No way she could outrun one of those lizard things. She saw Kota getting his ass kicked, and her heart stopped. Everything seeming to slow down. She pulled out the dagger that she had kept and wrapped the bow around her body. Holding the dagger with her good hand, before she ran, straight for the lizards. Chances were, she could dodge them easier than they could move, since she was quite a bit smaller. Judging from the fact that the sand was harder to dodge in, she would have to plan this out more thoroughly... At about a hundred feet, she jumped to the side, rolling through the sand, luckily there was a slight slope allowing her to roll further, the lizards turning and sliding across the loose ground before leaping into a run once more. By this time, Kira was up, running straight for Rail, Aeris and Kota... maybe two hundred feet to go.

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