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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

While Aeris had Rail distracted, Kota flipped over so he was lying on his back. He kicked Rail in the face hard, maybe breaking his nose. @Tylor guillory @ScaraByte
Aeris saw what Kota had done and moved quickly coming up fast and aiming for the back of the neck with his dagger. He wanted to kill this mascot so he could be done with it... the Kan had done enough to him. They were probably the ones who shot him a bit ago to, but right now he was unclogging his judgement and getting close to an attack planning out every possible thing that could happen as he went in for the killing blow.

@Tylor guillory @Mina @Ldybug123
Rail continued to shove Kotas face into the ground repeatedly. As the sunlight shone in his eye/s and kota kicked him in the face he growled annoyed ignored the pain then raised Kota. He then struck him hard in the face repeatedly. "Dammit humans this would be a lot.easier if you'd never have come here to begin with!" He yelled before putting a blade up to kotas throat."Don't move or he dies!" Rail ordered tired of this annoying game. He turned so that he could keep a eye on all the humans in case one tried to sneak up on him. @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123
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Kota's eyes widened when the blade was put against his neck. He looked at Aeris, the fear in his eyes apparent. @Tylor guillory
(Let's disregard out past posts since 19 minutes is a short time span)

Aeris looked at him standing in the sand seeing Kota and the dagger was in his good hand he turned and saw another figure running towards them. "Stop!" he yelled at the figure who looked like Kira. He couldn't move since he knew Kota would probably die if he did, "Alright then Tony, tell me what you want and we'll comply as long as you let all of them go" He said looking at him with seriousness in his eyes and in his tone of voice. If his friends were killed he would probably go a bit psychopathic but currently he was good. He threw the dagger the way the running person was coming though made sure to be shy of her by quite a few yards to warn her.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
Kira heard Aeris yell for her to stop, before a dagger flew toward her. She did as she was told, raising her hands in the air to get the Kan behind her to not kill her... well hopefully they wouldn't. She dropped her own dagger. The Kan warriors behind her slowed to a stop, placing a spear at the back of her neck, the other aiming an arrow at her back. She saw Kota with the knife to his neck and she took a deep breath. She wouldn't be able to hold her hands up long, her arm aching bad, the adrenaline beginning to wear off. She was breathing heavily as she watched them. She wasn't going to stand for Aeris going with them again, she would rather die.

"Rail, let me kill her. Two of our brethren are down because of this human." One of the Kan said loud enough for him to hear.
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"Wait my brothers I will decide what we do with them!" Rail said looking at the humans."Boy come here I will make sure you cannot run any longer! " Rail ordered Aeris knowing he now has the upper hand with two hostages. @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123
Kota looked over in Kira's direction. He then looked back at Aeris. "Aeris. Please, don't listen to him. They're going to kill Kira soon." He said loud enough so Aeris could hear him. @ScaraByte
Aeris looked at Kota and at the tiger man again. He looked at him, "I will comply if they bring her here so I can say something.... It's just to make sure she knows the terms and doesn't attack you since she is a bit defensive" He said with a smile before looking over to Kira and staring at both her and the guards. He knew Kota was probably right and that was exactly why he had to comply and do this or they'd all be in pain at the end.

@Tylor guillory
Kira watched them, hearing only that the tiger man would make sure Aeris couldn't run again. Her hands becoming fists as her body began shaking. No way. She wouldn't stand for it. Her mind began analyzing. Two Kan, one on her right, and one on her left. The spear at the back of her neck could be used against the Kan, but the other one had an arrow and was probably was a good shot. But, if she could pull the spear and drop down, she would most likely move fast enough so the other Kan missed her... to sacrifice one though. If she did that, Kota would die. Damn it! She thought to herself as she remained still
Aeris nodded, "I see..." He said before moving over to the tiger his hands empty and at his sides since he didn't want to seem threatening despite the arrow stuck in his arm. "Now let him go... I'm the one you want anyhow, and I doubt you can do as much damage as you'd like with him there" He said showing now a sign of fear in the slightest since he'd come to expect it by now.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123 @Mina
Kira felt the tears stinging her eyes. Her heart beginning to pound in her chest. "No!" She screamed. She stepped forward before she heard the bow retract further, the spear pressing harder at her neck. If Kota weren't there.... "Kill me you stupid disgusting beasts, if that is your intention!" She said before turning her eyes toward the Kan with the bow, her blue gaze filled with anger. "If this happens, I will kill all of you."
"Hm your smart I'll give you that human." Rail said and tossed Kota into the sand quickly grabbing Aeris then shoving him to the ground."Don't move this will be over quickly." Rail said as he prepared to break Aeris left leg."Although it might hurt for a while!" He roared as he grabbed Aeris leg and jerked it in just a way that it would break cleanly. @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123
Kota was breathing heavily as he hit the ground, the blood from his neck dripping onto the sand. He turned his head around just in time to see Rail break Aeris' leg. "Aeris!" He called out, worried. @ScaraByte
Aeris had accounted for this and as it happened he pulled the arrow out of his arm and jabbed it deep into the tiger's eye. He let out a pained scream though as he felt the after effect of his leg breaking. He twisted over in the sand face down since the snapping of the bone echoed off sand dunes and throughout most of the desert. His body fell still and didn't move afterwards no noise from it, no movement no anything... He had in the moment of pain left from his actual usage of his body and turned to his inner consciousness a large white room appeared about him and he was just a child sitting in the center of the four blank walls.
-Severux was flying in the sky as he saw Severux camp and decided to visit her for a sec-... -Severux look up at her tree house and saw Calixto a wave- hello big brother -She said as she smile- hey Severux -Said Calixto with a smile- uummm brother i was wondering what is it out there? -she ask- well many things want me to show u -he said with a smile as Severux smile back and nodded- yes please -She said as she ride at the back of Calixto and they fly to the sky.. as severus look at the beauty of the staring world Calixto was in the hunt for humans-
(Out off battle rping so continue the order)

Max had managed to clean and fix the sniper rifle. It was in good shape and he had been working quickly. Then he heard screams of pain and looked through the scope. He saw the cat man and Aeris both screaming in pain. The cat man had a arrow in his eye and Aeris was injured in several place. Kira had two Kan ready to strike her and Kota had been thrown on the ground. "Damn just wait I'm almost ready!" Max said as he got the ammo and loaded the sniper rifle he then aimed at the kans preparing to shoot.
The Kan looked at Kira before the one laughed. Just as he did, Kira spun and grabbed the spear before she dropped. The Kan was thrown off balance and began falling off of his Lizard. The other Kan released the arrow, it flew past her, though it scratched her cheek bone, where the bruise was from Max's smacks the previous night. Kira jumped to her feet and pulled herself onto the lizard, kicking hard into its sides. The Lizard took off. She didn't know how to stop the thing, so instead, she jumped off. She knew she would end up breaking her own leg if she tried to land on her feet, so she rolled, the wound on her arm opening a bit. She didn't care though, even though her body was pushed way past its limits, she stumbled up to rush to Aeris, pulling him to her. She didn't notice the tears streaming down her face, all she knew was the moment he was in her lap, she had her bow out, arrow drawn and aimed at the Kan that aimed at her. She released the arrow as he did, the arrows soaring past each other gracefully. Her arrow hit him in the chest... and his, just to the right. It slid between just beneath her collar bone, tearing through flesh as if it were warm butter. The force threw her body back, though it didn't knock her out.
Rail roared in pain as he pulled the arrow out of his now useless eye. He ran over to Aeris and kicked him hard the kneeled ontop of Kira his blade in his hand."I might not be able to kill the boy but I shall kill you human girl!" Rail roared as he prepared to stab Kira. All of a sudden a sound like fun fire went off. Blood dripped onto kira. It was from the bullet wound in Rails head. Slowly he fell back blade in hand unmoving."Im..sorry my...lord...I've..failed you." He said before his body went motionless. @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123
-Severux smile when she notice something different in the long distance- brother? -she ask- whats that -she point at the clear area of humans fighting w the kan's- hhhmmm? -he thought as he fly going to it- Severux look at Calixto- do u think its b-better to come forward? -she ask with fear- maybe were r just going to take a look...maybe but make sure u will be quite okey? -Calixto ask as severux nodded- this might be my chance -Calixto thought as he fly going to were the Kan and humans r-

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