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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

They were all asleep. Every single one of them. Well except for the boy, which was easily taken care of. On the planet there was a gas like toxin that worked a lot like chlorophorm. It was excreted from a plant that after knocking you out, would begin devouring you. These plants usually were found past the desert in a wetland area, which is why no one had ran into them yet... The gas like substance was placed over Kota's mouth just as one was placed over Aeris, and Max's. They didn't bother to use it on Kira since she was so knocked out, but Aeris had shifted a lot and Max was just someone they didn't want to deal with.

Leaving Kota on the ground, they grabbed up Aeris, and left, slinging him over one of the Lizards as they rode off. They traveled almost all night, coming to a stop finally between mounds of sand, their footprints would blow away quickly, at least for the most part, choosing a time when the wind was quite angry.

Micahel felt bad but it had to be done, they needed the boys and the rest, they were in the way. They had bound Aeris, pinning his arms to his side before tying him to the saddle. Chances were, he would fight... Especially since the girl he seemed so fond of, was gone, and without the Kan there, it was up in the air wether her condition would get worse, or she would continue healing. "Set up!" Micahel yelled, men, women and children rushing to build their new domain.
Aeris felt something dry hitting his face and a noise. He tried to move his hands to rub his eyes before they didn't listen... He tried harder struggling as his eyes opened and he saw a desert. Was this some sort of nightmare... where was Kira, Kota, even Max. He growled and struggled still in a futile movement his need to get free growing more than ever. "What the-" He said loud enough as the Reptilian creature turned and snapped at him not quite able to reach but getting pretty close. He continued to struggle the saddle making noise as he did, this couldn't be a nightmare.... he didn't want this and he was just going to wake up and ask Kira about things. He had just reunited most of his friends so why was he stuck like this! Why did it seem that everything on this planet just wanted to tear him from the people he cared about.

Kota was laying on the floor when his eyes fluttered open. His vision was blurry. He blinked a few times, but his vision remained blurry. He tried to get up, but quickly discovered he couldn't move. He looked around, and could barely make out a figure sleeping on the bed. He realized who it was. "Ki...ra." He said, his voice coming out in a light, hoarse whisper. He wasn't sure if Kira heard him, but he hoped she had. @Mina
Max snored for a while before waking up and running his side. He winced as he touched it."Ouch what hit me." He said before rubbing his head." Geez hit me twice." Max quickly noticed how quiet it was and got up and walked to the medical bay. He saw Kira and ran over to her."Where the hell it everyone?" He asked himself before trying to gently shake Kira awake. @Mina
Kira woke reluctantly, blinking wildly before she looked at Max. Kira looked around, noticing that Max and Kota were here. She reached up and smacked Max's hands away from her. "Don't touch me Max!" She said before looking around again. It was quiet, the Kan seemed to be gone, and Aeris... "Where is he?!" She asked before she moved to throw the blankets from her body. Her arm throbbed, and beside her was a wooden bowl with a leaf wrapped around the top. She lifted it and pulled the leaf off, seeing the cream they had used on her before. "No..." She said before she moved to the edge of the bed, strength or not, she was going to find them. Why didn't she notice when he was taken away? Now look who failed their friend. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stood, stabilizing herself with the bed.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123


Micahel moved beside Aeris with a sorrowful look. "I am sorry boy, just hold still, you will be unbound soon." He said firmly. "Your friends are safe back at the last camp, I need you to not panic." Micahel felt bad but this is how things had to be right now.

Aeris looked at him before continuing his struggle. "No... I have to get.. back, Kira isn't well and..." He continued to struggle though the binds only hurt him rubbing his wrists raw and causing a little dribble of blood to flow down them through his struggles. He noticed a few of the reptilian creatures turn to him smelling the blood. He knew his friends and if he was right then they wouldn't appreciate him disappearing like this, he felt bad about not staying awake now and watching them to make sure they were safe. His wrists ached from moving now and he felt like every-time he moved it was cutting deeper. "Why did you not take them with us.... did you just leave them to die!" He yelled out of spite as he felt tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Calm down Aeris, or I will be forced to put you back to sleep." He said, making a hissing noise to make the animals to stop snapping toward Aeris from the smell of his blood. They complied, though they continued to growl. "If they die, so be it. We had never before been attacked at that hideout, and then you and your friends show up and we were. What do you think that means?" He asked with a sigh. "Do not worry so much about others, you will survive, that is all that should matter." He said blandly.
Rail walked behind Aeris and glared threateningly at him. "You'd be smart to calm down boy, you only making the reptiles hungry. Your friends will be just fine so long as their smart about what their next move is." Rail said annoyed by the humans insolence.

Max just sat down arms cross."The Kan left they took Aeris. I don't know why probably because he looks like some scientist guy the hate." Max said blandly."They obviously drugged us that much is clear. Thankfully they didn't take anything from us besides Aeris. I suppose you'll want to go after him?" Max asked his face showing how angry and bitter he was from the whole experience. @ScaraByte @Mina
Aeris looked at him and sighed his struggling stopping as the blood kept it's slow flowing pace slowing more and more every moment. "I don't care about my own life personally.. you could say it's my flaw but I don't see the purpose in staying alive if the people I care most for are dead." He said before sighing heavier. "Besides... Without my friends I can't find love... companionship. Or anything vital to keeping my emotions in check" He said hoping to convince Micahel to send him back. "Being attacked was just because we weren't observant enough... plus when your second in command brought that human back he had to walk to the crash site and get him most likely... which means the Kar could've followed him" He said in a civil manner so he could stay awake. He completely ignored the second in command as though he was nothing more than a speck of sand that had been annoying him earlier.

@Tylor guillory
Kira's head lowered as she clenched her jaw. "I am going to kill them." She said before she pushed herself off the bed. As she was dressed now, she would stick out like a sore thumb, but if she found some of their clothing. Her knees buckled but she kept herself standing. "Come on Kota, Max. We need to salvage what we can, then we need to find him." She said before she walked from the room. She had no idea where anything was, but maybe this place wasn't so big it would take forever. She needed to hurry. Her pace quickened, adrenaline providing her the strength to move.

@Tylor guillory


Micahel sighed as he shook his head. "And what do you plan to do after you find love and companionship? Risk your life every day to save that person? Your friends? Always living for someone else but never yourself?" He said as he shook his head. His eyes moved to Rail with an eyebrow raised. "Is this true Rail?" He asked.

@Tylor guillory @ScaraByte
Rails eyes widened in anger and he grabbed the human by the throat choking him."Stupid human I'd watch my tongue if I were you! The human was in the middle of the forest no where near a crash site when I found him! Your lucky we haven't killed you already you serve no purpose! Why do we keep the boy alive my lord!" Rail asked Micahel infuriated by the humans words. @ScaraByte @Mina
"Rail! Enough!" Micahel growled. "He stays alive!" The leader moved to grab Rails arms, looking the other Kan straight in the eye. "We brought him with us, should we just release him to the desert then? He would likely die from that, at least he would have his own free will!"
"Why and give the Kar some chance of catching him! He obviously is nothing but a bother to us like the other humans." Rail said dropping Aeris to the ground."If we let him go and he does survive then the Kar might catch him. If we keep him who knows what BAD omens may befall us. The choice it yours my lord." Rail said glaring at the human.

Max had gathered what little supplies he could find."Hey Kira Kota come here!!!" Max called from the stables. @Mina @Ldybug123 @ScaraByte
Aeris felt his neck slightly constricted and he coughed slightly. He didn't fall to the ground though since his binds held him to the saddle. He looked at Rail in the eyes. He felt bad for the cat-man, "Sorry if I offended you, But it's rather pitiful to pick on someone who can't hit back" He said smiling challenge in his tone. He had grown a disrespect for someone, so now he knew how Kira felt about Max that one time. His eyes were looking at him as the wing blew his hair in a rapid succession around in the air.

@Tylor guillory
Micahel stepped in front of Rail before he could go off again. "Go do something else, he stays alive, with us." He said firmly. "Boy I suggest you bite your tongue, it seems like you are trying to get yourself killed, but I will not allow it." He said without looking at Aeris. This boy was going to be trouble.

Kira looked around, moving to meet with Max in the stables. "What?" She said, breathing heavily. She leaned against one of the walls, her head beginning to spin.
Aeris sighed his plan for escape failing miserably now. But at least he tried it now and it could've worked. He looked at the sky and thought about his friends again. He didn't want them to be hurt so maybe they'd leave him... since it wasn't too likely that he would be found. He let off a little pained noise as he felt something attach to his arm painfully. He looked over to it and it was some strange bug thing that had little yellow markings on it. All he knew is it hurt and he felt it drinking from him... he didn't know how long it would do this for but decided that it probably wasn't the worst thing that could happen.
Micahel turned to look at Aeris, seeing his pained look. He moved to look around and saw the bug, moving to smash it between his fingers. "You should pray we finish getting this hideout ready before nightfall. There are plenty of predators here. That is why it is the best place to hide, the animals here are harder to see... and they strike faster." He said honestly. "And I do hope your friends do not try and find you. If that girl you were with last night managed to live, it is doubtful she would make it out here. The only one I could see making it far is that Max character."
"Look what I found!" Max said as he opened a stable showing one of the lizard creatures sleeping. He was obviously older than most of the otheirs but he looked like he could still move just fine."Guess they didn't notice him in their rush to leave." Max said laughing loudly. @Mina

Son was just now waking up, he noticed he was in the desert now his arms bound and a cage around him being dragged through the sand by giant lizards. "What have you done release me no Kan scum! My father will have your head for this! Then I shall give your head back so that I may take it for myself!" Son roared from his prison.
Kira blinked before her eyes grew wide. "If we can find something else to ride... Like Harmony!" She said before sighing. If she knew where Harmony were... "Or we can use it to tote supplies. Can you deal with him Max? I need to go find weapons if they left any." She said before she turned and walked off, nodding at Kota as she passed. "Hold on Aeris, its your turn now." She said as her head lowered, clenching her jaw once more. She hoped he was okay. It didn't take her long to find where the clothes were, there was an outfit she found that looked like it would blend in with the sand... she was pale, if she wore something too revealing, she would end up looking like a lobster. "This will do." She said before changing. She wrapped a grey material around her neck, it would work as a drape for her head and face.

Micahel frowned as he moved toward Son with a smile. "Looks like you will have to find out where exactly your home is, and they won't be able to find us here. You were better off staying away. I might just leave your big ass out in the sun to die." He said angrily
Aeris thought about his words. It was true though... Kira was just recovering from her wound. Kota had just had tragedy occur to him. Max had broken ribs so they all had a cripple... and even then the possible creature attacks just made it worse since he had just seen one himself. He felt his stomach growl and it made a noise that he tried to cover up as best he could. He looked around and noted that he didn't see anyone really too close to him anymore so hopefully it would be hidden he let off a little sigh though as he hung from the saddle his wrists had stopped bleeding but were now raw and sore.
"I'll handle the old lizard leave him to me." Max said as Kira walked off. He then looked at Kota and smiled gently."I'm sure Aeris will be just fine if they wanted to kill him they would of done so."Max said before preparing the beast for its journey."OK big fella wakey wakey time to go." Max said patting the beast face it slowly woke up and got to it feet. Its long tongue came out and licked Max's face he laughed as it did."Oh you lovable ole lizard we're gonna get alone great!" Max said before reaching into the pocked in the cloak he had made from owl bear skin. He pulled out the puppy and placed him on a little seat ontop of the beast making sure he couldnt fall out. He then feed the puppy and lizard some Owlbear meat.

Son growled and bared his teeth."You Kan scum just give me your Head Micahel so I can end this war!" Son roared at him struggling to get free. @Mina @Ldybug123 @ScaraByte
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Kota looked at the puppy. "Do you want me to hold it?" He asked, gesturing towards the puppy. @Tylor guillory

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