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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

"Aeris!" Kota yelled out before running after him. He looked down and saw Aeris' footprints. He followed them until he found Aeris. He walked up to him. "Hey, Aeris. This really wasn't your fault. It's ok." He said calmly, trying to make him feel better about everything that was happening. @ScaraByte
Aeris had his head in his hands while on the ground on his knees. "I just... I feel like it it." He said before turning to look at Kota. "I know that you feel broken from it probably... If I had been there though... I could've stopped it. Could've taken the hit" He muttered through panicked breath as though he was frightened by something.

Novaline led the creature into the forest. It struggled agaisnt her a bit, but she made it move forward. She had a small fight with it, where it almost made it back to the beach. But, she kept it in the woods. By this time, she had gotten herself turned around completely, and ahd no idea where she was or where she was going.
Kota got onto his knees and wrapped his arms around Aeris gently. "It's alright. It really wasn't your fault. You did the best you could by helping Kira. That was where you were needed at the time. And I appreciate that." @ScaraByte
Rail nodded before seeing the humans run out of their hideout."Like I said before I am only good at killing someone else will have to return the scientist son. As for me I shall prepare the clan for the move." He said as he walked off to prepare for the move. @Mina (going to sleep)
Asura stood perched on a tree, her body leaning down a bit. "Hey human!" She yelled at Novaline. She was going to eat all of the humans here, but her father had wanted this one alive, and she was riding some big creature. She forgot the name of it, it didn't really matter to her anyway, she had no use for such wretched beasts. "You decide to return after warning the others?" She yelled.

Micahel rolled his eyes at Rail. He was a terrible second in command sometimes, he should be more respectful of his leader. Micahel nodded at the female Kan who turned and made her way back to the medical room, before Micahel left to find Kota and Aeris. "I swear." He growled under his breath.
Aeris nodded as he was somewhat drawn out of his gloomier state. "A-alright.... I guess your right...." he said before realizing something. He stood up quickly pretty much moving away from Kota unintentionally. "We have to go back... I need to check on her... or she might be" He said as he felt more worry in his chest now he didn't think about the possibility of her dying before he just up and ran off like an idiot.

Crane wakes up on the bea ch and screams for anyone,"Hey guys," No one answers, he walks up to the broken debree and finds his engineering suit with stronger fibers than his shirt, he puts it on and finds a small Pistol with half the ammo, 6 bullets, he walks into the forest to find survivors.
Aeris followed him though he moved slightly faster while still making sure to stay close enough to Kota before they reached the base again. "I'm sorry that I ran off Kota... It was just... I let my emotions get the best of me" He said as he looked into the base feeling more and more worried that the worst could've occurred.

Ldybug123 said:
Kota shook his head. "No, I understand. That happens." He said as he continued to walk towards the base. @ScaraByte
"Hey you can you help me I was in a ship crash and I can't find my crew," Crane yells at her waving his hands.
Aeris and Kota had a arrived quicker than he though which meant he hadn't left it to far to begin with. "Kota... if... worst came to worst in there.... I want you to take care of Khim for me" He said as though it was some sort of last words.

@Ldybug123 @Mina
Micahel looked at Aeris and Kota as they entered the base. "Aeris, you should not run off like that, obviously it is not safe right now." He said before moving aside and letting them enter.

Kira blinked, noticing she was alone, she heard noise, but everything was blurry. Where did the voices go? Had she been imagining it all. She lifted her hand, touching her cheek. There were people around her, though not near her. After a moment, she pushed herself to a sitting position weakly, her head hanging, her vision spinning. "Woah, lay back down human." The voice said, but Kira couldn't see her well, she didn't look like a human though, where was she? Kira began breathing quickly, turning to look around the room, her vision clearing slowly though it was still difficult, panic sinking in.
Ldybug123 said:
Kota's eyes widened when he said that. "Hey. Don't say that. I bet she's fine." He said, smiling reassuringly at Aeris. @ScaraByte
Crane fires his gun in the aie, "hey guys help me I think somethings behind me," A giant wolf creature leaps out chasing crane.
Aeri nodded, "Alright then... let's go check on her then" He said to Kota smiling back as he moved into the place again walking back into the hallway he recently fled from. I hope she's ok... I need to get something off my chest he thought to himself as he took a breath. "I know and i'm sorry" He said back to Micahel before continuing down the hallway quickly to get to the medi-bay.

@Ldybug123 @Mina

(@PrarieMan Our characters are in the desert miles away from your characters location... so they wouldn't be able to contact him from that distance which is about a days worth of walking)
Micahel nodded before walking them in and shutting the door. He watched the two walk off and wondered how the other humans would fare without the boy there, he seemed to hold them together, more than he realized.

From outside of the medical bay there was a yell. "No, you need to stop!"

"Get away!" Kira screamed as she jumped from the bed, her legs were weak so her body didn't make it far, stumbling onto the ground, blinking wildly.
Aeris saw the comotion and moved quickly reaching Kira in a matter of moment. "Hey... Calm down" He said putting a hand on Kira's shoulder in attempts to calm her. "Kira.. It's me, don't worry they're not hostile" He said as he looked at her slightly surprised she was this jumpy after just waking up.

@Mina @Ldybug123
That voice... Kira's eyes flew to Aeris, she recognized him, but that was it... "Everything is hostile!" She said as she turned to look at the beings again. Her body trembled, she hadn't expected this. What had happened before? A crash... "Where are we?" She asked as she turned to look at Aeris.

"We need her to lay down. She is going to end up exhausting herself, and hurting herself." The female Kan said, slowly moving toward them.

"No, I won't!" Kira said as she turned to the Kan, backing away. "Don't touch me!"
Aeris wrapped his arms around her gently. "Don't worry... this is a safer place ok. These people are called the Kan. They are the ones who've been helping us heal you." He said in a soothing tone hoping to calm her he held one hand out to the Kan woman knowing that Kira was frightened. "I need you to stay still alright... if you'll lay on the bed i'll stay by your side so you don't have to freak out alright?" He asked his hand holding hers now.

Kira felt his arms wrap around her, causing her to still, her body relaxing a bit. She looked at the female in front of her, which nodded. Kira didn't understand why these things had tusks, what were they... right, the Kan. Kira nodded in response to Aeris' statement. "Okay." She said. Her hand squeezed his, the same hand as before, maybe she hadn't imagined it. Her cheeks were slightly bruised, she could feel it, was he the one that had helped her then too? "I will."
Aeris nodded, "Alright then.. slowly" He said as he began to help her up from the floor He kept his hand in hers though holding it tightly since he figured she was likely frightened by them since they were the first things she saw after waking up. "I'll do whatever you need me to alright?" He said to her as he saw a few others eyes on them before turning away. He looked at the Kan lady so she could help guide them back to her bed the rest of the way.

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Kira walked slowly, her legs surprisingly weak. How long had she been asleep? Was she sleeping now? It didn't take long for them to reach the bed and Kira got in it, laying back and closing her eyes. "I know you." She said quietly to Aeris, though she hadn't released his hand, as if that was the only connection she had to this world, afraid that if she didn't, she would go back to sleep, and be stuck in that darkness alone again. The tint of red still on her cheeks, which were bruised around her cheekbones, perfectly outlining fingertips.

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