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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

"Oh but don't you want a kiss?" The old Kan asked, puckering her lips and lowering down. Her breath smelling quite rank. (LMAO)

Kira laid there lifeless, her breaths shallow and sporadic. She didn't look good, but for some reason, she could hear him. Him... who? She recognized that voice, but she couldn't open her eyes, she felt a little better though, even if she wasn't in control of herself.

"Have you even looked? Is that why your eyes keep changing to green?!" Asura yelled, getting closer to Calixto with a deadly glare.
Aeris continued to look down at her feeling himself in a sort of sinking feeling. He moved a little closer to her and looked at her seeing her a bit closer now and examining the bandages on her arm. "If only I could help you get better... I don't like seeing my friends hurt but... It seems I can't really protect any of you either" He said his grip on the bone sword tightening. He thought about it for a moment maybe he needed to train and get stronger for them. "I guess an engineer isn't very good without tech though huh?" He said smiling to himself. He felt pitiful for not being able to help more. Though he knew likely his abilities wouldn't help out here in the slightest anyhow.

The large female grabbed each of Max's wrists and pinned his hands to the side, leaning down with a grin. "OH?" She said loudly before laying a kiss right on his lips.

Kira's lip twitched though she did not wake, she was trying to, but she couldn't. It was as if she were trapped within the darkness, she couldn't see, she could hear... she heard the nurse talking. Was she really going to die? People seemed confused and concerned when they spoke around her, what did that mean? Who were these people?


Asura growled as she looked at Calixto. "Well what?!"
(No auto kissing!)

Max roared and headbutted the old kan woman with all his might as she attempted to kiss him."Damn you old warthog I'm running for my life! I don't want your love!" Max said as he got up and ran ignoring his aching ribs. @Mina
Aeris put his hand on Kira's for a moment for a keepsake rather than a big expression of feeling as he looked at her for another moment. He moved his hand back and began to leave seeing that Max looked well and rather healthy for his medical problems at the past moment he saw him. He spoke something quietly under his breath and looked down to the bone sword in his hand. He was wondering what the others medical conditions were like so he stood there and looked around at them not quite sure how they were all holding up.

@Tylor guillory
-Calixto look at his master- i saw a human her eyes turn back to red and take a deep breath it has gotten away he force his eyes to stay red- some creature have helped them to have gotten away -he say calmly as possible-

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Most of the others' injuries weren't deadly, mainly broken bones and shallow cuts. Kira felt the squeeze of a hand before it disappeared, and the darkness swallowed her again, diving back into the nothingness.

The older Kan female laughed, likely the head butt hurt him worse than it hurt her. She crossed her arms over her chest as she watched him run away. "Well, we will see how often he hits on my girls." She said, the younger Kan girls gasping before they hid their faces and giggled, watching Max run off.


"They what?!" Asura yelled, her fists clenching at her sides. "I need to go talk to the king, or the prince. Either way, did they take the boy? The one that looks like the scientist?!" She asked concerned.
Max raised his fist in the air as he ran."You may injure my body! You may gross me out! But you shall never kill my love of the ladies and my manly spirit! I shall be back to romance youn later ladies!" Max yelled to the Kan woman before turning a corner. @Mina
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-Calixto still forcing his eyes red- apologies master but i did not know if the boy has been taken -he said calmly as possible- i know im ... useless now -he said as he walk away and eyes turn darker green as blood force down his eyes-

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The older Kan woman crossed her arms over her chest with a laugh before moving to tend to others, much gentler now.

Lishai walked out of the hallway just as Max ran buy, her eyes growing wide as he yelled. "What happened here while I slept?" She was a hard sleeper, obviously. She made her way toward the entrance, looking at Micahel and Rail. "I must leave, the sun should be coming up soon. What happened here?" She asked the two. Micahel was busy cleaning, and likely didn't hear her, because he didn't respond.


"Go look, and this time, head toward the desert." She said with a growl. "If the Kan took her, they are that way. Find them!" She said before she spun on her heel and headed back toward the entrance.
Aeris looked at him, "Yeah... i'm alright Kota. Just feel a bit, rough you could say." He said with a sigh. He turned and looked back at Kira, "I'll probably be near her for awhile... until she wakes up. If she remembers me then i'll stay... if not i'll probably just leave and go solo like I originally planned." He said with a sigh as he looked back at Kira. "I need to go put this in the armory again and get a chair." He said as he left into the hallway again getting to the armory and placing the sword back on the shelf his mental pain struck him hard. He began to head back his hands running through his hair on his way messing it up more.

@Mina @Ldybug123
-Calixto noded and speed up going to the desert- the kan -he told himself as he reach their camp and lower himself watching and wondering around- tsk... were can those humans be? also need to find something for me to enter here -he then think and thought of something - hope this works then -he told himself as he find a kan to kill and cover himself on its flesh-

(is there a human in the kan? ahahaahahah)
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Rail turned to the Arachnivamp and made a less than pleasant face."There was a attack by the son of the Kar leader. Probably lead her by you." Rail said accusingly. @Mina
Cori had woken up in the ocean, and floundered around for a bit. But, she wasn't that deep in, and could touch the bottom, so she walked onto the beach. She walked into the forest, and was fine for a bit, until she walked straight into a mithrl nest. She was attacked, her arm bitten down to the bone. She had run and run, her arm throbbing, until she tripped over a tree root, and blacked out. She was found by an Ilduihi, and was dragged to its den, to be eaten by its children and mate. That was when she woke, and ran to the beach. Once she arrived there, she collapsed, exhausted from hunger, thirst, and blood loss.
Aeris returned a few moments later with a chair back to Kira and Kota. "So... are you alright with your wounds from earlier?" He asked looking at Kota as he sat the chair down. He didn't know if Kota needed more treatment or not but he didn't see him get treated earlier to be exact. He looked at Kira again he was worried for all his friends in different ways. Kira's life, Kota's mentality, and Max's... Romantic life? Maybe not so much on the last one but the other two were certainly what he was worried about.

@Ldybug123 @Mina

Khim the giant creature that she was flew down to the beach to get back in the water. She flapped her wings on a steady pace before landing down and spotting a human girl.. like the ones Aeris made her save before. She curled around the girl to keep her safe and well kept as she looked at her and noticed some injuries and problems getting a bit more interested in the being than before.

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Kota looked up at Aeris. "Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, do you think-" He was cut off by a woman screaming... something. He couldn't hear what she was saying, but the voice was so familiar to him. "Was that..." Kota suddenly got a look of realization and horror in his eyes. He stood up and quickly ran to where the battle was going on. @ScaraByte
Lishai looked at Rail before her head lowered in shame. "I am sorry, but I do not think it could of followed us here, we were upon a flying animal, an Escalith." She said before bowing. "Thank you for your hospitality, I think it is time I go. It looks like I have overstayed my welcome." She said before walking out of the gaping hole that the Kar had left. She wasn't real fond of being blamed for something when she had done nothing but try and help, but she wasn't exactly not used to it.

Kira heard his voice again... had he returned? She recognized the voice, but she couldn't see his face, and there was another voice. This one was familiar as well, but not someone she was close to...
Max had snuck his way back into the medical bay at first to flirt but then he saw Kira. He moved over to her and began smacking her face hard."Hey wake up already you've been sleeping far to Long ya lazy girl!"Max said as he continued to smacl her. @Mina
Aeris looked to the direction of the scream and for a moment was going to move before remembering that the Kan had guards and they'd be secure hopefully. He then turned to Max who was slapping Kira and he felt all at once different, "Dumbass!" He yelled at Max before grabbing the nearest object which was a mallet for testing patients and smacking Max on the back of the head with most of his strength in hopes to knock the man out.

@Tylor guillory
"Owe! Why ya do that im trying to wake her up!" Max said drowzily."H..how about i smuk you wth a mellet see how you like it misser." Max said obviously the medicine had a effect almost like being drunk on humans. Max snatched the mallet and attempted to hit Aeris with it. @ScaraByte @Mina

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