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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Kira felt a sting, but it didn't matter... another... another. Who was this? Why was he hitting her. Her head thrashed from side to side as she was smacked though she couldn't pull herself out of it. She was stuck. It hurt, made her head ache, but she still couldn't move, or even open her eyes. At least the pain in her arm seemed to disappear while she was being hit. That was before the kind one yelled, and the hitting stopped. She had to do something, had to stop the fighting, the one that was talking first made her angry, a familiar feeling, as if this one she hadn't liked before. Her hand twitched slightly. 'Come on, get up... wake up... come on!' she thought.
Aeris ducked from the mallet since it wasn't hard to dodge considering Max's slower reflexes and movement. "Hitting her like that could kill her especially at your strength. Just go to sleep and leave her alone or i'll get that old lady after you again" He said putting a dangerous threat out there since he knew Max would likely have to comply after that. "If you move away and stop hitting her though then i'll make sure she doesn't come over here and attack you" He said looking quite angry at the older man.

@Tylor guillory @Mina
Kota ran out into where the battle was, only to find that a large beast had somehow gotten in. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-20_0-17-7.jpeg.86402061212483628b4ed8301c8bae01.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-20_0-17-7.jpeg.86402061212483628b4ed8301c8bae01.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He looked at it before looking at the ground below the beast. He saw a woman laying there, severly injured. His eyes widened in horror when he realized who it was. "Mother!" He called out to the woman, panicking. She lifted her head up weakly and spoke. "Ko...ta." She said, before she was peirced through by the beast's claws, the light dissapearing from her eyes as her body went limp. Kota fell to his knees and screamed in horror loud enough for anyone to hear him. Tears were streaming down his face. @anyone



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"Damn it!" Micahel said as he ran to help with the beast. His sword was drawn once more, what was up with today? Never before had they had intruders... now this? These humans, this was a bad omen. "Rail!" He yelled "Get that damn human to safety, he is trying to get himself killed!" He said talking about Kota. He got in front of the beast with a growl, staring it down. "I do not want to kill you."

Kira felt her ear ringing, her hand twitching once more. She wanted to kill him, memories of her life before flooding back. This man, he was like him... like her ex fiance, he was better than everyone, and she... was a punching bag. Kira's breathing began quickening, each breath growing more shallow. One of the Kan females walked over and grabbed Max from behind, her height almost eight feet tall. "ENOUGH HUMAN!" She growled in his ear.
Max was to wasted and busy to notice as he continued his attempt to wake up Kira. Rail however quickly leapt into the beast back and held on at he attempted to stab the beast from above. @Ldybug123 @Mina
"Oh hello lovely alien lady I'll do anything you tell me to." He said making a kissy face at the Kan woman his face blushing from being intoxicated.

Rail growled at Micahel."You get the boy I have the beast! " @Mina
Aeris looked at max anger still building up insider him until he heard the Kan's voice but even that didn't stop him. "Max, I swear if it weren't for you being drunk you'd be dead" He muttered quietly under his breath before looking at Kira again moving over to her. He felt himself have an inner pain from not being able to help her then. He put his hand gently on the side of Kira's face observing to see how bad the damage Max had caused was. He tried to be as gentle as possible since he didn't want her to go through more suffering than she already had been through.

@Tylor guillory
"You will leave now! Or I will be placing you in the holding cells with the Kar." The female Kan growled once more, spinning Max before shoving him out of the medical room. She moved to Kira's side fast, looking down at her. Her cheeks would feel hot, hand marks welting upon her soft cheeks. They stung, she wasn't sure why he was hitting her, he believed she was faking? Faking what? She wanted to wake up, this had to be a nightmare, the worst kind of nightmare. The one where you are completely powerless, you can't even wake yourself from it.

Micahel growled as he watched Rail, before moving with his sword to begin slicing at the animals head. He couldn't help the boy on the ground, but hopefully he stayed out of the way.
When Cory felt something rap around her she opened her eyes and shriekt.Even though she had lost so much blood she lept up and tried to get off the beech but she was caut butwene the beast and the water.(the beast was Khim but Cory didn't know that.)
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Kota decided it was dangerous here and walked back into the back room. Though it was hard for him to leave. He sat next to Kira and Aeris, tears still streaming down his face. @ScaraByte
Rail managed to balance himself ontop of the beast. "Now beast you shall taste my blade! Made from the strongest material known to this planet. Now be at peace oh mighty creature of this world." Rail said almost like a prayer before stabbing his blade into the beast back. @Ldybug123 @Mina

Max laid against a wall snoring he had Quickly fell asleep.
Aeris was focused with Kira but he heard Kota's tears. Why was all this happening now he thought to himself as he continued to look at Kira. "Please wake up... Max is obviously delusional but please... don't leave us" He said as he continued to look at her his hands still holding her face as he pushed the anger he had down inside him which obviously wasn't good for anyone. He turned to the Kan lady for a moment and saw she was probably going to try and ease Kira's pain. He looked at Kota noticing the tears on his face though one of his hands were still on Kira's he looked at his other friend. "Kota... what happened?" He asked feeling worry and stress both ripping into his being.

@Tylor guillory
Khim looked at the girl before moving into the ocean and coming back with a fish rather quickly laying it down before the girl since she looked rather famished.

Kota looked up at Aeris. "There was some sort of creature out there. That scream we heard... it was... my mother. And... the creature... killed her. I saw the whole thing." He said, more tears falling from his eyes. @ScaraByte
The Kan woman looked at Kira's face before taking a cool rag and blotting her cheeks. As Aeris begged for her to wake up, Kira forced herself more. 'Come on, wake up, wake up!" She wanted to smack herself. Her hand clenched for a moment before her eyebrows drew together. She was getting closer, but she couldn't open her eyes, she couldn't speak. The female Kan stepped back and looked at Kira with a frown before looking at Kota. How had his mother even gotten in the Kan's hideout? This was just becoming more and more odd. The injuries. The female stepped back and looked at the humans before she turned and rushed from the room. She needed to speak with Rail and Micahel. As she walked past, she kicked Max on the thigh, he was an ass.
Aeris looked at her his grip on Kira's hand not letting off either. "K-kota...." He said as he felt it happen, he knew that a part of Kota's mentality had to have been shattered now. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't help her" He said as he looked down negative thoughts clouding his mind. Suffering, Pain, Death, Torture, all of these came to his mind as he sat there looking down from his inability to help one of the people he cared for. He saw the Kan lady leave the room and kick Max, he was in half the mind to harm the man himself to kick him while he was down but at the same time he couldn't.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
(The kick coneccted with Max's head being as she was so much taller than he while slumped down and instantly killed Max xD jk)

Rail leapt off the beast and sheathed his sword as it fell."I am not keeper of humans my lord if a human requires saving please have someone else do it." He began walking towards the medi-bay his face as fierce and serious as ever. He stopped and spoke once more before heading off to the bay."After all I am only good at ending lives...not saving them. @Mina
Kota shook his head. "No. It... It wasn't your fault. You stayed here with Kira. That was good. You don't want to see her die and... neither do I." He said, wiping the tears from his face and smiling at Aeris, though he was still saddened from his mother's death. @ScaraByte
Just as Rail moved to leave, he would hear the female Kan behind him. "Lord Micahel, Lord Rail!" She said before bowing to them and standing. "Something needs to happen. This is a bad omen, these humans, they have brought us nothing but destruction. Our clan, we must leave... leave the humans, and go!" She demanded, her face filled with worry.

Micahel frowned before he looked at Rail and back to the woman. "We have always helped the humans, Rail, what do you think?" He asked as he turned to look at his friend. "I apologize for asking you to help the human, our hunting crews are gone. Why have they not returned yet?" He asked, suddenly concerned. Everything had been so hectic, he hadn't thought to ask yet.

Kira could feel the pain, as if the connection between Aeris and her hand were allowing his emotions to flow to her. Why was he hurting so? Were they close? Was the boy that lost his mother close to Aeris as well? Was Kira close to the boy? She was frustrated, why couldn't she remember it all? She wanted to help. She could feel negativity seeping into her veins, like something bad was about to happen. Was she going to die? Had the smacking been her end? She was tired, but she was already asleep. Come on... just wake up.... After a few minutes, her frown deepened and Kira's eyes parted slightly. The lights, even though dim, stung her eyes...
Rail stopped and turned to them."I think that the humans are very bad luck for us. We have never any sign of humans since the Incident and now they fall from the sky in strange metal object! They must be fallen beings from the heavens sent to destroy us all! Or worse they are Kar spies! I say we test them and if they fail we kick them to the wild and move to a different location. "Rail said answering his first question." As for the hunting party I'm sure they ran into something bad perhaps the rave,or the enemy, Or both." He stated answering his second question @Mina
Micahel sighed and lowered his head, thinking. It was bad, the worst luck they had ever had. "We keep the scientists son, we kick the rest." He said before turning to Rail. "We can not afford to lose anyone else, our numbers are growing smaller, the desert is vast. We will leave before the next sun. While the humans sleep, we go." He said with authority. They had no choice at this point, the rest had proven themselves nothing but burdens...
Aeris shook his head, "I still... could've helped her. I was... I was just too selfish to do so and I... I.. I cost someone else their life" He said his head still lowered down he was practically gone. His mind just filled with this negativity and hatred for some reason he felt himself being this creature that had caused nothing but suffering. He moved almost at a moments notice releasing Kira's hand and running off. He didn't really know where he was running or why but he ran past Micahel and his group before going outside and running still. He began to go into the desert seeking to separate himself from others that way he didn't cause more of the suffering... after a few minutes he looked around completely lost in the desert around him as sand and hit foot prints being all he could see.

@Mina @Ldybug123

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