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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris nodded she did know him rather well in his opinion. "Yeah.. i'm Aeris.. I don't know if you remember me completely but that's alright" He said nod minding the fact she was holding his hand still. The bruises on her face bothered him since he wasn't able to stop them but he wished he could've. "We met when we first crashed on this planet... We had to hide under some metal plates to escape a beast that wanted to eat us" he said smiling, though it only happened a little bit ago he knew she might not remember him or the crash in general.

"I remember the crash." She said, trying to reboot her brain. The female Kan standing on the other side if the bed.

"Can I check her bandage?" She asked quietly.

"I remember being on a beach... hearing growls." She sighed with a frown before her eyes opened and moved to Aeris. "Why were you sad?" She asked, remembering how he spoke to the other boy while she was asleep.
Aeris looked to the side... "Well... first off I was sad that I couldn't defend you, Max had started to try to slap you awake and he would listen to reason or violence. Then Kota's mother died and I... I didn't save her" He said looking away for a moment the thoughts in his mind he looked back at the Kan with a nod, "I apologize for... everything i've done to wrong you" He said still looking downcast with his eyes.

Kira's frown deepened. "Wrong to me? What would you have done that wronged me? You saved me while I slept, I could feel it, and I heard you... that boy, how could you have even known his mother was here? And, you did defend me." She said as she looked at him. She was so focused on the conversation that she didn't even notice the fact that the Kan had begun changing her bandage. She also rubbed cream on the wound before rebandaging it. "You seem too hard on yourself" She said softly
Aeris smiled and looked at her, "You've told me that before.... You also said I didn't seem like much of a pervert too" He said as he thought back on things she had told him. Now wasn't a good time to say what he wanted to but he would find a time and a place for that at a later point in time. "I guess i'm not the best of friends though... since I can't handle my own emotions apparently" He said now looking up at the roof of the cave like he would do outside with the sky.

Kira smiled softly before she closed her eyes once again. "I like to think I know what I am talking about sometimes." She said as the smile continued. "I don't think anyone really deals with their emotions well. There isn't a universal right, or wrong way... all there is, is our way. If we feel its wrong, we change it." She said before frowning. "I have issues with mine too. But I, well I just don't want to change it." She said on a yawn.
Aeris smiled at her, "I see... Well you seem rather tired so I should probably let you rest" he said beginning to move his hand back slightly since he thought that would probably interrupt her rest. He didn't pull it back all at once but rather just a tiny bit to see if she'd want to hold onto it or not. He did say he would do whatever she asked him to do since he didn't want her to freak out again.

Her eyes flew open and she caught his hand. "Don't go." She pleaded, her blue hues darting to his face. "I won't sleep yet... I don't want to." She said, though she was tired, she was deathly afraid of not being able to wake up again.
Aeris looked at her slightly surprised she wouldn't want to sleep. "A-alright" He said holding onto her hand again just now realizing the softness of her hands which caused a slight pink to surface his cheeks. "I did say that i'd do whatever you asked so this is just one of those things" he said as he looked into her eyes now. She seemed calmer when he was with her which kinda made sense since she wasn't used to this place or the people quite yet. Maybe she would be over time since they had welcome him and his group to stay here as long as needed.

She watched him, seeing the tint to his cheeks. She wasn't sure if her request angered him, or why he had the flushed skin, but she added quickly. "You don't have to, I mean if you want to go you can." She said. She didn't want to be a burden, not again. Obviously she had worried him, him being with her before, had made him feel terrible for not helping another. She smiled at him, her eyes still on his. "I would understand." A burden, she had been one for a long time, at least that is what she was told before. "I am sorry, that you had to worry about me."
Aeris shook his head, "I don't want to go though... I like being here with you" He said smiling at her still happy that she was alive. He continued to look into her eyes though as he spoke. "And you don't need to be sorry that i'm worrying about you.. It's kind of my feelings that led me to want to." he said still looking into her eyes though he didn't know what she would say next.
She smiled as he said he didn't want to, feeling relief rush through her. Memories slowly flooding back into her brain... they hid, beneath a metal slab, she had just taken out the piece of metal in her arm and wrapped it. He was brave, and smart... then that tree girl... Sesha, she came and saved them. She focused on what he said next, her head moving to the side as her blue gaze continued to lock onto his. "Your feelings?" She asked, unsure what he meant.
Aeris looked at her for a moment when she asked that question, "Uh... it's nothing..." He said looking away as he realized he had said that. He looked again his eyes gazing back into hers as he did. He looked at her again, "What do you think though?" He asked curious as to what she might be thinking about at the moment. He was still looking into her eyes though as he realized more and more about her looks as he stared into the blue coloration.
A blush began tinting her cheeks as she looked at him. "I am remembering. And no no, tell me, what feelings are you talking about?" She asked. Her memory getting more detailed. The huge dog cat creatures that chased her away, she spent the first night alone, then Aeris finding her... they had spent a lot of time together, in fact, most of their time was spent together. She had seen the infection before hand, but she knew there was nothing either of them could do without the right medicine or herbs, so she ignored it... she redirected the creatures in the woods, pet Harmony... then she didn't remember what happened. She remembered standing, and everything beginning to fade, that was it.
He had just noticed her blush and started to think that she looked cute like that before he heard her ask about the feelings again. "Um... well, I kinda have feelings... they have a heavy impact on me and um...." He tried to think of a more indirect way of saying it since he felt embarrassed about talking about his feelings. He was glad she was remembering things though, it would make things a whole lot easier to explain if it was needed.
She smiled warmly at him. "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to, but I am curious... and I will never judge you." She said, attempting to reassure and comfort him. "Unless my memories are wrong, I think I showed you that enough times." She said as she felt her cheeks growing hot. They still stung, but that wasn't on her mind much. She just hoped she didn't have a black eye or something from all of the smacking.
Aeris felt a slight blush creep up on his face from staring at hers, "I... um.. well... I can't really describe the feelings so..." He said as he felt more embarrassed than before-hand. "Your memories are right though... I just don't know how to describe the feelings... it's just so, different" He said since he didn't really have a better word to describe it in general.
She laughed softly, nodding her head. "Well, when you figure out how to tell me, I am here." She said with a wink, though the motion was weak. "Where are we. You said something about Kan, and healing me. How long have I been here. And you said Max was the one hitting me?" She asked softly. "And if so, where is he, because I think I owe him a couple dozen beatings." She said, much calmer now. Though despite that, she continued to hold his hand, keeping her eyes open with every ounce of strength she had left. She wasn't one to fear much, but not being able to wake... that was terrible.
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He smiled, "We're at the Kan's home-land where they healed you... it's also out int he desert a good ways from the forest" He said before smiling his hand feeling rather warm. He looked at her again feeling his heart beat against his chest, "I hit him on the back of the head with a mallet and one of the Kan women messed him up already... so he should be out" He said with a smile before looking at her and noticing she looked rather tired. He moved a little closer to her looking at her eyes-lids, "You'll need to rest too. I'll probably be here when you wake up... unless you'd rather me move to another place" He said as he looked at her smiling happily.

Her eyes watched him closely, even if it was apparent she was tired. Her blush grew as he moved closer to her. "U-um, well... not to sound like a wimp, but could you please stay. And maybe, this time, sleep?" She asked. She didn't want a repeat of last time, and it was doubtful that he had gotten any more rest. "If I have to, so do you." She said with a smile before she lifted her head and nudged his nose with hers playfully. "And thank you Aeris, for protecting me. That is the first in a very, very long time." She said with a smile.
Aeris blushed now from her movements and words. He felt embarrassed and happy at the same time now. "O-ok... and don't mention it... it wouldn't be right for a gentleman not to protect a lady" He said still blushing but he leaned back in the chair. It was true he didn't really have time for sleep too often and as of recent eating had been a rare occurrence as well. So recently he'd been pretty much on a fluid and some berries diet. "Try to sleep good... but if you have a nightmare or a problem don't be afraid to wake me" He said to her as he moved back somewhat more from her face so he didn't try anything gutsy.
She smiled brightly, rolling onto her side as she held his hand. "If you get cold and want to lay down, there is room here." She said with a laugh "Or another bed is available I am sure. I doubt you have eaten, so when I regain some strength, I am going to find something to make you eat." She said, realizing she hadn't eaten either, but she at least had been out of it. Her eyes closed, and her hand grew slack against his as sleep swept her away.
Aeris looked at her and closed one eye not really falling asleep as he pretended to fall asleep. He didn't really need the sleep and he now assumed at since she had let go of his hand that she was done with him. He slowly removed his hold on her hand and pulled his back slowly as not to wake her up again though he held the false sleeping look just in case it would be needed. He had slept in Khim's wing awhile back which was enough for him since he didn't typically sleep as she had known but if he could make her think he was asleep they'd probably be good.
As he began pulling his hand from hers, a frown touched her face and her hand quickly gripped his once more. Even if she didn't wake... she would find out he didn't sleep again, because she would ask, and Aeris didn't seem like one that would lie easily. She shifted slightly, moving her other arm to wrap around his as her hand still held his hand. Like a child, holding their favorite stuffed animal.
Aeris felt her hand and arm wrapped around his and the chair he was in shifted closer to her and the bed. He was a bit surprised but didn't object. He actually started feeling slightly drowsy now and his eyes shut his body lulling off into a light sleep since he never was a heavy sleeper... unless he hadn't slept for days upon days.

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