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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Micahel looked at Rail with a glare. "I am beginning to question your motives Rail." He said before sheathing his sword and kicking Son in the head once more before checking on Aeris.
"My motives are to end this war my lord, by any means." Rail said before ordering some of the Kar to take the wounded to the medical center and put Son in a cage. They did so quickly. @Mina

The rave continued their attack jumping around the dark concealing then to a degree. Button just smiled his kind old man smile and looked around amazed even if he didn't seem it."Oh my your very agile I see how wonderful, I'm very envious of you. I remember back in the day." Button began to rant about the old days which he often did famously. The rave looked at him confused as he was showing no fear which even the biggest of the Kar had shown some fear towards them when they attacked. They then decided to ignore this and attacked again. One leapt at Button cutting off his story if only for a short time before he slammed his staff into the rave sending him flying back into a tree. The rave let out aa ugh as he hit the tree. He then slumped down. The other rave attempted to attack again as Button was distracted but Button just bent down and the rave missed hitting a rock hard." Ooh its a rock that looks just like Gal I must show him. "Button said as he picked the rock up and smiled. This went on for a while. Button dodging the raves attack either by accident or just him being aware and striking the rave every now and then smiling kindly as he did until the rave couldn't take it anymore. They laid on the ground breathing heavily lumps and purple bruises all over there body." Hey Button what are you doing out here at this time! You know the rave are out!" Said a Kar who was with on other Kar. They had been searching for Son but found Button instead."Oh hello fellows I'm sorry I got distracted." He said as he turned to them still smiling. He then raised the flower which hadn't been disturbed in the least. "Look I found the flower I told you about isn't it beautiful." Button asked before he began walking towards them. "Yeah yeah its just down right gorgeous." He said then waved for him to come along."Very well I'm coming let me say good bye to my friends first." Button said then turned to the rave."Goodbye friends I'll be sure to bring you some food next time." He said smiling he waved at them as he walked towards the two Kar. "Bye...... Bye." The rave said to themselves to weak to use there telepathy. They waved as they laid crumbled on the ground. Then passed out."Whos he talking to?" One Kar whispered to the other."I don't know he's old maybe he's gone senile." The other Kar said they laughed as Button came up."What are you laughing about boys?" Button asked smiling kindly still. The two Kar then stopped laughing a look of guilt spread across their face."Umm we just were laughing at the way Gal almost attacked Takaaish at the meeting today." They lied. Button nodded and chuckled."Ah yes that was quite amusing wasn't it, I remember back in my day." He said starting one of his old man rants."Oh no!" They both complained being as his rants were legendary for being long and boring. The two Kar laughed again as they all three walked to the village Button still going on with his rant.
Aeris was a bit dizzy and had fallen off the lizard creature while now laying on the floor. "Uhh.... Did we beat him?" He asked with a dazed expression on his face. When they trampled the Kar he had been thrown off it and into the caverns wall which made him somewhat dazed at the same time. He was regaining himself now and remembered that Kota and Kira were at the back, He wanted to go and visit them badly so he had to first regain his mind and stature.

@Tylor guillory
Max had managed to stand up and walked over to Aeris. He picked him up grimacing."Ugh I think I broke a rib or two. "Max said coughing up some blood." Your lucky it wasn't worse." Rail said as he walked past the two a annoyed looked on his face."So you OK kid?" Max asked Patting Aeris on the back as he stood him up. @ScaraByte
Aeris looked at Max worried now. "I'm fine.... we need to get you to the Medical staff though or you might end up worse for ware" He said attempting to support Max. "Plus that would mean you would be around the Kan females which you like quite a bit" he said with a smirk since he knew that's what Max had been interested in before. Going to that again bringing Max to the medi-bay would give him the chance to be closer to Kira and Kota a bit more.

@Tylor guillory @Mina
"Heheh ugh!" Max said holding his sides."Yeah I think that would be best lets go." Max said as he slowly walking towards the medi-bay.
Aeris continued to help Max on his way. "So what do you think I should do.... I mean all of you guys are healing. I don't really know what I should do to help" He said looking at Max as he saw a few of the Female Kan's passing them and blushing likely the ones Max flirted with earlier. Aeris wasn't really know by the ladies to his knowledge and the only ones he knew were... the one from the beach and Kira.

@Tylor guillory @Mina
"I'd say it's best if you just lay low. From what I've heard you resemble someone they don't think kindly of. I know their helping us now, but that can easily change." Max said as they made their way to the med bay he smiled at the Kan woman as they passed. @ScaraByte
Micahel helped clean up the front entrance, angered by the fact that the warriors of the Kan hadn't been available to help out. They were either out searching for more survivors or on a hunt. Micahel had seen Aeris was fine and decided he needed to get the wounded moved to the medical room, it was likely they would have to fill another room with the wounded as well. He looked at Rail with a glare. "The Kar do not care if one dies, as long as they obtain what they seek, so why are we keeping him alive?" He asked.

The medical room had been moved to the far back part of the fortress type village, within a large room, women and children had been huddled but they now helped to bring in the injured and treat their wounds. Just outside of the doors, women Kan rushed to Max and Aeris. "We are here to help, come, lets get you to a bed." They said, eager to assess the damage and help them.
-Calixto finish making a tree house for Severux look at her new home with amazement- wow -she told herself as she look arounf and Calixto sit down sweating and tired -
Max smiled. "Ladies, ladie, please theirs plenty of Max to go around." He said amused by their eagerness to help."Alright im coming." He said going along with them

Rail looked at Micahel his eyes looking fierce as always."You underestimate how much the Kar leader cares for his Son.We may be able to use him do not kill anything that can be used later on in battle." Rail said while the Kan might be savages they were still civilized they had emotions.
Aeris nodded to the women, "Max here is the one needing help" He said as he looked at his friend who he had no doubts would like this situation. He wasn't worried about any kind of injury he had gotten and even if he had one it would probably be a little bruise or something small like that. He was more worried about Kota, Max, and Kira. They were all possible to death Kira being one closer to it then Max, finally Kota. He would have to check in with each of them since he didn't like the idea of any of them getting hurt. He had grown to care about them quite a bit now and grew more and more closer to them each and every passing hour. He let Max and the ladies pass by before looking back to where Micahel was his bone blade still in hand before he moved into the medi-bay hoping to find Kira soon.

@Tylor guillory
now all you need is a bed and some other things like light to keep u warm and food -said Calixto as he Severux smile and noded- thank you very much -said severux as Calixto smile and look at Severux- whats youre name? -he ask as Severux look at him- uummm... Calista -she said as Calixto look at her- well for now i shall call u Severux...
"You may be right, but I still don't like it." He said. They had chained Son up and were moving him to an underground cell, one that would hold him just fine. "Lets finish this up before he wakes, even if I would enjoy kicking his face in again." He said as he continued on.

The female Kan laughed at Max's comment, moving to lay him on a bed before they began inspecting him. Their hands moving over wounds before applying cream, over his broken bones applying a green colored paste over where the bones were broke. "We will take good care of you sir!" One of the females said enthusiastically.

Kira was placed in the back of the room. No one was near her, though a Kan moved in front of Aeris with a look of concern. "Is she your friend?" She asked softly.
Aeris nodded, "She is... I'm just worried about her. Her arm wound, when she first had it I helped her seal it but she kept her infection secret from me... I don't know why but she... probably didn't want to worry me" He said as he looked at the female Kan realizing the weapon in his hand. "Sorry if this worried you... I was helping with taking down that Kar." He said looking at the female Kar with a smile.

"I understand but theirs a reason I'm the strategists here." Rail said following Micahel. Max laughand coughed up blood again. "Oh ladies you can get ride of me that easily." Max breathed heavily as they rubbed the ointment on him. @Mina
"I see, well I wasn't sure who I should talk to about her recovery. It seems her arm got badly infected and it moved quickly. By the time we got her here, the infection had spread throughout her blood stream. She must of been running a fever for a few hours before she passed out." She said with a sigh, turning to look at Kira. "Her infection is getting better.... but" She turned to look at him "I can not guarantee she will wake, or even live. Once an infection gets that bad, it invades the brain..."

"You are the one that likes to flirt yes?" A older female Kan pushed through the younger ones, her face was definitely not pretty, her yellow eyes narrowing on Max.

"Yeah yeah, you are right, still is annoying." Micahel said to Rail.
-Severux noded- okey -she then smile- alright i better leave u for a while master must be very mad im late again -He told her as she noded and he fly her up the house as she take a rest and wave good bye to Calixto- ... -Calixto land down the camp and look aorund finding a good excuse for his Master- @Mina
Max face turned pale as he saw the woman."Umm maybe...why?" He asked nervously.

Rail laughed."Yes I'm aware that you don't like it my lord. But if we just killed every kar that attacked then we would be no better than they." He said smiling at Micahel which was rare for him. @Mina
Aeris looked at the woman wide-eyed the person he had grown closest to could die.... that was probably the scariest thing he'd heard thus far being on the planet. "If... If I can help in any way in her healing... Let me know" He said seriously his mind already holding trauma. He hadn't known many people who actually cared about his childhood or past so she was more special to him than he had known before.

-Severux tummy growl again- awe hhmmm? -she look at her side and found a food- ohhh big brother must have forgot to give me the food but thanks -she said as she eat in delight- (Severux called Calixto as big brother)... ... .. -Calixto now have thought of a good Excuse and hope his eyes would not fail him as he gave a deep sigh and walk as he slowly close his wings-

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A smile touched the older Kan woman's face, her teeth rotted her hair ratty. "I see, let me check your ribs." She said before moving her hand to his bruised and broken ribs before he pressed down roughly. "Oh my, I need to reset those." She said with a laugh. She disliked humans, especially ones that thought they stood a chance with her girls.

The female nodded at Aeris before she stepped aside. "I am not sure what you can do to help her at this point, it depends how much of her brain was affected from the infection." She said honestly with a reassuring smile. "There is a possibility, if she does live, that she will lose some memories... just prepare yourself for the worst" She said before moving to help one of the other injured.


Micahel looked at Rail before he nodded his head with a smile, moving to smack Rail on the back in a friendly manner. "And this is why you are second in command my good friend." He said before continuing on with the clean up.


Asura walked to Calixto with a glare. "And again, you show up empty handed. Tell me, why do I even keep you around?!" She growled at him.
-Calixto look at his master and bow- its just the first Master..my apologies i haven seen a human around -he said his words calmly as his eyes turn green and close it- @Mina
"Ah no I'm fine I'm fine leave me alone you old warthog!" Max yelled then screamed as she pushed down on his injuries.

Rail smiled at Micahel."Yes indeed it is plus you kind of saved my life when I was a cub and I've been in your debt ever since." Rail said pointing out the other reason. @Mina
Aeris walked over to Kira and looked at her his mind was preparing for the worst as well as his feelings. "Kira..." He said looking at her before closing his eyes for a moment and thinking, he knew that even if she forgot he would remember. He knew that it would probably just hurt him again but he decided it was for the best that way. "If... no, When you pull through. I will be here to greet you" He said trying to put hope in himself again though in all honesty he had little hope that she would remember or care about the past. But he knew that memory was one of the most important things a person things a person could hold to. Even if someone else didn't care as long as you did it was important.


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