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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Rail came walking in a man knocked out over his shoulder. "Hey humans Is this one of yours?" He asked speaking bitterly towards them."I've never seen them. What about you Aeris?" Max asked the winked at a Kan female who came walking by with another Kan female. They giggled and moved on."Damn I have to say I think I have a thing for alien chicks." Max said smiling a huge smile. His beard had grown out alot since he couldn't trim it any.Terrance laid knocked out on Rails shoulder. @ScaraByte @Mina
Aeris looked at the other human he didn't really know him but he figure it would probably be worth it to have another person on board with them, "I don't know him but he'd probably a survivor like us. Could you possibly put him in the room we'd be staying in?" He asked kindly before looking at Max who probably hadn't noticed that the Kan we're considerably taller than them. "If that's your thing I have no room to object. I mean I don't know if I have a thing for human girls or alien girls yet." He said with a shrug to Max before turning back to the weapons and looking around a bit more. He wanted to find the armor and weapons he would need before going to talk with Kira since he wanted to check on her and help out whatever way he possibly could.

@Tylor guillory
"They are made out of multiple things. Some are made from bones, some from scales, the bows are made of a strong wood and the arrow heads from rocks, metal, bones, or scales as well." He said as he looked around before turning to see Max and Terrance on Rails shoulder. "Good job, release the big guy. I will help him find some weapons with Aeris, along with armor, though it looks like he already utilized what the planet has to offer." He said as he looked at Rail before turning to Aeris before moving to grab a large purple spiked sword. "This is from a poisonous coral here."
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"I wouldnt give this one any weapons. I found him crying like a baby in the woods, then when I tried to assist him he ran away screaming. Unfortunately for him he ran into a tree and got knocked out." Rail said putting Terrance down against a wall."Strange human he is if you need me I shall be in my cave." Rail said before walking off. Max looked at all the weapons with amazement. "These are awsome but why do you need so many weapons?" He asked as he began messing with the alien weapons. @Mina @ScaraByte
Aeris looked at it in surprise the color and texture truly was unique and he did enjoy the look of it to a very high degree. "I like it... But it would probably kill me by mistake. I'm somewhat clumsy as some have told me" He said smiling as he thought about how many times that had happened to him over his life. His eyes scanned over the blade again though studying it, "Max, They probably need them for defense and offense against wildlife and other civil tribes" He said being completely honest about it.

@Tylor guillory
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(Wrong Tylor you tagged @ScaraByte )

Well I understand stand animals but civil tribes? Why them I guess aliens have their conflicts to huh. What a shame seems like no races can manage to live together."Max said as he attempted to pick up a sword but could barely lift the handle struggling to lift anything else. @ScaraByte @Mina
After much searching and eventually spotting Rail and following him. Which was no easy task even for a hunters as great as the Kar. Son finally managed to find the location of the Kan hideout. "Good thing I made it here its very close to the Raves feeding time." He said as he snuck through the mountains, preparing his plan of attack.
(I Types @ Ty and hit enter while taking a drink. Mistakes were made)

Aeris smiled as he watched Max messing with the weapons which was interesting. He looked at Micahel for a moment then moved over to the weapons rack and grabbed a knife, It was heavier than knifes he was used to and it was made of some red material. But it was interesting, he put it back and moved back over to Micahel. "I'll take what you'd recommend for me. Max i'd recommend you start at the smaller swords first so you can judge the weight a bit better" He said with a smile since he knew more than well how strong Max was and the weapons here must have been rather heavy is he couldn't lift them.

@Tylor guillory @Mina
"Fine." Max said giving up on lifting the sword a pouting look on his face. He then went and found a round orb."Hey what's this?" He asked as he showed it to them. It was about as big as a football but round and hard like a cannonball. It wasn't to heavy but still had a decent amount of weight to it. It was just white with strange little engravings around it. It even had a button on it. @Mina @ScaraByte
Kota woke up after being asleep for a while. He decided to go explore. He walked around for a little before finding Max. @Tylor guillory
"Oh hey Kota how ya doing!" Max said still holding the strange orb. Waiting for the Kan leader to reply."Feelng any better?" He asked smiling a excited smile as he messed with the orb. @Mina @Ldybug123 @ScaraByte
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Aeris turned to look at Max again his eyes wandering to the orb. "Is it just me or does it look like a bomb?" He asked as he moved over to him looking at the orb object. "Whatever you do don't touch that button or we could die" He said being cautious, He turned and looked over his shoulder at Kota, "Hey.... Sorry for the rough ride here" He said apologizing for his previous movements.

@Tylor guillory
Micahel laughed at the three, the sound deep and loud. "Try this." He said as he handed Aeris a bone sword, the length was shorter, that of an average forearm, the bone was not straight, curved slightly here and there, though it was sharp and serrated. "It is more light weight, and isn't poisonous." He said before looking at the orb Max held. "That is a gas type 'bomb' as you say. When activated, it releases a toxic gas that can cause the lungs to shut down." He explained with a raised eyebrow before looking at Rail. "Were there any other humans?" He asked curiously, there wasn't as many survivors as they had expected.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
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"None my lord." Rail said before heading off. The chattering of the rave could be heard from out in the forest. They were out and ready to feast. All of a sudden there was a explosion as Son had decided to bust his way through the ranks of the Kan. @Mina @ScaraByte
Aeris held the bone sword which while still holding some weight was also lighter than he thought originally. He took a few steps back at the sound of the explosion and swung the sword slightly with a smile. "We need to kill whatever that is" He said as he remembered the medical bay, "Kota, Max help these guys out if you can... I'm going to check on the Medical bay" He said before running out of the room and into the halls. He arrived at the medical bay soon after seeing a few people of the Kan race looking frantic and scared but he still grasped the bone sword given to him. It would likely spell the difference between life and death for him in this setting.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
Kota looked around when he heard the explosion. "Ok." He replied to Aeris as he grasped his spear firmly in his hands. @Tylor guillory
Micahel growled before tossing a larger sword to Max, this one was black from obsidian. "Lets go take down whoever decided to come visit us." He said before running out toward where the explosion sounded, unsure how someone would even find them.

Kira laid upon a bed, her skin pale, her arm wrapped up. The infection had spread, and while she was healing slowly, her body was still in shock. Her breathing was shallow and slow, clear that she was hanging on, but barely.
Son stood upon a small pile of Kan smoke covering him making him look like a demon. He looked over at Micahel and bared his fangs before roaring and leaping at him. Max stood beside him ready to attack, but before he could Rail leapt at Son and kicked him into a cave wall. This only lasted a second before Son came roaring back his massive spear ready to strike. @Mina
Aeris moved over to Kira and saw her condition he looked at her and felt himself slightly worried for her health but he knew she was in good hands. "Kira" he said quietly as he looked at her he knew she was probably having a hard time with it. "Why didn't you tell me before... We could've gotten help quicker" He said before his free hand touched her hair gently. He held the sword in the other hand before moving to the entrance of the medical ward. "Get the patients to a safer place in the back as well as yourselves. We'll do our best to hold them off" He said as some of the Kan began to move getting the people secure.

Kota charged at Son and blocked his spear with his own. That didn't last long, and Son pushed his spear with great force against Kota's, causing Kota to hit the wall pretty hard. @Tylor guillory
Micahel grinned, the female Kan rushing to grab the children and hide in the back. Micahel stood next to Rail. "Lets take him down before there are any more casualties." He said firmly before pulling out a sword. This one was obsidian fused with the coral, the black and purple colors running beautifully together. "Son, you made the worst mistake of your life, it will be your end." He yelled over the screams.

One of the female Kan nodded at Aeris before she moved in to lift Kira into her arms. She quickly rushed out, Kira being the only patient there at the time. It had been quite some time since anyone had needed this kind of medical attention. She ran to the back, looking at the others with worry. "Get to safety!" She yelled, following the others into the backs of the fortress.
"Hmph weak human, you couldn't possibly hope to match my strength! Even among the Kar I am considered the strongest!" He said before Max came jabbing his new spear at Son."Oh yeah I'll show you strong! " Max roared as he continued his attempt at striking Son. But Son just continued to dodge eventually smacking the spear away and slamming a foot hard into Max sending him flying.

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