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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris saw Kota, "Wuh... How did you... Kota!" He yelled aloud as he moved down and rested his friend in his lap. "Hey... What. What happened to you?" He asked since he thought he had helped Kota earlier.


The Scientist grinned, "I do wonder though... how does your queen plan to drain my son. Through a bite or something more.... excruciating?" He asked as if intrigued by his own sons death. "Besides he's just another failed subject when it comes down to it... So I see no point in keeping subject A-19 any longer" He said going further into detail on what he thought of his son.

Asura stopped walking and looked at the scientist with a glare. She felt her mouth watering as she just wanted to drain him. Just a little bite... but no, she couldn't. "You actually believe you are anything more than scum? You must be delusional, but then again, you could be trying to get me believe you don't care, so I don't kill him. I might drain him of some of his blood, but the queen, she will suck out his very life force, like she is doing to Tuuq right now. It hurts, it feels like someone is ripping your insides out." She said before licking her lips.

Kota coughed before replying to Aeris. "The village... was attacked. By something called an archnivamp. There was a whole group of them. The leader... I think her name was Asura. She bit Tuuq, and she injected some sort of venom into him. I tried to help him, but they tied me up in a web like material. They kidnapped me and Tuuq. They walked for a little while before stopping. Asura leaned me against a tree and... she bit me too. It hurt. And, they knocked me out. When I woke up, they were gone." He said rather weakly, before leaning his head over to reveal the bite mark from Asura. @ScaraByte
The scientist smiled, "Oh I hope he screams.... He was the cause of his mother leaving me anyhow" He said his own grip tightening as he thought about it. He honestly did hate his 'son' which he had altered to be merely a tool for exterminating the creatures he made. He looked at her, "If i'm lying than you can kill me.. I can tell you this though, I look forward to seeing his face twisting in agony as your 'queen' drains him." He said smiling at the thought of it his mind imagining it as every fiber of A-19's body had its life-force pulled away just as quickly as it was there.


Aeris looked at him his eyes widening slightly as he looked at the mark on his neck. "So we're basically fighting space-vampires... Great" He said before sighing at the thought he didn't honestly want to fight these Arachnivamps but at this point he seemed to have no other option as it was. then he thought about that for a moment, "Do you think we could make peace with them somehow?" He asked as he looked at Kota not sure if his idea would be realized in the others mind or not but he could hope so.

"Sounds like his mother made the right choice to me." She said with a laugh. "Maybe he will replace you then, we will see. I would love to see you in agony." She said as she yanked him down the staircase that led to their hideout. As she entered, the guards bowed to her, leading him to where his cell was located. Without warning, she roughly shoved him inside the cell before she shut and locked it behind him. "You are a waste." She spat before turning and walking away.


Lishai raced through the forest, back the way she had come, though more toward the beach. She didn't want to waste too much time, and if she could find the others before nightfall, she would actually get some sleep tonight, though it wasn't looking very promising. The sun was beginning to lower, and now that the Rave's were aware of the traffic within the forest, they would head back to where they left off. She had to hurry, before the others were devoured by the Rave. "Just stay up a little longer." She said as she ran through the forest, her muscles flexing with each step she made, speeding as fast as possible.

"Bitch" He said under his breath again before laying down in the cell and thinking about his son. His face turned to a scowl soon after, "Should've let him die when I could" He said quietly before trying to sleep. He just had through though about agony and suffering clouding his mind in the end.

Aeris looked at Kota again then looked up at the sky noticing the time. "We might just have a situation here... time to get Khim and get you out of here" He said as He remembered making the call earlier. Now he saw the trees shaking as Khim came over and landed hear them. "Alright then, Kihm bring him to the others and i'll come back in a few minutes want to salvage a bit more" He said before Khim grabbed Kota in her 'hands' and began to fly back to the sea-stack. Aeris wanted this so that Kota wouldn't be harmed any further now and so that Kota might be able to rest.

Lishai reached the beach just as Khim took off, cursing under her breath as her black and red gaze narrowed on them. "Wait!" She yelled, hoping they would hear her. She could get them to safety, and from the looks of it, one of the humans had fallen ill. They weren't doing to good on this planet it seemed. First the girl, and now the boy. "Wait!" She yelled again, louder this time.
Aeris looked at some girl from the bushes he was going through for a moment his head popping out of the bush like he was the bush. "Is something wrong?" He said from his position. He didn't quite know how the girl got here by any means and her clothes were rather different from most of the survivors. His eyes blinked slightly as he had some leaves mixed into his hair from the bush diving he had done while in search for a little snack to eat as he waited for Khim to do her thing.

Lishai jumped in the air, spinning around with a hiss as she looked at Aeris before blinking in confusion. "You are the one I need. Bring your friend back." She said pointing to Khim. "I can get him to safety, as well as you. Where are the others?" She asked before turning to look down the beach and back, before she looked at the sun as it sank lower. "Damn it, we don't have much time." She said before bringing her black and red optics shifted back to Aeris. "What is wrong with the boy?"
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"He was bitten by something called an Arachnivamp... hang on a sec" Aeris said before Whistling causing Khim to fly back their way and land with Kota now on her tail. "If time's a problem." He said moving over and climbing on the back of Khim who passed Kota up to him. He sat his friend in a spot where he could keep him from falling. "Climb on quickly" He said motioning for the girl to get on. He didn't quite know what else this girl needed him or the rest of his group for but he would send Khim to get them after moving this group.

@Mina @Ldybug123
Lishai watched Khim before frowning. "An Arachnivamp huh?" She said as she climbed up onto Khim, before pointing past Aeris toward the desert. "Head that way." She said as she placed her hands on Khim's back to stable herself. "Your friend should be fine, the arachnivamp venom won't kill him, simply make the next couple of days excruciatingly painful, and he will feel like he is dying. But where I am taking you, they should be able to help it go by faster, and maybe take away some of the pain. I found a girl in the woods earlier, nearly dead. They are taking care of her now." She said, waiting to take off. She wasn't fond of relying on another creature to keep her safe, but right now, time was short.
"Kira..." Aeris muttered under his breath the words nearly dead frightened him and cause him to make Khim take off. She flapped her wings quickly as they headed towards the desert at a rather fast pace now. Soon they had smoothed out the ride and while still traveling quickly weren't as sporadic with their movements. He rubbed Kota's head to try and calm him since he now knew what was going on. "So why exactly did you need me?" He asked her as he continued to fly out towards the desert.

@Ldybug123 @Mina
Kota weakly turned his head to Lishai. "They... took someone else. I tried to save him. But... they didn't take me all the way to where they were taking him. So... I was wondering if you know where they took him." He said to her, worrying about Tuuq. @Mina @ScaraByte
Lishai gasped as Khim took off at a rather fast pace, her eyes darting down to the trees below, which slid behind them quickly. "I dislike flying." She said before turning her gaze to the animal, then to Aeris who now pet the animal. "You resemble someone else. Another human." She said though she didn't want to disclose too much information. "My name is Lishai by the way. What is your name, and your friends?" She asked, the boy looked a lot like the scientist, it was almost creepy. She could see the differences, but the structure of his face, if she added glasses, his eyes, and his hair color were almost identical.

Lishai turned to look at the boy with a frown. "If they took someone else, it is likely they are dead. I do know where they took them, but, it would not be wise to go there." She said honestly.
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-from searching Severux look at Calixto and remeber that he was hunting what she recal as her kind "Humans"- umm kind monster why r u searching for humans like me? -she shackingly ask as Calixto look at her- well it is my master's order - he replied calmly- but can u please not do that -ask severux with a fit of hope-..please she ask as she start to cry..Calixto then look at her and wipe her tears- well... i dont know... but i must follow what has been given to me by my master -Said calixto as Severux look down with sadness-
Aeris nodded, "Well I'm Aeris... This is Kota.. but you still didn't answer my question" He said before looking down to Kota and sighed. "Kota... we have to have hope... He know this planet so he probably got away" He said hoping to make Kota feel less grim on the situation but in reality he knew it was likely that Tuuq was dead. He continued to rub Khim in hopes of calming himself. "Oh and Lishai you can hold onto me if needed since you don't seem to be that comfortable up here" He said smiling a forced smile since he was honestly quite saddened about the idea of Tuuq's death and now wanted to avenge it.

@Mina @Ldybug123
"I will be fine." Lishai said, unsure about wrapping her arms around a male human. "I will allow the leader of the Kan to explain why I was searching for you." She said firmly. "It was at his request that I am returning you. He has offered to provide safe haven for you and your friends as well. But right now, you are not safe out here." She said after watching Aeris attempting to comfort Kota. She knew that the chances of anyone escaping the Arachnivamp clan, was slim at best. "I am sorry for not being able to help your friend. I hope he did get away." She said, keeping her eyes off of the ground below.
"Ok." Kota said quietly. Suddenly, he got another surge of pain, this one more intense than all the others. His vision was blurry and spinning a little, his breaths were coming out rapidly, and his nails dug into Khim a little, but not so much as to hurt the creature. @Mina @ScaraByte
Aeris nodded at Lishai's words before looking back at Kota and worrying more now. Khim wasn't bothered in the slightest since her skin was like leather which would be rather hard for a normal human nail to pierce. Aeris felt Kota's breathing change, "Don't worry... You'll make it through this.. I promise" He said looking at Kota as Khim got right on the boundary of the Desert. "Where from here?" Aeris turned to ask Lishai his grip on Kota still firm as he wanted to make sure his friend didn't fall and he would've tried to secure her better if it hadn't been for her refusal.

@Mina @Ldybug123
-Severux look up at Calixto- please? -Seh said as Calixto look up the sky- i never fail my master before...it wont be that bad if i try this once -Calixto thought with a big sigh- alright but first we shall go home...my home... but.. -said Calixto to Severux as she look back at him- be quite -Said calixto as he saw a Dead blooded Arachnivamp and take its blood as he place the blood all over Severux with she shiverd and confuse at the same time- remember be quite and hide on to me alright? -Calixto ask as severux nooded- good -Said calixto as he fly fast going back to the Arachnivamp camp and looking around for his master as he hide Severux to a much safer place..hoping that she can be realy safe-
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"Land here" Lishai said, seeing the boarder of the desert. "Send your friend home, she needs to get back to the water, it is doubtful she could last long in the dryness of the desert. We will need to hurry." She said as she looked back and saw the shadows spreading across the world. "The Rave will be out soon. And Kota, we are almost there, the pain will ease soon."

@ScaraByte @Ldybug123

Asura walked above ground and looked up to see Calixto. "You stupid bird man!" She yelled. "Where have you been?!" She was angry at his lateness, and the fact that he hadn't brought anyone back with him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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-Severux was scared at all the Arachnivamp she saw she was so afraid she was about to scream but thankfully Calixto cover her eyes and mouth- be Quet young one we dont want to get killed -Said calixto with a sigh as he grab Severux and walk normaly so no one would notice-

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