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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

The Scientist looked at the girl as he walked being practically drug away to the cage they assigned him to he hated the cage but his creatures could stop that. "So why do you hate me so bitterly?" He asked the girl as he walked not really caring that she was one of the things that hated him. At the end of the day he knew she would probably enjoy no less than to kill him.


Aeris smiled, "I see but they travel best in the air and in water rather than on land" He said with a smile as he made sure she stayed on the creature.

@Scattered Ambitions
"I have not broke anything nor threatened to kill you." The king said with an annoyed expression. "Nor have I questioned why you are making decisions a certain way. Yes, respect." He said before turning and walking out of the tent, heading back to his home. He had some planning to do.

@Tylor guillory

Asura looked at the scientist with a glare. "How many of my kind have you experimented on? Or your crew? You hold no respect for the life of anything, while I do not either, you tried to alter my own kind, making you nothing in my eyes. My father, the king, and the Kar, want you alive, or else I would of just killed you by now." She said before turning back and quickening her pace.

ScaraByte said:
The Scientist looked at the girl as he walked being practically drug away to the cage they assigned him to he hated the cage but his creatures could stop that. "So why do you hate me so bitterly?" He asked the girl as he walked not really caring that she was one of the things that hated him. At the end of the day he knew she would probably enjoy no less than to kill him.

Aeris smiled, "I see but they travel best in the air and in water rather than on land" He said with a smile as he made sure she stayed on the creature.

@Scattered Ambitions
"Ye..yeah ok..." Novaline looked down, and her face turned green. "I...I really need to get..to get down now."
The scientist just sighed, and shook his head. "I have value for life... I was told to create beasts for your kind and I do exactly that. If I didn't value life then my son wouldn't be the altered thing he is!" he said outraged at her statement since he was sick and tired of being told to do this or that then get no respect at all. "Besides your kind is fickle. I had to aid your kind to find your diseases and complication and when I did nothing." He said his eyes narrowed behind chipped glasses.


Aeris smiled at her and nodded, He set them down gently and looked at her, "Sorry if that was rough on you. The other people I let ride don't get as sick as you did" He said before the creature laid down still ready to take off again if needed.

@Scattered Ambitions
"Before we captured you, this planet was full of nothing but test subjects for you. Do you expect us to be more accommodating? You took a relatively peaceful environment and gave intelligence to monsters, altered species to your liking, even took some of our kind away from home. Your son? There have been reports of a boy here that resembled you, shall I perform tests on him as you did my sister before? You know, the one you killed?" She asked with a growl. She obviously hated the man, though this was the most she had spoken to him since they had caught him originally.

Aeris got off Neria who continued to sit being watchful. "I don't plan to leave... I don't like leaving people I consider friends behind or alone too long" He said before looking off into the forest, Kira had been on his mind but he still didn't know where she ran off to.

@Scattered Ambitions

The scientist smiled, "If you think that would be a good course of action go ahead. Though I don't see why you would kill a species as pitiful as mine as I believe you said before" He said looking at her challenge in his eyes. Her intentions were clear as day to him and it didn't bother him a single bit. If she wanted to kill his son she could see if she could, "Though I remember your sister... I didn't plan to kill her, I just needed to understand your kinds anatomy and she was the female that was first on the charts" He said with a shrug as if it was nothing his attitude towards other creatures not caring unlike others were.

Aeris looked at her for a moment, "I don't quite think i'll mind to badly... I mean i've had to cauterize my friends wound and kill a Reaper.... it can't be that bad"
Novaline, feeling better, turned, and stood up. "Look, I like you. I really, really think you won't like what's about to ahppen, and you might be in danger."
Aeris shrugged, "We're in danger almost every second on this planet. You never know when something might pop up and snatch you away in it's jaws" He said not caring to much about danger over the past few days events. He just needed to know the others were safe and he'd be fine with the problems that could happen later.
Within the forest, Kira had finally collapsed, the infection spreading throughout her body causing her fever to spike, her body to grow weak and her brain to shut down. Lishai, the rebel Arachnivamp, found her on the ground, and she carefully lifted the human. Lishai was concerned for the poor being, and she knew only one place she could take her, the Kan. The Kan had helped her kind before, despite a human experimenting on some of them. So after slinging the girl over her shoulder, she began trekking through the forest, headed toward the desert, and further away from the beach. She wasn't aware that these beings were back, guessing they came from the ship that had crashed a few days back, but it was amazing that any lived from it.


Tuuq would be in and out of consciousness as the queen moved toward him, she cupped his chin with her hand and placed her lips close to his before she began draining him slowly, a green aura would flow from his mouth and eyes, before flowing into her mouth and nose. The process began.

@Scattered Ambitions


"That is exactly why I would rather kill you. You hold no remorse for the death your studies have caused." Asura stated blandly, yanking him along faster. "You deserve the pain you are caused, and your son, if that is him here, I will make sure the queen gets her fill of him." She said with a smirk.

"Ok.." Novaline sighed, "but don't try to stop me." She turned to the ocean, watched for a moment, then when she spotted what she wanted, turned back to Aeris and mouthed sorry, then dove in. She swam out to where the escalitha was swimming. She rubbed it's neck, in the same place where Aeris had rubbed Neria, then in a few more places. Soon, the escalitha let her climb on, and it began to swim towards the beach. When it landed, She pulled out a peice of rope that she had salvaged from the wreckage, and formed a lead rope. She tied it around the escalitha's neck, and started to lead it into the forest, retracing her steps.
The scientist smiled, "Yes Make sure she drinks his life-force... hell why not make me sit in front of them and watch?" he said seeming not even to care about his sons life in the slightest. He knew this could be the best course of action since there was probably little possibility of his son being here.


Aeris looked at where she was leading it slightly confused wasn't her goal to train them. If it was then there was no point in stopping her from it. He moved his hands to his mouth and released somewhat of a strange noise like a call or the noise of a creature that was familiar to him. He heard a growl and turned to see and owl bear and backed up Neria had ditched him and booked it to the water so he had a few choices left with this thing but maybe he could train it. The creature moved towards him growling with an echo to it's voice.

(I'm not Killing him... yet)
Rail sat down sharpening his sword, silent not saying a single word. He had been watching for signs of a enemy ever since the ship came crashing down. He wasn't sure what it was but he was certainly not going to let it go unchecked. @Mina
"Sounds like a date" Asura said as she dragged him along. She hoped the boy she had heard about, was his son. So he could feel the same pain she felt when her sister died.

@Tylor guillory
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Max had just been sitting around on Khim the whole time sleeping. His large figure slumped over her back. Terrance had been freaking out calling for help as he searched through this strange new place."Hey anyone there please I don't know where I am! There are monsters everywhere!" His voice was getting desperate and panicked now as tears began to come from his eyes. He fell to his knees holding his face as he sobbed."I just wanted to get out of it! All the stress, all the troubles! Why can't things be simple."

A little ways away Button had gone for his morning walk. He whistled as he moved through the vast lush beautiful forest. ( @Mina @ScaraByte @Scattered Ambitions @Ldybug123 @Spazzycat101 someone interact with Button don't worry he's a nice old ox)

Son had twisted his words when telling them where he was going. He was indeed going hunting, but not for any idiotic beast. No he was going hunting for the head of the Kan leader."I shall end this fued then the Kar shall be strong once again!" He roared as he headed towards the desert mountains.
Rail stood and leapt down his sword drawn. His eyes wondered to the creature in her hand. A look of shock spread across his face. "That's impossible a human! I thought they had all but died off on this planet." He said before looking around to make sure she was alone."Very well come the Kan shall aid you rebel arachnid." He said gesturing her towards the Kan hideout
Lishai bowed her head to Rail before following him. The girl growing heavier as Lishai grew fatigued. She hadn't slept all night, the commotion was too much on the planet, as if there were an uprising of every creature. "There was a crashing ship a few days back, there are more than her." She said. She had been watching some of them, though when she saw Kira drop, she had to help her. "Also, there was word of a meeting between the Arachnivamps and the Kar" She said with a frown as she followed Rail to their village. It was unlikely Son would be able to find the Kan so easily, he would end up wandering for quite sometime, searching for where their village resided.

@Tylor guillory
"Yes I'm aware of all of this. We Kan are much smarter than the kar, we had spies infiltrate their ranks. As for the crash I saw it but wasn't aware humans where the ones who crashed. If we can find the rest of them we shall give them shelter." Rail said as they crept through the mountain eventually going through a crack just big enough for a Kan to fit through. As they passed through the cracks they walked through darkness until they came to a brightly light village filled with Kan."Come I shall bring you to our leader." Rail said as they walked through crowds of Kan all staring at Lishai with either disgust fear hatrid or shock. They quickly made it to a cave entrance dimly light by glowing insects trapped in clear bulb like containers. As they walked through they saw the Kan leader. Rail bowed."My Lord the Arachnivamp rebel has come with a human." @Mina
Lishai walked through the caves with awe, not noticing the expressions she received. She was probably the only Arachnivamp to ever walk through the village of the Kan, at least in quite some time. Since before the current King. "Thank you sir." She said as she continued with Rail. As they made it to the clan leader, she lowered her head and curtsied, unable to fully bow with Kira upon her shoulder. "My Lord, my name is Lishai." She said humbly.

The leader of the Kan looked to nod at Rail before eyeing the Arachnid in front of him. "I see. I am the leader of the Kan, Micahel" He said as he looked at the human. "What is wrong with the human?" He asked, the tusks upon his face moving as he spoke. Upon a chair in the corner was his wife, a young female Kan, her tusks much smaller, black hair stood upon her head as her eyes watched carefully, her expression remaining indifferent. Lishai lifted her head though kept her eyes from locking with the leaders, not sure if they took such a thing as disrespectful as did the king of the arachnivamps.

"Her arm looks infected my Lord, I do not have the resources to heal her and she needs help. She has been unconscious for a couple hours now and it is imperative that we move fast." She said.

"Ah yes, Rail, take the girl to the Medical room, have the girls take care of her." He said caringly. "Are there more humans?" He asked, though he didn't seem shocked by the humans presence, he was.

@Tylor guillory
"From what I've been told there are my lord, and I shall bring the human to the medical room immediately." He said lifting the girl over his shoulder and carrying her off with ease. He quickly made it to a area much more like a spa than a medical room although there were many herbs and medicines. He set her down ordering the girls to treat her wounds and heal her as needed before heading back to Micahel and Lishai. He stood his arms crossed and his feline eyes watching Lishai carefully. @Mina (going to sleep night)
Kota weakly got up, pain surging through his body. He walked around a little before finding Aeris. He was stood in front of him. Suddenly, a huge amount of pain surged through his body and he fell to his knees. @ScaraByte
Lishai nodded at the leader. "Yes, from what I gathered, there are at least three others. They were with the Xedic clan when the Arachnivamps attacked. They escaped upon an Escalith. One in particular caught my eye sir." She said causing Micahel to frown.

"Why would one of the humans catch your eye?" He questioned.

"He looked like the scientist, the one that the Arachnivamps captured many years ago." She said just as Rail entered the room once more. "I am not sure if he is related, but you can see the resemblance."

"I see. I will send troops out to retrieve the boy, if you could assist Lishai, I would be grateful. We will want to get him before they do." He said calmly. Lishai nodded.

"Yes my Lord, I will head out right now to bring him back. Thank you sir." She said before bowing fully now, before standing and turning to walk back the way she came.

Micahel turned back to Rail with a frown. "Get together a group of men and set out to find the other humans, keep an eye out for the boy she mentioned. I do not fully trust her, despite her being a rebel to the Arachnid tribe, she is still the same breed as her brethren." He said before turning to his wife. "Katara my love, it looks like we will be having guests soon. Would you mind getting some of the girls together to help prepare?" He said in a kind tone, moving to hold his hand out for her.

"Of course. I will do that right now." She said as she took his hand and stood. A simple kiss and hug was exchanged before Katara stood and made her way out of the room, obeying happily.

@Tylor guillory (Night!)

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