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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Asura and Takaaish stood there silently, the king listening though not speaking. The king looked down at the scientist, finally acknowledging him for a moment, wondering what request he would have for them. They fed him, clothed him, kept him warm and safe, what else could the human want?
Aeris looked at the creature and attempted to climb on it's back which it let him before looking at Novaline. "Yeah... You want to hop on?" He asked holding onto the creature and extending a hand to her.

@Scattered Ambitions
Asura's head lifted as if she just realized something, turning to look out of the tent before she frowned. She realized then, if not a little late, that the other human pest was gone. With a growl, she looked at the others. "I think this conversation will have to wait. The other human is gone. I can track them. I think her usefulness has come to its end." Asura said firmly.

Takaaish frowned before nodding, and lifting his gaze to Gal. "Your guards have failed it seems, send your men with my daughter, I think it is time they start their hunt" He said before motioning toward the scientist. "I will watch him." He said blandly. He was irritated by this, but if that meant some answers to the location of the humans, then it was worth it.

@Tylor guillory


Back at the village of the Arachnivamp, the warriors brought Tuuq beneath the ground into a large, cave like room. After binding his hands above his head and his hips against the wall of the cave quickly, they ran out in fear. No one hardly traveled beneath to converse with the queen, she was a temperamental being, one that would eat not only her own, but whatever traveled into her domain. Like a black widow. Her entire body covered in what appeared to be an exoskeleton, her eyes weren't even visible. She approached the tree man with a low laugh, the eerie sound echoing throughout the cave.

@Scattered Ambitions
The scientist heard the humans were gone. "Actually i'd like any humans possible captured and brought to me, so that I can further my research and make more creatures in the end." He said with a smile.

@Tylor guillory
Gal looked over to Takaaish."I see no reason why we should be in such a fuss over one human female. After all by the looks of that girl she wanted to join your ranks Takaashi." Gal said before calling over one of his men."Go with the Arachnivamp do as she says." Gal said and the Kar nodded and he and a few others followed her. @Mina
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"Do not question me." Takaaish growled at Gal irritated with his question. "Go Asura, this alliance may be over before it truly goes anywhere if these Kar are going to be so soft." The king said before looking at the scientist. "If he can make them obey, I am fine with that. For now, we are going back to his cell. We will meet tomorrow at the same time, until then, I want at least two of those humans in custody, that way the scientist can show us what he plans on using the humans for, if it suffices, then we will keep them alive."
Aeris took her hand and helped her on before the creature stood and began to lift off the ground. "You ready?" He asked her the creature prepared to take off.

@Scattered Ambitions

Novaline squealed as she was pulled on. "Sorry, wasn't expecting that to be quite so quick. Now, how do you get this thing to move?"
Aeris smiled, "Well first you do like this..." He said one of the hands touching a certain spot on the neck and the creature begging to fly away now in the process. He smiled at the creature took off and did a little circle around. "I think i'll call you.... Neira." He said petting the creature as it clicked again.
Gal slammed his fist onto the table in the center of the tent hard breaking it in half. He glared at Takaaish menacingly. "I shall say this once. Do not give me orders and do not insult us Kar." Gal walked up to Takaaish he loomed over the Arachnivamps king."I only agree to this alliance because I have no intention of fighting your kind and every other species on this planet. Not to mention that you have the scientist. So I'd watch my word least they end your life." Gal said his face deadly serious hot air almost like steam blew from his ape like nose. @Mina
Unlike the rest of the Arachnivamp culture, the king had different powers. His web much more dense, his skin thicker, his strength greater, and his speed faster. He looked at Gal without fear, reaching to remove his mask and place it beside him. Asura lowered her body slightly, ready to pounce if anything happened. "Then stop being so soft, if you expect respect. I can just as easily walk away with the scientist as I brought him here. This alliance is beneficial to the both of us, but tell me Gal, how do you plan for your tribe to have control over any part of a world, if you do not strike fear into every being there?" He asked, nails extending from his fingers, his fangs elongating as his eyes grew darker. As this happened, his skin would seem to shift as a extra layer of bone formed, one as hard as diamond that would protect him if struck. "I would watch my temper if I were you."
Aeris looked at her. "Oh... Sorry about that." He said grinning as he looked at her. "I probably should've warned you before hand" He said as he let them hover for a moment in the air staying in place so she could regain her seating.

@Scattered Ambitions
"I need not watch my tone even with your hardened skin. That won't keep me from snapping your weak little neck." Gal said glaring daggers at Takaaish. "Ahahahahahahahah!!!!" Gal burst out laughing his entire demeanor changing to one of man having fun with a friend. "Oh please Takaaish we have known each other far to long! I can't act as if this is serious any longer! Ahahaha hell the only reason we had a chance to start this alliance is because we knew each otheir so well." Gal said sitting back down and Eventually stopping his laughter."Go do what you will as long as it benefits the Kar I do not care. But this does not mean you can make any big moves without my consent. " he said smiling his fangs clear to see. @Mina
Kota was still laying on Khim, severly weakend from the archnivamps toxin. His breaths were heavy, and he hardly noticed Khim go up into the air. @Tylor guillory
Takaaish held no entertainment within his eyes. His bones were not as brittle as Gal would like to think, but that mattered not to the king, the Kar had not seen him fight, they would know very little about his strength, aware only of the defense his body held. "I will do as I please, consent or none. We may have known each other for a long time, but I will not stand for disrespect. This alliance is one made to keep a balance, that balance is tipping dangerously so." He said before turning to Asura. "Go now, take the scientist back to his cell, and find the humans." He said causing Asura to bow before moving to pull the scientist with her. "Lets go maggot." She growled as she ushered the scientist out of the tent and further into the center of the forest.
Gal laughed."Respect how amusing the venom spitting high and mighty king of the Arachnivamps speaks of respect. I simply ask you a question and you snap at me. You must think very little of me." He said then began eating some meat on a stick.

Son however was not amused in the least he bared his teeth at the vamp king, holding back his words so as to not start a war between the alliance. He then stormed out of the tent only saying what his intentions where. "I'm going hunting." He said picking up his spear. @Mina
ScaraByte said:
Aeris looked at her. "Oh... Sorry about that." He said grinning as he looked at her. "I probably should've warned you before hand" He said as he let them hover for a moment in the air staying in place so she could regain her seating.
@Scattered Ambitions
She pulled herself back up, and regained her seat. "Thanks, but honestly, I much prefer it on the ground."

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