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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

-Severux look up at him- is there something wrong - she ask with worry- oh nothing to worry little one now let e give u a piggy back ride i have something important to do- he said as she climb on his back and Calixto flew up in the air finding the Humans his master has ordered as for Severux he look at the sky and at the forest wondering the beauty that was holded by darkness in the land-
He got to the beach and turned to make sure she was following. "Alright then... I'll let you help out here" He said as he saw one of the creatures swimming towards them.
He looked out and smiled as he saw one of the creatures moving out of the water and standing above them in a calm way as it stared won on them.
-Calixto fly high and saw no sign of the humans worried he wont be going home without the preys he then sigh and look at the camp he then remember the little girl is on his back and decided to lower to the ground and walk instead becuz if ever they saw him with a human there will be consequences needed to be paid-
The kars were all probably sleeping by now. Not worried even if a enemy attacked all theyd need to do is fight. Button sat and smiled at everyone."So what's our next issue of business? "He asked happily. @Mina
Kira finally pushed herself to her feet and began walking through the forest, toward the beach. She remembered the berries before, were over that way. She wanted to give Harmony some, besides, the animal had found her again.

"I am not sure why you seem so excited. Asura should be returning soon with the scientist, we can figure out what we want him to make while he is here." He said with a frown. "The Kan, we should send some of our warriors to track them down and lead us back to their hideout." He stated.
The scientist twisted about and looked at them, "What do you mean make you something else.... Wasn't the Reaper good enough?" He asked looking at all of them aggressively.
"Excited? I'm simply asking a question, as for the Kan, they are still our people in one way or another. We must not underestimate them." Button said then he fell asleep snoring loudly his mouth wide open and in a sitting up position.
"You are right of course, but we will not underestimate them. Thus the reason we will wait to strike. We need to watch them first." Takaaish said with a nod. "They are becoming more of a problem." He looked at Button with irritation.

Asura had brought the scientist in just as they finished talking, twisting around the male and wrapping her arm around his neck, squeezing tight enough to cut off his blood flow. "You will not speak out of turn scientist! Watch your tone." She growled in his ear. Takaaish looked at Asura before nodding his head at her, and she released her hold, shoving him forward before crossing her arms over her chest.
Aeris smiled, "Yep... now then" He said as he moved about the creature which watched him carefully. He moved his hand up rubbing under it's neck and it made a few happy clicks like a dolphin as it shivered and moved downwards sitting down. "You want to touch it?" He asked still rubbing the creature.

The Scientist grimaced as he hit the ground and then got up. He didn't like these people any more than he had for the past years he'd been stuck with them. His eyes looked up to their king in an almost tired look since he didn't like this much. He didn't talk though since he'd likely be bit again.
Gal let out a mighty laugh."Ahahahahah how carelessly you treat your merchandise Takaaish! You should show him a little decency after all he is our greatest weapon!" Gal said cheerfully in his loud voice before standing up."So scientist any new project in the wake?" Gal asked Son just stood next to the snoring Button arms crossed and a angry look on his face. @Mina @ScaraByte
"Sometimes to get a savage's cooperation you need to show dominance." Takaaish stated blandly. Asura glared at the Kar, her tribe learned to never question the king, or their heads were on a platter, but apparently her father had the same idea about the leaders of the Kar. She growled low though it wasn't loud enough for the others to hear.
"I don't know how i'm a savage if your the kidnapper" He muttered quietly under his breath before deciding to respond to the Kar Leader. "Well a few actually. I have been in production of two creatures larger and more powerful than the Reaper. I have also found a way to mass produce one species that runs in a pack.... umm" He said trying to remember the rest of them. "I have also began production on a new sentient race... One like yourselves but different" He said seriously since it had been the projects of his.
ScaraByte said:
Aeris smiled, "Yep... now then" He said as he moved about the creature which watched him carefully. He moved his hand up rubbing under it's neck and it made a few happy clicks like a dolphin as it shivered and moved downwards sitting down. "You want to touch it?" He asked still rubbing the creature.
The Scientist grimaced as he hit the ground and then got up. He didn't like these people any more than he had for the past years he'd been stuck with them. His eyes looked up to their king in an almost tired look since he didn't like this much. He didn't talk though since he'd likely be bit again.
"Ye...yes." She walked up to the creature tentatively, and placed her hand on the creatures snout. She ran her hand up and down, feeling the wet skin slide underneath her hand.
The king did not respond to the scientist, he rarely spoke to creatures beneath him, not even those of his own race. Asura growled and held herself back from the kick she wanted to deliver to the males head. If it weren't for the brain inside his head that they needed, she would of already bashed his skull in. "Disgusting race." She said to herself, her black soulless eyes on the male.
The creature continued to make cheerful clicking noised and nuzzled into the girls hand. Aeris smiled, "See they aren't that hard to tame at all... Most creatures are like that, So i'm used to thess from my dad's career choices"

@Scattered Ambitions
"Oh really? What did your dad do?" Novaline questioned him, suddenly more interested. She had heard murmurs of a scientist, and wondered if this boy was somehow related to them.
"I must say they may be inferior physically but they are very Intelligent." Gal said walking up to the scientist."So how much longer before these creatures are done? I'd very much like to see them in action I have something special planned after all." Gal said smiling a great fanged smile. @Mina @ScaraByte
The scientist looked at him, "They should be ready very soon. Since all that I have left is to release them.... May I make a request though?" He asked as he looked at Gal his mind knowing what else he needed to do with things. Though he also needed to get approval or they would end up likely killing him for going further.

@Tylor guillory

Aeris smiled at her, "Well my dad worked with machines and other things. He created creatures most of the time so you could consider him a madman... My mom called him the 'Scientist' in our family though" He said with a smile.

@Scattered Ambitions

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