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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris was brought back out of sleep in moments and almost rolled completely off Khim before climbing back onto her back. "Whoa what happened and-" He turned to look at the creatures. He looked at them and they didn't look to kindly towards them. He had gotten a little bit of sleep which would be more than enough to fuel him. He looked at her again for a moment before looking out at the creatures and to Max. "Shit" He said looking at the creatures as Khim released a flap of air with her wings to knock them away hopefully. It blew through some trees and branches knocking them down at the very least.
Some rave were sent flying back as they had leapt at Khim at the moment her wings flapped. Others stood holding on to the branches. Max waved his hand at them screaming for help."Pick me up pick me up!!!" He yelled @ScaraByte @Scattered Ambitions @Mina
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Sesha ran next to Max, trying to intimate his words. "Up..me! Up me!" She pushed herself forward with vines, moving her much faster than Max towards Khim.
Kira had made her way back to the ground, shoving Max upward with all of her might, seeing that Sesha was already up. "GO!" She screamed before she ran into the forest, getting Harmony to run with her. She knew they couldn't lift the animal, and no way was Kira going to let her die. If they could reach an opening.... these things didn't seem to like the sun.

"Yes" The king said to Novaline. "You can find me another one... and you will help me find those humans." He growled
"Back to the meeting. Gal! It is time to discuss this situation among others. We might have more of a war than we originally planned." Tashaaik stated firmly, turning to walk into the middle of the group. Asura cast a deadly glare at Novaline as they got back, her black eyes watching her closely.
Gal growled loudly and stood up."So you failed in a hunt!? How pathetic, and you call yourselves Kar!" Gal said as he walked over to them they hung their heads in shame. Even for a Kar Gal was Pretty big not as big as their god killers which is what they reffered to their giant kin who traveled alone as, but still pretty big. "I apologize Gal but you see the rave cut us off we could do nothing." Gal nodded as he came closer."Ahh I see I understand very well. Ifs not like you could risk it the rave are a mighty foe after all. Feed him to the reaper." Gal said and two Kar dragged the man away and into the forest to never been seen again."You see the cost of failure! This is war! We have no room for weakness!" Gal said roaring to all the others before speaking in a deep dark tone but much calmer." Don't fail me again. " he said before walking up to the Arachnivamps king."Come lets us talk of our plans." He said gesturing for him to follow as they went into a big tent big enough to fit 10 kars but only Gal, Button, Son, and the Arachnids would enter. @Mina
Aeris got both Max and Sesha on to Khim before continuing to move following after Kira. He wasn't going to let her die since she was pretty much the one person he could relate to now. "Both of you make sure they don't board us and i'll help out in the front lines" He said as he continued to follow after Kira and Harmony no matter the difficulty as they dodged branched which almost hit Aeris but wouldn't hit the others from where they were. He just couldn't loose more friends... he also needed to get all of them to a safer place. "Kira" He muttered under his breath having to held Khim navigate and himself so he wouldn't loose a head in this all.
Kira looked back and up to see that Khim was following her. "Get out of here!" She screamed before she dodged into a smaller area where Khim couldn't follow. She knew that Aeris wouldn't leave her behind unless she made him... and so that was what she did, hoping Harmony continued to follow her.

Asura snapped her teeth at Novaline with a glare. "Watch yourself girl." She growled before she walked into the tent.

Tashaaik stood in front of the Kar that entered the tent, sighing. "Looks like the humans have returned Gal. We can not let them take over like they did before, infesting our world with halflings again. We need to take them all out." The king said as he glared toward the entrance of the tent. "Save for the girl, she can be useful for now."
"Indeed I agree they we're a great nuisance even more the the creatures known as the pest." Gal said sitting down Son and Button next to him." I suggest you send one of your trackers. I would send mine but they aren't exactly the fastest." Gal said referring to the huge size of all the Kar. @Mina
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Aeris gritted his teeth at the fact of what she did and had an idea. "Khim get them to the Sea-stack and listen for my call" He said before jumping off her and she took out of the forest heading towards where he stated. Aeris looked around now confused on why he did this and remembered something. He began to move through the forest attempting to find the village and walking off in some random direction. Probably a bad call on his end but he kinda liked exploring and being alone reminded him of the old days.... those days.
Kira ran, and ran and ran.... til she couldn't run anymore. She no longer noticed the fact that the beasts that had been chasing her, were no longer behind her. But her body wanted to go, afraid that if she stopped, she would collapse. The infection was spreading, there had to be aloe or something like it, somewhere on this planet. When she stopped, she fell back onto her butt, breathing heavily. Not sure if Harmony was there anymore.

Asura stood attention as the King spoke, lifting her eyes in shock at his next statement. "We will use the man we caught from before, the 'scientist'. It is time he create some more of our pets, the one wasn't enough, from what I gathered, the sand beast was killed quickly. I am sure six or seven of them will be enough, yes?" He said as he turned to look at Asura, then back at Gal.
Aeris continued to look around not sure where he was going in the woods. From the tent of the war meeting if you were outside you could likely see him fairly well. So he continued to walk around looking for something he could use to mess around with or craft into something. He didn't quite know what there might be though and since he had now lost Kira he felt even worse about letting her off on her own.

-Severux blade was walking around the the strange woods...crying for help that her parent died by an unknown monsters as she ran and ran finding for someone to help her and to tell her that everything will be alright-


-a strange humanoid flew down to land beside the tent-
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"No we shall have him create something even more deadly, obviously the boy with them knew the beast weakness. And as I've said, this is war...we have no room for weakness." Gal stared at the vamp king awaiting his reply. @Mina
Kira breathed heavily, smiling before she reached to pet Harmony softly. "Should we find some berries?" She asked softly. She was breathing heavily, her fever getting worse. Kira hoped that Aeris and the others were okay... safe.

"Yes, he could create something much stronger. I believe he is able to do something called, splicing genes. That is how Asura's humanoid pet was made. One of the first if I am correct." He said with annoyance, it was clear he would rather just kill the humanoid creature before employing it. "Asura, go fetch the scientist." He said abruptly. "I think it is better that you place guards, they came as close as they did before, lets not let that happen again,"
"Agreed Son go tell the others to gaurd the area and not to allow any intruders." Son grumbled but went off to do as his father said. The clan camp was quickly surrounded by guards. "We should also do something about the Kan its been to long since their last attack." Button said now sitting down. @Mina
Aeris continued to look around before finding something on the ground and picking it up. He looked at it for a moment and it seemed to be a white box with a red plus on it. "A med-kit... it would be helpful if Kira was-" He said drawing himself short since he didn't know how to use medical things plus he didn't need it in the slightest.
(Did you want someone to find the little girl? @Astaroth Suzumiya )

"Yes I agree." The kings said as Asura left the tent. "That was going to be the primary point to this conversation, before I realized we were being overrun with dung beetles again." He said referring to the humans.

Asura walked out of the tent angry, turning to look at Calixto. "Go scan the woods, find the humans." She snapped angrily at the humanoid before she turned and headed toward the arachnivamp village. She wanted to tear that smug face apart, that stupid human girl. Thanks to her, things just got a lot more complicated.

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