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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

"They... knocked me out. When I woke up, they were gone. But that woman... she put the same toxin in me that she did Tuuq." Kota said weakly, leaning his head over a little, making the bite mark from Asura visible to Max. @Tylor guillory
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Kira frowned as she saw Aeris slump a bit, his eyes closed. "You can lean on me and sleep you know. And when Khim lands, I will make sure to not wake you. I can see what is going on and if I need your help I will wake you up in a while." She said, hoping he would go for it. She figured he wouldn't but meh, it was worth a shot.

Asura walked to the King, bowing on one knee and lowering her head. "Ah, my child, you have decided to show. I am about to enter, I can smell the fire, the Kar are rowdy. Have you brought the queen a meal?" He asked as he lifted Asura's face, though her eyes did not meet with his. She nodded.

"Yes father, Tuuq has been captured, by now I am sure they are delivering him." She said, though she remained on her knee. As Tashaaik motioned her to stand, she did so. "I have some information to share with the Kar." She said with a smile. "I am sure you will be interested in it as well." She said before allowing the king of the Arachnivamp tribe to lead her out to where the Kar were gathered.
Novaline had grown bored with drawing in the dirt, and decided to go and see if she could find whatever had destroyed the village. She picked up the puppy, to be used as an offering, and started walking. She followed the vague trails left by the creatures, and soon saw a large plume of smoke floating into the air. She walked in the direction of the smoke, and came upon the arachnivamp/kar feast. She hid herself in some of the brush nearby, and watched.
Aeris heard her words and they came into his mind somewhat as a slur. "I'll do that but, Wake me when we land" He said before drifting off into a light sleep his body gently swaying while still sitting up somehow. He was quiet as he slept only the occasional soft breathing could be heard from him as Khim continued to flap her wings They got to the flares location before lowering to the ground slowly and perching on a tree for a moment to make sure no hostiles were around. She then moved to the ground and turned her head to look at those mounting her.
Unfortunately Max had followed her carrying Kota on his back. He stood behind her and then slowly raised his muscle mangaler."What do you think your doing with my dog." He said in a quiet but gruff and dark voice. @Scattered Ambitions @Ldybug123

Gal stood as the arachnids entered their territory. All the kars made way for them besides Button and Son who stood right beside Gal."Ahh so nice of you to make it I trust your journey was a pleasant one?" Gal asked smiling at them.

Novaline turned slowly, smiling as she faced him. "He is my offering to these beings, so they may take me in." She held the bone knife to the throat of the puppy, which whined loudly. "Touch me, and he dies."

@Tylor guillory
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Kira looked at Aeris with a frown before sliding off of Khim. She walked to pat the animals neck before whispering. "Take care of him while he sleeps" She said before she walked toward the village. It was empty, nothing but blood and corpses decorated the ground. Wondering where Max, Kota and Sesha had gone, she decided to begin walking toward the back of the village, in the direction the Arachnivamp's had gone, as well as max and Kota. She saw broke branches and foot prints, so she followed. "Are you, are you, coming to the truth." She sang quietly, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. 'The sun should be peaking over the horizon soon' she thought as she made her way. As she went along, she picked up a stick, realizing she didn't have the shard of metal anymore. Hopefully Aeris didn't get mad at her, but right now, he needed rest.

"It was." Tashaaik said with a smile at Gal. It was right about then that the woman flew into the area, causing Asura to hiss, the king frowning slightly as he walked forward, removing the red mask from his jaw which hid the fact that his skin around his mouth had begun decaying. His fangs glistened as he lowered his head toward Novaline. "A human?" He said curiously
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Novaline stood, dusted off her clothing, and bowed. "Aye, yes. I had an offering for you, but it was stolen by that fellow, over there." As she spoke, she pointed out Max's fleeing form.

@Tylor guillory
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The king lifted his head to look where she was pointing, lifting his hand toward Gal. "Let us see what offering she had brought us, shall we?" He said before firmly stating "After him!" Asura bowed her head before heading toward the big human male, the Kar sure to follow
Aeris flopped backwards onto Khim's wing as she held the sleeping man not sure how she could take care of a sleeping person without flying. She heard noises and quickly moved her wings folding and holding Aeris firmly as she used her legs and tail to climb up into a strong tree to hide from view of other creatures that might attack.
"Hahaha a hunt very good but do not kill the human id like to see what happens." As he said this he waved and several Kar ran after Max along with Asura. Max looked back and screamed like a little girl. As he did this he was filled with adrenaline making him run even faster."Don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me!" At the same time a noise could be heard from high up in the trees. It was like a chirping.. No a chattering as if teeth were clicking together repeatedly. @Scattered Ambitions @Mina @Ldybug123
Khim was slightly frightened but didn't flinch and instead let out a throaty echo of her voice sending a slight shock through the leaves making some shake and flutter around. Though she didn't realize her grip on Aeris was weakening, Which wasn't very good since he was in a rather heavier sleep now than before.
Kira frowned as she heard a barking behind her, she gripped the wood tightly and began back to the village, well before she heard the scream of what sounded like a little girl in the opposite direction. "What the actual fuuuuu?" She saw max emerge from the trees a few hundred yards away, at least she was pretty sure it was max due to the size of the male... and then she saw the giant things chasing him. "Yup, that's about right." She said as she turned and began running back to the village. "Time to go now..." She said to Khim though she stopped to look at Harmony with a bright smile. "You are back! Come, let's run! It's okay Khim, its a friend. Where is Aeris?!" She said, trying to get everyone to safety.

Asura moved fast, shooting web at the back of Max's heels, aiming phenominally. Only way he could dodge them, is if he swerved while running. The King remained by Novaline, looking at her skeptically. "What was the offering girl?" He asked with an eyebrow raised, replacing the mask on his face.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
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"BOB AND WEAVE!" Max said as he began running serpentine. He saw Kira and ran faster."We're almost home free lets hurry!" He told no one as they made it closer to the village. A Kar put his massive hand infront of Asura stopping her."Do not go any further this is dangerous territory." The Kar said pointing up into the trees. In the trees it was difficult to see them but glowing fanged creatures stood watching. It was the Rave. @Mina
"An Ilduihi puppy you say?" He said before he smiled, though the smile wouldn't be very visible due to the mask. "I may have some use for you human. Let us hope these Kar and my daughter do not let me down." He said as he turned his black gaze in the direction the others had gone.

Asura ran into the hand of the Kar before she hissed at him before turning and slamming her fist into the tree, causing chunks of bark and wood to fly off. "Damn it! The Rave were not here before this." She growled as she turned to look at the Kar. "Why are you afraid of such a thing? Let the fricken Rave kill the damn fool." She said before she turned on her heel and headed back toward the King. "Time for the meeting. Something needs to be done with these damn Rave's."
"Run!!!!" Max yelled as he came into view now being chased by the race their teeth chattering as they leapt from tree to tree surrounding them. @ScaraByte @Mina @Scattered Ambitions @Ldybug123

"The rave are a very deadly foe, they do not care if they are injured during a hunt they only seek to eat. It's best we don't fight them." The Kar said as they went back to their clan.
Aeris moved slightly rolling in the wing that was folded though he was getting close to the edge. Khim was struggling now to keep her wing together as she tried to lift it only to fail and be stuck like she was again before motioning to the wing which Aeris was in. Though she couldn't speak she had enough intelligence to tell what was wanted.
Kira heard Max scream for them to run before she motioned Harmony to scurry away before them. "I will find you soon!" She said toward Harmony before she moved to climb up the tree. She felt her arm burning bad, but she grit her teeth and dealt with it. "AERIS! WAKE UP!" She screamed, unsure what to do. She found the shard of metal on him and grabbed it, turning to defend them if need be. Right then, the sun peaked through the trees.

"Yeah, whatever" Asura said before she stormed back. Tashaaik the king stood in front of Novaline, shaking his head as they returned empty handed.

"I see you have all failed me." He said with a disappointed tone. "We keep the girl alive, she will help us obtain our... gift."
Novaline smiled an eerie smile. She had been welcomed into their group, and she was glad for that. "Sir, if I may, I'm sure I can find another one.." She trailed off, unsure of his reaction.

Harmony followed, but continued to bark, loudly.

Sesha heard the rave's chattering, and feld the tree line, running away from the arachnivamp and kar, and towards Kira, Max, Aeris and the rest, still crying loudly.

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