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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

As Kota moved to pull the web from the tree, the female arachnivamp would slam her fist into the boys stomach. "What the hell kind of being are you?" Asura asked with a hiss. @Ldybug123
Kota landed on the ground, breathing heavily for a few seconds. Then he got up and resumed pulling on the webs that pinned Tuuq to the tree. "If you have to know, I'm not from this planet." He snapped at Asura. @Mina @Scattered Ambitions
As he attempted once more to remove the webs, Asura's mouth would open and a web would be released, wrapping around his body and pinning his arms to his sides. "Looks like I am going to have a snack before I get home." She said with a smile before stepping toward the being not from this planet. The webs that Kota continued to try and remove, would be impossible to simply pull apart like that, especially since he was a mere human.
Kota tried to escape the webs, determination and fear driving him. "Screw you." He said through gritted teeth as he continued trying to escape. @Mina
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The only difference between Tuuq and the Massapede, was the venom would hit it slower, but it would take effect seeing as multiple arachnivamps had bit it. However, the effects would be minuscule in comparison.

A soft laugh left Asura's lips, nodding to one of the warriors to come to her. "Yes my lady?" He said, bowing his head.

"Take this one as well." She pointed at Kota with a glare. "He will be my snack on the way home... if it is a he" She said as she eyed Kota. "It is an odd looking creature." She said before turning back to her warrior who bowed once more and moved to wrap his arms around Kota before throwing the boy over his shoulder.
Kota was silent, thinking of a way to escape the warrior. He had one idea, but he wasn't sure if it would work. He figured he would give it a try. Kota leaned his head down a little, and bit the warrior as hard as he could. He was determened not to let go no matter what. @Mina
Kota sees the massapede coming and his eyes widen, but he keeps biting the warrior, determined to not let go. @Tylor guillory
The warrior threw Kota to the side with a yelp before he dove for Asura, wrapping his arms around her slender frame. The Massapede barely missed them, and the arachnivamp's suddenly circled where Tuuq was being held. They began setting their webs around the area, pulling Tuuq from his spot and lifting into the air. As the Massapede landed, webs were shot at the creature with impressive force, the webs would wrap around the creature, and it was likely that the Massapede wouldn't see them coming since his back would be turned to them.

Kota would be located in the middle of the circling beings, creating a web so thick that not even the Massapede could break through.
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Tuuq had stopped moving, and his eyes had drooped. The venom had gotten to him, and now he was almost dead.

Sesha saw the web coming just before it hit her, and managed to dive out of the way. But, the web still hit her left eye, and she screamed out in pain, before rolling to the side further, and making a tent of sorts out of vines and branches to surround her.
The massapede roared as the web's came at him using his incredible maneuvering he darted forward bending and avoiding many of the web's before they could trap him. He then grabbed a few wounded and dug his way into the ground not to be seen again.
Kota was breathing heavily again when he was thrown to the ground. He knew the impact would most likely leave a bruise. He looked over to see Tuuq unconsious. He started to panic, but he had another idea. "Aeris!" He called as loud as he could and it was very likely he heard him. @ScaraByte
Max was now running around using his new weapons made of the reapers bones and scales to take down arachnivamps protecting the puppy as he did.
(Srry my Responses are slow powers been going out left and right)

Aeris was looking up at the sky still wide awake. He was just staring into it as though something was there he could see. He sighed and looked at the sky still, "Maybe feelings aren't a good thing for me to have after all" He said feeling something wrong in the atmosphere and his eyes looking about. He sat up quickly as though he had heard something and looked over to Kira quickly to check if she was still sleeping or not.
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Novaline awoke. She sat up, only to hit her head on the large rock behind her. She looked around, taking in the beach and forest around her. This was certainly not earth, or the ship. She hopped up, and spun around, scanning her surroundings. There was a broken metal hull, presumably the ship, and several bones scattered around her. She picked up the sharper of these, and walked into the forest, wary.
Another one of the warrior arachnivamps moved to bind some material around Kota's mouth, stopping him from being able to bite again, before they threw him over its shoulder and lifted into the trees fast. Tuuq may have felt like he was dying, but he wasn't his heart was simply slowing so much that he would lose consciousness. Tuuq was lifted as well and they carried away. Asura growled in the direction where the Massapede was before looking to see Max. The Arachnivamp's moved fast, meaning he only killed maybe one or two before the others lifted off into the trees, some carrying other beings from the village.

Kira was looking at Aeris at this point, her breathing a bit heavy. She felt like she was freezing, but at the same time she knew her skin was warm. She decided not to worry him though, instead, she noted his look of concern. "Feel what?" She asked curiously to his statement to himself. "What's wrong?" She asked with a worried tone.
Sesha slowly let down the tent, only to see the attackers speeding off into the forest. She ran after them, screaming. "Let him go, let him go, let him go!" She repeated the chant several times, before falling to her knees, sobbing.
Aeris looked at her now knowing she heard his words before. "My feelings don't really matter right now.." He said before getting up and looking off the edge of the Sea-stack his eyes scanning around cautiously... maybe he was wrong. "Oh... um... never-mind, Just had a nightmare while awake" He said chuckling slightly from the thought. He hadn't been able to sleep for multiple reasons so now nightmares and horrid thoughts came to his mind now and then.
Max ran in the direction the archivamps had taken off in waving his new weapon which he called the muscle mangaler at them."Hey get back here and fight like a man you stupid cowardly spiders!" He roared at them before giving up and walking over to Sesha and putting a hand on her shoulder. "Hey are you OK they didn't hurt you did they?" He asked speaking slowly. @Scattered Ambitions
Sesha sniffed, then looked up at Max. "No, they didn't hurt me.." She turned her head back to the ground, "But they took Tuuq!" With that last word, Sesha began to bawl again, her face in her hands.
Max stared at her for a second. "Was......was...your English that good before?" He asked confused at her sudden bilingual skills."Nevermind that do you know where their going? Or how I can find them I might be able to go and save him and Kota. " Max said the puppy now in a pocket beneath his armor. ( @Scattered Ambitions hey you are still rping as the puppy right?)
Kota let out a muffled noise as they put the bind over his mouth and put him back on the warrior's shoulder. "Mmph!" He looked back at Max and Sesha, the fear apparent in his eyes. @Tylor guillory @Scattered Ambitions
Kota looked into Sesha's eyes as well, before he was taken deeper into the forest and many trees blocked his view of the village. @Tylor guillory

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