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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Novaline walked for a while, before coming to a clearing. It looked like the remnants of a village, that had been caught in a battle between two much larger forces. She surveyed the area, her eyes landing on two beings. One, whom looked like a human man, the other was some sort of tree creature. She walked over to the human, and tapped on his shoulder. "Excuse me, but do you have any idea where we might be?"

@Tylor guillory
Slowly Max turned to the girl his face covered in blood from as Arachnivamps. His face one of anger. He unintentionally glared at Novaline."Its not earth I'll tell you that. We're on a alien planet filled with all sorts of deadly creatures. Besides you and me their are about maybe three others. Two are off searching for more survivors while another just got kidnapped by some of the beings that inhabit this planet. I can't stay I have to go save him." Max said breathing heavily he took the puppy out of his armor which made him look like a Samurai and handed it to the girl."Please if I don't come back I want you to take care of the little guy." He asked her. @Scattered Ambitions
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Novaline took the puppy gingerly, then set him down on the ground. "I'll....do my best." She sat down, and began to draw in the dirt with her bone knife.
Kira pushed herself to her feet, the feel of her arm throbbing worsened. She wondered how long she could ignore the infection, or how bad it was now. She didn't want to look, not wanting to worry Aeris when obviously he was already worried about something else. "You should try to sleep" She said softly before taking a deep breath. "The sun should be up soon." She said. The nights here didn't last nearly as long as on Earth, maybe five hours of darkness before the sun paid another visit.


Asura smiled as the arachnivamp warriors came to a halt, her eyes flowing to the boy that was flung on the back of one of the soldiers. "You are a brave little guy, I will give you that." She said before motioning for the warrior to set Kota down. As he did, she moved over and pressed him against the trunk of a tree, leaning in to smell his scent. "You are an interesting creature, I have seen your kinds when I was much younger." She said calmly before moving to bite his neck. Most creatures had a primary artery or vein in their neck, so it was likely she would hit something, and she did. She drank deeply, her venom flowing into his veins, causing his body to grow heavy, his heart slowing. It only took a matter of seconds before he would go unconscious and become paralyzed.

Aeris looked at Kira and sighed, "I can't sleep... It's not that I don't want to it that. I just can't" He said as he looked away for a moment and off into the sea. He moved to the edge of the Sea-stack. "I wonder what would happen if I jumped from here" he said curious as to if the water was like Earth's or not. He had quite a few interests in this place but he hadn't done anything to stupid... yet. He turned back to look at her for a moment before looking back off to the water some thoughts taking place in his head.
Kota let out a muffled scream that was fairly loud when Asura's fangs went into his neck. He felt his body get heavy and his eyes started to droop a little, but he was fighting to stay consious nontheless. @Mina
"Good thing I took this from the cruise wreckage." Max said as he pulled out a flare gun and a few flares. He shot of the flare high into the air. "Should of done that before but I didn't want to draw unnecessary attention." He looked back at the wrecked village."That isn't a issue now." @ScaraByte @Mina
Kira frowned as Aeris spoke before she pushed herself to her feet. "Well, only one way to find out." She said before dropping the fur from her body. At that, she darted past him, and jumped. Her arms stretched over her head and she was diving into the water smoothly, barely a splash left behind her. The water was freezing, and salty... the salt stinging her arm. Salt water however, would help to kill some of the bacteria in her arm, and that was her goal. She wasn't sure how fine she would be from the water, but so far none of the water or greenery here was any different from Earth's.

Asura's eyes rose as a light suddenly was in the sky, the Arachnivamps hissing in response before they took cover in the trees. This type of thing had never been seen here before. She pushed Kota to the ground, the harder he fought didn't matter, he would lose consciousness, their venom had taken down humans before, it even took down Tuuq. "What is that?" She hissed at Kota who seemed to be struggling to hold onto his consciousness.

@ScaraByte @Ldybug123
Aeris looked at her marveled that she would do such a thing at that point but he knew it was probably for a good reason. He blinked looking down to where she was he was worried and his heart was beating a bit faster. He had missed the flare as he was staring at her, "Hey are you alri-" He said before tripping off the edge and falling off the the left of where she hit landing in the water. Khim saw the others dropping and dove into the water swimming around them with her tail like an expert.
Kota got the bind off with his teeth before answering her. "It's... a flare." He said, breathing heavily, still struggling to stay consious. @Mina
Kira heard a splash as Aeris hit the water, her body finally coming to the surface as she took a deep breath. She looked up to see if he was there before looking down into the depths. She jumped, what the hell did he go in for? She wondered to herself. For all he knew, she could of died from the water. She moved her arm, seeing him coming back up and quickly turning her head to look at the gash. It was swollen, and red with red veins forming around it... yep.... infected. She sighed and looked at Khim before glaring at Aeris. "What were you doi-" She frowned as the reflection of a light caught her eye in the water, turning her head to look toward the island. "Is that... a flare?" She asked, just before it disappeared in the forest once more.

Asura leaned down and lifted Kota by the shirt, growling. "What is that?!" She demanded.

@ScaraByte @Ldybug123
"Well they should be here any moment you'd have to be a complete idiot to miss a flare." Max said as he headed after Kota all his stuff with him. He had carved a message for them on a piece of wood so they would know where he was. But just in case he told the new girl to inform him of everything. @ScaraByte @Mina @Scattered Ambitions
Kota flinched a little. "It's something... you shoot... to send a signal... to someone else." He explained the best he could under the circumstances. @Mina
Aeris pinpointed the location before looking at Kira now noticing the arm. "Hey... What, I thought we fixed it" He said as he swam closer to her looking at her arm which was different colored. He looked worried at her for a moment before moving his hand out of the water, "Khim!" He said as the creature rose out of the water and lifted them onto her back though now wet she was stream-lined. "I didn't plan to come in here... but as you could see I was on the edge and got a bit shocked when one of my closer friends jumped off" He said looking at her as he realized they were still in the water but on Khim's back like a boat.
Kira pulled her arm away before he could get a very good look. "We fixed it. I am fine. Its just sore." She said. The last thing they needed to worry about right now was her arm. Kira moved to sit behind Aeris before pointing toward where the flare was. "That was in the direction of the Village. We should get there as soon as possible." She said, forgetting the fact that her fur jacket was still on the sea-stack. "And good job, watch your footing next time. I was sure it would be fine. And why not give you a little bit of a jolt to wake you up?" She said with a laugh.

Asura kicked Kota in the side of the head, knocking him out before shoving his body away. "Leave him here for the Ilduihi to find. I am sure they are hungry." She said before pointing. "Lets get going!" She ordered, knowing that the boy would just slow her down, plus human blood tasted funny.
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Aeris sighed, "Like I said I didn't sleep to begin with" He said as Khim flapped her wings and took to the sky. Aeris looked down at Khim's neck as he thought about things, he really was clumsy wasn't he... maybe that explained why. He continued to look down as Khim moved towards the strange light though at a slower pace since she didn't want them to fall off her back and to hit the ground dead.
As Son'uk and Button'al made their way back to the village they saw a commotion at it center."Oh looks like another one." Said Button as the walked towards the crowd of Kar all cheering."They never learn do they?" Son asked as they made their way through the crowd."No they do not." Button chuckled as they finally caught view of the commotion. Their leader Gal'uk had been challenged by another Kar to battle. As the otheir Kar ran at Gal he quickly side stepped him and hit him hard in the back of the neck knocking him down. He then lifted a huge rock and slammed it down on the Kar before he could react. The crowded ewed and winced at the sight. Gal dusted off his hands and walked away from the passed out Kar."Hahaha better luck next time keep trying your getting stronger."He told the Kar as a few of his friends dragged him away. Gal then took his seat at the head of the clan and made a announcement Button now moving to his side."Attention all Kar! Tonight the leader of the Arachnivamps are coming for a war council be sure to treat them properly!" Gal said and the Kar all cheered before getting ready for their war council. @Mina
It had been about an hour since Kota was knocked unconsious. His eyes slowly flickered open, and it took a few seconds for his surroundings to come into view. The first thing he noticed was that the webs wrapped around him had fallen away. He tried to get up, but felt an overwhelming sense of pain and he fell back down. "Max..." He said weakly, knowing the man was most likely looking for him. @Tylor guillory
"Sorry, I was only joking. Told you I didn't get the funny genes." She said with her own sigh. "Whats wrong Aeris. I went to sleep and woke up to you being, distant. Did I look like a monster while I slept or something?" She asked, this time she didn't wrap her arms around him, she discreetly wrapped her arms around herself and held her infected arm.

Asura swung with her crew before they split off. The warriors taking Tuuq to the queen, while Asura made her way to meet with the king, her father, at the Kar village. They had a meeting, and she had some interesting information to share with them.

@Tylor guillory
Kota would now start hearing growls coming from the brush around him. He would also begin to see glowing yellow-green spots, eyes, looking at him from the gloom. Every once and a while, a tail would flicker out of the dark, only to be pulled back in.

Aeris shook his head gently as he thought about it, "Just some... things on my mind" He said as he closed his eyes. He started to feel slightly tired now of all times while on the back of Khim as he looked up wearily. He noticed that they would be at the spot of the flare's appearance in moments so he was still wondering about that. His eyes shut against his will now as he stayed in his sitting pose, It couldn't be certain if he was all there or not though since he was on a few path-lengths at the moment. His nightmarish thoughts clouding his mind rather than good things though he didn't mind it too much since. He had kind of lived that way from the beginning of his fathers training.
Kota forced himself to get up and he started to head in the direction of the village. He was slow right now, but he made it there. His eyes locked with Max's before he fell to his knees, panting. @Tylor guillory
Max was already a long ways out of the village when he found Kota. As he saw Kota fall to his knees he ran and grabbed him."Hey how'd you escape?" He asked as he carried him back to the village hearing growls behind him.

The Kar had made a bonfire and where bringing huge amounts of meat to roast over it. Gal was still waiting for the Arachnivamps to arrive. @Ldybug123 @Mina

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